Brown se automutilează pentru a da naştere Coaliţiei Loserilor

Deplorabil spectacolul oferit de laburisti si liberal-democrati, dupa infrangerea suferita in alegerile de joi. Premierul Gordon Brown s-a umilit in fata liderului liberal Nick Clegg, care i-a cerut sa demisioneze pentru a putea incepe negocieri in vederea coalitiei Lib-Lab. Brown s-a sacrificat asadar pentru partid si a anuntat astazi ca va demisiona, lasand calea negocierilor intre loserii recentelor alegeri – laburistii si liberal-democratii, pentru realizarea unei „coalitii progresiste” care sa-i tina in opozitie pe cei care au luat cele mai multe voturi si mandate, conservatorii lui Cameron:

„If it becomes clear that the national interest, which is stable and principled government, can be best served by forming a coalition between the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats then I believe I should discharge that duty, to form that government.”

Oricum Brown nu ar demisiona chiar acum, ar mai sta pana in octombrie, cand are loc conferinta Partidului Laburist:

„But I have no desire to stay in my position longer than is needed to ensure the path to economic growth is assured and the process of political reform we have agreed moves forward quickly. The reason that we have a hung parliament is that no single party and no single leader was able to win the full support of the country. As leader of my party I must accept that that is a judgement on me. I therefore intend to ask the Labour Party to set in train the processes needed for its own leadership election. I would hope that it would be completed in time for the new leader to be in post by the time of the Labour Party conference. I will play no part in that contest, I will back no individual candidate.”

Liberal-democratul Nick Clegg incepe de astazi sa joace oficial la doua capete in speranta de a obtine renuntarea la votul uninominal si trecerea la sistem de vot pe liste. Conservatorii le-au oferit liberal-democratilor un referendum prin care electoratul sa decida daca renunta la votul uninominal, dar, se pare, nu sunt total satisfacuti de aceasta oferta. De fapt, votul popular este arareori pe placul elitei progresiste.William Hague a explicat care ar fi acum optiunile liberal democratilor:

„1.To go in with the Lab Party in a governemnt that would not be stable or secure (relying on minor parties for a majority), that would be headed by a second unelected PM in a row (which would be unaccepatable to the maj of people) and whcih would impose voting reform without a consutlation; or
2.To continue talks with the Conservatives and make a coalition in a government that would have a stable and secure majority (of 76), an elected PM in David Cameron who obtained most votes and seats at the election, and which would say the voting system should be subject to a referendum.”


Telegraph view:
Brown se agata de putere. O zi sumbra pentru democratia britanica.
Liberal-democratii au luat tara drept ostatic, in timp ce un lider neales al Partidului Laburist ramane prim-ministru.

Nile Gardiner: Gordon Brown’s final act of betrayal: a Labour-Liberal coalition would sink Britain
Mary Riddell: Nightmare in Notting Hill. Will Labour regain power after all?

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