Cădere liberă într-un ocean de datorii

Guvernul american cheltuieşte sume astronomice pentru „stimularea economiei”. În fapt, criza a fost cauzată de un socialism insidios cuplat cu corupţia mencanismelor de reglaj ale pieţei; acum asistăm la un socialism furios învinuind un imaginar capitalism laissez faire anterior şi înglodînd generaţiile viitoare în datorii inimaginabile.

Inimaginabilul pus în perspectivă.

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. costin
    9 April 2009

    Glen Beck: Presedinte Obama, de ce nu ne dai foc si gata?!

  2. panseluta
    9 April 2009

    Miercuri, 15 aprilie, ziua in care americanii isi trimit estimarile taxelor la fisc, e programata o manifestatie de proportii uriase impotriva regimului de taxare si redistribuire a veniturilor a lui Obama:

    Cei care vor sa afle despre ce inseamna „Tea Party” in istoria SUA au nenumarate surse de informatie in situri pe web, printre care:

  3. costin
    9 April 2009

    Logica lui Obama:


    Deci vom pune bani în economie
    luînd bani din economie,
    iar apoi trimiţîndu-i înapoi în economie
    şi taxîndu-i pe măsură ce trec.

    Mda, asta ar trebui să funcţioneze.

  4. Francesco
    9 April 2009

    The Wall Stret Journal – despre politica economica protectionista a lui Obama:

    Still think trade protectionism is good policy? Tell it to fruit growers in the Northwest, who are already feeling the bite of President Obama’s decision to appease the Teamsters union and bar Mexican trucks from U.S. highways.

    Mr. Obama acquiesced in Congress’s unilateral rewriting of Nafta earlier this year, despite warnings of potential retaliation. Well, last month Mexico responded with a 20% tariff on select U.S. products, including pears, cherries, apricots and Christmas trees. The Capital Press agriculture Web site reports that pear exports to Mexico have already „ground to a halt” as importers stop buying them because of the cost and uncertainty. That’s a potential annual loss of $50 million to $60 million in U.S. pear exports alone. „If we have that 20% tariff and Argentina enters the market, it could hurt our ability to ship fruit the rest of the season,” said Jeff Correa, of the Pear Bureau Northwest.

    That’s how trade wars work. A tariff imposed to please a powerful domestic constituency leads to retaliation that whacks innocent bystanders who lack the ear of the White House or Speaker of the House. In this case, a payoff to the Teamsters stuffed in a spending bill has now become a hardship for the farm growers and workers of Oregon. We elect Presidents to stop this kind of economic damage, not to promote it.

  5. costin
    9 April 2009

    Dar de ce sinteti atit de pesimisti?
    New World Order, aceasta Minunata Lume Noua, priviti-l pe Gordon Brown! Nu e minunat? Nu va inspira optimism? Vine Epoca de Aur! (or soemthing…) Tineti-va bine!

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