Cînd îţi dai seama că singurul candidat capabil să-l înfrîngă pe Obama este Obama, tot ce-ţi rămîne de făcut este să-l stimulezi discret.
Scrie sub psedudonimul „Spengler”, în publicaţia Asia Times. De citit în întregime.
Obama will spend the rest of his life wondering why he rejected the obvious road to victory, that is, choosing Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential nominee. However reluctantly, Clinton would have had to accept. McCain’s choice of vice presidential candidate made obvious after the fact what the party professionals felt in their fingertips at the stadium extravaganza yesterday: rejecting Clinton in favor of the colorless, unpopular, tangle-tongued Washington perennial Joe Biden was a statement of weakness. McCain’s selection was a statement of strength. America’s voters will forgive many things in a politician, including sexual misconduct, but they will not forgive weakness.
That is why McCain will win in November, and by a landslide, barring some unforeseen event. Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his generation, the intellectual superior of all his competitors, but a fatally insecure personality. American voters are not intellectual, but they are shrewd, like animals. They can smell insecurity, and the [Democratic] convention stank of it. Obama’s prospective defeat is entirely of its own making. No one is more surprised than Republican strategists, who were convinced just weeks ago that a weakening economy ensured a Democratic victory.
10 September 2008Articolul lui „Spengler” merita tot efortul pentru a-l citi. Sfarsitul apoteotic al Conventiei Democrate din Dever in conditiile in care Partidul Democrat a mascat faptul ca nu si-a putut gasi coeziunea interioara in jurul celor mai reprezentativi exponenti ai sai din aceasta perioada, Barack Obama si Hillary Clinton.
Castigand alegerile primare, era de asteptat ca Obama sa faca pasul reconcilierii, el trebuia sa intinda mana si sa ofere un buchet de flori doamnei Clinton pentru a o incuraja sa-i devina partener in cursa pentru Casa Alba. Nu a facut-o si acest gest spune suficient de mult despre caracterul slab al persoanei care candideaza la functia suprema in Statele Unite.
Hillary Clinton si-a oferit sprijinul lui Obama la Conventie, desi nu si-a putut implini telurile politice. Joe Biden este un politician harsit in treburile capitalei, dar singur nu poate aduna nici macar 10% din votantii care-si pusesera sperantele in Hillary si in proiectul unei Americi mai aproape de problemele de zi cu zi ale familiei. Ma gandesc aici si la propunerea lui Hillary de a acorda un „baby bond” de 5000 de dolari fiecarui copil nascut in USA.
Iata ce a ales Barack Hussein Obama:
10 September 2008Sarah Palin, saptamana trecuta: „I love those hockey moms, you know, they say, what is the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.”
Barack Hussein Obama (via Hot Air), azi: „You can put lipstick on pig, but it’s still a pig.” Gaffomania!!! ????
10 September 2008Asa-zisa gluma sau gafa cu „porcul cu ruj” a fost cu directia precisa catre Sarah Palin. Denota acest lucru o stare de nervozitate?
Daca da, atunci ii recomand lui B.H. Obama o sedinta de recreere pe situl acesta. Sper sa-si revina.
Tiberiu Florea
10 September 2008http://www.urbandictionary.com…..%20a%20pig
Ce-i drept, trebuia să evite astfel de apropouri. Nu-i ca şi cum n-a văzut convenţia republicană ca să pretindă că nu ştie de ruj…
10 September 2008Dar cine se plange de tratament incorect? Tot Obama. Culmea, dupa ce il atacase pe McCain ca nu poate folosi computerul.
ABC News catches Barack Obama in an ironic, if meaningless, gaffe in the midst of a complaint about campaign ads. Obama complained about the attack ads that John McCain has launched against him for the last two months. But when he had to defend his ad about e-mailing, Obama tried to pretend it didn’t have anything to do with age — and inadvertently claimed the title of Mudslinger in Chief:
Well, alrighty then! Barack Obama — champion of pointless negative advertising!
But seriously, can Obama be serious about playing the victim here? He started smearing McCain three months ago by claiming McCain and the Republicans would attack because of his race. Team Obama has had its surrogates talking about his age and his cancer, which aren’t exactly the “issues at hand”, as Obama puts it. And unless the fate of the world hinges on an e-mail, then his ad is equally pointless and has nothing to do with “being out of touch”. It’s a snarky shot at McCain’s age, and everyone knows it. Pretending otherwise is not just risible, but outright dishonest.
And besides the dishonesty, the whininess hardly commends Obama to a position where he’ll have to deal with a lot more hostility than being called “the world’s biggest celebrity”. McCain has made this mistake with its responses lately as well, but not as consistently as Obama has. America doesn’t elect victims to the Presidency — it elects strength.
ABC: Yes, McCain’s war injuries limit his ability to use a computer
Video: Obama spokesman won’t deny he knew McCain’s injuries limited his computer use
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