Explozii multiple cu ocazia maratonului din Boston. 12 3 morți anunțați deocamdată. Revenim cu actualizări (cele mai recente sunt în josul paginii).
icon-bullhorn Update (Costin)
Analist CNN: “Extremiștii de dreapta” ar putea fi in spatele atentatului de la maratonul din Boston by John Nolte at Breitbart
La mai puțin de 2 ore după teribilul atentat de la maratonul din Boston, expertul în securitate naționala al CNN, Peter Bergen, spunea deja că “extremiștii de dreapta” ar putea fi în spatele atentatului cu bombă.
I’m reminded of Oklahoma City, which was a bombing, which was initially treated as a gas explosion. First reports are often erroneous.
Then Bergen went on to offer up this “first” report:
Once the device — if it a device — is found; what kind of explosives were used. So for instance, if it was hydrogen peroxide, this is a signature of al Qaeda. If it was more conventional explosives, which are much harder to get hold of now — that might be some other kind of right-wing extremist. … We’ve also seen, for instance, right-wing groups trying to attack the Martin Luther King parade in Oregon in 2010…
Un bărbat de naționalitate saudită a fost reținut în legătură cu atentatul de la maratonul din Boston. Bărbatul de 20 de ani este reținut într-un spital nedeclarat din Boston.
The New York Post reported:
Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital.
It was not immediately clear why the man was hospitalized and whether he was injured in the attack or in his apprehension.
The man was caught less than two hours after the 2:50 p.m. bombing on the finish line of the race, in the heart of Boston.
icon-bullhorn Recapitulare la cinci ore după atentat. Ce știm exact și ce este (deocamdată) speculație
În jurul orei trei după-amiază (după fusul orar local) s-au înregistrat două explozii în Boston, aproape de linia de sosire a maratonului anual. Sunt confirmate clar cel puțin două decese. Sunt confirmați peste o sută de răniți. Exploziile au avut loc la un interval de 5-10 secunde și au avut loc în rândul spectatorilor aliniați pe stradă.
Boston sărbătorea și Ziua Patrioților. A fost o zi liberă, iar zona centrală a orașului a fost înțesată de oameni. La maraton au participat aproximativ 23 de mii de concurenți. Poliția a anunțat descoperirea și dezamorsarea a cel puțin încă două pachete cu explozibil.
Un martor ocular a declarat că după explozie a descoperit în buzunare fragmente de metal sub formă de alice sau bile metalice. Acest lucru indică faptul că explozibilele au fost confecționate pentru maximum de distrugere în rândul populației. Astfel de explozibile improvizate au fost mult folosite în Irak împotriva militarilor americani și populației locale.
Mass-media progresistă (în primul rând CNN) a început să speculeze că atentatul ar fi putut fi opera unuia sau mai multor extremiști de dreapta.
Sauditul presupus rănit și spitalizat. Nu există nicio declarație din partea autorităților în ce privește identitatea sau scopul celor care au pus la cale acest atac. Există rapoarte care indică o prezență sporită a pazei de poliție la câteva spitale din Boston, dar justificarea oficială ține de natura protocolului de securitate în astfel de situații.
icon-bullhorn Oroarea exploziei
Ziarul Boston Globe a difuzat un clip video care surprinde momentul exploziilor la nivelul străzii.
icon-bullhorn Comentariul unui progresist cu Oscar
icon-bullhorn Grupare islamistă din Iordania laudă atacul
“Sângele american este mai de preț decât sângele musulman”, a declarat Mohammad al-Chalabi, condamnat în 2003 în urma unui atentat marca Al Qaeda împotriva unor ambasade occidentale din Iordania.
Al-Chalabi a făcut șapte ani de pușcărie pentru rolul său în acel atentat dejucat. Gruparea sa este ilegală în Iordania.
Un oficial din Iordania specializat în antiterorism a declarat că “exploziile poartă amprenta unui grup terorist bine organizat, cum ar fi Al Qaeda”. El nu a furnizat vreo dovadă anume care să facă legătura dintre Al Qaeda și atentatul recent.
Boston Globe confirmă faptul că autoritățile interoghează “o persoană de interes” spitalizată la Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Richard DesLauriers, agent special care conduce investigația FBI din Boston, a declarat că FBI și Joint Terrorism Task Force, care ține de ministerul justiției, vor prelua frâiele cercetării atentatului, întrucât evenimentul a fost clasificat drept “un act potențial de terorism”. El a refuzat să confirme sau infirme rapoartele din presă care susțin că una sau mai multe persoane de interes se află în vizorul autorităților.
Conform CNN, un expert în antiterorism a declarat că spitalele din Boston extrag bile de metal din trupurile răniților.
Ed Davis, șeful poliției din Boston, a confirmat că numarul oficial de fatalități s-a ridicat la trei.
icon-bullhorn Eroism american
Imagini de oameni intervenind imediat, când nimeni nu putea ști cu siguranță că nu vor urma și alte explozii.
icon-bullhorn Chris Matthews: Terorismul domestic este in general al Dreptei (Vlad M.)
Let me ask you about domestic terrorism as a category. Normally, domestic terrorists, people tend to be on the far right, well that’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that. Do they advertise after they do something like this? Do they try to get credit as a group or do they just hate America so much or its politics or its government that they just want to do the damage, they don’t care if they get public credit, if you will?
E frumos că deja l-au adus deja în discuție pe Timothy McVeigh, insinuând că este posibil ca atentatele să fie îndreptate împotriva Partidului Democrat din Statele Unite ale Americii.
icon-bullhorn CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) victimizează lumea islamică (Vlad M.)
Reacția CAIR
icon-bullhorn Religia Păcii™: HAMAS, Jihadul Islamic și Hezbollah au sărbătorit în stradă după aflarea veștii că la Boston au avut loc două explozii (Vlad M.)
Jerusalem, Israel — April 15, 2013 … Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered over 12 people at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.
A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.
The head of an Islamic terror organization in Jordan – the Muslim Salafi group says he’s “happy to see the horror in America” after the bombing attacks in Boston.
“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaeda-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.
“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said today.
icon-bullhorn Detalii despre carnagiu: zeci de persoane mutilate, două bombe ne-explodate (Vlad M.)
Blood stained the pavement, and huge shards were missing from window panes as high as three stories. Victims suffered broken bones, shrapnel wounds and ruptured eardrums.
Roupen Bastajian, a state trooper from Smithfield, R.I., had just finished the race when he heard the explosions.
“I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor,” he said. “We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated. … At least 25 to 30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.”
At Massachusetts General Hospital, Alasdair Conn, chief of emergency services, said: “This is something I’ve never seen in my 25 years here … this amount of carnage in the civilian population. This is what we expect from war.”
As many as two unexploded bombs were found near the end of the 26.2-mile course as part of what appeared to be a well-coordinated attack, but they were safely disarmed, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity because of the continuing investigation.
icon-bullhorn Percheziții la un apartament din suburbia Revere din Boston (Vlad M.)
Police and federal agents searched an apartment building on Ocean Avenue in nearby Revere late Monday night in connection with the bombings.
CBS News Senior Correspondent John Miller reported Tuesday morning the apartment search was related to the man who is reportedly under guard at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Miller reported the man is a Saudi national who is in the United States on a student visa.
Several bags were removed from the scene around 2 a.m. Tuesday, but authorities would not comment on the search.
The Revere Fire department wrote on its Facebook page that this was a search for “a person of interest.”
icon-bullhorn Printre morți se află și un copil de 8 ani (Vlad M.)
În vârstă de 8 ani, Martin Richard era la linia de sosire și își astepta tatăl, participant la maraton, să încheie cursa.
Martin Richard, 8 ani. Dumnezeu să-l odihnească!
Media outlets have identified the young victim as Martin Richard from Dorchester, Massachusetts. His mother and sister were also reportedly seriously injured in the blasts.
Martin was apparently waiting at the finish line to give his father, who was participating in the race, a hug when the bombs went off. An article in the Boston Globe describes the horror that the Richard family has experienced — and continues to endure.
The boy allegedly walked toward the finish line to greet his father, but after his dad, William, kept walking, Martin rejoined his mother and little sister on the sidewalk. It was at that moment, the Globe reports, that the explosives detonated.
In addition to killing Martin, the bomb took his sister’s leg and injured his mother (some outlets are claiming that the mother, identified as Denise Richard, had surgery on Monday night to deal with a purported brain injury). NBC reports that a third child is allegedly uninjured.
William is cited in numerous articles as a community leader in Dorchester — and, on Monday night, people assembled at a local restaurant to remember Martin and to honor the family. Leaders and residents, alike, were stunned by the immeasurable loss.
icon-bullhorn Barack Hussein Obama a evitat să vorbească despre un „atac terorist” (Vlad M.)
„People shouldn’t jump to conclusions before we know all the facts.”
icon-bullhorn Au fost doar două dispozitive explozive. Detalii de la conferința de presă FBI (Vlad M.)
Update: Governor Deval Patrick started off the presser by emphasizing that only two explosive devices were planted yesterday. All other suspicious packages turned out not to be bombs.
Update: The FBI statement didn’t tell us much that’s new — just that they are fully engaged in the investigation. The agent in charge did say that there are no other known threats. The ATF statement confirmed Patrick’s announcement, and asked for people to send them any video and pictures that people may have of the event. Neither statement reveals much about leads. motives, or suspects.
Update: They’ve reduced the crime scene from 15 blocks to 12 blocks, and promise to “collapse” the crime scene as quickly as they can.
Update: The Boston PD will be significantly enhancing their presence in the city, but not because of any new threat data. It’s there to promote cooperation and to comfort the people of Boston, according to the spokesman.
Update: The Suffolk County DA called it “an act of cowardice,” and said that such an act cannot be explained or justified — “only answered.”
Update: “No one is in custody,” one investigator says. ”This will be a worldwide investigation,” pledges another.
Sources confirmed to FoxNews.com that the apartment being searched in connection to the bombings is on the fifth floor of the building.
A source close to the investigation confirms to FoxNews.com the man whose apartment was searched is considered a person of interest in the case, and is the same person of interest Fox News confirmed earlier authorities are guarding at a local hospital.
The source confirmed to FoxNews.com that the person of interest is Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, a 20-year-old Saudi. His Facebook page identifies him as a current or former student at the New England School of English. He is believed to have entered the country on a student visa.
icon-bullhorn Arestări în Pakistan și Afganistan? (Vlad M.)
WND susține că pe un forum al Jihadia Salafia (aripa din Gaza a Al-Qaida) se vorbește despre implicarea Al Qaeda și arestări făcute în Pakistan și Afganistan în legătură cu exploziile din Boston. Informațiile nu au fost confirmate până în acest moment, teroriștii islamiști având obiceiul de a se lăuda cu acțiunie pe care nu le-au întreprins.
TEL AVIV – An al-Qaida-allied group in the Gaza Strip claimed to WND that there have been arrests of jihadists in both Pakistan and Afghanistan as part of the probe into yesterday’s Boston Marathon explosions.
The arrests could not be immediately confirmed
Members of Gaza’s Jihadiya Salafia group further said that al-Qaida is being credited for the attack in its affiliated online forums.
The Gaza sources told WND the online al-Qaida forum messages claimed the bombings were an al-Qaida response to a U.S. military airstrike that killed a high-profile Taliban leader and four other Taliban members last week near Afghanistan’s eastern border with Pakistan.
Jihadia Salafia represents al-Qaida in Gaza.
It was not immediately clear whether the Internet claims should be taken seriously or simply represented jihadists utilizing the explosions.
icon-bullhorn Colegul de cameră despre suspect: „liniștit și curat” (Vlad M.)
Câteva întrebări la care a răspuns.
icon-bullhorn Sauditul este considerat martor (Vlad M.)
Earlier today, the roommate of the Saudi national who is connected to the Boston bombing investigation spoke out to media. Not long after reports circulated that the roommate described the unnamed individual at the center of media coverage as a “good” guy who is “quiet and clean,” authorities confirmed that he is not, in fact, a suspect in the crime.
This revelation seems to corroborate past law enforcement statements that no suspect is being held in police custody.
According to the Washington Post, the Saudi man in question is in the U.S. studying on scholarship and that the man is in his 20s. U.S. authorities say that he is a witness in the case and not a suspect. The unnamed individual studies at a Boston-area college and is currently recovering from his injuries.
icon-bullhorn A doua victimă: Krystle Campbell (Vlad M.)
29 de ani. Dumnezeu să o ierte!
Her father says Krystle Campbell, of Medford, Mass., had gone with her best friend Karen Rand to take a picture of Rand’s boyfriend crossing the finish line on Monday afternoon.
“My daughter was the most lovable girl,” William Campbell told Yahoo! News. “She helped everybody, and I’m just so shocked right now. We’re just devastated.”
In a tragic turn of events, the parents were reportedly originally under the impression that their daughter had survived the blast. But when they got to the hospital, she was nowhere to be found.
icon-bullhorn Essam El-Erian, vicepreședintele Partidului Libertate și Dreptate al Frăției Musulmane: „Cine a pregătit islamofobia?” (Vlad M.)
The criminal acts in Boston, which killed three and wounded 244, comes in the context of reproducing an old case that will not return and not produce negative effects on Islam and Muslims. Our sympathy with the families of the victims, and the American people do not stop us from reading into the grave incident.
This series of events began with the sending of French battalions to Mali in a war against organisations that are said to belong to Al-Qaeda.
Bombings intensified in Syria in a suspicious manner that deviated from the path of the great Syrian revolution, and smear campaigns began.
Violent explosions returned, rearing their ugly heads again in Iraq, targeting peaceful movements aiming for needed reform.
After a reasonable calm in Somalia, the capital Mogadishu shook again, leading to lowered confidence in the new president and government.
The historic agreement, which ended the fiercest regional conflict, between Erdogan and the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is faltering.
A question that forces itself: Who disturbed democratic transformations, despite the difficult transition from despotism, corruption, poverty, hatred, and intolerance to freedom, justice tolerance, development, human dignity, and social justice?
Who planted Islamophobia through research, the press, and the media?
Who funded the violence?
The march of the Arab peoples will continue, and the will of right, justice, and dignity will triumph, and Syria will triumph to democratic transition movements with the permission of the victorious One God Almighty, who cannot be rendered incapable.
icon-bullhorn Sauditul a fost scos de pe lista suspecților; sunt căutați alti doi suspecți (Vlad M.)
Despite some false reports yesterday, apparently no arrests have been made. The Saudi student mentioned in a post recently is reportedly being deported on national security grounds. Meanwhile the authorities are looking for these two men in connection with the bombings.
Noii suspecți.
Investigators probing the deadly Boston Marathon bombings are circulating photos of two men spotted chatting near the packed finish line, The Post has learned.
In the photos being distributed by law-enforcement officials among themselves, one of the men is carrying a blue duffel bag. The other is wearing a black backpack in the first photo, taken at 10:53 a.m., but it is not visible in the second, taken at 12:30 p.m.
“The attached photos are being circulated in an attempt to identify the individuals highlighted therein,” said an e-mail obtained by The Post. “Feel free to pass this around to any of your fellow agents elsewhere.”
Meanwhile, officials have identified two potential suspects who were captured on surveillance videos taken shortly before the deadly blasts, law-enforcement sources told The Post yesterday.
Authorities know the names of the two men, but do not have enough evidence to make an arrest for Monday’s attack, which killed three and wounded 176, the sources said.
It was not immediately clear if the men in the law-enforcement photos are the same men in the surveillance videos.
Felicitari pentru operativitate Emil! Acum citesc ca Obama a ordonat “sa fie luate toate masurile necesare pentru a ancheta cauzele, si a face fata consecintelor exploziilor”. Comandantul suprem a luat fraiele-n mana si “este in contact direct cu autoritatile locale”.
It took Esquire Magazine just a matter of minutes to blame “Patriots Day” supporters for the bomb blasts today in Boston that killed twelve people and injured several others.
Wolf Blitzer took to the airwaves at 5pm Eastern time, about two hours after the twin bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Wolf brought on CNN contributor Tom Fuentes, who didn’t want to ‘speculate’ as to whether this was terrorism, but that if it was, certainly there are a lot of domestic terrorist groups like white supremacists and/or the Aryan Brotherhood.
Not helpful.
12 minutes later, former California Congresswoman Jane Harman said, while video streamed of the two different blasts, seconds apart, a block apart, we don’t know as of yet whether this was terrorism.
Also not helpful.
CNN, purportedly being a news agency, is supposed to be able to report the news. There is conclusive and persuasive evidence showing that this was a terrorist attack. Two explosions that closely timed at a public event isn’t a boo-boo. It wasn’t an accident. Some al-Qaeda type isn’t going to issue a communique later and say, “My bad, didn’t mean for that to go off there, we’re sorry.” It was a terrorist attack, and CNN is going out of its way to make sure they don’t jump to that conclusion.
But, if it were a terrorist attack, apparently CNN’s threshold for speculation is a lot lower, where they can immediately point fingers that it could be those crazy right wing white extremists.
It’s too bad the network’s systemic ideological disease is getting in the way of reporting the human drama unfolding before them in a responsible way.
Am vazut articolul la Florina, dar nu mi-a placut. Poti sa ii lauzi pe altii si fara sa maturi pe jos cu ai tai.
Şi, acum, spuneţi-mi, vă rog, cîţi v-aţi deschide casele pentru nişte străini? Cîţi i-aţi lăsa să intre? Cîţi chiar aţi ieşi să daţi o mînă de ajutor? Cîţi, măcar, aţi ieşi să donaţi 400 ml. de sînge, cînd nici măcar pentru o zi liberă, abonament RATB şi tichete de masă nu vă îngrămădiţi? Cîţi v-aţi mobiliza?
Cîţi n-aţi ieşi decît să căscaţi gura, să faceţi poze cu mobilul de dat pe Facebook, apoi v-aţi căra acasă, făcîndu-vă cruci că n-aţi avut ghinionul lor?
V-aţi răspuns? Mai gîndiţi-vă o dată. Apoi, de două ori. Ce-aţi face? Sincer, ce-aţi face? Aşa-i că n-aţi face nimic?
Witnesses of Monday’s Boston Marathon carnage reported seeing many serious leg injuries, including legs being blown off.
“These runners just finished and they don’t have legs now,” Rhode Island state trooper Roupen Bastajian told the New York Times. The former Marine said he personally tied half a dozen tourniquets on victims. “So many of them. There are so many people without legs. It’s all blood. There’s blood everywhere. You got bones, fragments,” he added.
That fate tragically struck one family twice on Monday. Liz Norden, a mother of five, says that two of her sons lost a leg in one of the blasts. She describes the unfolding of Monday’s event to the Boston Globe, which began with a call on her cellphone:
“Ma, I’m hurt real bad,” said her 31-year-old son. He was in an ambulance, he told her, being rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
It was her second boy, who had gone with his older brother to watch a friend run in the Boston Marathon.
On the phone, her son said his legs were badly burned in an explosion. His brother had been next to him, but he didn’t know where he was.
Within the next two hours, amid frantic phone calls and a panicked drive into Boston, Norden pieced together the horrific truth that will forever change her two sons’ lives — and her own. Each of the brothers lost a leg, from the knee down. One was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess, while the other was at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. ‘I’d never imagined in my wildest dreams this would ever happen.’
Reporter Patricia Wen took note that the mother, sitting in the waiting area of one of the hospitals, was wearing mismatched socks, an indication of the rush in which she left the house.
She said, “I feel sick…I think I could pass out.”
The girlfriend of one of the brothers was also injured, suffering serious burns, according to the paper.
Saudi Arabian nationals will experience better chances of traveling to America and getting their American visa. This is as a result of US President Barack Obama having lifted most of the restrictions of Saudis entering the country.
FBI s-a scapat dimineata asta ca e un “worldwide investigation” deci nu poate fi terorism “domestic”.
Daca e ceva global nu poate fi decit Religia Pacii. Nu exista organizatii globale de fundamentalisti crestini/extrema dreapta/etc.
Sa vedem ce mai aflam, Dane. Am actualizat articolul pe tot parcursul acestei zile, voi continua sa o fac. Chiar adineaori am introdus un update despre posibile arestari in Pakistan si Afganistan.
Bombele care au explodat in Boston au fost facute din explozibili si bile de rulmenti inchise in oale de presiune. Metoda foarte comuna folosita de teroristiii de dreapta ai organizatiilor Tea Party…pardon, de Al Quaeda in Afghanistan.
Emil, TP, Dan> Poate puteti sa-mi explicati si mie reactia astuia care este colegul de camera al suspectului. La sfarsitul clipului de mai sus, ce zice? „Let me go to school, dude”? Este amuzat sau ce? Colegul lui de camera este suspect si a mai si fost ranit in explozie. Ce este atat de amuzant?
Inca ceva, Emil, cred ca ar trebui sa schimbam clipul de pe Boston Globe, porneste de fiecare data cand se incarca aceasta pagina.
religionarii pacii au sarbatorit cu dulciuri pe strazi atentatul din Boston, cel din 911 si toate atentatele teroriste din Israel. Cu astia insista organizatiile pentru apararea drepturilor omului… asta.. criminalilor, sa se negocieze. Se mai mira cineva de alianta dintre stingisti si teroristii islamisti. au acelasi inamic, civilizatia.
@Vlad #16: Nu-i nimic important, reporterul il intreaba “ce poti sa ne spui despre [n-am inteles]?” si omul ii raspunde ‘amuzat’ mai mult din politete, probabil prea multe intrebari.
Cam totul pina acum arata ca la origine sint (vorba lui R. Spencer) “misunderstanders of the Religion of Peace”.
Dupa 24 de ore s-a hotarit si OZero sa numeasca atentatul “terorist”.
Exploziile de luni, la de la maratonul din Boston, au fost puse la cale de un individ sau un grup de americani care urasc Guvernul, este de parere John Hulsman, analist international de politica externa, presedintele companiei de consultanta John C Hulsman Enterprises.
Cum comentati exploziile de la maratonul din Boston?
Pe baza experientei mele din contraterorism, pe vremea cand eram in Washington, as putea afirma cu tarie ca nu a fost vorba despre un atac terorist al unei organizatii internationale. Cheia este data la care a fost organizat atacul, 15 aprilie, adica Tax Day, ziua in care americanul de rand isi depune declaratia de venit in urma careia isi plateste impozitele.
Daca as fi anchetator, as incepe sa caut pe cineva care are un cui impotriva taxelor si impotriva Guvernului, un membru al gruparilor care cred ca guvernul american nu are nici un drept sa adune taxe si impozite, ceea ce ne duce automat in zona unui atac de genul facut de Timothy McVeigh, in 2001.
Asta inseamna ca America devine o tara din ce in ce mai violenta?
Intotdeauna America s-a confruntat cu violenta din motive politice, nu asa cum se intampla in Marea Britanie (vedeti asta –> UK is violent crime capital of Europe), care a avut un singur premier asasinat in 1.000 de ani. Noi am avut presedinti asasinati si o gramada de tentative de asasinat asupra liderilor nostri.
In comparatie cu Europa, in mod sigur America este un taram mai violent. Cred ca Statele Unite devin, in plus, mai polarizate, din punct de vedere politic.
Dar ati votat pentru Obama….
Da, am votat pentru Obama, deci nu sunt polarizat, sunt un moderat pe cale de disparitie. Revin spunand ca am stat de vorba cu prietenii mei din politica SUA si cu totii am ajuns la o concluzie ce nu avantajeaza deloc poporul american.
John Hulsman este presedintele companiei de consultanta John C Hulsman Enterprises, analist de politica externa, scrie pentru Institutul Aspen din Italia, pentru Centrul pentru Studii Strategice din Haga si este membru pe viata al Consiliului pentru Relatii Externe din SUA.
Nascut in Statele Unite, Hulsman locuieste in Germania, de unde conduce John C. Hulsman Enterprises, o firma de consultanta pentru relatii internationale care colaboreaza inclusiv cu banci din Germania, Departamentul Apararii din SUA, Ministerul de Externe din Olanda, Ministerul Apararii din Marea Britanie.
John Hulsman a fost analist la Heritage Foundation si profesor de politica externa la Universitatea St. Andrews din Scotia. A scris 260 de articole pentru publicatii din intreaga lume, a tinut peste 400 de discursuri pe teme de politica externa americana la conferinte organizate de importante universitati europene.
Delicios! “am votat pentru Obama, deci nu sunt polarizat, sunt un moderat”. Analist politic şi de fapt e un berbec ????
Alt berbec “security analyst” de la CNN a zis că trebuie sa fie opera unor extremişti de dreapta:
Cam totul pînă acum (chiar şi tăcerea oficialilor) sugerează că e Religia Păcii. Dacă ar fi fost nişte extremişti de dreapta (tip Breivik) toţi oficialii s-ar fi grăbit cu declaraţii pe toate canalele. Fiind vorba de nişte extremişti islamici însă, nici-un oficial nu mai piuie nimic.
Mai degrabă îşi taie o mînă decît să inducă în mintea boborului american ei cu gura lor eretica idee că Obama de fapt nu poate să vindece toate bolile şi să opreasca “încălzirea” globală, nu poate să termine terorismul mondial şi să aducă pacea universală.
[…] care îi exemplificăm pe Mohamed Merah (Franța), Michael Zehaf – Bibeau (Canada), fraţii Țarnaev (SUA) şi cuplul „măcelarilor” londonezi Michael Adebolajo și Michael […]
Bogdan Calehari
15 April 2013Felicitari pentru operativitate Emil! Acum citesc ca Obama a ordonat “sa fie luate toate masurile necesare pentru a ancheta cauzele, si a face fata consecintelor exploziilor”. Comandantul suprem a luat fraiele-n mana si “este in contact direct cu autoritatile locale”.
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013citeva minute mai tirziu, media deja da vina pe repuplicani, exact la fel ca in 2011 la Fort Hood.
Esquire Mag Blames “Patriots Day” Supporters for the Boston Bomb Blasts
Bogdan Calehari
15 April 2013Vad ca Le Monde anunta ca o alta bomba a explodat la Biblioteca J.F. Kennedy. Bineinteles ca republicanii sunt de vina, dar aia sauditi.
Vlad P.
15 April 2013Vlad M.
15 April 2013The Embarrassment That Is CNN Situation Room’s Coverage Of Boston
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013http://subiectiv.ro/subiectiv/explozie-maraton-boston/
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Am vazut articolul la Florina, dar nu mi-a placut. Poti sa ii lauzi pe altii si fara sa maturi pe jos cu ai tai.
De prost gust.
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Povestea a doi frati care au ramas invalizi
Vlad M.
15 April 2013De Ace of Spades HQ, referitor la ce insinuau CNN si celelalte grupuri media.
Transsylvania Phoenix
15 April 2013Ann Barnhardt:
Acesta este un fapt, nu o speculatie.
15 April 2013FBI s-a scapat dimineata asta ca e un “worldwide investigation” deci nu poate fi terorism “domestic”.
Daca e ceva global nu poate fi decit Religia Pacii. Nu exista organizatii globale de fundamentalisti crestini/extrema dreapta/etc.
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Sa vedem ce mai aflam, Dane. Am actualizat articolul pe tot parcursul acestei zile, voi continua sa o fac. Chiar adineaori am introdus un update despre posibile arestari in Pakistan si Afganistan.
Transsylvania Phoenix
15 April 2013Bombele care au explodat in Boston au fost facute din explozibili si bile de rulmenti inchise in oale de presiune. Metoda foarte comuna folosita de teroristiii de dreapta ai organizatiilor Tea Party…pardon, de Al Quaeda in Afghanistan.
emil borcean
15 April 2013Daca e intr-adevar vorba de acest tip de bomba, iata un articol cu detalii:
Pressure Cooker with TATP?
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Emil, TP, Dan> Poate puteti sa-mi explicati si mie reactia astuia care este colegul de camera al suspectului. La sfarsitul clipului de mai sus, ce zice? „Let me go to school, dude”? Este amuzat sau ce? Colegul lui de camera este suspect si a mai si fost ranit in explozie. Ce este atat de amuzant?
Inca ceva, Emil, cred ca ar trebui sa schimbam clipul de pe Boston Globe, porneste de fiecare data cand se incarca aceasta pagina.
Later Edit: L-am schimbat.
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013religionarii pacii au sarbatorit cu dulciuri pe strazi atentatul din Boston, cel din 911 si toate atentatele teroriste din Israel. Cu astia insista organizatiile pentru apararea drepturilor omului… asta.. criminalilor, sa se negocieze. Se mai mira cineva de alianta dintre stingisti si teroristii islamisti. au acelasi inamic, civilizatia.
15 April 2013@Vlad #16: Nu-i nimic important, reporterul il intreaba “ce poti sa ne spui despre [n-am inteles]?” si omul ii raspunde ‘amuzat’ mai mult din politete, probabil prea multe intrebari.
Cam totul pina acum arata ca la origine sint (vorba lui R. Spencer) “misunderstanders of the Religion of Peace”.
Dupa 24 de ore s-a hotarit si OZero sa numeasca atentatul “terorist”.
15 April 2013http://imgur.com/a/sUrnA#6uthUCw
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013pentru cine nu a vazut
Exploziile din Boston au fost puse la cale de americani care urasc taxele Interviu
Merita un raspuns analistu’ nostru
Costin Andrieş
15 April 2013sa iesim un pic din delir — ODDS ARE Boston Bomber Is Either Islamic Extremist or Left-Wing Terrorist
15 April 2013Delicios! “am votat pentru Obama, deci nu sunt polarizat, sunt un moderat”. Analist politic şi de fapt e un berbec ????
Alt berbec “security analyst” de la CNN a zis că trebuie sa fie opera unor extremişti de dreapta:
Cam totul pînă acum (chiar şi tăcerea oficialilor) sugerează că e Religia Păcii. Dacă ar fi fost nişte extremişti de dreapta (tip Breivik) toţi oficialii s-ar fi grăbit cu declaraţii pe toate canalele. Fiind vorba de nişte extremişti islamici însă, nici-un oficial nu mai piuie nimic.
Mai degrabă îşi taie o mînă decît să inducă în mintea boborului american ei cu gura lor eretica idee că Obama de fapt nu poate să vindece toate bolile şi să opreasca “încălzirea” globală, nu poate să termine terorismul mondial şi să aducă pacea universală.
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Domnilor, am mai pus un update la articol: mutrele noilor suspecti. Sunt baietii care apar si in colectia de imagini data mai sus de Roby.
Vlad M.
15 April 2013Nu sunt ei. ???? Link mai sus.
15 April 2013[…] care îi exemplificăm pe Mohamed Merah (Franța), Michael Zehaf – Bibeau (Canada), fraţii Țarnaev (SUA) şi cuplul „măcelarilor” londonezi Michael Adebolajo și Michael […]