Un președinte idolatrizat și huiduirea lui Dumnezeu și a Ierusalimului la Convenţia naţională a Partidului Democrat american

via B a r z i l a i – e n – D a n

Obama a fost de acord cu eliminarea referințelor la Dumnezeu din platforma Partidului Democrat (Democrats Drop ‘God’ From Party Platform).

Paragraful, așa cum era in platforma din 2008:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Au fost scoase cuvintele „God-given”, iar paragraful a fost reformulat astfel:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

Mai mult decît atît, au fost eliminate și referințele la Ierusalimul unit – capitală a Israelului (susținerea Israelului este un subiect foarte important și sensibil pentru electoratul american), fapt care l-a determinat pe ambasadorul israelian să reacționeze dur:

Knesset speaker says Democrats’ removal of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from platform is a bigger problem than disagreements on Iran, may have far-reaching consequences; Ariel: Obama’s true face is revealed.
“The fact that the Democrats removed a united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from their platform is more worrying than the argument over Iran,” Rivlin told The Jerusalem Post. “The change may have far-reaching consequences.”

De asemenea, Comitetul Național Democrat a interzis celor cîteva zeci de biserici prezente să ofere cadouri, pe motiv că valorile congregațiilor sînt contrare platformei partidului.

„Ne-au spus că părerile noastre despre drepturile femeilor sînt contrare platformei Partidului Democrat”, a declarat David Behman, organizatorul principal al mișcarii religioase Charlotte714.

Ieri, decizia de a reintroduce în Platforma Partidului Democrat referințele la Dumnezeu și Ierusalismul unit – capitală a Israelului, a fost întîmpinată cu huduieli de o parte dintre membri partidului și delegații prezenti la Comitetul Național Democratic.

În 2008 Barack Obama promitea pentru prima dată lui Mahmoud Abbas, președintele așa-zis moderat al Autorității palestiniene, că Ierusalimul va deveni capitala Palestinei:

Obama şi Ierusalismul arab
“Obama l-a informat pe Abbas că nu îl va lăsa pe Primul Ministru Benjamin Netanyahu ‘să stea în calea’ normalizării relaţiilor Statelor Unite cu arabii şi lumea musulmană”, promiţând arabilor un stat a cărui capitală avea să fie Ierusalimul.

În aceeași perioadă, Barack Obama spunea:

“…nu mai sîntem o naţiune creştină… cel puţin, nu “doar”! Sîntem şi o naţiune iudaica, o naţiune islamică, o naţiune budistă, o naţiune hindusă şi o națiune de necredincioşi.”

Iar în 2009 a revenit și a spus, într-un interviu acordat unei televiziuni franceze în pregătirea unei vizite în Orientul Mijlociu:

America ar putea fi considerată drept “una dintre cele mai mari ţări musulmane din lume.”

America „nu mai este o țară creștină”, a decretat Obama vorbind despre țara în care aproximativ 80% dintre cetățeni se declară creștini. La scurt timp după asta, Obama a decretat că America, având o populație musulmană de 0.6%, ar putea fi “una dintre cele mai mari ţări musulmane din lume”. Detalii: Obama: America ar putea fi considerată drept “una dintre cele mai mari ţări musulmane din lume”

Statele Unite sînt pe punctul de a oferi încă un mandat unui extremist. Deranjat de creștinism, acceptă bucuros de astfel de reprezentări, unele făcute în glumă, altele mai puțin.

Idolatrizarea unui președinte anticreștin


“Adevărul Gol-Goluţ”, de Michael D’Antuono


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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. DanCanada
    6 September 2012

    Cica tot Obambi s-a intors, am vazut vreo doua articole pe TH:…..amas_fault

    Cum bre, sa nu poti sa te pui de-acord nici la statutul partidului? Pai ce fel de Phartid Maare e asta daca fac hais-cea si la asemenea chestii?

    Personal le doresc pentru Noiembrie la Dementocrati ceva in stilul lui Base: sa pierdeti bine! Hă, hă, hă!

  2. Adi
    6 September 2012

    Oricine are un pic de creier in cap va sti cum sa voteze in Noiembrie. Daca in 2008 se mai punea inca la indoiala faptul ca dracul nu poate sa fie atat de negru, dupa milioanele de foreclosures si bankrupcies din 2009-2012 (atat persoane fizice cat si mari companii precum Chrysler, GM, Borders, Circuit City, Blockbusters, si alte banci si corporatii), explozia preturilor la pompa de benzina, la mancare si servicii de baza, datoria nationala mai mult decat dublata in ultimii 4 ani (mai mult decat a ridicat-o Bush in 8 ani) ar trebui de data asta sa deschida ochii la orice brain-dead couch-potatoe cu drept de vot din America. In 2008 era „war in Irak” si vezi doamne ce rau era. Dar dupa 2009 cam toti au uitat de Irak cand s-au vazut fara case si fara slujbe.
    Daca mai pui pe deasupra si promisiunile comuniste de genul „should pay off”, „should be rewarded”, „each one of us should be able to go…” iti dai seama ce ne paste. Cum adica „should”? In curnad asta se schimba in „must”, si numa maine-poimaine ne trezim ca in uzinele din Romania de alta data cu puturosii si incapabilii cot la cot cu restul.
    Pai ei normal ca-L scot pe Dumnezeu din ecuatie, ca in curand sa-L inlocuiasca cu partidul. Si Israelul trebuie scos ca sa nu „ranim sentimentele” musulmanilor – grup de oameni atat de folositoru pentru „normalizarea” societatii.
    Auzi „build the largest middle class”! Deci taxati bogaii pana nu mai exista bogati si rasplatiti insusccesul, lenea si esecul ca sa nu mai existe saraci. „Largest middle class” asta e ca aia cu „toata lumea e egala”! Paragraful din 2008 suna mult mai bine. Cel de acuma insa, da direct pe fata cat de comunisti sunt acesti oameni.

  3. TranssylvaniaPhoenix
    6 September 2012

    In contrast, iata cuvantarea lui Clint Eastwood la conferinta Republicana:
    (please embed)

    Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Save a little for Mitt.

    (APPLAUSE) I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, what’s a movie tradesman doing out here? You know they are all left wingers out there, left of Lenin. At least that is what people think. That is not really the case. There are a lot of conservative people, a lot of moderate people, Republicans, Democrats, in Hollywood. It is just that the conservative people by the nature of the word itself play closer to the vest. They do not go around hot dogging it.


    So – but they are there, believe me, they are there. I just think, in fact, some of them around town, I saw Jon Voight, a lot of people around.


    Jon’s here, an academy award winner. A terrific guy. These people are all like-minded, like all of us.

    So I – so I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here. And he’s – I was going to ask him a couple of questions. But – you know about – I remember three and a half years ago, when Mr. Obama won the election. And though I was not a big supporter, I was watching that night when he was having that thing and they were talking about hope and change and they were talking about, yes we can, and it was dark outdoors, and it was nice, and people were lighting candles.

    They were saying, I just thought, this was great. Everybody is trying, Oprah was crying.


    EASTWOOD: I was even crying. And then finally – and I haven’t cried that hard since I found out that there is 23 million unemployed people in this country.


    Now that is something to cry for because that is a disgrace, a national disgrace, and we haven’t done enough, obviously – this administration hasn’t done enough to cure that. Whenever interest they have is not strong enough, and I think possibly now it may be time for somebody else to come along and solve the problem.


    So, Mr. President, how do you handle promises that you have made when you were running for election, and how do you handle them?

    I mean, what do you say to people? Do you just – you know – I know – people were wondering – you don’t – handle that OK. Well, I know even people in your own party were very disappointed when you didn’t close Gitmo. And I thought, well closing Gitmo – why close that, we spent so much money on it. But, I thought maybe as an excuse – what do you mean shut up?


    OK, I thought maybe it was just because somebody had the stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown New York City.


    I’ve got to to hand it to you. I have to give credit where credit is due. You did finally overrule that finally. And that’s – now we are moving onward. I know you were against the war in Iraq, and that’s okay. But you thought the war in Afghanistan was OK. You know, I mean – you thought that was something worth doing. We didn’t check with the Russians to see how did it – they did there for 10 years.


    But we did it, and it is something to be thought about, and I think that, when we get to maybe – I think you’ve mentioned something about having a target date for bringing everybody home. You gave that target date, and I think Mr. Romney asked the only sensible question, you know, he says, „Why are you giving the date out now? Why don’t you just bring them home tomorrow morning?”


    And I thought – I thought, yeah – I am not going to shut up, it is my turn.


    So anyway, we’re going to have – we’re going to have to have a little chat about that. And then, I just wondered, all these promises – I wondered about when the – what do you want me to tell Romney? I can’t tell him to do that. I can’t tell him to do that to himself.


    You’re crazy, you’re absolutely crazy. You’re getting as bad as Biden.


    Of course we all now Biden is the intellect of the Democratic party.


    Kind of a grin with a body behind it.


    But I just think that there is so much to be done, and I think that Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan are two guys that can come along. See, I never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to the president, anyway.


    I think attorneys are so busy – you know they’re always taught to argue everything, and always weight everything – weigh both sides…



    XXX I think attorneys are so busy – you know they’re always taught to argue everything, always weigh everything, weigh both sides.

    EASTWOOD: They are always devil’s advocating this and bifurcating this and bifurcating that. You know all that stuff. But, I think it is maybe time – what do you think – for maybe a businessman. How about that?


    A stellar businessman. Quote, unquote, „a stellar businessman.”

    And I think it’s that time. And I think if you just step aside and Mr. Romney can kind of take over. You can maybe still use a plane.


    Though maybe a smaller one. Not that big gas guzzler you are going around to colleges and talking about student loans and stuff like that.


    You are an – an ecological man. Why would you want to drive that around?

    OK, well anyway. All right, I’m sorry. I can’t do that to myself either.


    I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we – we own this country.


    We – we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours.


    And – so – they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years. It is the same old deal. But I just think it is important that you realize , that you’re the best in the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you’re libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.


    Okay, just remember that. And I’m speaking out for everybody out there. It doesn’t hurt, we don’t have to be

    (AUDIENCE MEMBER): (inaudible)


    I do not say that word anymore. Well, maybe one last time.


    We don’t have to be – what I’m saying, we do not have to be metal (ph) masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there, I don’t know.


    But OK. You want to make my day?


    All right. I started, you finish it. Go ahead.

    AUDIENCE: Make my day!

    EASTWOOD: Thank you. Thank you very much.

    Iata noul afis electoral al campaniei electorale a lui Obama:…..287497.jpg

  4. Costin Andrieş
    6 September 2012

    hotnews scrie (din nou) articole induiosatoare si de cancan despre un extremist, ignorind adevaratele stiri:

    Presedintele american Barack Obama a starnit hohote de ras, sambata, intr-un restaurant plin din Orlando (statul american Florida), atunci cand l-a intrebat pe un ton glumet pe un baiat nascut ca si el in Hawaii daca are certificat de nastere, relateaza AFP citata de Mediafax. O gluma pe aceeasi tema facuta de candidatul republican Mitt Romney, la sfarsitul lunii august, a fost catalogata atunci de echipa de campanie a lui Obama drept o lovitura nedreapta.

    Aflat in campanie pentru un al doilea mandat, presedintele in exercitiu s-a asezat la o masa cu zece persoane, intre care cinci copii. O femeie i-a semnalat ca unul dintre copii este nascut in Hawaii.

    „Esti nascut in Hawaii? Ai certificat de nastere?”, a glumit Obama adresandu-i-se baiatului si starnind hohote de ras la masa.

    Unii ultraconservatori intretin o polemica privind locul de nastere al lui Obama inca din 2007, cand acesta si-a anuntat candidatura la presedintie.

    Unii „ultraconservatori”, altceva decit ca romney ar fi „ultraconservator” nu stiu ce s-ar putea intelege, desi daca ar fi urmari cit de cit ce se intimpla in america in ultimii ar fi aflat ca romney, nu doar ca nu e „ultraconservator”, dar e unul dintre cei mai liberali republicani.

    dar hotnews, care pe america are o echipa beton, care traduce probabil newsletterul de campanie al lui obama, are boala veche pe „ultraconservatori”. alte exemple de habarnism total marca hotnews: “Unii din noi mai sunt şi intelectuali”… şi ultraconservatorii

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