Obama mincinosul

Obama Barack Hussein este preşedintele ales în mod democratic al Statelor Unite ale Americii, omul despre care se vorbeşte la superlativ pe toate continentele, omul care va jura pe Biblie că va apăra ţara şi constituţia. Campania a trecut, învinsul John McCain a rămas un erou al războiului din Vietnam, unul dintre cei mulţi care au fost şi vor fi uitaţi.

Nu este de mirare că abia acum apar relatări în presă despre minciunile pe care le-a spus Hussein Barack Obama pentru a-şi netezi drumul către Casa Albă. S-a ajuns la o aşa de mare acumulare de afirmaţii, contraziceri, corectări, corecţii, luări de poziţie, analize şi expertize că este greu să îţi dai seama unde, cine şi de ce a minţit. Media a fost în proporţie de 90% de partea democraţilor în încleştarea cu republicanii. De aceea ne vom baza pe ultimile relatări ale presei independente ne-obamiate şi pe relatările blogerilor conservatori americani.

Obama si WrightProtagoniştii cu rating negativ ai saltului lui Obama de la nivelul de activist de rangul doi al partidului Democrat la funcţia de preşedinte al SUA, cu un scurt intermezzo senatorial în Congres – ne referim aici la teroristul Bill Ayers, la pastorul extremist Jeremiah Wright de la Trinity Church, la “finantatorul” Tony Rezko – au dispărut imediat, au fost pensionaţi, s-au ascuns, sau au tăcut când media îşi punea şi punea întrebări cu privire la influenţa şi rolul pe care l-au avut. Cazul lui Rezko fiind de natură penală, nu mai poate suscita un interes particular deoarece se aşteaptă încheierea acţiunii judiciare.

Bill Ayers a ieşit la atac, iar despre el vom vorbi mai mult după transmiterea interviului de mâine, 15 noiembrie. Oricum, Ayers trebuie citat pentru felul în care caracterizează relaţia sa cu Obama:

“We had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fund-raiser at my house, where I’d made a small donation to his earliest political campaign.”

Traducere: “Am lucrat amândoi în comitetul unei fundaţii, ne-am cunoscut unul pe celălalt că vecini şi ca prieteni de familie, am avut o colectare de fonduri iniţială în casa mea, unde am făcut o mică donaţie în stadiul timpuriu al campaniei sale.”

Obama, fiind întrebat de legătură sa cu Bill Ayers, a răspuns că îl ştie ca pe un tip care locuieşte în acelaşi cartier “a guy who lives în my neighborhood”, cu care nu schimbă idei “cu regularitate”, “on a regular basis”, după cum a relatat Washington Post.

În acelaşi interviu comentat de Washington Post, Obama a negat orice influenţă din partea lui Ayers:

„The notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense.”

Traducere: “Ideea că oarecum ca o consecinţă a faptului că dacă eu am cunoscut pe cineva care s-a angajat în acte detestabile cu 40 de ani în urmă, când aveam 8 ani, s-ar putea reflecta asupra mea şi a valorilor mele, nu are nici o noimă.”

Au fost prieteni de familie, se vizitau, Ayers l-a introdus în politică… Şi totuşi, Obama spune că nu a fost şi nici nu este influenţat de ideile din trecut ale lui Ayers, a cărui organizaţie Weather Underground a atacat Pentagonul şi Capitoliul în anii războiului din Vietnam.

Despre pastorul Jeremiah Wright şi despre strânsa sa legătură cu Hussein Barack Obama s-a mai scris pe acest blog, iar viitorul locatar al Casei Albe ştie foarte bine ce a spus în timpul campaniei electorale, mai ales în timpul alegerilor primare democrate. La data de 17 martie 2008, când reporterul Major Garret de la Fox News Channel l-a întrebat pe Obama dacă a participat în mod regulat la serviciile duminicale de la biserica Trinity Church, implicit şi la predicile pastorului Wright, s-a primit următorul răspuns:

“You know, I won’t say that I was a perfect attendee. I was regular in spurts, because there was times when, for example, our child had just been born, our first child. And so we didn’t go as regularly then.”

Traducere: “Stiti, nu aş putea spune că am fost un participant perfect. Am participat regulat doar în anumite perioade, deoarece s-a întâmplat şi ca, de exemplu, când ni s-a născut copilul, primul nostru copil, atunci nu am mai mers în mod regulat.”

Cele afirmate mai sus au fost întărite într-un articol publicat în Newsweek pe data de 21 iulie 2008.

Iată că a apărut în sfârşit un transcript integral al interviului pe care l-a acordat Hussein Barack Obama lui Cathleen Falsani de la Chicago Sun Times în 2004, în care apar următoarele:

„Do you still attend Trinity?”

Traducere: „Mai mergeţi la slujbele de la Trinity?”

„Yep. Every week. 11 oclock service.
Ever been there? Good service.”

Traducere: „Da. În fiecare săptămâna. La slujba de la ora 11:00.
Aţi fost vreodată acolo? Foarte bună slujbă.”

Preşedintele ales Obama a minţit cu siguranţă în 2008 când i-a răspuns lui Major Garret cu intenţia de a crea o perdea de fum în care să se piardă socoteala participării sale şi a lui Michelle Obama la slujbele lui Jeremiah Wright când acesta tuna: God damn America! – şi altele asemenea. Ani de zile, Hussein Barack Obama, alături de Michelle Obama, a participat la slujbele frenetice unde pastorul Wright – un extremist black-supremacist şi anti-semit convins – îşi expunea viziunea asupra societăţii americane de până şi de după 11 septembrie 2001. Începând cu data de 20 ianuarie 2009, Obama va fi Preşedintele în exerciţiu al Statelor Unite ale Americii, de cuvântul său atarnând soarta a milioane şi milioane de oameni. Care l-au crezut şi l-au votat.

Cu multumiri Imperialistului

Actualizare, 15 noiembrie

Obama şi Lobiştii

Preşedintele ales Obama a rostit numeroase discursuri electorale în care a promis “schimbarea”, acel cuvânt magic Change cu direcţie precisă la felul în care se face politică la Washington. O promisiune mereu aplaudată a lui Obama a fost că lobiştii nu vor face parte din guvernul său, după cum ne informează

Textul discursului din 2007 al lui Obama de la Spartanburg contine promisiunea schimbării politicii:

„That’s the change we can offer in 2008 – not change as a slogan, but change we can believe in. One year from now, we have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race – and I’ve won. I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House.”

Traducere: „Această este schimbarea pe care o putem face în 2008 – nu schimbare că slogan, ci o schimbare în care putem crede. Peste un an de zile, avem ocazia să le spunem acelor lobişti ai corporaţiilor că au trecut zilele lor în care aranjau agenda la Washington. Contra lobiştilor am făcut mult mai mult decât oricare alt candidat din această cursă – şi am câştigat. Nu iau un cent din banii lor iar când voi fi Preşedinte, ei nu vor găsi o slujbă la Casa Albă.”

Odată ales, Obama a schimbat …promisiunea. Astfel, John Podesta – un consilier de rang înalt al tranziţiei din staff-ul noului Preşedinte – a declarat următoarele pe data de 11 noiembrie:

„if someone has lobbied in the last 12 months, they are prohibited from working in the fields of policy on which they lobbied.”

Deci: “daca cineva a făcut lobby în ultimele 12 luni nu va putea lucra în administrarea domeniilor cu care au avut legătură ca lobişti”.

Podesta nu vorbeşte ca să se afle în treabă, el a dat glas intenţiior lui Obama, care a minţit din nou.

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Daniel Francesco

Daniel Francesco


  1. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Ayers la TV. Cand gasesc ceva pe YT, dau embed. Imi place ca Ayers ia distanta de Obama si isi apara trecutul. ????

    P.S. „Anti-war group” – eufemism pentru grupare terorista.

  2. costin
    14 November 2008

    esti neatent ma. l-am gasit pe Ayers la TV si l-am embed-uit ieri ????

  3. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Se mai intampla. ????

  4. Panseluta
    14 November 2008

    incerc de ore bune sa postez la aricolul lui Cosmin despre Leon XIII si nu reusesc.
    Aveti idee ce se intimpla? Situ nostru posteaza constant „Obama Mincinosul”.

  5. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Da, Cosmin l-a scos temporar pentru a-l edita. Acum e din nou online.

  6. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Super. Teroristul Ayers si nevasta sa terorista, Bernardine Dorn, la TeVe, vorbind despre pace si progresism.

    P.S. Allies in War (David Horrowitz).

  7. Panseluta
    14 November 2008

    O fereastra in minunata lume noua care-l adora pe Obama:
    Ben Silverman, robotul cu trasaturi umane pe post de co-chairman la NBC:

  8. costin
    14 November 2008

    Cum l-a inventat mass media americana pe Obama si ce stiu despre el cei care l-au ales:

    12 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points

    97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates

    Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions

    57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)

    81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)

    82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)

    88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)

    56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).

    And yet…..

    Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes

    Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter

    And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her „house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!

    Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.

    Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we „gave” one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)

  9. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Un foarte bun articol semnat Howard Kurtz.

    A Giddy Sense of Boosterism – Howard Kurtz, Washington Post

    Perhaps it was the announcement that NBC News is coming out with a DVD titled „Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story.” Or that ABC and USA Today are rushing out a book on the election. Or that HBO has snapped up a documentary on Obama’s campaign.

    Perhaps it was the Newsweek commemorative issue — „Obama’s American Dream” — filled with so many iconic images and such stirring prose that it could have been campaign literature. Or the Time cover depicting Obama as FDR, complete with jaunty cigarette holder.

    Are the media capable of merchandizing the moment, packaging a president-elect for profit? Yes, they are.

    What’s troubling here goes beyond the clanging of cash registers. Media outlets have always tried to make a few bucks off the next big thing. The endless campaign is over, and there’s nothing wrong with the country pulling together, however briefly, behind its new leader. But we seem to have crossed a cultural line into mythmaking.

    „The Obamas’ New Life!” blares People’s cover, with a shot of the family. „New home, new friends, new puppy!” Us Weekly goes with a Barack quote: „I Think I’m a Pretty Cool Dad.” The Chicago Tribune trumpets that Michelle „is poised to be the new Oprah and the next Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis — combined!” for the fashion world.

    Whew! Are journalists fostering the notion that Obama is invincible, the leader of what the New York Times dubbed „Generation O”?

    Each writer, each publication, seems to reach for more eye-popping superlatives. „OBAMAISM — It’s a Kind of Religion,” says New York magazine. „Those of us too young to have known JFK’s Camelot are going to have our own giddy Camelot II to enrapture and entertain us,” Kurt Andersen writes. The New York Post has already christened it „BAM-A-LOT.”

    „Here we are,” writes Salon’s Rebecca Traister, „oohing and aahing over what they’ll be wearing, and what they’ll be eating, what kind of dog they’ll be getting, what bedrooms they’ll be living in, and what schools they’ll be attending. It feels better than good to sniff and snurfle through the Obamas’ tastes and habits. . . . Who knew we had in us the capacity to fall for this kind of idealized Americana again?”

    But aren’t media people supposed to resist this kind of hyperventilating?


    It is hard to find a precedent in American history. Ronald Reagan was a marquee star because of his Hollywood career, but mainly among older voters, since he made his last movie 16 years before winning the White House in 1980. Jack Kennedy was a more formal figure after winning the 1960 election — „trying to look older than he was, because he thought youth was a handicap in running for president,” Beschloss says — but quickly took on larger-than-life dimensions.

    „The Kennedy buildup goes on,” James MacGregor Burns wrote in the New Republic in the spring of 1961. „The adjectives tumble over one another. He is not only the handsomest, the best-dressed, the most articulate, and graceful as a gazelle. He is omniscient; he swallows and digests whole books in minutes; he confounds experts with his superior knowledge of their field. He is omnipotent.”

    Soon afterward, Kennedy blundered into the Bay of Pigs debacle.

    The media would be remiss if they didn’t reflect the sense of unadulterated joy that greeted Obama’s election, both here and around the world, and the pride even among those who opposed him. Newspapers were stunned and delighted at the voracious demand for post-election editions, prompting The Washington Post and other papers to print hundreds of thousands of extra copies and pocket the change. (When else have we felt so loved lately?) Demand for inaugural tickets has been unprecedented. Barack is suddenly a hot baby name. Record companies are releasing hip-hop songs, by the likes of Jay-Z and Will.I.Am, with such titles as „Pop Champagne for Barack.” Consumers, the Los Angeles Times reports, are buying up „Obama-themed T-shirts, buttons, bobblehead dolls, coffee mugs, wine bottles, magnets, greeting cards, neon signs, mobile phones and framed art prints.”

    A barrage of Obama-related books are in the works. Newsweek’s quadrennial election volume is titled „A Long Time Coming: The Historic, Combative, Expensive and Inspiring 2008 Election and the Victory of Barack Obama.” Publishers obviously see a bull market.

    MSNBC, which was accused of cheerleading for the Democratic nominee during the campaign, is running promos that say: „Barack Obama, America’s 44th president. Watch as a leader renews America’s promise.” What are viewers to make of that?

    There is always a level of excitement when a new president is coming to town — new aides to profile, new policies to dissect, new family members to follow. But can anyone imagine this kind of media frenzy if John McCain had managed to win?

    Obama’s days of walking on water won’t last indefinitely. His chroniclers will need a new story line. And sometime after Jan. 20, they will wade back into reality.

  10. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    Lumea lui Hancu
    Al 44-lea (I)
    Al 44-lea (II)

  11. dr. jones
    14 November 2008

    And so Davis is wistful at the missed opportunities of the McCain campaign. „I made a list once, which no one will ever see, of all the reasons that my hands were tied on this campaign,” he says. „And I’ve never had a list this long.” One of his biggest struggles, Davis says, was to come up with negative spots against a historic, groundbreaking candidate without stepping on taboos. „One of the big hands that I felt was tied behind my back was [that] so many things — like [Obama’s record on] crime — you would logically do were perceived as ‘Oh, we can’t do that. That was playing the race card,’ ” he says, adding that the campaign created a whole series of crime attacks against Obama that were never aired. „Reverend Wright? ‘Oh, can’t do that; they’ll say we are playing the race card.’ [William] Ayers? For the longest time, ‘Oh, can’t do that. We’re playing the race card.’ ”

    Davis says that concern about race played a major role in the entire aesthetic of McCain’s ads. The photographs of Obama that the ads used, for instance, which often showed Obama elongated and smiling, were carefully selected, he recalls. „We chose them with only one thing in mind, and that is to not make them bad pictures because bad pictures would be seen as racist,” Davis says. „How many shots in their ads did they use a John McCain [photo] looking decent and smiling?” He says the campaign also agonized over the music in the ads, paying special care not to play drum-heavy tracks that could be seen as an African tribal reference. „We were held to a totally different standard,” he says.

    Nevertheless, the McCain campaign was unable to escape the charge that it was playing the race card. An Associated Press analysis called the campaign’s invocations of the once violent 1960s radical Ayers „racially tinged” because they evoked the word terrorist. McCain was also accused of playing on race for running an ad that highlighted Obama’s relationship with Franklin Raines, a former executive at Fannie Mae who is black. Says Davis: „I never saw anybody play the race card but the Obama campaign.”

    si asta o spune time ( tot incerc ???? ) si cnn!,8599,1861831,00.html

  12. Imperialistu'
    14 November 2008

    The vision of change comes first and foremost (…) from me!

  13. dr. jones
    14 November 2008

    hey! v-a scapat o stire destul de majora care face furori in statele unite: rod blagojevich, guvernatorul statului illinois, a fost arestat azi-dimineata sub acuzatiile de coruptie si furaciune. cu cine credeti ca era blagojevich prieten bun? ei bine, cu tony rezko si primarul chicago mr. dailey.
    citisem acum vreo saptamana despre maretul plan ce va produce milioane de job-uri in america – obama are nevoie de o mie de miliarde pentru a reface infrastructura. iar in chicago – au fost multe scandaluri de coruptie pe tema asta. ceva in genul bordurilor lui videanu. statul illinois este cel mai corupt de pe teritoriul statelor unite, cel mai scump ( cele mai mari taxe) si cu criminalitatea cea mai mare ( in ultimele sase luni au murit mai multi americani in chicago decat in iraq). chicago este mai periculos decat new york city si los angeles luate la un loc.

  14. dr. jones
    14 November 2008

    With Antoin “Tony” Rezko’s federal corruption trial looming, Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Tuesday tried to deflect the heat he’s been getting over his former adviser and top fundraiser by pointing out he’s not the only politician who has received help from Rezko.

    Blagojevich ticked off a list of elected officials who also have ties to the indicted developer. While not naming them, he made reference to everyone from Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to House Speaker Michael Madigan, his political nemesis, and Madigan’s daughter, Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan.

    CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on Tuesday on charges that he brazenly conspired to sell or trade the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder.

    Blagojevich also was charged with illegally threatening to withhold state assistance to Tribune Co., the owner of the Chicago Tribune, in the sale of Wrigley Field, according to a federal criminal complaint. In return for state assistance, Blagojevich allegedly wanted members of the paper’s editorial board who had been critical of him fired.

    A 76-page FBI affidavit said the 51-year-old Democratic governor was intercepted on court-authorized wiretaps over the last month conspiring to sell or trade the vacant Senate seat for personal benefits for himself and his wife, Patti.

    Otherwise, Blagojevich considered appointing himself. The affidavit said that as late as Nov. 3, he told his deputy governor that if „they’re not going to offer me anything of value I might as well take it.”

    „I’m going to keep this Senate option for me a real possibility, you know, and therefore I can drive a hard bargain,” Blagojevich allegedly said later that day, according to the affidavit, which also quoted him as saying in a remark punctuated by profanity that the seat was „a valuable thing — you just don’t give it away for nothing.”

    The affidavit said Blagojevich also discussed getting a substantial salary for himself at a nonprofit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions.

    It said Blagojevich also talked about getting his wife placed on corporate boards where she might get $150,000 a year in director’s fees.

    He also allegedly discussed getting campaign funds for himself or possibly a post in the president’s cabinet or an ambassadorship once he left the governor’s office. He noted becoming a U.S. senator might remake his image for a possible presidential run in 2016, according to the affidavit. And he allegedly said a Senate seat would also provide him with corporate contacts if he needed a job and present an opportunity for his wife to work as a lobbyist.

    „I want to make money,” the affidavit quotes him as saying in one conversation.

    The affidavit said Blagojevich expressed frustration at being „stuck” as governor and that he would have access to greater resources if he were indicted while in the U.S. Senate than while sitting as governor.

    U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald said in a statement that „the breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering.”

    „They allege that Blagojevich put a for sale sign on the naming of a United States senator,” Fitzgerald said.”

    Messages left for Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero and at the governor’s press office were not immediately returned Tuesday morning.

    Among those being considered for the Senate post include U.S. Reps. Danny Davis and Jesse Jackson Jr.

    The affidavit outlined a Nov. 10 call between Blagojevich, his wife, his chief of staff — John Harris, who also was arrested Tuesday — and a group of advisers in which Harris allegedly suggested working out an agreement with the Service Employees International Union.

    Under the plan, Blagojevich would appoint a new senator who would be helpful to the president-elect and in turn get a job as head of Change to Win, a group formed by the union. The union would get an unspecified favor from Obama later.

    Nothing in the court papers suggested Obama had any part in the discussion. In fact, Blagojevich allegedly said in the same conversation that Obama most likely would not appoint him as secretary of health and human services or to an ambassadorship because of the negative publicity that has surrounded the governor for three years.

    One day later, according to the affidavit, Blagojevich allegedly told an associate he knew Obama wanted a specific Senate candidate but „they’re not going to give me anything except appreciation.” He finished the remark with an expletive.

    Blagojevich also was charged with using his authority as governor in an attempt to squeeze out campaign contributions.

    Corruption in the Blagojevich administration has been the focus of a federal investigation involving an alleged $7 million scheme aimed at squeezing kickbacks out of companies seeking business from the state. Federal prosecutors have acknowledged they’re also investigating „serious allegations of endemic hiring fraud” under Blagojevich, who has a $177,412 salary, though it’s unclear whether he accepts the total.

    Political fundraiser Antoin „Tony” Rezko who raised money for the campaigns of both Blagojevich and Obama is awaiting sentencing after being convicted of fraud and other charges. Blagojevich’s chief fundraiser, Christopher G. Kelly, is due to stand trial early next year on charges of obstructing the Internal Revenue Service.

    According to Tuesday’s complaint, Blagojevich schemed with Rezko, millionaire-fundraiser turned federal witness Stuart Levine and others to get financial benefits for himself and his campaign committee.

    Federal prosecutors said Blagojevich and the chairman of his campaign committee have been speeding up corrupt fundraising activities in the last month to get as much money as possible before the end of the year when a new law would curtail his ability to raise contributions from companies with state contracts worth more than $50,000.

    According to the affidavit, agents learned Blagojevich was seeking $2.5 million in campaign contributions by the end of the year, with a large part allegedly to come from companies and individuals who have gotten state contracts or appointments.

    The affidavit also outlines Blagojevich conversations related to Tribune Co., which has been hoping to sell Wrigley Field, the home of the Chicago Cubs which the publishing giant also owns.

    Blagojevich was quoted in court papers as telling Harris in a profanity laced Nov. 4 conversation that his recommendation to Tribune executives was to fire the editorial writers „and get us some editorial support.”

    Harris is quoted as telling the governor Nov. 11 that an unnamed Tribune Owner, presumably CEO Sam Zell, „got the message and is very sensitive to the issue.”

    The affidavit said Harris quoted a Tribune financial adviser as saying cuts were coming at the newspaper and „reading between the lines he’s going after that section,” apparently meaning editorial writers. Blagojevich is quoted as saying: „Oh, that’s fantastic.”

    „Wow,” Blagojevich allegedly replied. „Keep our fingers crossed. You’re the man. Good job, John.”

    Harris allegedly told Blagojevich in his conversation with the financial adviser he had singled out deputy editorial page editor John McCormick as „somebody who was the most biased and unfair.”

    After hearing that, Blagojevich allegedly stressed to the head of a Chicago sports consulting firm that it was important to provide state aid for a Wrigley Field sale.

    Blagojevich took the chief executive’s office in 2003 as a reformer promising to clean up former Gov. George Ryan’s mess.

    Ryan, a Republican, is serving a 6-year prison sentence after being convicted on racketeering and fraud charges. A decade-long investigation began with the sale of driver’s licenses for bribes and led to the conviction of dozens of people who worked for Ryan when he was secretary of state and governor.

    FBI spokesman Frank Bochte said federal agents arrested the governor and Harris simultaneously at their homes at 6:15 a.m. and took them to the Chicago FBI headquarters.

    He did not have any details about Blagojevich’s arrest, only that he was cooperative with federal agents.

    „It was a very calm setting,” he said.

    The governor was to appear later Tuesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Nan Nolan to answer the charges. The time was not immediately set.

    Associated Press Writer Don Babwin contributed to this report.

    si ca o curiozitate – guvernatorul statului illinois era prieten si cu un romano-sarb ce are un restaurant romanesc pe elston avenue si care an de an tinea ” taste of romania”. stiu doar ca il cheama branco pe romanul nostru si ca blagojevich a fost de cateva ori invitat de onoare la „taste of romania”.
    luati-o doar ca o curiozitate si un zvon neverificabil.
    acum sunt tare curios cat de departe se va merge pe filiera asta si ce va insemna schimbarea propusa in campania electorala.

  15. Francesco
    14 November 2008

    Dr. Jones, mereu la inaltime! Vazusem ce-i drept o stire ce zicea ca Obama, the President-elect – stiti care, cel care produce mai multe programe si declaratii decat Presedintele in exercitiu, George Bush – vrea sa se distanteze de …ceva ce mi-a scapat.

    Este foarte buna! Un Guvernator de stat care conspira la (printre altele) obtinerea de foloase necuvenite pentru locul din Senat al lui Obama! Este da, o Change we can believe in!

  16. Francesco
    14 November 2008

    S-a pus in vanzare pe eBay locul de senator al lui Obama! Se pleaca de la 99 de centi, hai doamnelor si domnilor, cine da mai mult?

  17. dr. jones
    14 November 2008

    francesco – singurul meu merit e ca traiesc in mijlocul evenimentelor ????

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