Rebranding America

Obama+Che=love - USA 2.0

„Che Guevara has become T-shirt shorthand for counterculture — most people in a Che T are oblivious to who he really was and are just celebrating the rebel in us all. In reality, Che went from being a doctor to a murderer in a wrongheaded, desperate attempt to change the world. The Communist Revolution he believed in didn’t work — and were he alive today, he would have to face that fact. Knowing that, the question is: Who would Che wear on his T-shirt? Who and what would (or could) he put his faith in?”


de ce ar trebui luată în serios imaginea de sus?
1. Pentru mulţi nu este deloc o glumă.
2. Pentru că ne place de Obama.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Francesco
    26 June 2009

    E totusi cam mult sa ai doi idoli pe un singur tricou…

  2. costin
    26 June 2009

    California Dem leader: Conservative opinion on talk radio is “terrorism”

    This would be great satire, except that California’s Speaker of the Assembly, Karen Bass, was foolish enough to say it — and believe it. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Bass responded to a question about conservative talk radio by calling show hosts terrorists, and openly wondering why we allow people to call politicians and give their opinions (via The Corner):
    How do you think conservative talk radio has affected the Legislature’s work?
    The Republicans were essentially threatened and terrorized against voting for revenue. Now [some] are facing recalls. They operate under a terrorist threat: “You vote for revenue and your career is over.” I don’t know why we allow that kind of terrorism to exist. I guess it’s about free speech, but it’s extremely unfair.

    There’s a lot of stupidity and tyranny locked into those few words. The First Amendment guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievances, even apart from the “free speech” issues Bass casually discards. Elected politicians are accountable to the people who elect them in a free society. Politicians do not acquire lordly status when they go to the Assembly, or anywhere else.
    Usually, politicians are smart enough to at least pay lip service to getting feedback from their constituents. Instead, Bass calls them “terrorists” for … what? Calling their representatives and telling them not to raise taxes even higher, in the state with the sixth-highest per capita tax burden in the nation? Expressing their opinions? Telling politicians they won’t get their support if they vote for a tax hike? That’s democracy, not terrorism, although I’m hardly surprised that Bass can’t tell the difference.
    Beware the politicians who consider dissent terrorism. They’re either idiotic beyond belief, or tyrants waiting for an opportunity. Bass might just be both.

  3. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    In caz ca se intreba cineva ce mai face tov. Powell, aflati ca e „un pic preocupat” de ce se intampla in Statele Unite. Vai.

  4. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Uraaaa, am scapat de curvele proaste, bigote, misogine si ucigase din politica americana! Ca parca de asta era acuzata madam Palin de catre anumiti ‘telectuali ai stangii. Ei bine, sper ca „the world is a better place” si ca Matt Damon poate sa doarma linistit la noapte.

  5. dr. jones
    26 June 2009

    sau pote ca n-au scapat si debea de acum incepe cosmarul leftistilor.

  6. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Vom vedea. Pana una alta, ma bucur pentru Damon. Un baiat asa finut ca el nu merita sa fie agresat de o fundamentalista periculoasa precum Palin.

  7. dr. jones
    26 June 2009

    mama, mama… cate speculatii… cate permutari de n luate cate tz…
    aceasta decizie numai la imagine nu o va ajuta.
    daca renunti asa netam-nesam la functia de guvernator – ce se va intampla daca vei fi aleasa presedinte?
    pacat. vedeam in ea o noua margaret teacher.

    imperialistule, nu ma mai zgandari cu demonul ala stupid.

  8. Manjusri
    26 June 2009

    Matt Damon se poate lua de manuta cu Carlos Santana. Aflat pe scena festivalului B’ESTFEST, Carlos Santana l-a injurat pe George Bush: „We, like Bob Marley, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix… one love… we want to heal the planet, we want to heal our mind. The only way to heal ourselves is to recognise there’s only two things on this planet. Two things on this planet: love and fear. Love is ourselves. Fear… shhh! Fear is very expensive. If you wanna know how expensive fear is, ask George Bush, he knows that. F*** George Bush!” a spus Carlos Santana, in aplauzele a peste 20.000 de spectatori (…..romani.htm). Oamenii de bine vor sa ne salveze, sa ne insanatoseasca, dupa ce bigotii si reactionarii ne-au imbolnavit. Uraaa!!!

  9. costin
    26 June 2009

    santana hates bush
    E un idiot. Nu unul oarecare, ci unul folositor.

  10. costin
    26 June 2009

    si apropo de citatul din idiotul de santana dat de Manjusri, iata cam ce mai credea eroul lui, che guevara:santana

    Pentru a trimite un om în faţa plutonului de execuţie, dovezile judiciare sînt inutile. Aceste proceduri sînt doar nişte detalii arhaice şi burgheze. Aceasta este o revoluţie! Şi un revoluţionar trebuie să se transforme într-o maşină de ucis cu sînge rece, motivată de ură pură.

    Si pentru ca tot sintem la capitolul perversitati, iata ce zicea in fata Adunarii Generale a ONU in 1964, printre ropotele entuziaste de aplauze ale celor prezenti:

    Executii? Noi facem executii! Si vom continua sa le facem atita timp cit va fi necesar. Acesta este un razboi pina la MOARTE impotriva dusmanilor Revolutiei.”

    The bitter truth about Che Guevara

    Acelasi Adunare Generala a ONU a carui presedinte a spus acum citeva luni ca Fidel Castro este aproape un sfint.

  11. Manjusri
    26 June 2009

    Costin, iti recomand o descriere excelenta, in opinia mea, a lui Che Guevara. Este un articol al lui Sorin Ionita, aparut in Revista 22 (…..-2072.html).

  12. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Dar Che nu a omorat niciodata oameni nevinovati, toti era dujmani ai boborului. :mrgreen:

  13. costin
    26 June 2009

    Straight out of Orwell’s 1984.. Uitati-va la clipul asta. Este de la o conferinta de presa la casa alba a lui Obama. Priviti cum este tratata presa, cum intrebarile sint filtrate pentru a nu dernaja pe iubitul conducator:

    Clipul a fost ascuns de pe pagina Casei Albe. Incredibil. Pamela povesteste cum a dat de el:

    Check the latest White House censorhip. The White House youtube press briefing playlist has one episode noticeably missing. The 7/1/09 press briefing that exposed the propaganda and manufactured media of the Obama White House is gone.
    7/1/09. It doesn’t show up no matter how you view the page. Here si the „missing link” White House” page.

    This is the episode with Helen and Chip rebellin/exposing the hypocrisy of the Obama White House controlling the message…The White House channel shows 6/26 and then skips to 7/2.

    Here is the infamous exchange that has been censored and what dear leader does not want the American public to view:

    7/1 is still is posted but you have to find it by specifically searching for it, not via the playlist where it is missing.
    PROPAGANDA PRESIDENCY: Obama Censoring Embarrassing White House Press Coverage Clips

  14. costin
    26 June 2009

    Manjusri, mersi de link. Nu stiam de articol.

  15. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Pe vremea fascistului de Bush nu se intampla asa ceva.

  16. chriscross
    26 June 2009

    hm… intr-adevar CBS asta devine obraznic si trebuie pus la punct… ????

  17. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Iti dai seama ce absurd? Sa vii la conferinta de presa cu intrebari pentru care NU ai cerut permisiunea! Doamne, ce lume! ???? Pana si sinistra aia liberala, cum o fi chemand-o, doamna in etate, pana si ea s-a declarat revoltata culmile obamismului.

  18. costin
    26 June 2009

    emil, asta e de la tine de acasa:

    …. daca nu o stiai

  19. panseluta
    26 June 2009


    Doamna se numeste Helen Thomas si e „decanul jurnalistilor” de la Casa Alba–„White House Press Corps”, desemnati sa raporteze despre miscarile Presedintiei. Au spatiul lor intr-una din aripile Casei Albe (popularizat de serialul „West Wing”), si sunt cumva incartiruiti acolo.
    Tragica soarta, daca ma intrebi pe mine, pentru ca esti un mic pion intr-o masinarie de ierarhii si filtre de securitate si control al informatiei, dar postul asta e visul de o viata al multor asa-zisi jurnalisti, pe care simpla asociere cu Casa Alba inseamna ca esti „om facut”.

    Thomas ar fi trebuit sa iasa la pensie de multa vreme–s-a nascut in 1920!–dar a fost tinuta in scaun pentru ca e de „stinga” si flata baza democratica mistocarda cind il „irita” pe Bush cu intrebari prostesti, chiar daca, atunci ca si acum, iti trebuia o tehnica audio superioara sa intelegi ce spune.

    Ce se intimpla acum, la Casa Alba, e nou: Totul e regizat si filtrat. Era multa regie si pe vremuri. Orice Putere traieste prin pompa, regie, si control al informatiei/imaginii.
    Pe vremea lui Bush, insa, intrebarile–in majoritate ostile–nu erau filtrate in avans. Bush facea fata cum putea, mai cu niscaiva clisee, mai cu umor stingaci (cu gafe de limba si cultura presarate ici si colo), si de foarte multe ori cu candoare. Tipul iesea din conferintele astea de presa constant sifonat dar constant autentic si sigur pe pricipiile in care credea.
    Bush, in „prostia” sa, alesese sa fie vulnerabil celor care-l contestau.
    Helen Thomas et comp. si-au facut numele si banutii prin ridiculizarea lui Bush.

    Obama a invatat lectia dictaturilor de pretutindeni si din totdeauna: controlul informatiei si a gindului.
    Nu le da voie jurnalistilor sa miste in lesa, si tipii au inceput sa miriie. Probabil in joc e si o invidie economica: De ce sa fim noi, corpul de jurnalisti de la Casa Alba, simpli propagandisti ai Liniei de Partid dar fara beneficiile oamenilor de casa ai lui Obama, ca Rahm Emmanuel.

    Helen Thomas pare sa aiba o ultima trezire de constiinta, inainte de intilnirea cu Judecatorul final. Chip Reed, bietul de el, e asa de umil in interventia sa ca nu pot decit sa ma gindesc ca are o ipoteca mare la banca si putine sperante de future employment.

    Cu Obama, nu mai tine

  20. costin
    26 June 2009

    Obama inainte si dupa alegeri. In timpul campaniei daca pomeneai de educatia musulmana primita, de tatal musulman, la numele Hussein, erai acuzat de rasism. Nu era voie, nu era politic corect, erai un white-trash bigot, etc etc.
    De atunci a cistigat alegerile, jena de Hussei an disparut, ba il poarta cu mindrie in tarile musulmane prin care calatoreste, vezi Cairo, sau cind intilneste printi sauditi, se adreseaza prieteneste criminalilor de la conducerea Iranului, stringe cu usa Israelul, etc, etc.


    emil, am vaz ca nu mai ai poza pe pagina principala. Asta mi se pare nimerita ????

  21. costin
    26 June 2009

    Nunta de miere dintre Europa si Obama s-a terminat. Era absolut previzibil, nevrozele nu se vindeca cu una cu doua:

    On the campaign trail, Barack Obama promised that he would “reboot America’s image” around the world. Indeed, many Americans who voted for Obama believed that his global popularity would somehow reverse the tide of anti-Americanism that so vexed his predecessor. Echoing this sentiment of Obama as saviour of America’s image abroad, presidential advisor David Axelrod recently asserted that “anti-Americanism isn’t cool anymore.” —> cred ca David este cel care nu e ‘cool’. Antiamericanismul va fi cool for ever and ever.

    In Europe, where anti-Americanism was elevated to the status of a religion during the presidency of George W Bush, the “chattering classes” have, by and large, toned down their criticism of the United States since Obama was elected. […]

    During the past several weeks, European media have started publishing stories that criticize Obama and once again cast the United States in a negative light. Could this be a harbinger of things to come?[…]

    The Independent, UK: A nicer America does not a nicer world immediately make. It would help if the ‘Obama Effect’ could be demonstrated actually to exist, even just a little.”

    Germanii au o verva deosebita in a uri America. Mi se pare … hai sa spune, un pic suspect ca un popor care abia acuma 60 d ani ucidea zeci de milioane de vecini europeni printre care si jumatete dintre toti evreii, sa se considere atit de indreptatita sa judece America. Cel putin ciudat.

    Financial Times Deutschland, German: “This decision [to revive military trials for some Guantánamo Bay detainees] isn’t a belated insight, but the pathetic faltering of a man forced to confront a disastrous legacy…. No one who defends these institutions ought to criticise Islam’s Sharia courts.”

    Süddeutsche Zeitung, Muchich: “Obama’s people certainly imagined things differently. But reality has caught up with them…. Bush light, so to speak… Obama is discrediting both himself and the United States.”

    Die Tageszeitung: “With his decision to prevent the publication of the photos [din inchisoarea Abu Ghraib din Irak], Obama, who promised transparency…is practicing opacity…. That the president is abdicating leadership on this question is a tragedy.”

    Die Tageszeitung: “Whenever [Obama] takes a step forward, he stumbles backwards as well. That will likely be enough to disappoint all those Europeans who had expectations that Obama would be an almost messiah-like healer [da? si care este problema de fapt? ca Obama nu este un Mesia, sau cei care se asteptau sa fie a doua intoarcere a lui Iisus…or something?]. It was expected that he would demolish all of the ugly monuments from the Bush era and then, together with Al Gore, plant a Garden of Eden over the top, through which he would drive fuel-efficient compacts from Chrysler.”
    „Cum a indraznit Obama sa nu fie Mesia si sa aduca Raiul pe Pamnint?!! Ne-a promis!!”

    Financial Times Deutschland:„Obama promised that, under his leadership, politics in the US would be both more ethical and more transparent than ever before. The dark chapters of the Bush era would be illuminated as quickly as possible. But since Obama assumed a position of responsibility, it has become increasingly obvious that he cannot live up to these promises.”

    Der Spiegel: Flynt Leverett, an American analyst, assured Der Spiegel that the voting irregularities in Iran “likely weren’t as bad as in Florida in 2000.” Dementa, pur si simplu.

    Daca mai vreti sa va scarpinati cu stinga in dreapta in continuare, vizitati articolul original:
    European Anti-Americanism in The Age Of Obama

  22. dr. jones
    26 June 2009

    nu prea inteleg de ce ar trebui ca toti marxistii si dictatorii sa iubeasca si sa aibe numai cuvinte de lauda despre america.
    aici se vede altfel:…..-usfp.html

    Obama’s rating abroad: 61 percent positive. US image: 39 percent.

    cine il place? rusia, china, venezuela & co., tarile arabe…
    nu e putin curios ca il plac tocmai aia care ard steaguri si au ceva de impartit cu america?
    iubesc presedintele dar urasc tara.
    e logic la urma urmei din moment ce presedintele face tot posibilul sa termine tara care le statea in gat dictatorilor si fanaticilor.

  23. emil
    26 June 2009

    Dr. Jones, pai sigur ca Rusia, China, Venezuela & tarile arabe il plac mult pe Obama… nici el nu este entuziasmat de America si, pentru ca poate, se straduie sa o transforme in ceva pe placul Rusiei, Chinei, Venezuelei si tarilor arabe.

  24. Kelemvor
    26 June 2009

    Inteleg oarecum antiamericanismul german ( pana la urma americanii au contribuit decisiv la infrangerea lor in WW2 ). In schimb antiamericanismul francez mi se pare de toata jena. Ce repede uita oamenii…
    Cat despre Obama: Bush, cu toate gafele lui, era de 10 ori mai presedinte decat el…

  25. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    Dar tot americanii sunt cei care au salvat jumatate de Germanie de comunism si cei care au facut podul aerian pentru a salva de la foamete Berlinul izolat de sovietici, iar daca ne gandim la opozitia americana la pacea punica impusa de francezi la sfarsitul primului razboi mondial, devine tot mai clar ca antiamericanismul german e la fel de onorabil precum cel francez. ????

  26. Kelemvor
    26 June 2009

    De unde si acel „oarecum” din formulare :). Stiu ce-a incercat sa faca Woodrow Wilson (pacat ca nu a reusit : poate am fi evitat inca un razboi) si de blocada Berlinului ( aici parerea mea e ca americanii oricum n-ar fi putut sa cedeze santajului sovietic ; nu stiu daca interesul fata de poporul german a intervenit in decizia lor). Problema e ca francezii au fost aliati traditionali ai americanilor si au avut numai de castigat de pe urma SUA. O asemenea lipsa de recunostinta imi face greata…

  27. Imperialistu'
    26 June 2009

    O adunatura de socialisti aroganti si nesimtiti.

  28. costin
    26 June 2009

    John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

    Obama are o slabiciune pentru dementi si deranjati mintali.

    Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A „Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens.

    The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

    These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology — informally known as the United States’ Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:

    • Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
    • The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food;
    • Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
    • People who „contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) „can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
    • A transnational „Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.

    Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.

    Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. Below you will find photographs, scans, and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided to supply conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed.

  29. costin
    26 June 2009

    Obama a mai facut un pas inspre schimbarea imaginii Americii. Un pas mic pentru Obama, un pas mare pentru omenire! Il iau rusii peste picior:

    In acelasi timp, este posibil ca Obama sa faca prezentarile pentru presedintele rus. Oricum, tot imi place ????

  30. costin
    26 June 2009

    Si din capitolul „Rebranding The World,” ultimele noutati:
    Amazon Takes a Stand: Do Not Read This Book

    An email from Amazon to one of its customers:

    Dear Customer,

    We are contacting you regarding your order which included the

    ISBN-10: 1906142408

    „The Jewel of Medina”

    This item has been removed from sale due to a legal reasons.

    We have cancelled your order for this item and can confirm that you have not been charged for it.

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

    We look forward to serving you again in the future.

    Warmest regards,

    Customer Service Department

  31. costin
    26 June 2009

    OK, asta nu mai este gluma. Obama chiar a fost huiduit in plin stadion:

  32. dr. jones
    26 June 2009

    o mostra de gandire leftisto-elitista:…..n-are.html

    care face furori acum.
    sunt de urmarit comentariile. cine are rabdarea si puterea sa o faca.
    cred ca articolul la care faceam referire despre palin: are mare dreptate.
    leftistii sunt ingroziti numai la gandul si o ataca pe palin non-stop.
    eu unul, alta logica, nu gasesc.

  33. costin
    26 June 2009

    dr. jones, o alta logica ar fi logica demoralizarii. o ataca pe Palin continuu pentru a o face sa nu ma vrea sa lupte, sa i se faca prea mare sila si sa renunta din start. tactica comunista, de felul ei

  34. costin
    26 June 2009

    dr. jones, am citit si eu postarea din link. imi mentin parerea, vor sa o distruga, vor sa o discrediteze in orice fel posibil. nu ii intereseaza nimic altceva, daca femeia asta are suflet sau nu, daca presupozitiile lor cretine despre felul cum este ea sint adevarate sau nu, ei vor cauta tot timpul acul in carul cu fin, orice doar sa o discrediteze in ochii tuturor sau sa renunte la lupta. sick!

  35. dr. jones
    26 June 2009

    hm in timp ce media leftista continua sa se agite in jurul unor subiecte cu totul ridicole, sa improaste cu noroi tot ce tine de palin, ei bine, se pare ca palin a facut prima miscare in incearcarea de a se apropie de ” blue dogs democrats”.
    nu este un secret in faptul ca partidul republican duce lipsa de leaderi in acest moment.
    daca sarah palin isi atrage electoratul democrat satul de politicile socialiste ale actualei guvernari… hehehe, nu e de mirare teama cu care este vazuta din tabara leftista.

  36. costin
    26 June 2009

    Un subiect la care ma tot uit si ma ingrozesc de citeva zile, si care in viitorul apropiat va provoca o postare aici:

    Deocamdata previewul:
    Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s “Black Book” For Kids Included Tips on Fisting & Pi$$ing on Your Partner

  37. costin
    26 June 2009

    Promiscuitatea promovata in scolile americane de Ţarul Sigurantei in Scoli:

  38. vlad
    26 June 2009

    Che Guevara – Pop Culture Icon

  39. george
    26 June 2009

    ce smecher e tricou unde gasesc si io unu?:-s
    daca stiti careva dati si voi add la george_vasile95

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