Marea Britanie, azi

Demenţa sinucigaşă progresistă transformă Marea Britanie în ceva ce o va face de nerecunoscut. „Progresul” a transformat deja părţi din Europa în teritorii barbare în care legea este pumnul. Progresul spre primitivism este firesc într-o lume cu susul în jos.

Bine aţi venit în Minunata Lume Nouă

Orice opoziţie va fi urgent sancţionată drept islamofobie şi extremism.

  • UK numeşte terorismul islamic activitate anti-islamică link
  • UK se sinucide ca să salveze planeta link
  • UK nu încarcerează musulmani care chiamă la lovitură de stat pentru a nu-i radicaliza link
  • UK trimite talibani în afganistan pentru a lupa împotriva soldaţilor britanici link
  • UK interzice accesul unui parlamentar oldandez pe teritoriul ei după ce un lord musulman a ameninţat cu asediul Casei Lorzilor de către 10.000 de musulmani link
  • UK: poliţia fuge de islamişti pentru a evita violenţele link
  • UK: există şcoli care au renunţat la predarea Holocaustului pentru a nu ofensa micii admiratori ai lui Hitler link
  • UK îşi rescrie istoria: creştinismul şi istoria britanică eliminate din dicţionar link
  • UK: Jurnalişti deconspiră imami extremişti. Jurnaliştii sînt cercetaţi penal link
  • UK: Capul bisericii creştine susţine legea islamică link
  • UK eliberează zeci de terorişti periculoşi din închisoare… pentru a evita violenţele, evident link
  • UK: Partidul Laburist infiltrat de extremişti musulmani link
  • Telegraph, UK: “Cultura noastră bazată pe drepturile omului a devenit acum o tiranie” link
  • Newspeak în ţara lui Orwell. Miniştrilor britanici li s-a interzis folosirea unor cuvinte ca extremist şi islamist link
  • Regatul Unit al Marii Supravegheri link
  • via Vlad Ţepeş

    P.S. În imaginile de mai sus puteţi vedea la un moment dat grupuri de bărbaţi care se lovesc cu palmele pe piept. Musulmanii şiiţi organizează în fiecare an un foarte mare festival în care este comemorat şi jelit martiriul lui al-Hussein, strănepotul Profetului Mahomed, ce a murit în Bătălia de la Karbala în anul 680 AD. Mulţi musulmani de Ashoura merg în pelerinaj la mausoleumul imamului al-Hussein, mormîntul lui din Karbala. În Irak şi alte în zone şiite acest „festival” are o estetică mai sîngeroasă:

    Religia Păcii

    Dar progresul în Marea Britanie va continua şi probabil va apărea şi ziua în care vom vedea astfel de imagini din centrul Londrei. La modul în care lucrurile merg în Marea Britanie nu am motive să cred că nu va fi aşa.

    ignoraţi-l pe TheFatAussieBarstard dacă nu vă plac motocicliştii

    Puteți sprijini activitatea noastră cu o donație unică sau una recurentă prin Patreon.

    Costin Andrieş

    Costin Andrieş

    Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


    1. Despina
      19 April 2010


    2. Imperialistu'
      19 April 2010

      Crestini fundamentalisto-creationisti care se arunca in aer in Pakistan, nu? ???? Parca astia sunt marea amenintare la pacea mondiala, nu hoardele adoratorilor lui Mahomed.

    3. costin
      19 April 2010

      Three men have been arrested after a pig’s head was thrown into the car park of a mosque in West Sussex.

      Police were alerted by people attending Langley Green mosque, in Crawley, on Saturday after a white car drove by.
      A 21-year-old man from Horley was arrested nearby on suspicion of a racially or religiously-aggravated public order offence, police said.
      On Sunday two other men, aged 20 and 25, both from Crawley, were also held. All three have been bailed until May.
      „This was immediately declared a racist incident and is being investigated as such.

      We have urged the community not to react
      Farakh Jamal, secretary of Crawley Islamic Culture Centre
      „Crawley is a diverse and generally peaceful community and any incident aimed or likely to cause unrest will be robustly dealt with, as our rapid response to this incident has shown.”
      Farakh Jamal, secretary of the Crawley Islamic Culture Centre, said: „This unprovoked incident was intended to cause hate and incitement towards racial or religious hatred.
      „We have urged the community not to react and are grateful for their resilience in dealing with this situation.
      „We are also grateful to the authorities that as soon as the incident was reported, swift action was taken and within 24 hours three suspects were apprehended.
      …”Interfaith dialogue is of utmost importance for healthy community cohesion our society needs. Keeping this at the forefront, we would not wish any faith or group to be recipients of such intolerance.”

      politia intervice imediat, panica sa raspindeste, „comunitatea” trebuie sa fie rugata sa nu reactioneze. un cap de porc a fost aruncat intr/un parc in fata unei moschei. Iadul ar putea izbucni, noroc ca politia a fost pe faza si a arestat macelarii. de dragul dialogului interreligios, arestati islamofobii! comunitatea s-ar putea supara si sa va incepe din nou sa alerge politia pe strazai.

      OK, acum sa purcedem la arestarea artistului care a scufundat un crucifix in urina, doar asa, de amorul artei. aaa, dar nu este nevoie pt ca nu vor iesii crestinii in strada strigind moarte artistului. ce ne-am fi facut daca si crestinii se purtau asa, ar fi aratat si europa ca orientul mijlociu si africa de citeva sute de ani.

    4. Corneliu
      19 April 2010

      As dori sa aduc aici un discurs al Lt. Colonel Allen West, care spune tot ce e de spus.
      Vizionati-l, cititi-l, conspectati-l si trageti concluziile.
      Este „nec plus ultra”.….._embedded#!

    5. vlad
      19 April 2010

      „Depravarea femeilor atrage cutremurele” declara un fundamentalist iranian

      Un prestigios cleric iranian sustine ca depravarea morala a femeilor si promiscuitatea crescuta din randul acestora, declanseaza cutremure devastatoare. Cu aceasta ocazie, Hohjatoleslam-ul a tinut sa atraga atentia intregii omeniri cu privire la adoptarea unor reguli decente de viata, pentru a indeparta astfel pedepsele divine care lovesc sub forma dezastrelor naturale de genul cutremurelor, vulcanilor, taifunurilor, secetei si inundatiilor de proportii.

      Iranul este una dintre tarile cele mai afectate de cutremure din intreaga lume, iar explicatiile clericului privind dinamica tectonicii din zona, urmeaza o predictie a Presedintelui Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, care avertiza ca un cutremur poate lovi oricand capitala Teheran, cei aproximativ 12 milioane de locuitori ai acesteia urmand sa fie relocati in prealabil.

      „Multe femei nu se imbraca cuviincios, duc tinerii barbati in ispite, le corup castitatea si imprastie adulterul in societate, ceea ce duce, incetul cu incetul, la cutremure. Prin urmare, cum altfel putem evita sa fim prinsi cu totii sub daramaturi? Nu exista alta solutie decat refugiul in religie si adaptarea vietii de zi cu zi la perceptele codurilor morale islamice. O autoritate divina mi-a spus ca trebuie sa avertizez oamenii pentru ca acestia sa se intorca spre credinta. Confruntarile de strada care au zguduit scena politica iraniana, nu mai tarziu de anul trecut, nu au fost altceva decat o reactie la actiunile gresite ale oamenilor. Daca in prezent un cutremur de pamant va lovi Teheranul, nimeni nu va putea indeparta aceasta calamitate decat Dumnezeu insusi, deci, sa nu-l dezamagim pe Dumnezeu”, declara Hojatoleslam-ul Kazem Sedighi in cadrul rugaciunii de vineri 16 aprilie, anul curent.

      Femeile din Republica Islamica Iran sunt obligate de lege sa iasa in public acoperite din cap pana in varful picioarelor, dar multe, in special adolescentele, ignora voit codurile stricte si poarta haine mulate si esarfe care le lasa parul la vedere. Pe de alta parte, seismologi de prestigiu international au avertizat, inca de acum 20 ani, ca exista riscul producerii unui cutremur care va distruge majoritatea cladirilor din Teheran. Unii experti au insistat chiar ca Iranul sa-si mute capitala intr-o zona mai putin afectata de activitatea seismica. Teheranul este asezat pe o falie seismica in lungime de 80 km, dar nu a suferit totusi cutremure majore din anul 1830 pana in prezent.

      „Nu putem inventa un sistem care previne cutremurele, dar Dumnezeu a creat aceasta modalitate prin care se pot evita pacatele, oamenii vor ajunge sa se roage si sa caute iertarea, altfel vor plati si vor fi sacrificati”, anunta intr-un comunicat oficial Sadeq Mahsooli, Ministrul Bunastarii si Securitatii Sociale .

      Sursa: NewsYahoo

    6. israelianca
      19 April 2010

      Degeaba, pot sa faca tot ce vor, se stie ca si cutremurele sunt parte integrala din conspiratia iudeo-sionista. Si la acest proiect de maxima urgenta se lucreaza non-stop, ca la furnal.

    7. costin
      19 April 2010

      Esti un delicvent violent? Atunci cumpara-ti bilet si mars in Anglia, vei primi celule mobilate frumos, liniste si pace, oameni binevoitori dispusi sa vada ce ai pe suflet:

      Prison officers told to put violent inmates in comfy rooms to dissipate anger

      New separation units are being created with soft furnishings replacing the traditional punishment cells and their cardboard furniture.

      Guards will also be expected to defuse the prisoners’ anger by sitting down and talking to them.

      The doors will only be locked in extreme circumstances such as if the inmate gets out of control.

      The instruction to prison chiefs was given by the Ministry of Justice, which said the “calm down rooms” should be used as an alternative to segregation when trying to “manage aggressive/angry prisoners”.

      It said the rooms will be furnished in a “less institutional manner” and have “an open door policy”.

      It added: “A member of staff will be available at all times to observe and support the prisoner/young person.”

      It is understood the rooms will be introduced in most adult jails.

      One warden said: “Not only do calm down rooms expose us to greater danger, they won’t teach offenders a thing.”

      A spokesman for the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “This is an utter waste of taxpayers’ money.

      “The idea that violent prisoners are being rewarded with luxurious surroundings for causing trouble in jail goes against the notion that they are being punished. It’s an incentive for them to commit more violence.”

      A spokeswoman for the Prison Service said: “Calm down rooms are used under strict conditions in young offender institutions as an alternative to children being separated from the general population.”

    8. Corneliu
      19 April 2010

      Bine ati venit in minunata lume noua, de data asta la Paris.
      A, nu, aceasta minunata lume noua nu mai e noua, e de mult cotidiana si acolo.
      Uitasem. Precum a fost uitata de mult minunata lume veche.

    9. costin
      19 April 2010

      The full Islamization of the UK has proceeded much faster than I expected.

      It looked like we had a decade or so before British resistance collapsed under Muslim pressure and the UK submitted to sharia. But it seems that even the OIC’s Ten-Year Plan of 2005 was too pessimistic, and events are ahead of schedule. The government of the United Kingdom has now chosen sides — and declared for Islam.

      The British news services were all abuzz today with news about “conservative” Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech in Turkey. Mr. Cameron’s expressions of infatuation with his Turkish hosts went beyond devotion to a new level of slavish debasement:

      Many thanks to our Flemish correspondent VH for the translation from Elsevier:

      British Prime Minister in Turkey takes out hard against Israel

      by Jeroen Langelaar

      The British Prime Minister David Cameron during his visit to Ankara, the capital of Turkey, lashed out hard at Israel. For example, he compared the situation in the Gaza Strip with that of a “prison camp”. Cameron’s speech, however, was full of praise for Turkey and the Turkish-British relations.

      He promised to commit himself “passionately” to Turkey’s accession to the EU. Accession is according to the Conservative leader “vital to our economy, vital to our security and vital to our diplomacy.”

      Cameron also took the opportunity to bash Israel. The British government leader called the actions of the Israeli Navy against a boat with Gaza activists in late May — in which nine people were killed — “unacceptable” and demanded a further exhaustive investigation into the incident.

      He also compared the situation in the Gaza Strip with that of a “prison camp”. “Let me be clear that the situation in Gaza must change,” Cameron said. “Humanitarian goods and people must in both directions be able to cross the border. Gaza can not and should not be a prison camp.” He did not mention Hamas.

      Cameron called, however, for both Turkey and Israel not to let the friendship between the two states be watered down, which recently had been marred.

      Ron Prosor, the Israeli ambassador to Britain, finds the statements of Cameron inappropriate. “People in Gaza are prisoners of the terrorist organization Hamas,” said Prosor. “The situation there is a direct result of Hamas’ rules and priorities.”

      [Note: no mention by Cameron of Gilad Shalit, who as of today has been a hostage of Hamas for 1493 days. — VH]

      UK: Seven Arrested Over Bournemouth Far-Right Mosque ‘Bomb Plot’.. si eliberati fara a fi acuzati de nimic. Nici o moscheie nu e si nu a fost in pericol:

      The EDL were set up, terrorized, and thoroughly intimidated.

      Then they were let off with a warning: “Better be careful, mate. You were lucky this time. You never know — next time we might find some kiddie porn on your computer, or a bit of semtex in your kitchen cupboard. So watch it.”

      All this while their esteemed prime minister, the Hon. David Cameron, was chumming it up with the Turks and telling them that he would do everything in his power to fight discrimination and Islamophobia among his benighted fellow countrymen.

      The situation has been clarified: Britain has chosen full submission to Islam.

      This goes beyond “working partnerships” and “mutual understanding”.

      This is the real deal. The UK is on its way to a buttocks-in-the-air-with-muezzins-howling-from-the-minarets full Islamic state.

      The English people must learn to say la illaha ila Allah, wa Muhammadun rasul Allah.

      Welcome to the Caliphate.

      gates of vienna

    10. euNuke
      19 April 2010

      scrisesem şi eu despre năzbîtia camerunezului aici…..i-lecturi/

      reacţiile englezilor îngroziţi de turnura oarecum neaşteptată concretizate de melanie phillips…..-not.thtml

    11. Andrzej
      19 April 2010

      Exelenta aceasta grupare de articole. Eu unul sunt recunoscator celui care a facut aceasta munca.
      Aveam de mult ceva pareri despre societatea britanica si pericolele care o pandesc, observ ca sunt „asediati din interior”, de cei care pana mai ieri erau priviti cu dispret si idioata superioritate, condamnati la neputinta de o sofisticata dar catastrofala corectitudine politica, adica tocmai de propriul sistem, de o ciudata si falsa criza identitara importata din continent, dar care a gasit teren propice in societatea cvasi-atee britanica, iar acest fapt este grav.
      State sarace cum este Romania sunt amenintate de ticalosia unor conationali si nebunia unora, pot fi o prada usoara a radicalilor extremisti .
      Cece-ceva se ascundea in avertismentul lui André Malraux si poate chiar a fost un act de penitenta.

    12. Costin A.
      19 April 2010

      Formele singeroase ale acestui ritual siit se pare ca deja au loc in Londra, deocamdata in spatele zidurilor:

      ISLAMIC fanatics are mutilating themselves at a British mosque in a bloody ceremony carried out only yards from a busy high street.

      Shia Muslims use a five-bladed chain called a Zanjeer to whip their own backs and make cuts in their foreheads with razor blades in homage to their faith.

      Bare-chested men were left bleeding heavily during the ritual known as Matam – self-flagellation – which a witness described as being “like a scene from a horror film”.

      The Sunday Express found that up to 800 men performed the bloody ceremony in secret at the Imamia Mosque in Forest Gate, east London, last year.

      The Matam takes place during the annual Shia Ashura ceremony and commemorates the death of Husayn, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad. It is practised largely in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and India as well as Yemen and Afghanistan but this is the first time it is known to have taken place in Britain.

      Huge wooden screens were put up around the mosque to keep the event secret and prevent passers-by on busy Romford Road seeing the bloodletting.

      The Sunday Express visited the mosque last week and learned that the ceremony took place last December and is due to be repeated next month. One man who witnessed the ceremony last year was so alarmed by what he saw he nearly passed out.

      He said: “There was blood everywhere. There were pools of blood on the ground and my clothes were splattered with blood. It was very scary.

      “I was told it was part of a religious ceremony but the anti-western sentiment was clear. If the public had seen what was going on they would have reported it to the police. It was like a scene from a horror film.”

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