O poză face cît o mie de cuvinte

Dear Leader meets Dear Leader - Poză prezentată de oficiul de presă al Preşedenţiei Venezuelene cu preşedintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Barack Obama (stînga), şi preşedintele Venezuelei, Hugo Chavez (dreapta) dînd mîna înaintea deschiderii celui de al 5-lea Summit al Americilor în Port of Spain, 17 aprilie 2009. În ciuda eforturilor lui Obama şi a organizatorilor de a nu îndepărta subiectul reuniunii de trei zile de subiectele energiei, mediului şi siguranţei publice, Cuba ţinut capul de afiş ca singura naţiune exclusă . AFP PHOTO / PRESIDENCIA --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE

Plus asta, două mii de cuvinte, dacă mai adăugam una şi-ncă una… calculaţi dumneavoastră.

Pont: Vlad Tepes

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. israelianca
    18 April 2009

    costin, nu te astimperi? iar te joci cu focul…

  2. costin
    18 April 2009

    O caut cu luminarea de la Inviere

  3. israelianca
    18 April 2009

    Sarbatori fericite! La Multi Ani!

  4. costin
    18 April 2009

    mersi israelianca, nu stiu ce urare as putea sa dau inapoi ????

  5. israelianca
    18 April 2009

    Aceeasi, si la noi a fost Pastele, exodul din Egipt. Cina cea taina era masa de Paste a lui Isus.

  6. costin
    18 April 2009

    Paste Fericit atunci! ????

  7. bugsy
    18 April 2009

    Paste Fericit!

  8. israelianca
    18 April 2009

    Paste fericit tuturor sa fie! Sanatate si bucurii!

  9. Francesco
    18 April 2009

    Paste fericit!


    Imagine preluata de pe Sydonia blog.

    Israelianco, am uitat de tine. Pesah Sameach!

  10. Dinny
    18 April 2009

    Christos a Inviat! ????

  11. Francesco
    18 April 2009

    Adevarat a inviat!

  12. Danut D Deleanu
    18 April 2009

    Sarbatori Pascale fericite cu intreaga familie si dragostea celor pe care I-i iubiti.Noroc sanatate si multe bucurii.DDD

  13. panseluta
    18 April 2009

    Hristos a inviat! Dragoste si bucurii tuturor.

    Am lipsit putin de aici, ocupata cu „Tax Day Tea Party”-ul din DC de miercurea trecuta. Au fost citeva saptamini foarte interesante.

    Am tras si niste poze (proaste din cauza ploii abundente si a nenorocitului de single-use Kodak digital) la demonstratia de la Casa Alba.
    Voi reveni cu o postare.

  14. Christos A Inviat tuturor fratilor Crestini Ortodocsi din intreaga lume!
    Sa ascultam cintarea invierii:

  15. costin
    18 April 2009

    Paste fericit Dinny, Francesco, Panseluta, TP!

    Panseluta, chiar ma intrebam pe unde umbli. fa postarea aia ca mor de curiozitate!

  16. costin
    18 April 2009

    Obama says reaching out to enemies strengthens US

    „The whole notion was that if we showed courtesy or opened up dialogue with governments that had previously been hostile to us, that that somehow would be a sign of weakness,” Obama said, recalling his race for the White House and challenging his critics today.

    „The American people didn’t buy it,” Obama said. „And there’s a good reason the American people didn’t buy it — because it doesn’t make sense.”

  17. Imperialistu'
    18 April 2009

    Sean Penn: I know President Chavez well. Whether or not one agrees with all his policies, what is certainly true of Chavez is that he is a warm and friendly man with a robust sense of humor (who daily risks his own life for his country in ways Dick Cheney could never imagine). To treat such a man coldly is akin to spitting on him. As a country we’ve done enough of that. Say what you will, but it has only resulted in the self-celebration of our smirking spitters, while costing us international respect, American lives, and left wounds in the hands of our children’s future. The Cheneys, down to the O’Reillys and Hannitys and Limbaughs, effectively hate the principles upon which we were founded. They are among the greatest cowards in all of American history. I applaud an American President who’s tough enough…to smile.

  18. costin
    18 April 2009

    Doamne… Pen e odios…

  19. Francesco
    18 April 2009

    Astfel vorbesc tovarasii despre ei…Va propun sa-i vedem cand s-au intalnit:


  20. bugsy
    18 April 2009

    Pen e „Mister Madonna”, again!

  21. dr. jones
    18 April 2009

    ihim, odiosul pen si sinistra lui ex:

    Jerusalem ( – Pop diva Madonna, who less than a year ago declared herself an “ambassador for Judaism,” has drawn on the Jewish people’s most painful memory to bash Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz).
    Jewish groups said Madonna insulted Holocaust victims and all Americans with her comparison of McCain to former German dictator Adolf Hitler as part of her new world tour.

    Madonna opened world concert tour over the weekend in Wales. While singing a song called “Get Stupid,” a photo montage showed images of destruction and global warming followed by video images of Hitler, Zimbabwe’s ruler Robert Mugabe and McCain, reports said.

    “I find Madonna’s attempt to compare John McCain with Hitler beyond the pale and an insult to all Americans, Democrats as well as Republicans,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Wiesenthal Center.…..rcID=34598

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