Via Gates of Vienna. Viitorul verde al Marii Britanii devine tot mai evident, pe zi ce trece.
Dar nu cumva sa îndrăzniţi a-i judeca pe „noii britanici”. Ar fi o dovada de intoleranţă, chiar de rasism, iar pe intoleranţi şi rasişti îi băgăm în închisoare. Cel puţin pe cei albi. Ceilalţi nu pot fi intoleranţi sau rasişti pentru că sunt victime. Ale istoriei, ale creştinismului, ale capitalismului, ale colonialismului, ale albilor, ale lui Bush si ale lui Blair. Ale noastre. Thou shalt not.

14 May 2008Da Imperialistu’! ti se ridica parul in cap. Vazusem si eu clipul asta de pe
Asta e situl tipului din Luton, UK care ani de zile a ajutat si a informat poiltia despre musulmanii din Luton care faceau trafic cu droguri, crime si tot felu de infractiuni grave, iar acuma vreo 3 luni a fost cautat de politia britanica pentru a fi arestat. Norocul lui era ca la vremea repsectiva era deja in SUA.
14 May 2008In timp politia este coplesita de musulmani si nu indrazneste sa se impuna cid acestia se comporta ca in clipul de mai sus, oameni normali, complet nevinovati sint hartuiti si arestati pentru ca arunca cotoare de mar pe jos, pt ca mamelor le cad resturi de mincare din miini cind hranesc copii sau pentru ca au tomberonul de gunoi prea plin de “environmental crime officers”
A man with a heart condition was arrested, shackled, put in a DNA database, locked up for 18 hours and taken to court after police claim he dropped an apple core in the latest shocking example of enviro-tyranny being metered out by a cadre of brownshirt “community support officers” that now patrol British cities harassing citizens.
Magistrates convicted the 26-year-old bus driver after hearing evidence that the lid was four inches ajar, which is against rules to stop bins overflowing.
14 May 2008si ca sa mai adaug citeca detalii de context, un comentariu facut de Dymphna de la Bates of Venna unde Imperialistu a gasit clipul ????
Reverse Psychology—
Thanks for the thorough fill-in re: the context of the video. Even though it’s from several years ago, it’s still pertinent,
Lionheart, who was born in Luton and lived there all his life, was chased out by the Pakistanis…oops, I mean „Asians” who had taken over his neighborhood and when he complained they trashed his flat and his business and threatened to kill him. He ended up sleeping in his car.
When he complained about them on his blog, the Pakistani drug lords made a formal complaint about his „racist” writing.
Ironically, when he returned to the UK to face the Racism Police, a benefactor gave him temporary refuge in Tower Hamlets. He found it better there than his old neighborhood.
Listening to the taped conversation between him and the police, I wasn’t real impressed with their part of it. They thought he was in Scotland (??) and seemed very bored by the whole thing. Just kept telling him to come in and that they’d talk to his lawyer, not him.
BTW, people who are helping him in this think he’s going to win against the charges. I hope so, because the alternative is time in gaol with some Asians who wish him bodily harm.
On other thing:
the new „community police” that the government were so enthusiastic about several months ago…
…are these the people who now go ‘round arresting young and old indigenous Brits for littering? Remember the old man who was held in jail overnight and had his DNA taken for supposedly tossing an apple core? And the young woman whose child dropped a piece of sausage bun (which the pigeons promptly ate)? They imposed some ridiculous punitive fine on her for this purported „crime”…
It all seems so perversely designed to make the indigenes rise up even sooner than Paul Weston predicts…
Even George Orwell couldn’t make up this ummm…fecal matter.
14 May 2008Da, am auzit de Lionheart asta si imi aduc aminte de toata gargara facuta de alde LGF, Johnson si gasca sa de latrai, daca este sau nu un suporter al BNP. Chestii de genul asta, de parca daca esti un suporter al BNP/ Noua Dreapta in cazul nostru, oricat de tampit ai fi, trebuie sa fi luat pe sus pentru ca ai niste opinii care nu sunt pe placul anumitor cetateni.
E clar ca atunci cand te uiti la imagini, nu poti sa nu ai un sentiment de mila fata de politisti. In acelasi timp, nu poti sa te prefaci ca nu pricepi unde duc toate astea, ce semnal transmit ele. Si totul e infiorator. Bine ati venit in Londonistan.
Dar apoi iti dai seama de altceva: infiorator pe cat este, nu valoreaza doi bani pentru ca politicienii britanici nu sunt interesati sa isi faca treaba. Nu numai politcienii britanici se fac ca ploua, dar in aceasta situatie, ei sunt vinovati. Oamenii astia nu au ce sa caute in Marea Britanie si in nu ar trebui sa beneficieze de un tratament preferential. Cum sa mai fi respectat ca stat atunci cand tot ceea ce faci este sa le canti in struna acestor barbari?
Am vazut pe YouTube mesaje ale primul ministru Gordon Brown date pe posturi cu ocazia diverselor sarbatori musulmane sau hinduse. Am innebunit cu totii? De ce trebuie sa o luam razna in halul asta? De ce trebuie sa cada toti in genunchi in fata a doar cateva milioane de oameni? E primul ministru al Marii Britanii, sa aiba o urma de decenta. Astfel de atitudini erau de neconceput acum 50 de ani. Ai venit in Marea Britanie, foarte bine, fara tratamente preferentiale, fara aiureli. Lumea nu a evoluat defel, s-a tampit in fel si chip.
Si nici cu conservatorii nu mi-e rusine. James Cameron a scris prostia asta: What i learnt from my stay with a Muslim family. Absolut jalnic si fara speranta.
14 May 2008ceva vesti bune totusi din UK:
Producatorii documentarului Undercover Mosque au cistigat un proces cu politia pentru acuzatiile de distrosionare si de … ghici ce… Hate Speech (TM)
14 May 2008Mihail Neamtu, Integrism musulman si lesin britanic in Cotidianul, 11 august 2008