Veşnic ofensaţi. Azi, episcopul de Rochester.

Michael Nazir-Ali este singurul episcop de origine asiatică din Biserica Anglicană. Mai precis, de origine pakistaneză. Ziarul londonez The Daily Telegraph i-a publicat ieri un articol intitulat Extremism flourished as UK lost Christianity şi reacţiile de azi sînt la fel de previzible ca hoţul care la înghesuială strigă „săriţi, hoţul!”.

Consiliul Musulman Britanic a denunţat articolul drept „alarmism frenetic”.
„Este iresponsabil pentru o persoană în poziţia lui să facă astfel de comentarii…. Miros intoleranţă extremă cînd unii critică multiculturalismul fără să dovedească ce anume e rău.” — Ibrahim Mogra

„[Episcopul] vorbeşte despre ascensiunea ‘extremismului islamic’, dar nu menţionează cum politica externă a guvernului nostru şi în special a Statelor Unite în Orientul Mijlociu de-a lungul mai multor decenii a contribuit în mod evident la escaladarea acestui fenomen.” — Inayat Bunglawala

Mohammed Shafiq, de la Fundaţia Ramadhan, a declarat: „Dl. Nazir-Ali încurajează ura faţă de musulmani şi ar trebui să demisioneze.”

Ajmal Masroor, de la Societatea Islamică a Marii Britanii: „Este o deformare a realităţii. Comunităţile noastre sînt mult mai integrate faţă de acum 10 ani. Dacă Biserica Anglicană este corectă, ar trebui să ia măsuri serioase.”

Politicieni englezi sînt de părere că episcopul „s-a exprimat prea strident” întrucît „această optică nu este corectă faptic. Nu ştiu unde sînt aceste ‘zone no-go‘ şi nu recunosc o asemenea descriere.” — William Hague, ministrul de externe din umbră al partidului Conservator.
„Ideea unor ‘zone no-go‘ este o caricatură grosolană a realităţii.” — Nick Clegg, liderul partidului Liberal Democrat.

Dar ce zis de fapt episcopul Nazir-Ali?

Mai sus e un link către textul original, însă aici voi reproduce un fragment în română.

În mai puţin de 50 de ani, Britania s-a schimbat dintr-o societate cu o bază recunoscută drept creştină într-una descrisă tot mai des de politicieni şi presă drept „multi-credincioasă”.

Un motiv constă în sosirea pe aceste ţărmuri a unui număr mare de persoane de alte credinţe. Sosirea lor a coincis cu sfîrşitul Imperiului, care a adus cu sine şi examinarea frecventă a rolului Britaniei.

Pe de o parte, britanicii şi-au pierdut încrederea în viziunea creştină care a stat la baza majorităţii realizărilor şi valorilor culturii proprii, iar pe de altă parte au încercat să se adapteze la noii sosiţi făcînd recurs la o filozofie nouă, numită „multiculturalism”.

Aceasta a necesitat ca noilor veniţi să le fie facilitat traiul în comunităţi separate, continuînd să comunice în limbile lor şi avînd nevoie minimă de a construi relaţii sănătoase cu majoritatea.

În paralel cu aceste evenimente a avut loc şi o resurgenţă internaţională a ideologiei islamului extremist. O consecinţă a fost alienarea adîncă a tinerilor de naţiunea în care s-au format şi transformarea comunităţilor deja separate în zone ‘interzise’, unde aderenţa la această ideologie a devenit o convenţie de acceptabilitate.

Cei de o credinţă sau rasă diferită ar putea să considere drept dificilă viaţa sau activitatea profesională în astfel de zone, datorită ostilităţii faţă de ei. În numeroase feluri, aceasta nu e altceva decît cealaltă faţă a monedei cunoscută drept intimidarea extremei drepte. Au avut loc tentative de a impune un caracter „islamic” în anumite zone, de exemplu prin insistenţa de a amplifica prin difuzoare Adhan, chemarea islamică la rugăciune.

Bineînţeles, o astfel de amplificare nu a fost familiară de-a lungul istoriei şi ridică tot felul de semne de întrebare despre nivelul de zgomot sau dacă ne-musulmanii doresc să fie informaţi de cinci ori pe zi prin difuzor despre un anume crez religios. Aşa ceva are loc chiar dacă unele comunităţi majoritar musulmane încearcă să reducă zgomotul provenind de la moschei multiple anunţînd această chemare una după alta, pe o suprafaţa geografică destul de redusă.

Există deja presiuni de a echivala aspecte ale sharia cu legea civilă britanică. Aceasta e adevărat într-o oarecare măsură în ce priveşte aranjamentele referitoare la activitatea bancară în conformitate cu sharia, însă au fost luate în considerare toate implicaţiile pe termen lung ale acestui lucru?

În prezent este mai puţin posibil pentru creştinism să se manifeste public în Britania.

Existenţa paracliselor şi a preoţilor afiliaţi în spitale, închisori şi instituţii de educaţie superioară este în pericol fie datorită lipsei de fonduri sau deoarece autorităţile preferă servicii de „multi-credinţă”, fără să ţină cont de caracterul distinct creştin al legilor, valorilor, obiceiurilor şi culturii naţiunii.

Nu doar local, dar şi la nivel naţional, poziţia Bisericii Anglicane este erodată continuu. Teama mea este că în final tot ce va mai rămîne va fi doar zîmbetul unei pisici de Cheshire.

Ierarhia înaltă a Bisericii Anglicane a răspuns acuzaţiilor aduse apărîndu-l pe episcopul de Rochester. Dintre politicieni, doar David Davis, ministrul de interne din umbră al partidului Conservator, a ripostat declarînd că musulmanii, izolîndu-se în societăţi închise, practică un apartheid voluntar şi cer constant imunitate la criticism. Însă riposta cea mai masivă a venit din partea publicului englez, care a inundat cu comentarii ediţia online a ziarului. După ani de îndopare silită cu multiculturalism şi dresaj de obedienţă faţă de statul Big Brother, englezii s-au săturat.

One can only wonder why Muslims never call for Islamic clerics who condone violence, oppression of women, etc. to resign their posts.

Danielle McKane

Gordon Brown take note. Read the comments. No they are not extremists. These are the decent people of Britain who will neither forgive or forget you for selling their country.

A UK passports should be something which is hard won and treasured. Not something that is thrown away.

The generation before you fought and died to save this nation. Now you throw it away with both hands to our sworn enemies.


Of course the Bishop is right; there should be no doubting the pernicious influence of Muslim radicals and their hatred of the British way of life which is basically Christian. If they dislike our society to the extent that they are prepared to bomb and kill innocent civilians, why are they resident in the UK? Also, who do the so called moderate Islamic representatives think they are to call for the resignation of the Bishop? It begs the question, is it possible for a believer in Islam to be moderate if they believe they can persecute a Christian bishop in a Christian country merely for telling the truth?


Having just returned from a two year stint in Saudi Arabia I can confidently say that Islam is in fact a culture of intolerance. I use the word culture because it far exceeds a religion in that it governs every aspect of life and dictates how one should behave, dress, eat, treat others (and animals). The notion of reciprocation of tolerance and understantding of anothers religion and way of life is merely a Western one. Put bluntly, Islam believes there is only one way of life, and that is to embrace Islam. Anything else is plain heresy.

In summary, I think Britain should stop sitting on the fence and start pushing back before we are all woken up by Dawn prayers every day of the week and have to remind our women folk to cover up before leaving the house.


The Islamofascisti and especially the „Muslim Council of Great Britain” (What? Who? We have our OWN elected councils), need to realise that we just don’t care who they worship. It is entirely up to them. Just don’t try and force their views and their beliefs on to the rest of us. We just don’t care. Is that clear enough?

Peter Vile

I am increasingly irritated by those of foreign extraction who try to force their opinions and wills on the rest of us. If they do not like what is here, no one will prevent them from leaving and living in a country more conducive to their ideas. I am incensed that the indigenous population was never consulted regarding the level of immigration that has taken place over the years and the change this is making to our way of life and culture. If we complain we are accused, by our own government, of being racist. We are reaping the reward of multiculturalism and the dismal failure of our spineless and overpaid politicians to govern us properlty. The name of Enoch Powell keeps coming back to me.

Ted Bottle

Of course the good Bishop is absolutely correct. Anybody with two eyes and ears can see that. Perhaps Messrs Hague and Clegg should get out and about a bit more, instead of hiding behing the curtains of the Truth Killer Political Correctness. I am delighted to see that the normal British people are saying it as it is in these comments. However, unless they start electing real people, with real courage, vision and Churchillian spirit, into power, their land is doomed to return to a Middle Ages legal and political system and way of life within a few generations. What really amazes me is that those Asians who profess to hate and despise the British way of life install themselves in Britain and use its benefits and the goodwill of the British people for their own ends – and raise their children there. Surely they would be far happier and more at home if they returned to whence they came? Or maybe not …….!


Thank goodness someone in authority has had the guts to speak out. What the Bishop says reflects the feeings and fears of the majority in this country.

It is time to get off our multicultural knees and reclaim our cultural heritage. Those whose religion is incompatible with the British values of inclusiveness and equality should find somewhere else to live.

Andy Gill

With regards to plans to broadcast the call to prayer in Oxford:

The Adhan – the Islamic call to prayer – is not merely a reminder to tell Muslims that it is prayer time.

It is the public vocalisation of the basic tenet of Islam: “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his Messenger.” In short, it is a statement of the supremacy of Islamic belief, cried aloud, five times a day, every day.

Recitation of the Adhan, in a non-Islamic country, is a weapon of Islamic imperialism, one which marks another step towards stamping an Islamic identity on an area. Which is just what Bishop Nazir-Ali is warning against here.

Joseph K.

I came to London over 20 years ago. This beautiful language which is English, its culture, everything good about this country is disappearing fast because of too much immigration. However, the problem is the overwhelming Islamic ideas growing and taking over, and us Europeans being laughed at and taking advantage of! Our culture is disappering fast and identity endangered. The scale of our stupidity is immense, our lack of courage, fear of saying no to something which is from the age of stone, something which is dangerous and which is called Islam is frightening (whilst Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion!). Are we going to let these people run our country?!!! Are we, us women, going to cover up and be treated as inferior?!!! Have we gone completely mad?!!! Can’t you see what is happening?!!! And do you really think that in their own country we would be allowed to build our own churches, open our own shops, dress how we want, speak the language we want, and have our church bell ring while we tell them to stop the call for prayer. Please let us react NOW!!! Why is everyone scared? Do you think the muslims are scared?!


I am writing in support of the Bishops comments about the creeping Islamification of parts of the UK’s inner cities. I was told two stories about the Oldham of fifteen years ago (around 1990), which illustrate that this process was well underway then (abetted by PC labour councillors).

The first tale was from a woman in her twenties who lived in Oldham, and who told me that there was a whole section of town (near a park), where non asian women would risk sexual and or physical assault if they walked there alone, because Muslim males treated them as being „western whores”. This area had become a complete no go area for non muslims.

The second story was from a barman in Manchester, who told me that his dad had gone to watch Oldham Athletic football club for the first time in years, after the game he had turned out the ground and wandered into an area which had become muslim since he had lived there. Within ten minutes he was approached by a gang of five Muslim lads who told he he ‘couldn’t walk there’ because it was „Muslim land”, and when he started to say he could walk on the streets, they jumped him, and beat him so badly that he was hospitalised for two days … he was over fity years old.

There were no arrests, and he got the impression from the police that this was (a) not an uncommon event, and (b) that it was his fathers fault for walking on „muslim land”.

I can guess how the Muslims would react if we started having ‘No go’ areas for muslims e.g. the UK. It’s ironic that it’s the very tolerance of the Christian nations towards the practitioners of islam, that will prove to be the death knell of both Christianity and Secularism in the western world.

I never understand why secularists think the imposition of Islamic and Sharia law exempts them, is beyond me when they are condemned to be stoned to death in the Quran.

It might have helped the situation, if these no-go areas weren’t all in Labour constituencies, which means vote collecting outweighs national problems.

Because the local councilors in the inner cities are 98% new Labour, these stories are largely kept from the greater public domain in a sort of Faustian pact, whereby the Muslims vote for white (or increasingly asian muslim) Labour politicians, as long they say nothing about the problems of Islam being foisted on the UK.

We are sleep walking towards violence on the streets between Islam the rest of the population, but our politicians of all creeds seem to think that appeasement is the answer …. if they had been taught English history, instead of some multicultural nonsense, they would know what good the paying the ‘Danegeld” did for the English Kings.

As Kipling said „… if once you have paid him the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane.” So it goes with appeasment in the spread of Islam in the UK.

A Kelly

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Francesco
    9 January 2008

    Apreciez spusele episcopului Nazir-Ali iar comentariile britanicilor sunt mai mult decat edificatoare cu privire la starea de spirit din U.K.
    Atacurile asupra femeilor singure au loc si in alte locuri, de exemplu in Australia unde acum circa doi ani au fost lupte de strada intre localnici si emigranti musulmani care aplicau asa-numita „corectie Beirut” femeilor care mergeau singure pe strada.

  2. Imperialistu'
    9 January 2008

    Conservatorilor britanici ar trebui sa le fie rusine pentru incapacitatea lor de a lua pozitie fata de cea mai mare amenintare la adresa Marii Britanii de la Hitler incoace. Pentru mine este incredibil sa citesc cum ministrul de externe din umbra al PC britanic nu a auzit in viata sa de no-go zones. Domnule politician, ce ar fi sa o luati la picior prin circumscriptiile Religiei Pacii? Fara escorta, desigur, altfel nu mai are farmec.

    Nu ma mir ca liberal-democratii se fac ca ploua. Mi se pare normal ca laburistii ignora cu buna stiinta realitatea. Au tot facut-o pana de curand. Cu greu insa pot accepta stangizarea dreptei britanice. Partidul Conservator are probleme grave. Mi-am dat seama de asta in momentul in care am citit articolul semnat David Cameron in The Observer. Daca asa gandeste liderul Partidului Conservator, e clar unde ne aflam.

    Speriati-va si voi.
    What I learnt from my stay with a Muslim family

    Revenind la episcopul britanic: jos palaria, domnule! Episcopul Nazir Ali si-a asumat niste riscuri incredibile in momentul in care s-a hotarat sa scrie articolul ala. Mult curaj si multa coloana vertebrala. Nu pot insa sa nu ma gandesc ca a fost nevoie de un pakistanez trecut la crestinism pentru ca Biserica Anglicana sa scoata o vorba despre ce se intampla in propria ograda…

  3. emil
    9 January 2008

    Apropo de gindul cu care inchei comentariul… exact la asta m-am gindit si eu cind am citit piesa episcopului.

  4. Francesco
    9 January 2008

    M-am speriat de ce spune Cameron despre UK: „family breakdown, drugs, crime and incivility are part of the normal experience of modern Britain”. Cred ca ar fi timpul pentru el sa-si ia roba primita de la buna familie pakistana si sa mearga la Islamabad. Acolo ii este locul, nu la conducerea Partidului Conservator.

  5. Imperialistu'
    9 January 2008

    Francesco, David Cameron are alte preocupari. Mai verzi de felul lor (a se vedea simbolul conservatorilor cameronezi ???? ).

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