Sus pumnulețul

I Am StrongerE un simbol des folosit. Ciolovecul oprimat, clasa oprimată, poporul oprimat, sau orice chestie oprimată – furnica, homosexualul, jderul, jihadistul, feminista, râul, ramul, pădurea și ecologistul, împreună cu crema societății pseudocivile care dă-i și activează și veghează pentru ca dumneavoastră să trăiți până la adânci bătrâneți cu reflexe bune și atestate de specialiști în domeniu imparțiali și științifico-cioclopedici – au un singur argument de bază. Lat și încleștat. Ca orice sugestie, are consecințe numai prin mimetism la scară largă.

Zâmbiți și spuneți brââânză. Pumnulețul ceva mai sus… da, acum e bine.

Se spune că trucul diavolului constă în performanța de a-i convinge pe oameni că nu există. E un truc, deci o iluzie. Succesul ei și ruina noastră depinde de amnezia oamenilor.

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Costin Andrieş
    27 April 2013

    ca tot ai adus de vorba de societatea neo-civila

    Poza cu liceeni sex-drugs & rock’n’roll pregatiti de lupta cea mare a fost publicata pe profilele lor de facebook de:
    Barcicada Universitara (Occupy UBB) –
    Militia Spirituala –
    Occupy Timisoara –
    Mihail Bumbes – „Argesul are resurse. Nu mai sunt singur. :)” –

    Dar sa continuam
    Chavez, Raul Castro, Evo Morales
    Chavez, Raul Castro, Evo Morales

    Mihail Bumbes
    Mihail Bumbes, ani de zile „cercetator” la IICCMER si presedinte, or smth, la Militia Spirituala

    Tataie la revolutie

    Comunisti italiani

    Un cretin din occident in vizita in Coreea de Nord


    Breivik. Pentru ca pumnul este folosit de mai toate miscarile revolutionare, indiferent daca sint comuniste sau fasciste (fascismul, din punctul meu de vedere, e doar un comunism light)

    Aici, legionarii din R Moldova au luat pur si simplu pumnul inclestat comunist si l-au adaugat in prima pagina de pe revista lor „de dreapta”.…..deologice/

    Si de final

    Claude Karnoouh, domnul profesor de antropologie la facultatea de sociologie, parca.

    Si grupul din jurul lui:
    criticatac raised fist

  2. Costin Andrieş
    27 April 2013


    From the Wall Street Journal
    NOVEMBER 24, 2007
    Oswald was a dedicated communist who had defected to the Soviet Union in 1959 out of disgust with American capitalism. After becoming disillusioned with Soviet life, he returned to the U.S. in 1962. In early 1963, he bought a scoped rifle through the mail and soon used it to fire a shot (which missed) at retired general Edwin Walker, the head of the John Birch Society in Dallas. In the summer of 1963, Oswald was active in street demonstrations in support of Castro. In September 1963, he visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City seeking a travel visa that would allow him to travel to Cuba.

    Oswald was among the radicals of the time who saw Third World revolutionaries like Castro as the wave of the communist future. He was well aware of Kennedy’s efforts to overthrow Castro’s regime. As a Senate investigative committee suggested in 1975, Oswald shot Kennedy to interrupt his administration’s plans to assassinate Castro or to overthrow his regime in Cuba.

    Ignoring Oswald’s communist links, journalists and political leaders quickly claimed the president was a martyr to civil rights. Earl Warren said that Kennedy had „suffered martyrdom as a result of the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots.” Martin Luther King said the assassination had to be viewed against the backdrop of violence against civil rights marchers in the South. James Reston wrote in the New York Times that „something in the nation itself, some strain of madness and violence, had destroyed the highest symbol of law and order.”

    The consensus opinion was that Kennedy was a victim of hate and bigotry, a casualty of his support for civil rights. The Cold War and Kennedy’s ongoing feud with Castro were rarely mentioned as factors behind the assassination. The reasons? Mrs. Kennedy wanted her husband remembered as a modern-day Abraham Lincoln. Lyndon Johnson feared complicating relations with the Soviet Union. Liberals feared a replay of the McCarthy period, when the Wisconsin senator inflamed public opinion about fears of domestic communism.…..5996/posts

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