Tag: English


Dr Anca-Maria Cernea, Association of Catholic Doctors of Bucharest Rome Life Forum – 7 May 2016 Our thanks to LifeSiteNews for the footage. (scroll down for the entire video of the event, with the Q&A section included) Transcript: One of the best interventions during last year’s Synod on the family was made by Archbishop Fülöp …

Francis Phillips interviews pro-life doctor Dr Anca-Maria Cernea During the October Synod on the family I observed the sometimes unedifying spectacle of different pressure groups within the Church jostling to give their own interpretation of what was happening. Then, along with thousands of other Catholics throughout the world, I was inspired by a single (lay) …

O discuție din 25 septembrie 2015 între Anca Cernea, analistul american Jeff Nyquist și profesorul brazilian Allan Dos Santos. Cei trei au vorbit despre situația politică din România și Europa, despre comunism, Rusia, Occident și criza migranților. Jeff Nyquist (SUA) – Was a contributing editor at Dispatches Magazine, and was a columnist for WorldNetDaily, Newsmax, SierraTimes and …

A farewell and tribute to one of the leading chroniclers of the horrors of Soviet communism. Robert Conquest (1917-2015) was a great intellectual, historian, and moral conscience. For the denizens of what used to be the Soviet Bloc, Robert Conquest’s name is truly legendary. I remember my own first experience with Conquest’s masterpiece The Great …

By Andrew Higgins PUNGESTI, Romania — Vlasa Mircia, the mayor of this destitute village in eastern Romania, thought he had struck it rich when the American energy giant Chevron showed up here last year and leased a plot of land he owned for exploratory shale gas drilling. But the encounter between big business and rural Romania …

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