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Actualizare 25 decembrie: Obama şi familia lui nu au participat la slujba de Crăciun
A writer for TIME magazine reports that the president and his family are not attending Christmas services. Gee, what a surprise! Barack Hussein Obama has consistently shown his lack of understanding of the Holy Bible, his disdain for the spiritual meaning of Christmas (no Nativity crèche in the White House), and his propensity to bow to Muslim leaders.
But the fact is that NO TRUE CHRISTIAN can support abortion and the federal funding thereof. Don’t give me the “representative of the majority” nonsense. […]
How can a politician who claims to be a Christian—Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise—truly and with clear conscience vote for federal funding of abortion? The answer is they can’t IF they truly are Christians.
Canada Free press via Gateway Pundit
Time: No Churchgoing Christmas for the First Family
Obama spune că este creştin, dar pînă acum a arătat că are la fel de multe în comun cu creştinismul ca biserica la care a mers 20 de ani, biserica reverendului Jeremiah GOD DAMN AMERICA Wright,
23 December 2009In spirit obamic, iata si ce s-ar potrivi unui Craciun eco-friendly la Casa Alba:
Din postarea Gerry Nicholls’ new eco-friendly, all-green, emission-free Christmas tradition aflata aici.
23 December 2009nu intereseaza pe nimeni acum, dar am facut o actualizare la Mao, Obama si Craciunul:
Actualizare 25 decembrie: Obama şi familia lui nu au participat la slujba de Crăciun