Google închide Gates of Vienna – Update: GoV s-a mutat

Gates of Vienna

Gates of Vienna a fost închis de Google – „Acest blog încalcă Condiţiile Blogger de furnizare a serviciilor şi este deschis numai pentru autori”

gates of vienna down 20 ianuarie 2013

Citesc Gates of Vienna, mai mult sau mai puțin în fiecare zi, de aproape 6 ani. Administrat de Ned May (care scrie folosind pseudonimul Baron Bodissey) și soția sa, Dymphna, Gates of Vienna documentează de aproape 10 ani efectele imigrației islamice în Europa într-un mod foarte sobru si echilibrat. Cu GoV, În Linie Dreapta (respectiv Patrupedbun) a colaborat de mai multe ori în trecut.

GoV blog este o platformă de reportaje și analiză cu o rețea de sute de colaboratori, autori de eseuri, furnizori de informație de la fața locului, traducători de articole și reportaje video din presa locală din toată Europa, dar și din Israel și lumea arabă.

Sînt convins că GoV se va reînființa la o altă adresă, fără a mai fi îngrădiți de toanele unui Google sau ale altei companii. Dar pentru că, din cîte se pare, s-a căzut de acord și “islamofobia este o crimă împotriva umanității”, acest moment trebuia să vină mai devreme sau mai tîrziu. Închiderea abuzivă a blogului Gates of Vienna, în care s-au investit aproape 10 ani de muncă, este doar începutul, și își are originile în Declarația de la Cairo, care înlocuiește Drepturile omului cu Drepturile islamului. ciți Drepturile universale ale omului islamului

Despre Declarația de la Cairo, criminalizarea criticării islamului și libertate de exprimare în Europa și în lume, Ned May a vorbit la Bruxelles în vara anului trecut – 2012 Brussels Declaration, To Safeguard Individual Liberties and Human Rights.

(Ned May vorbește de la minutul 6)

Update: Gates of Vienna s-a mutat. Noua adresă e

The Gates of Vienna Hijra

Gates of Vienna has moved. Our new location is The migration is underway. Should we call it the Hijra? Or maybe the Islamophobic Trail of Tears?

I owe a big debt of gratitude to Henrik Ræder Clausen, Vlad Tepes, and KGS for their help setting up the new site and tutoring me in the nuances of WordPress. Extra thanks are due to Vlad for hosting last night’s news feed.

Previous content has migrated to the new site. We have the archives and the comments, but the new template hasn’t really been established — just the bare minimum to get us up and running. The rest of the process will take a while.

The old site at blogspot will not redirect to the new site, because Google has locked the blog. We have filed a request for a review of our status, but there’s no telling whether that will work — Google has not communicated with us except for the initial notice, which was as follows:


Google has received a Terms of Service complaint regarding malicious
code on your blog. After conducting our review, and in accordance with
Google’s Terms of Service, we have removed the content at issue.

Terms of Service:
Content Policy:

The Google Team

In the meantime, if everyone could change their links to us on their sites, as well as their bookmarks, that will help the search engines find the new URL and give us back some of our ranking.

If I have any other important news about all this, I’ll send out another mass email. Otherwise, check in at here for information on the situation. At some point normal posting will resume.

Thank you all for your interest and support.

Puteți sprijini activitatea noastră cu o donație unică sau una recurentă prin Patreon.

Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Silvapro
    20 January 2013

    Dar se redischese in urma cu citeva zile! Ce nasol ca l-au inchis iarasi!

    „Cenzura este rupta din rai” – din raiul stingist. Si inca ce rai, asa de bine cunoscut noua romanilor.

  2. Dinny
    20 January 2013

    Foarte naspa. Se va reinfiinta la alta adresa, dar e o chestie temporara; mai devreme sau mai tarziu nu vei mai putea scrie nicaieri despre ce scrie GoV.

  3. Silvapro
    20 January 2013

    Trist, f. trist. Incepe sa devina tot mai periculos. Daca ni se „taie macaroana” pe internet, nu avem nici cum sa ne unim, sau sa avertizam, sa mai luminam niste capete.

    Google si interneul ar trebui sa se lupte acerb cu tot ce instiga la Islamism, jihad si fundamentalism ofensiv. Nu cu cine apara civilizatia si cultura si dreptul la viata in libertate.

  4. Costin Andrieş
    20 January 2013

    emailuri trimise de Baron zilele astea, publicate aici…..of-vienna/

    Prima data GoV a fost oprit acum citeva zile. Acesta e emailul

    I apologize for replying to all of you with this mass email, but I have no other way of responding in a timely manner.

    Blogger “removed” our blog suddenly last night. One second it was there; the next it was gone. If we had violated their terms of service, we should have received an email, according to their own established procedure. But we received no email.

    I retain my “dashboard” account, as does Dymphna. And, as you can see, I still have the gmail account.

    There is no “deleted blogs” link on our dashboards, as there should be if the blog had been deleted deliberately through a normal procedure.

    For those of you who wrote about your own experiences connected with giving Google your cell phone number: this can’t be an issue, because I gave Google our landline number several years ago, when they would not let me into this gmail account without my giving them a phone number.

    Late last night I began the process that one always goes through with Blogger: I posted a request on the help forum. That’s really all that can be done; you can’t talk to human beings where Google is concerned.

    Henrik Raeder Clausen is our technical guru. He also posted on the help forum, and has actually received a response, which is unusual with Google. Based on the replies, there seems to have been a major problem with Blogger last night. Many other blogs disappeared in the same fashion.

    I anticipate that this is most likely a technical glitch on Google’s part, based on the number and types of blogs that had the same thing happen to them last night. But we should know for certain within another day or two.

    It’s also possible (but far less likely, in my estimation) that we were taken down for political reasons. If it was a deliberate take-down, we will migrate to another platform with our own domain name. We back up the entire blog frequently, and the last backup was on Monday. So only a few posts will be missing when we restore.

    This is all that we know at present. I’ll send out more emails if I find out anything else. Dymphna will also send out Twitter messages.

    Thank you all for your concern and support.

    Dupa citeva ore a inceput din nou sa functioneze:

    I apologize for replying to all of you again with this mass email, but I have no other way of responding in a timely manner.

    Our blog has now been returned to us!

    Blogger “removed” our blog suddenly last night. One second it was there; the next it was gone. If we had violated their terms of service, we should have received an email, according to their own established procedure. But we received no email.

    Now it has reappeared just as mysterously as it disappeared. No message, no explanation.

    I think this was a technical glitch at Google, given how many other blogs were affected, including lots of non-political ones.

    We will continue with our “disaster preparedness” policy, with an eye towards a migration to a secure platform that we have complete control over.

    Dupa care in noaptea de 19 spre 20 a devenit evident ce se intimpla de fapt

    From: Gates of Vienna
    Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 9:34 PM
    Subject: Another one

    Sorry to hit everybody en masse, but Blogger has taken us down again.
    This one is different:


    Google has received a Terms of Service complaint regarding malicious
    code on your blog. After conducting our review, and in accordance with
    Google’s Terms of Service, we have removed the content at issue.

    Terms of Service:
    Content Policy:

    The Google Team

    That’s all I know at the moment. We are backed up, so we are OK for a
    new start somewhere else.

    Baron Bodissey

    Thank you all for your concern and support.

    Singura vina a GoV a fost ca atrage atentia asupra unor stiri si evenimente care foarte rar ajung in presa si ca publica comentarii, repet, foarte echilibrate si sobre, despre implicatiile imigratiei islamice in Europa. Se pare ca Google nu tolereaza asa ceva. Ar fi interesant de aflat care este motivul exact pentru care Google a inchis GoV si cine se afla in spatele ideii.

  5. Corneliu
    20 January 2013

    Reiau postarea mea de ieri de pe FB.

    Eu zic ca nici nu e vorba de islamofobie. Termenul cred ca e vehiculat mai mult de catre promotorii islamizarii. E doar o reactie de aparare in fata invaziei agresive si impertinente a acestora in insasi inima civilizatiei rationale. S-ar parea ca autoapararea a devenit in sine nelegitima; este calea prin care unii (cam multi) cauta sa foloseasca armele democratiei pentru insasi lichidarea acesteia si inlocuirea ei cu o dictatura religioasa. E bine sa se spuna lucrurilor pe nume. Repet, n-as crede ca se afla aici antiislamisti propriu zisi. Sunt numai oameni care sunt ingrijorati de viitorul propriei lor civilizatii.

    Si mai adaug. Resimt asasinarea blogului GoV ca pe un atac direct asupra casei mele. Pana acum vedeam teribilele abuzuri facute sub presiunea din ce in ce mai insuportabila a lumii islamice asupa lumii libere ca ceva totusi exterior. Acum simt ca au ajuns si in curtea mea personala.
    Daca candva se vorbea de o lume impartita intre lumea libera si lumea dictatoriala comunista, formula careia i-a trecut de mult vremea, azi avem o lume libera in confruntare cu o noua dictatura, de un alt tip si mai periculoasa, caci foloseste democratia lumii libere pentru a o descompune din interior. Iar executantii (as zice calaii) sunt recrutati in cadrul acestei lumi libere, imbuibate si obtuze si mai ales cu mintea sclerozata de niste principii si legi care o leaga de maini si care ajung sa fie mobilizate contra ei insisi.
    Lumea libera arata azi ca o turma de oi condusa spre prapastie de catre oile aflate in capul turmei.

  6. Nea
    20 January 2013

    Cine află unde va reapare GoV, să spună şi altora.

  7. Costin Andrieş
    20 January 2013

    vom pune noua adresa, cind va exista, in postarea asta, sau cream o postare noua.

  8. Vlad M.
    20 January 2013

    GoV a revenit si pe blogspot. Nu stiu de ce se tot joaca Google cu treaba asta. L-au scos? Foarte bine, sa ramana scos. Indiferent ce face Google, GoV ar trebui sa ramana .net si cu asta basta, independent de toanele militiei corecte politic.

  9. ioana h
    20 January 2013

    Multumim pt update ???? sa ne tineti la curent. pretty please.

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