Discursul de rămas bun al lui George W. Bush

Continuu demonizat, dispreţuit de presă, mediul academic şi vedete, înjurat pentru vini reale, dar mai ales imaginare, George W. Bush încheie 8 ani grei de preşedinţie americană. Colapsul Enron, atentatele din 11 septembrie, războaiele din Afghanistan şi Irak şi intrarea în stadiul final al bolii economice cauzate de politicile sociale ale Partidului Democrat au fost evenimentele care au marcat decisiv preşedinţia sa. Contemporanii s-au străduit să îi descrie preşedinţia drept cea mai slabă din istoria instituţiei, dar Istoria îi va face dreptate şi îi va recunoaşte meritele.


This evening, my thoughts return to the first night I addressed you from this house – September 11, 2001. That morning, terrorists took nearly 3,000 lives in the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor. I remember standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center three days later, surrounded by rescuers who had been working around the clock.

I remember talking to brave souls who charged through smoke-filled corridors at the Pentagon and to husbands and wives whose loved ones became heroes aboard Flight 93. I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son’s police shield as a reminder of all that was lost. And I still carry his badge.

As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before Nine-Eleven. But I never did. Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our Nation. And I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe.

Over the past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has been created. The military, the intelligence community, and the FBI have been transformed. Our Nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists’ movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots. And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them.

Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.


The battles waged by our troops are part of a broader struggle between two dramatically different systems. Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience, and marks unbelievers for murder. The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace.

This is the belief that gave birth to our Nation. And in the long run, advancing this belief is the only practical way to protect our citizens. When people live in freedom, they do not willingly choose leaders who pursue campaigns of terror. When people have hope in the future, they will not cede their lives to violence and extremism.

So around the world, America is promoting human liberty, human rights, and human dignity. We are standing with dissidents and young democracies, providing AIDS medicine to bring dying patients back to life, and sparing mothers and babies from malaria. And this great republic born alone in liberty is leading the world toward a new age when freedom belongs to all nations.


Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.


While our Nation is safer than it was seven years ago, the gravest threat to our people remains another terrorist attack. Our enemies are patient and determined to strike again. America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict. But we have been given solemn responsibilities, and we must meet them. We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.

At the same time, we must continue to engage the world with confidence and clear purpose. In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.

As we address these challenges – and others we cannot foresee tonight – America must maintain our moral clarity. I have often spoken to you about good and evil. This has made some uncomfortable. But good and evil are present in this world, and between the two there can be no compromise. Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere.

Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right. This Nation must continue to speak out for justice and truth. We must always be willing to act in their defense and to advance the cause of peace.


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Vlad M.

Vlad M.


  1. Manjusri
    16 January 2009

    Am aflat ca discursul de ramas bun al lui George Bush a fost aproape ignorat de mass-media. Presa isi va face insa datoria, cu asupra de masura, la ceremonia de investire a lui Barack Obama. Suntem deja obisnuiti cu dubla masura aplicata de mass-media.
    Scriitorul Andrei Codrescu a refuzat sa scrie osanele la instalarea lui Barack Obama. Alti poeti americani s-au apucat de scris cu entuziasm si vor aduce omagii „salvatorului”.

  2. Imperialistu'
    16 January 2009

    ???? La articolul dedicat doamnei Laura Cernahoschi. Jones, pe langa ce a scris doamna redactor de la cotidianul, „Obama tace, oamenii mor in Gaza” este chiar decent. In definitiv, pune o intrebare, spre deosebire de doamna Cernahoschi care face afirmatii pornind de la Vanity Fair si Huffington Post.

  3. israelianca
    16 January 2009

    Obama taceee, oamenii moareeee, Lino Leanooooo…

  4. dr jones
    16 January 2009

    mda. ar fi binevenita o sectiune dedicata genului…
    si a geniilor jurnaliste. stiu ca cer cam mult ca ne doboara numarul.

  5. Francesco
    16 January 2009

    Tratându-l pe Preşedintele Bush în felul in care a fâcut-o, stânga americană a pus bazele şi apoi a alimentat un nou tip de contestaţie mondială în ceea ce priveşte nu numai capacitatea mentală, organizatorică sau de leadership a unei persoane, ci – prin extensie, repetare şi exagerare – s-au ajuns să se conteste până la derâdere toate valorile pe care SUA le-a promovat şi cărora ar fi trebuit să le fie în continuare portdrapel.

  6. Imperialistu'
    16 January 2009

    GENEVA – A Swiss lawyer working on behalf of the Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush says his client will seek political asylum in Switzerland.

    Geneva-based lawyer Mauro Poggia says Muntadhar al-Zeidi’s life is in danger in Iraq.

    Al-Zeidi is currently in an Iraqi jail awaiting trial on charges of assaulting a foreign leader for his Dec. 14 outburst at a news conference in Baghdad.

    Poggia says he was contacted by al-Zeidi’s family earlier this month. He says the journalist has been beaten and tortured in Iraqi detention.

    Poggia told The Associated Press on Monday that al-Zeidi would have to go to the Swiss Embassy in Baghdad once he is released to formally file the asylum request.

    Nu prea se potriveste cu

    BAGHDAD – The Iraqi journalist jailed since throwing his shoes at President George W. Bush got a visit from his brother Friday and a birthday party from his guards as he turned 30.
    Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who has gained cult status for his bizarre protest, is in good shape but has been denied access to his lawyer, relatives said after his brother Maitham visited him for two hours in his detention cell in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone.

    Al-Zeidi has been in custody since the Dec. 14 outburst at Bush’s joint news conference with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Thousands demonstrated for al-Zeidi’s release and hailed his gesture….

    Maitham al-Zeidi was not available to comment on the visit, but another brother, Dhargham, told The Associated Press that he was told the wounds had healed.

    „Muntadhar was in a good shape … and his morale was high. Yesterday was his birthday and some patriotic officers there organized a party for him and brought birthday cake,” Dhargham al-Zeidi said….

    Muntadhar al-Zeidi actually feared he would be killed by guards after throwing his shoes and read his last prayers before going to the news conference, his brother said.

    „So for him it does not matter for how long he would be imprisoned,” his brother said, „because the important thing is that he restored the honor of the Iraqi people.”

    Sa il lase atunci alaturi de poporul lui, de ce sa il trimita printre necredinciosii elvetieni?

  7. Francesco
    16 January 2009

    Stanga a subminat pana la ferfenitire aproape toata increderea si admiratia lumii fata de statul nord-american si a adus argumente in tolba cam goala a celor mai primejdiosi dusmani ai democratiei, cu care a dus o politica de cvasi-pactizare.

    Sunt convins ca in timp se va ajunge la o reconsiderare a perioadei 2001-2009, cand, sub un presedinte republican cu o solida credinta in Dumnezeu, America lenesa, trandava si neconvinsa de ineficienta sistemului sau de aparare, a inceput sa se regandeasca si sa se reinventeze pentru a face fata tuturor provocarilor. Presedintele Bush si-a condus tara intr-o perioada extrem de ostila, iar decizia sa de a da lupta cu fortele islamiste chiar in inima bazelor lor, a dus la nerepetarea unui alt 11 septembrie.

    Cel mai important lucru realizat de Presedintele Bush pe plan intern este o mini-revolutie in educatie prin asa-numitul No Child Left Behind Act. Aceasta este o lege despre care sa il lasam sa vorbeasca pe cel care a promovat-o citand din interviul dat StoryCorps pe 28 noiembrie 2008:

    “Cred ca No Child Left Behind Act este una dintre cele mai importante realizari a Administratiei mele deoarece am spus tare si clar educatorilor, parintilor si copiilor ca ne dorim ce este mai bun din fiecare copil, ca noi credem ca fiecare copil poate sa invete, si ca in schimbul banilor federali ne asteptam sa existe un sistem functional de contabilizare in stare sa evalueze daca fiecare copil invata sa citeasca, sa scrie sa adune si sa scada.

    Aceasta este o lege care a necesitat ca republicanii si democratii sa se inteleaga si reprezinta o realizare de exceptie pe plan legislativ. Dar mai important, este ca a atras atentia tarii ca aveam o diferenta calitativa si cantitativa, se stie, copiii albi citeau mai bine in clasa a 4-a decat latinos sau decat cei afro-americani. Si asta este inacceptabil pentru America. Iar No Child Left Behind Act a inceput sa ceara socoteala oamenilor, iar diferenta calitativa si cantitativa este in scadere.”

    Despre acest om, despre Presedintele Bush s-a spus de catre stanga americana ca este un mare prost, s-au publicat pana la saturatie in ziare si pe net liste cu citate – multe scoase dintr-un context absolut particular – dar care, dandu-li-se ingeniosul nume de bushisme au creat o zona particulara de imbecilizare. Presedintele Bush n-a fost destul de abil sa evite gafele, dar a avut o inima larga si deschisa catre nevoile reale ale tarii sale. Si asa bushist cum este descris de stanga, a creat conditiile unei revolutii in educatie prin evolutia calitativa a sistemului, fapt fara egal intr-o tara in care toata lumea se raporteaza la valoare.

  8. Panseluta
    16 January 2009


    Istoria are felul ei, uneori plin de umor, de-a rearanja valorile…Vom trai si vom vedea.
    Ce e evident e ca nici un american n-a mai murit la mina Islamului fanatic pe teritoriul tarii de la 9/11/2001.

    Hiperventilatiile in legatura cu „soarta globului” ma lasa rece. Constitutional, printre primele datorii ale Presedintelui e de-asi apara cetatenii de dusmanii de dinafara si dinauntru.
    Bush s-a achitat de datoria asta.
    Presedintele nu face o economie; in schimb, economia depinde de stabilitate si pace. Nu e greu de imaginat ce s-ar fi intimplat cu economia la noi atacuri islamiste.

    Bushismele? Si eu am ris superior, dar ne va fi dor de ele, cu umorul lor involuntar, cind Obama va insira sloganuri insipide dupa sloganuri, patru ani la rind, si vom avea cel puti doi ani de Senator de New York Caroline Kennedy care nu poate lega doua vorbe singura si n-are nici o idee, nici una, dincolo de sabloanele pietatii de stinga.

  9. emil
    16 January 2009

    Poate e prematur, adica sigur e prematur, dar gasesc o paralela intre Truman si Bush. Harry Truman a avut tot 2 mandate, intre 1945 – 1953. Si-a sfirsit presedintia urit de mai toata lumea, inclusiv datorita unui razboi nepopular (cel din Coreea). La vremea respectiva a fost cotat drept unul dintre cei mai slabi presedinti americani. Intre timp, istoria l-a re-evaluat. Azi este considerat arhitectul mecansimelor de stat si al politicilor americane care au infrint in cele din urma comunismul. Sub Truman a fost infiintat CIA in 1946 si au fost reorganizate toate serviciile de inteligenta. Departamentul de Stat a fost si el reorganizat. Truman a inteles ca o componenta importanta a luptei impotriva comunismului consta in razboiul ideologic. A infiintat o sectie speciala pe linga Departamentul de Stat formata din intelectuali, profesori, diplomati, care a formulat o strategie de contracarare informationala si culturala a comunismului. In urma recomandarilor acestui grup, a fost infiintat Radio Europa Libera in 1950.

    Bush are indiscutabil meritul de a fi reorganizat si eficientizat structurile de stat americane pentru a face fata pericolului islamofascist. Nu cred ca vreun presedinte american ulterior (inclusiv Obama) isi va permite sa desfiinteze fundatia turnata de Bush.

  10. Panseluta
    16 January 2009

    Francesco, emil:

    Inca un motiv, de ultima ora, de a aprecia decenta si judecata lui Bush (Presedintele SUA are, prin Constitutie, dreptul suprem de a gratia si a comuta pedepsele):….._article=1

    in comparatie cu a lui Clinton (cu tot scandalul care a urmat, asa numitul „Pardongate”):…..ontroversy. Studiati numele si interesele in joc in care Bill si Hill erau direct implicati.
    Instrumental in toata afacerea gratierilor a fost unsul cu toate alifiile Eric Holder, actualul nominalizat la postul de US Attorney General, care a impins gratierile fara sa tina seama de balantele si controalele impuse de Constitutie, si care, mai recent, a recunoscut ca n-a judecat tocmai bine in situatia aceea, si ca „invatat” de atunci……..gates.html

  11. Panseluta
    16 January 2009

    emil # 9:

    Truman e inca dispretuit la stinga, din motive evidente: a luptat impotriva Comunismului si nu apartinea elitelor educate la Harvard si Yale; era un „taranoi” din Missouri, unul din statele cele mai sarace din SUA, cum e si Palin, o „taranca” (mutatis mutandis) din Alaska.
    Jimmy Carter, un outsider, un „taranoi” din Georgia, a fost adoptat de elite–fara prea mult entuzism–pentru ca tinea cu „victimile” SUA si Israelului.
    Clinton a fost un alt „taranoi”, dar nimeni nu mai stia pentru ca, la vremea la care ajunsee guvernator al Arkansaw si, mai tirziu, candidat la Presedentie, isi depasise conditia umila prin educatia la Yale si Oxford, si se aliase ideologiei elitelor de stinga de pe cele doua coaste ale Americii… In special Hollywoodul, care i-a pupat picioarele timp de 8 ani.
    Ce-i drept, gusturile sexuale i-au rams larg democratice, de la Gennifer Flowers si Paula Jones, femei putin sofisticate, la Lewinski si Katherine Riley.

    Spiritul de clasa/elitist in SUA e in crestere si e profund scirbos: pronunti vocalele si consoanele ca unul educat la Harvard, fara accent regional, sau provii dintr-o dinastie politica, desi nu ai nimic de spus, cum se dovedeste mostenitoarea numelui Kennedy, Caroline, fara nici o alta calificare. Zero.

    Ca sa nu fiu prost inteleasa:
    Nu-mi place nici o dinastie ereditara/oligarho/politica. Monarhiile asa-zis echidistante, benefice, imi ridica singele-n cap. Ideea care se vehicula acum citeva zile ca Jeb Bush ar avea ceva aspiratii prezidentiale m-a ingrozit.

    Spui: „Nu cred ca vreun presedinte american ulterior (inclusiv Obama) isi va permite sa desfiinteze fundatia turnata de Bush.”

    Adaug, in spiritul tau, fundatia turnata de Truman. Institutiile sunt

  12. Panseluta
    16 January 2009

    Adaug, in spiritul tau, fundatia turnata de Truman si Bush a institutiilor menite sa apere Republica si libertatea noastra.
    Obama e un statist care conteaza pe functionarea si cresterea agentiilor guvernamentale care-i vor apara domeniul de putere si scaunul.
    Sunt sigura ca va face schimbari de suprafata, ca sa-i satisfaca pe aplaudacii de stinga, dar nu va destabiliza nici una din agentiile de siguranta a tarii.

  13. Imperialistu'
    16 January 2009

    Asteptam videoclipul asta. Bravo, domnule Hancu!

    Lumea lui Hancu: Bush has left the building

  14. Imperialistu'
    16 January 2009

    Un discurs care nu trebuie uitat.

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