Arik Einstein, părintele timid al rockului israelian

A murit Arik Einstein (, părintele timid al rockului israelian.
“If I were one of the first humans on earth, the world wouldn’t develop at all,” he once said. “I would be content with what already exists. I wouldn’t want to invent anything, not fire, not electricity, I would be happy with how things are.”
“Einstein quit live shows at the beginning of the 1980s. “I performed from the age of 18 until I was 42,” he told Mohar. “That’s quite a while and eventually it was too much for me. I simply felt my true potential wasn’t there. Not in live shows. I wasn’t exactly a stage animal. I was held back by the embarrassment, the bashfulness, and it became more evident as the years went by. Of course there were shows I enjoyed, and when I was already onstage it was alright. But the hours before the show, the day before, these were always so difficult. By the way, when I say bashfulness, I’m not proud of it. People often see it as a good quality, but it isn’t. I wish I could grab a microphone and sing like a Sinatra, but I don’t have what it takes, and a person should adapt to his capabilities. On the other hand, in the studio, I blossom. That’s my natural habitat, where I’m not bashful. The problem is that this profession has its field mines: success is accompanied by fame and a form of adoration, and I really don’t get along with that. That’s where I draw the line. It’s pleasant to be loved, but not more.”

Sitting in San Francisco by the Water
Carried away by the blues and greens
It’s beautiful in San Francisco by the Water
Then why do I feel so removed
Watching the ducks, roaming amongst the boats
and the Golden Gate Bridge, beautiful like in a movie
It’s a shame you’re not here
With me to see it
You’d say you’d never leave
I watch Doctor J, tear down the nets
and Kareem Abdul Jabbar, touches the sky
It’s a shame you’re not here
With me to see it
It’s so beautiful in San Francisco by the Water
Suddenly I want to go back home
Return to the swamp
To sit in Kasit with Moshe and Chatske
Give me Mount Tibor
Give me the Kinneret
I love and keep falling in love with my little Israel
Warm and Charming

You and I will change the world,
You and I, then all will follow.
Others have said before, but that doesn’t matter.
You and I will change the world.
You and I will start at the beginning
It will be difficult.
But that doesn’t matter. It’s not so bad.
Others have said before, but that doesn’t matter.
You and I will change the world.

(la intoarcerea lui Gilad Shalit)
“Now that you are here” (words by Guy Bocati)
And we will never forget
The sweet moment
That we heard it was over
And that you are coming
To be near
A smile of innocent children
Took over our faces
The first shudder
After five years
Now that you are here
Take it slow
Don’t run fast
Remember, forget, laugh
You’ll always be a hero
You are allowed to cry
Its not simple at all
To forgive fate
But now that you are here
You can have love
You can have a strong embrace
You can breathe deep
For five years the heart ticked
A clock ticking pain
The fear that you would not return
Killed our heart
We love
To hear your name
Now you are back
And there is a great love here
Take what is possible
Don’t dare to be shy
We have waited just to give you
Everything you ask for
But now that you are here….
Oh, how wonderful it is that you are here

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Liviu Crăciun

Liviu Crăciun


  1. Silvapro
    28 November 2013

    Multumim, Liviu!!!
    Nu stiu ce se intimpla in ultimele zile:
    Lou Reed, Mircea Crishan, Arik Einstein, Sefi Rivlin e intr-o stare f. proasta la spital….
    E chiar trist. ????

  2. Silvapro
    28 November 2013

    Stau pe gard = Yoshev al haGader
    Cintec care o emotiona inexplicabil pe verisoarea mea in Romania in timpul vizitei mele 1984.
    “Sed pe gard, cu un picior aici, un picior acolo…”

  3. Silvapro
    28 November 2013

    Pe cuvintele poeziei lui Nachman Bialik, extrem de frumoase:

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