Fratele islamist al Presedintelui

În poza de mai sus, oferită de Oficiul de Presă al Primului Ministru Kenian, Primul Ministru kenian Raila Odinga, stînga, s-a întîlnit cu preşedintele iranian Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, în dreapta, la hotelul Laico Regancy din Nairobi, miercuri 25 februarie, 2009. (AP/Kenyan Prime Minister’s Press Services)

Ahmadinejad a declarat ca relaţiile dintre regimul din Iran şi cel din Kenya se vor îmbunătăţii ca urmare a întîlnirii.

În 2006 Barak Obama a făcut o excursie în Kenia pe banii contribuabilului american.
În timp ce vizita Kenia, ca oaspete al guvernului ,Obama a făcut campanie petnru liderul opoziţiei socialiste Raila Odinga, care se întîmpla să fie şi vărul lui (spune Odinga):

Partidul lui Odinga a pierdut alegerile din 2007 din Kenia.
Partidul lui a susţinut că alegerile au fost măsluite în favoare preşedintelui Mwai Kibaki.


Vandalii lui Odinga au ucis sute de kenieni şi au dat foc la biserici. Cel puţin 600 de oameni au murit în revoltele de după alegeri şi 250.000 au fost relocalizaţi cu forţa. Odinga a fost acuzat de epurare etnică în timpul confruntărilor.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Francesco
    25 February 2009

    Pe 3 ianuarie 2008, ziarul The Australian publica o relatare despre atrocitatile facute de bandele lui Raila Odinga in zona Eldoret, la 300 de km distanta de Nairobi, ca represalii pentru pierderea alegerilor din 2007. Odinga face parte din tribul Lue si s-a razbunat grozav pe tribul Kikuyu al presedintelui Mwai Kibaki.
    Intre Odinga si NAMLEF (National Muslim Leaders Forum) exista un acord scris de sustinere reciproca.
    Citat din articol “Copii arsi de vii in biserica”:

    In plina zi, o multime de kenieni au dat foc unei biserici pline cu sute de familii ingrozite si le-au ascultat strigatele in timp ce ii cuprindeau flacarile.
    Corespunzator relatarii unor martori, inclusiv politisti si voluntari de la Crucea Rosie, aceia care au scapat din “Adunarile Bisericii Domnului” din Eldoret, la 300 de km vest de Nairobi, au fost vanati cu machetele, iar altii s-au ascuns char si in gropile latrinelor.

    Aproximativ 2000 de partizani (majoritatea musulmani) ai lui Odinga au participat la masacrul din Eldorcet.


  2. costin
    25 February 2009

    inca un indiciu despre cine este presedintele Americii vine de la Melanie Phillips care ne spune ca Obama a ales ca director al America’s National Inteligence Council pe un ins care are legaturi cu Arabia saudita, e un inamic inversunat al Israelului, apropiat al regimurilor iranian si chinez (in 1989 el gasea justificari pentru represiunea singeroasa a tinerilor protestatari din piata Tiananmen).
    America va regreta in curind alegerea lui Obama.

    Chas W Freeman has now been confirmed as Obama’s pick for the chairmanship of America’s National Intelligence Council. This appointment, to a post which oversees production of America’s National Intelligence Estimates and shapes America’s understanding of the threat posed by the world’s rogue regimes and terror organisations, has caused even Obama supporters to choke into their cappuccinos. For Freeman is not simply, as I wrote here, in the pocket of Saudi Arabia, with ties to the bin Laden family after 9/11. Seven months after 9/11, he told the Washington Institute:

    I accept that al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden almost certainly perpetrated the September 11 attacks.

    He is not simply a vicious enemy of Israel, pushing for a one-state solution ie the destruction of Israel.

    He is not simply a supporter of the Walt/Mearsheimer anti-Jew canard that ‘the Jewish lobby’ manipulates American foreign policy in the interests of Israel. He bragged about the fact that the Saudi-funded body of which he is president, the Middle East Policy Council, not only published the Walt/Mearsheimer paper but interviewed Dr Azzam Tamimi of Hamas on the subject of Hamas in power.

    Worse yet, he is also an intimate of the Iranian and Chinese regimes. According to Sultan Knish, he is co-chair of the US China Policy Foundation and the American Iranian Council, with offices in Iran and holder of the Order of Abd Al-Aziz, 1st Class. He called Hezbollah — Iran’s proxy terrorist organisation — a legitimate outgrowth of Lebanese nationalism and denied that it was an Iranian puppet.

    He is also on the international advisory board of the China National Offshore Oil Co. CNOOC is controlled by the Chinese government and has designs on American oil companies. He sided with the Chinese government over the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, when the Chinese regime turned its tanks upon demonstrating dissidents. In 2006 he wrote of that event:

    The truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud… I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be.

    Given this man’s closeness to the enemies of America, doesn’t his appointment to the heart of American intelligence compromise the security of that intelligence – and at a time of maximum danger from the regimes with which he is involved, threaten all of us in the free world as a result?

    In recent years, America has understandably looked askance at the threat to its security posed by radical Islamists in Britain. But now, Britain and the other nations of the west must really start asking themselves whether America is still on their side.
    Just Whose Side Is He On?

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