Teheranul post alegeri

Circa 20.000 de manifestanţi au ieşit ieri (13 iunie) pe străzile Teheranului în susţinerea contracandidatului lui Ahmadinejad, Mir Hossein Mousavi.
În spirit contrar tradititiei, nu s-au auzit „Moarte Americiii!” sau „Moarte Israelului!” ci „Moarte guvernului!” şi „Moarte dictatorului!” (vezi BBC )

Suporter al lui Mousavi

suporter al lui Mousavi

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  1. mihnea
    14 June 2009

    cica pana si comisia lui ahmedinejad a declarat rezultatele invalide :)))


  2. fish
    14 June 2009

    acu’ nu m-ash grabi. e un „razboi media” acolo si sint tot felul de intoxicari gen „apa otravita la televizor” etc, etc
    nu zic ca nu m-ash bucura dar stii vorba aia „nu conteaza cine voteaza, ci conteaza cine numara voturile”. iar acum ahmedinejad le numara.

  3. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    eu nu cred ca au fost furate alegerile.
    khomeini aparuse la tv sustinandu-l pe ahmanedijan.
    gura de aer de care avea nevoie obama ca sa isi legitimizeze politica externa – nu a fost sa fie.
    ar fi fost bine daca i-ar fi reusit.
    mi-e dor de israelianca.. ????

  4. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Jones, vezi ca e vorba de Khamenei, bietul Khomeini e mort si ingropat ???? .

    Fish > Nu numai ca Ahmadinejad le numara, dar sa nu uitam ca alegerile astea sunt iraniene, cu candidati iranieni care urmeaza ideologia iraniana. Uite-l pe „moderatul” lui Cristian: fondator Hezbollah si unul dintre cei care au infiintat serviciul secret al Republicii Islamice, MOIS.


    ‘Reformist’ Iranian Candidate Founded Hezbollah

    The leading contender of the “reformist” camp in Iran’s presidential elections, former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi Khameneh, was a founder of Hezbollah and a key architect of the Islamic Republic’s dreaded intelligence services, Iranian political activists and scholars tell Newsmax.

    His wife, Zahra Rahnavard, is making campaign appearances with him wearing an Iranian-style Islamic veil. Some in the West are even calling her the “Michelle Obama” of Iran. And yet, a recent photograph from an official Iranian news agency shows her stomping on an American flag.

    Is Mousavi really a “reformer” who, if elected on June 12, will change significantly the way the Iran treats its own citizens and deals with the outside world?

    Or is he just the latest smiling face being put forward by the regime to raise false hopes among Iranians and beguile the West, just as Mohammad Khatami managed to do in 1997?

    Well, he’s no reformer, in the eyes of the spokesman for the hard-left People’s Fedai Guerillas of Iran, who uses the nom de guerre “Bahram’.”

    “He believes in the most radical ideology of the regime, but he sometimes appears more logical than the other candidates,” Bahram told Newsmax. “No one should expect more freedoms in Iran if he is elected.”

    Mousavi was “one of the architects of the Ministry of Intelligence and Information” when it was established in 1984, Bahram said.

    That ministry, also referred to as MOIS, was modeled closely after the KGB and was established with the help of Soviet advisers.

    Like its predecessor, SAVAK, the MOIS plays a key role in suppressing domestic dissent. It recruits informers, arrests critics of the regime, and tortures them brutally in special political prisons.

    MOIS also has been involved in murdering Iranian dissidents overseas and has been cited as a key player in terrorism cases from Germany to Argentina. In 2007, Interpol issued its third arrest warrant for former Intelligence Minister Ali Fallahian on terrorism charges. Fallahian is an adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

    A former Iranian intelligence officer, Abdolghassem Mesbahi, tells Newsmax that he used to work for Mousavi when Mousavi headed the regime’s intelligence services as Iran’s prime minister.

    Today’s reformer was yesterday’s terrorist, he says.

    “Mir Hossein Mousavi was one of the founders of Hezbollah. Ayatollah Khomeini put him on the Hezollah leadership council when the group was created in 1982-1983. “

    In an interview with Payane Enghelab magazine in 1981, Mousavi called for the creation of an Iranian-controlled Lebanese militia to spearhead a military confrontation with Israel.

    “We are ready to participate with an armed force to fight Israel,” he said. “We have repeatedly announced that we are ready to have an actual, real and military presence in Southern Lebanon and on the borders of the occupied Palestinian lands,” a euphemism for Israel.

    Once Iran created Hezbollah in 1983, Mousavi coordinated the financing for it as the head of the Bonyad Mostazafan, which he chaired as prime minister.

    “For example, working with Mehdi Hashemian, a deputy oil minister, Mousavi set up a scheme so that Hezbollah would get a share of Iranian oil sales,” Mesbahi said.

    Hashemian is a cousin of then-parliament speaker Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani. Under the scheme, Hashemian established front companies for the oil transactions in France, Germany, and Cyprus, “and the banks would do the rest, putting commissions into the Hezbollah accounts under fictitious names,” Mesbahi said.

    The Bonyad-e Mostazafan, known in the West as the Foundation of the Oppressed, or the Alavi Foundation, was created from the vast real estate and corporate holdings of the former shah of Iran, and is under the direct control of the supreme leader.

    The Bonyad-e Mostazafan “makes purchases for several hundred companies in Iran and buys equipment for the Iranian nuclear weapon, chemical/biological weapon and missile programs,” according to the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.

    Western intelligence agencies have cited the foundation, and a sister organization known as the Martyrs Foundation, as a major funding source for Iranian-backed terrorist groups.

    For many years the Martyrs Foundation was run by Hojjat-ol-Eslam Mehdi Karoubi, another self-styled “reformist” candidate in the presidential election.

    Mir-Hossein Mousavi comes from a large clan, and is said to be a younger half-brother of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

    The Mousavi family originally was Arabic and claims to descend from the seventh of the 12 Shiite imams, Musa al-Kazim ibn Jafar as Sadiq.

    The founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, was also a member of the extended clan, as was Abbas Mousavi, a Hezbollah secretary general killed in Lebanon in an Israeli missile strike on Feb. 16, 1992.

    Mousavi was prime minister at the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988 when tens of thousands of political prisoners were murdered in cold blood on the orders of Ayatollah Khomeini.

    Students would like to debate Mousavi on the 1988 massacre at an election rally,” said Roozbeh Farahanipour, a leader of the student uprising in Iran in 1999.

    Farahanipour sent Newsmax photographs of banners on display during Mousavi’s election rally on May 21 that read, “We Want Revolution Again.”

    In a cell phone video recording, the students can be heard interrupting Mousavi with chants, “Death to the Dictator.”

    Pro-democracy groups, including Farahanipour’s Marzeporgohar Party, have called on Iranians to boycott the elections, with one saying, “This is a selection, not an election.”

  5. emil
    14 June 2009

    Citeva cuvinte despre sistemul electoral iranian. E o democratie cu robinet. Un robinet la intrare, pe unde intra numai candidatii preaprobati de mulahii din consiliul revolutionar suprem, si un robinet la iesire, pe unde iese numai cistigatorul validat de aceeasi mulahi (alesul popular poate fi revocat de mulahi).

    Actualizari frecvente despre situatia din Iran pe site-ul lui Michael Totten:

    Iran on Fire (Continuously updated)

    Fish, imi cer scuze…. am schimbat categoria la „Prim-Plan”. E mai potrivita in acest caz.

  6. Dinny
    14 June 2009

    Ideea constanta este insa, „Moarte lui X” :))

  7. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Asta pentru ca Islamul este Religia Păcii™. Chiar nu pricep ce au unii oameni cu religia islamica.

  8. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    yup. khamenei :).


  9. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Errr… vreti sa il vedeti pe Joe Biden? Nici eu, dar poate va intereseaza cum bate campii vicepresedintele SUA.

    Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy


    When asked if her new statement was official U.S. policy, Clinton dodged the question, „I think it is U.S. policy to the extent that we have alliances and understandings with a number of nations. I don’t think there is any doubt in anyone’s mind that, were Israel to suffer a nuclear attack by Iran, there would be retaliation.” Stephanopoulos pressed her: „By the United States?” But Clinton declined to commit: „Well, I think there would be retaliation.”

    Madam Clinton s-a obamizat cu totul.

  10. panseluta
    14 June 2009

    dr. jones

    „mi-e dor de israelianca.. ”

    Si mie. Sper ca e bine.

  11. bugsy
    14 June 2009

    Si mie imi este dor de Israelianca.

  12. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Christiane Amanpour de la CNN – Ahmadinejad

  13. fish
    14 June 2009

    uuuf, am gasit niste teorii interesante despre fraudarea alegerilor, am sa incerc sa fac un rezumat.

    marea problema e „cine numara voturile” si din cauza asta nu va exista nici o dovada directa, decit daca apuca cineva sa faca o conferinta de presa in stilul markelov ????

  14. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Pentru a vedea cam cum s-au desfasurat lucrurile ieri in Iran, va recomand arhiva de poze de la

  15. euNuke
    14 June 2009

    mi se pare ca asistam la o manipulare de proportii: crearea unei ‘opozitii reformiste’ in iran. pe toate canalele ni se tot repeta acelasi lucru despre reformistul mousavi, vedem cum populatia urbana, moderna si civilizata il sprijina pe acest lider foarte popular si cum regimul opresiv al lui ahmadinejad raspunde violent cu securisti calare pe motociclete. daca represiunea ar fi fost reala am fi avut o baie de sange, cand colo putem observa mici scenete de strada organizate ca la festival, cu grupuri de sportivi echipati bizar in uniforme fantastice [inspirate de cinemaul american] care se ‘lupta’ intre ei, se pocnesc, se harjonesc si’si dau cu spray paralizant in ochi [wtf?] in timp ce agita bastoane de cauciuc; ‘victimele’ pare ca’s alese complet arbitrar de pe strada, iar ‘politistii’ nu au nicio teama in a infrunta multimile de reformisti ce defileaza nestanjeti pe bulevardele largi ale patriei islamice. din cand in cand rasar roiuri de femei isterizate care hartuiesc ca niste aprige amazoane securistii batausi; poa’ sa mai zica cineva ca femeile’s discriminate/oropsite de musulmanii obisnuiti cand ele participa cot-la-cot la ‘revolutia’ urbana?

    dar…poate ca ma insel io, oi fi vazut prea multe filme americane…despre conspiratii.

  16. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Sigur ca asistam la o manipulare din punct de vedere a ceea ce ni se spune desppre ceea ce vedem: reformistii is batuti de antireformisti. Nu este adevarat. In principiu, astia nu prea au de ce sa se bata. Au cam aceleasi idei, figura pe care au votat-o este diferita. Moussavi asta este la fel de nebun ca Ahmadinejad, poate chiar mai periculos pentru ca Ahmadinejad este macar sincer in ceea ce face: da, continuam cu proiectul nuclear. Astalalt, in schimb, este pictat in culorile moderatiei de televiziunile de doi bani precum CNN.

  17. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Obama e „deeply troubled” :lol:.

  18. chriscross
    14 June 2009

    ca o completare la postul nr.14.

  19. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    ce mi se pare interesant este ca in iran continua „revolutia” in timp ce Ahmanedikan este primit cu bratele deschise in Rusia de Medvedev si China care il felicita pentru realegerea sa.

    „The international capitalist order is retreating,” the controversial president told world leaders, including Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and China’s Hu Jintao, in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.

    „It is absolutely obvious that the age of empires has ended and its revival will not take place.”

    „Iraq is still occupied. There is no order in Afghanistan. The Palestinian problem is unsolved,” he said.

    „America is overwhelmed by economic and political crises and there is no hope in their decisions.

    „The allies of the United States are also not in a position to wrestle with these problems.”

    Pointing to the economic crisis, Ahmadinejad said that „drastic changes are an unavoidable necessity” and attacked the „damage caused by international capitalism.”

    china rusia si iran creeaza o coalitie in timp ce coreea de nord invarte tomahawk-ul atomic deasupra capului.

    ar fi momentul pentru inca un discurs istoric…

  20. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Ar cam fi cazul, ca astia par sa se trezeasca din euforia de acum 10 zile. ????

    1. The World According to Obama – O interesanta discutie la

    2. Helping Mahmoud (

    In his inaugural address, President Obama had a message for the oppressed and oppressor alike. He said, „To all other peoples and governments who are watching today . . . know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and we are ready to lead once more.”

    He added: „To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”

    The clenched fist of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in his suspect return to power, has not only delivered a blow to freedom-seeking Iranians; it is also knocking the Obama administration for a loop — primarily because the president has chosen not to stand with Iranians who seek „a future of peace and dignity.”

    The administration was obviously rooting for Ahmadinejad to be beaten by his chief rival, former Iranian prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi. The president on Friday, the day of the election, spoke of „a robust debate taking place in Iran” bringing with it „new possibilities” and „the possibility of change.”

    How naive those words sound in retrospect. Presidential wishful thinking has crashed head-on into Islamofascist reality.

    The administration’s preferred story line apparently went something like this: Moderate replaces hard-liner, Obama and Mousavi hold summit, grand pact results, quelling the Iran nuclear threat and setting the stage for peace to break out through the Mideast.

    Mousavi, of course, whose candidacy (unlike so many others) got the stamp of approval of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, is no moderate at all.he vowed during the campaign to continue Iran’s nuclear program.

    Moreover, as Thomas C. Reed and Danny B. Stillman note in their newly published history of nuclear proliferation, „The Nuclear Express,” „Pakistan’s A.Q. Khan first began to transfer uranium enrichment technology to Iran in 1987” — in the midst of Mousavi’s 1981-89 tenure in power.

    Any Obama-Mousavi version of the Camp David Accords would have preserved Iran’s widely dispersed, tough-to-monitor nuclear program in some form, through which it can produce fuel for a bomb.

    With Ahmadinejad winning, sparking demonstrations involving tens of thousands of Iranians and the slaughter of at least one protester by state militia, the U.S. has officially gone strangely quiet.or as Vice President Biden put it on NBC’s „Meet the Press,” „we’re going to withhold comment” for a few days.

    Those risking life and limb by taking to the streets against the terrorist enablers who hijacked their country 30 years ago deserve more than withheld comments.

    If the president feels as guilty as he seemed to in his Cairo speech early this month about the CIA’s 1953 coup preventing Soviet dominance of Iran, wouldn’t this be the time to support the many millions of Iranian men, women and children seeking a future of peace and dignity?

    The president, with all his rhetorical gifts, has chosen a strange time to clam up — obviously hoping that a newly strengthened Ahmadinejad might come to Camp David. Now who’s „on the wrong side of history”?

  21. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    S-au pus bine si cu ahmanedijan acum ca cu aliatii principali ( israel) sunt in toane bune.
    partea proasta e ca si-au intors privirile catre economie – acum ca au rezolvat criza din orient.

  22. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Aici isi avea locul. ????

    Rusia l-a primit cu bratele deschise pe Ahmadinejad

  23. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    PJTV Special Report: Uprising in Iran … Can the Regime in Tehran Fight Off a Revolution?

    Mi se pare o exagerare sa vorbesti despre evenimentele in Iran de parca s-ar pune problema schimbarii regimului ayatollahilor. O sa schimbe un Ahmadinejad cu un Mousavi. Atat. In rest, ramane cum am stabilit: fanatism si dementa.

    P.S. Cat tam-tam se face pe seama acelui iranian ucis. Aia 4 ucisi in Moldova nu au fost destui pentru ca stirea sa ajunga macar la „In other news”.

  24. Cred că în situaţia Iranului trebuie privit dincolo de aparenţe – abia atunci devenind mai relevantă situaţia cât şi justificarea atenţiei pe care o primeşte desfăşurarea evenimentelor de acolo. Ce vreau să spun e că dincolo de nemulţumirea generală creată de [mai mult ca sigura] fraudare a alegerilor care l-a propulsat pe Ahmadinejad înaintea contracandidatului său stă de fapt o frustrare generală care probabil există de multă vreme între iranieni şi care a găsit un prilej potrivit să se exteriorizeze acum.

    Explozia acestei „frustrări”, dacă ar fi să aibă loc, ar merge mult mai departe decât facerea dreptăţii la nivel electoral. Ar putea chiar alunga totalitarismul din minunata Persie!

  25. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    Mousavi bad for Israel

    A reformist win in Iranian elections will bring Tehran closer to bomb…..21,00.html

    In the face of Khatami’s smiles and promising slogans in respect to civil society, the rule of law, and intercultural dialogue, Israel’s warnings that we were dealing with more of the same appeared delusional. By winning the elections, and throughout his presidential term, Khatami managed to a large extent to neutralize the explosive domestic element and blur external criticism.

    nu alungi totalitarismul daca il schimbi pe dej cu ceausescu.

  26. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    in schimb ai mai multe sanse sa alungi totalitarismul cand schimbi sistemul cu totul.
    ca in cazul iraq-ului.

  27. „nu alungi totalitarismul daca il schimbi pe dej cu ceausescu.”

    Nu am spus că prin alegerea lui Mousavi ar fi alungat totalitarismul din Iran. Am spus că, folosindu-se de pretextul acestei alegeri fraudate, populaţia ar putea merge chiar mai departe şi să îi facă pe amândoi icoane depăşite a unui trecut oribil.

  28. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    da, dar asta e doar un vis frumos.
    pentru ca fara ajutor din afara – este foarte putin probabil sa se realizeze.
    ai experienta chisinaului.
    apoi china si rusia l’au luat pe ahmanedijan in brate.
    iar statele unite declara ca nu meddling – adica nu se amesteca in treburilii interne ale altor tari.
    realpolitik? se poate…

  29. emil
    14 June 2009

    Skinski, ai dreptate. Mousavi este catalizatorul unei nemultumiri generale care depaseste cadrul acestor alegeri prezidentiale. Ce se intimpla acum in Iran imi aduce aminte de Romania ’89. Si, culmea, unde se afla Ceausescu cind la Timisoara incepuse revolutia? La Teheran. Nu stiu daca protestele din Iran vor duce la caderea regimului, improbabil, dar daca va fi asa vom fi asistat la o mare ironie istorica.

  30. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    Eu nu am spus ca nu exista nemultumirea generala.
    Am spus ca e foarte putin probabil sa se intample ceva acolo fara ajutor din afara.
    In Romania nu ar fi avut loc nici o „revolutie” daca nu cadea cortina.

  31. Imperialistu'
    14 June 2009

    Nu se va intampla nimic in tarcul ayatollahilor. :mrgreen: Nemultumirea generala va reusi cel mult sa ii schimbe domiciliul lui Mousavi si sa il trimita la plimbare pe Ahmadinejad.

    Dar sa zicem ca Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dispare. Isi imagineaza cineva ca regimul se schimba in bine? Asta este Iranul revolutie khomeiniste, cu alte cuvinte, cea mai dereglata dintre tarile musulmane. Ce motive am avea pentru optimism intr-o tara care curata campurile de mine cu proprii soldati?

    Lasati-i pe obamisti sa se gandeasca la reforma interna a sistemului iranian.

  32. emil
    14 June 2009

    Dr. Jones, de acord. Pe de alta parte, revolutia islamica din ’79 a fost de sine-statatoare, ca sa zic asa. Sprijin extern din partea altor tari islamice nu a existat si nici nu a facut parte dintr-un val regional mai larg, cum a fost cazul cu Europa de Est. Dar da, mi se pare si mie destul de improbabil ca regimul sa implodeze… nu si imposibil.

  33. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    si asta pentru ca e mult mai usor sa vina la putere niste dictatori decat sa plece.
    imposibil, nu. cu atat mai mult cu cat sunt sigur ca sunt o gramada de agenti infiltrati in aceasta revolutie.
    si asta o vedem mai cu seama dupa cum se comporta media.
    totusi sa nu uitam ca atat china cat si rusia l’au felicitat pe ahmanedijan pentru realegere.
    mai putin statele unite care au declarat ca alegerile au fost fraudate.
    ceea ce – eu in continuare nu cred.
    religia are un cuvant greu de spus acolo – sa vedem ce declara khamenei ( o sa ii incurc numele la nesfirsit cred) la slujba jubiliara pe care o va tine.
    acolo cred eu ca este cheia.

  34. dr. jones
    14 June 2009

    apropo, am trimis un e-mail catre info.
    l’a citit cineva?

  35. emil
    14 June 2009

    Dr. Jones, citit; raspuns ????

  36. Addy
    14 June 2009

    Cred ca ar fi bine sa dam citire si unor opinii din interiorul Iranul. De exemplu :

    People want to see Ahmadinejad gone and they want basic freedom that every human being deserves.

    At the meantime, I don’t see people want to put an end to the theocratic regime but eventually it can lead us there. Remember, if they even mention such thing, Supreme leader, Ali Khamenie will do anything to stop people and it means revolutionary guards and militias will draw Iran into violence and bloodshed, except that other power players somehow work around this issue. Even nowadays that Mouavi is trying to avoid violence and keep everything civil; militia supporters of Ahmadinejad and Supreme leader bring violence and do harm people.

    By the way I have to tell you that now this movement is a threat to existence of theocratic regime. Khamenie did unforgiving mistake by approving this fraud election so now either he has to smarten up and discharge Ahmadinejad and ask for a new election or crack down green movement and people.

  37. fish
    14 June 2009

    Addy – mai usor cu pianul pe scari ????
    nu stiu cit realizezi ca iranienii vorbitori de engleza (cei care sint majoritatea pe strazi) nu sint reprezentativi pt Iran. Asta e numai partea „occidentalizata” partea pe care „occidentul” o poate intelege (pt ca exista un limbaj comun). Marea majoritate, vorbitoare numai de farsi – nu stim ce vrea/ce crede.
    Putem estima ca este influentata de „occidentalizati” (dat fiind numarul destul de mare de protestatari pe strazi si numarul mare de zile in care continua sa protesteze) dar nu putem afirma cu certitudine.
    Un alt punct de vedere este reprezentarea geografica – manifestatiile au loc in marile orase – dar numarul de oameni simpli – sau altfel spus – din aria rurala se incadreaza la ideea mea anterioara.
    deci, stam aproape, vedem ce capete se sparg si la sfirsit tragem concluziile ????

    a. si ca sa-i raspund imperialului ???? e clar ca Mousavi nu e occidentalul care ar fi „ideal” si ca e parte din cei agreati de Khamenei – tot ce se poate spera e ca chiar nu are chef de aruncat bombe atomice in capul Israelului.

    asta e chiar interesant ???? US asks Twitter to maintain service after Iran vote: official
    daca intr-adevar au cerut asta, inside-info-ul asta e o platire de polite intre americani ????

  38. Francesco
    14 June 2009

    Addy, am apreciat link-ul. Daca este primul tau comentariu de pe blog, iti spunem bine ai venit si te mai asteptam.

  39. Addy
    14 June 2009

    Niste statistici interesante putem gasi pe : CIA – The World Factbook

    23 de milioane de utilizatori de Internet in Iran. Asta inseamna o acoperire de 35%. Nu faptul ca vorbesc engleza sau ba intereseaza, ci daca au Internet sau nu. Dupa cum am putut vedea in Ucraina, Moldova si acum recent in Iran,Internetul se dovedeste un spatiu generator de democratie si valori democratice. Poate nu multi cauta sa se occidentalizeze. Totusi, prin faptul ca au acces la Internet ei vor intra in contact si cu alte opinii, decat cele promovate de regim. Uite aici un studiu despre ce intereseaza pe iranienii cu acces la Internet.

    Pe de alta parte gradul de urbanizare in Iran este de 68%. Deci urbanul conteaza dublu fata de rural in Iran.

    Nu e primul ???? . Dar sa-ti spun de ce intru aici: Cu toate ca multe dintre opiniile ce le gasesc aici sunt contrare a ceea ce gandesc, apreciez maniera civilizata si argumentata de a discuta. Imi da sansa sa cunosc mai multe fete ale acelorasi lucruri.

  40. panseluta
    14 June 2009


    Multzam din inima pentru aprecieri.

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