Ahmadinejad va (bine)cuvânta la ONU, în New York, la conferinţa dedicată Tratatului de Neproliferare. Orwellian

Un nou triumf al ONU. Saptamâna viitoare, Ahmadinejad se va deplasa la New York unde va (bine)cuvânta la 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Este exact Tratatul pe care nu-l respecta Iranul. Sefii de stat participa arareori la aceste conferinte care se tin din cinci in cinci ani, dar Ahmadinejad nu putea scapa ocazia.

Israelul (nu e parte a Tratatului)  va fi iarasi tinta. A anuntat-o reprezentantul Egiptului, citat de New York Times.
Maged A. Abdelaziz, the Egyptian envoy to the United Nations, said the cases of Iran and Israel should be dealt with simultaneously. “To be able to deal with the Iranian issue, you have to deal with the nuclear capabilities of Israel,” he told reporters.

The show must go on.

Pâna atunci, un reminder: „Pe ce lume traieste Inaltul Reprezentant?”

  • 28 ianuarie

Definitely, the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime. How soon or late, will happen depends on how Islamic countries and Muslim nations approach the issue.
Ali Khamenei, lider suprem

  • 31 ianuarie

Iran will deliver telling blow to global powers on Feb. 11
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, presedinte

  • 6 februarie

There is a need to restore confidence in the peaceful nature of Iran’s programme. This must be done by dialogue. I agree with the Chinese Foreign Minister that possibilities of dialogue are not exhausted. But dialogue takes two. And I am ready to engage on meaningful, productive talks that deal directly with the issues that trouble us.
Catherine Ashton, Inalt Reprezentant

  • 11 februarie

I want to announce with a loud voice here that the first package of 20 percent fuel was produced and provided to the scientists. (…) Some 800,000 patients are dependent on the Tehran medical reactor, and we cannot wait for political agreements, and we have told you (the world powers) several times that if you agree with the deal, fine; if not, then we have to do the higher enrichment by ourselves.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, presedinte

  • 11 februarie

We continue to find it difficult to understand why Iran has not taken up the proposed agreement with the IAEA which would have solved all these problems.
Catherine Ashton, Inalt Reprezentant

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