BBC deplânge soarta soacrei unui terorist, dar e indiferent faţă de moartea un opozant anti-Castro

Biased BBC atrage atentia asupra unui story halucinant de pe site-ul BBC – London 7/7 bomber’s mother-in-law speaks about attacks. Soacra teroristului sinucigas islamic Mohammed Siddque Khan se plânge la o conferinta anti-rasista tinuta in Bradford ca a avut de suferit în timpul si dupa ancheta facuta de autoritatile care investigau atentatul savârsit de ginerele sau. In atentatul din 7 iulie 2005 au pierit 55 de civili.

Mama soacra se plange ca i-au batut politistii la usa, ca mai erau si înarmati si ca i-au cerut ei, fiului si fiicei sale (cumnatul, respectiv sotia teroristului sinucigas) sa-si faca bagajele si sa se mute pentru câtva zile in alta locuinta caci politistii trebuiau sa-i cerceteze casa.

Si, vai, in loc de câteva zile, mama soacra, fiul si fiica au trebuit sa stea doua saptamâni pe la rude.

Tot acest „calvar”, provocat de reactia brutala a autoritatilor care cercetau atentatele în care au pierit 52 de civili nevinovati, e descris cu empatie de BBC. Iata doar un fragment:

The mother-in-law of the ringleader of the 7 July bombers has spoken publicly for the first time about the effect the attack had on her family.

Fifty-two people died when four men, including Farida Patel’s son-in-law Mohammed Siddque Khan, bombed London’s transport network on 7 July 2005.

Farida Patel, from Dewsbury, told an anti-racism conference in Bradford how police searched her family’s homes.

She said her life „came falling down” when armed police knocked on her door.

Mrs Patel said: „When I opened the curtains all I saw was armed police officers with guns looking at me.

„When they walked in I asked ‘why are you here’, they said they are investigating the 7 July bombings and they will need to search the premises.

„They told me, my son and my daughter-in-law to take a few essentials and find alternative accommodation for a few days. That turned into two weeks.”

The home of Mrs Patel’s daughter, who was separated from Khan at the time of the bombings, was also searched.

Mrs Patel told The Monitoring Group conference that it was the most „difficult times of our lives”.

Pe de alta parte, uitati ce reportaj a difuzat BBC imediat ce a anuntat moartea opozantului cubanez Orlando Zapata Tamayo. Corespondentul BBC Matt Frei, plimbându-se cu o masina de epoca pe strazile Havanei, îsi încheie relatarea cu un elogiu adus Cubei comuniste „Call it the triumph of persistence over adversity. A bit like Cuba itself, some might say.”

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