Nou film olandez despre Mo(hamed)

Film produs de ceăţeanul olandez Ehsan Jami, apostat al islamului. Filmul a fost iniţial anunţat la scurt timp după ce a fost lansat Fitna lui Geert Wilders, dar a fost amînat din cauza ameninţărilor din partea musulmanilor.

An Interview With Muhammed a fost lansat acum aproximativ 5 ore. Sînt foarte curios de reacţii.

Filmul l-am gasit prin intermediul Gates of Vienna.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Dan Selaru
    9 December 2008

    Un om cu curaj.

  2. costin
    9 December 2008

    Jami Film: Embassy in Kabul now already spreads panic

    Before even anyone has even seen the Ehsan Jami’s film, measures are being taken. The Dutch embassy in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, says “to be alert” [and still has the Fitna warning on its opening page — VH]



    Until yesterday evening, the NCTb and the AIVD have consulted together and made a risk analysis. Under guard, Jami may show his English-language film in Nieuwspoort.

    The possibility that the film will cause fierce reactions cannot be excluded, the embassy writes in a letter [to Dutch citizens in Afghanistan]. The diplomatic representation urges citizens to track closely the developments concerning the film in the Netherlands, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.

    Until now, the announcement of the film has not caused comments in Afghanistan or the Afghan media, the embassy said.

  3. Francesco
    9 December 2008

    Fotografia lui Ehsan Jami.


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