
Război în Libia. Armata americană a amplasat cel puţin 11 nave în Mediterana, incluzând trei submarine, două distrugătoare, două vase amfibii şi nava de comandă şi control a flotei a şasea, USS Mount Whitney. Arsenalul desfăşurat mai cuprinde bombardiere stealth B2, avioane de vînătoare F16 şi sute de puşcaşi marini. Duminică 20 martie. Submarinele Newport şi Providence lansează în jur de 120 rachete Tomahawk, urmate de un atac al bombardierelor B2.

În timp ce armata americană luptă în Libia, comandantul suprem de oşti face turism prezidenţial în Brazilia. Duminică 20 martie. Zi liberă, de relaxare în Rio de Janeiro. Barack joga futebol.

Acesta e primul preşedinte american care îşi trimite trupele în război şi apoi pleacă în vacanţă.

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Vlad M.
    21 March 2011

    Ecce homo! Un intelectual, un om rafinat, posesor al unei inteligente aparte. Nu se compara cu taranoiul idiot, bigot si sinistru de George W. Bush. Obama este un autentic Commander in Chief.

  2. Liv St Omer
    21 March 2011

    Emil, nu vrem noi sa intelegem, pt ca suntem plini de rauta-cizme: el de fapt numai mimeaza relaxarea, ca sa-l sperie pe Gaddafi si mai tare. Omul e jmeker, e cu subtilitati, cu psihologii, cu d-astea, nu suntem noi suficient de atenti. Glumesc, iti dai seama.

  3. DanCanada
    21 March 2011

    Emil, am vazut la LCBO un Apricot Liquor care in ungureste se cheama „PECSETES BARACK” 43% alc./vol – as fi trimis email cu poza daca se putea.
    Mi-a facut cu ochiul si l-am luat – turns out ca e foarte bun. Si mi-am zis iaca in sfarsit ceva fain care se numeste Barack ????
    Am aflat apoi ca barack pe ungureste inseamna caisa, deci Obambi la Budapesta e un fel de Nea Caisa…

  4. Daniel Francesco
    21 March 2011

    Salut Dan! Am gasit o sticla-doua cu nea Caisa, ce zici, e acelasi lucru?

  5. DanCanada
    21 March 2011

    Daniel, exact! Ori anyway foarte aproape: forma sticlei e la fel, eticheta putin diferita la text insa stilul exact la fel ????

  6. dr pepper
    21 March 2011

    si totusi e mai mult de atat:

    wsj, aug. 18 2009

    You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.

    The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

    Drill, Brazil, Drill?

    For a man who opposes domestic production of American crude oil in the oceans, Barack Obama seems awfully eager to push Brazil into the kind of exploration and extraction that his administration blocks here in the US. Investors Business Daily calls this policy Drill, Brazil, Drill, a takeoff of Sarah Palin’s Drill, Baby, Drill support for unleashing US energy resources. Obama’s plea also negates the reason he claimed that the trip was necessary in the first place:
    Now, with a seven-year offshore drilling ban in effect off of both coasts, on Alaska’s continental shelf and in much of the Gulf of Mexico — and a de facto moratorium covering the rest — Obama tells the Brazilians:

    “We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers.”

    Obama wants to develop Brazilian offshore oil to help the Brazilian economy create jobs for Brazilian workers while Americans are left unemployed in the face of skyrocketing energy prices by an administration that despises fossil fuels as a threat to the environment and wants to increase our dependency on foreign oil.

    La tv a sustinut ca nu se va vedea nici o diferenta daca statele unite s’ar apuca sa foreze apoi a doua zi a plecat in brazilia sa investeasca banii de taxe in extractii de petrol.
    prima vizita care a efectuat’o ca proaspat presedinte a fost in canada unde in intalnirea cu premierul Harper i’a cerut acestuia sa reduca extractia de petrol din regiunea alberta.
    si cum trateaza presa subiectul: Obama offers new U.S. partnership with Latin America

    intre scinteia si msm nu exista nici o diferenta.

  7. emil b.
    21 March 2011

    Doc, mai ieri-alaltaieri mentionam exact acest aspect. Check it out…

  8. Pataphyl
    21 March 2011

    Glenn Beck: Left Strangely Silent on Petrobras
    Monday, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:20 PM EDT

    Through his Soros Fund Management hedge fund, Soros is heavily invested in many different things. But one that caught my attention (and seemingly no one else’s) recently is Petrobras. What is that? It’s Brazil’s state-controlled oil behemoth. It’s Brazil’s version of Big Oil. They’ve netted $15 billion in profits during the last year. As of March 31 this year, SEC filings show Soros Fund has $637 million vested in Petrobras. Last December, the fund had $900 million invested in the company, making Petrobras one of its two largest stakes.

    What did Soros see in these guys that the rest of the world didn’t? Is he just that much smarter than everyone else? Or is it possible because of Center for American Progress and all the other connections Soros has at the White House, he knew that the administration would be making a $2 billion „preliminary commitment” to Petrobras for „exploration,” just days after he strengthened his investment? Or was that just another one of those bad luck situations for Obama? Because it certainly doesn’t seem to pass the smell test: A billionaire investor dumps money into state-controlled Brazilian oil company and days later administration dumps $2 billion dollars into the same exact company? Now the administration is crippling the American competitors and the biggest winner in this is Petrobras.

    Mind you, this is a multi-billion dollar company that rakes in tens of billions in profits each year. Why in the world would these guys need a loan? And why are we investing in another country’s offshore drilling while banning ours?

  9. dr pepper
    21 March 2011

    emil, acum am vazut comentariul la ca faci referire.
    cat se poate de corect,
    banuiala mea este ca investesc masiv din taxe ca sa aibe de unde finanta campania electorala ce va sa vina.
    si wisconsin e un bun exemplu.
    eu sunt totusi foarte curios ce rezultate va avea uriasa masina de propaganda socialista in alegerile din toamna lui 2012…

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