Cina cea de taină pro-Obama la CNBC

CNBC înseamnă Consumer News and Business Channel iar împreună cu canalele afiliate reprezintă o forţă media ce se adresează unui număr de aproape 400 de milioane de telespecatori pe zi. CNBC înseamnă şi bani, este în proprietatea NBC Universal, o companie formată de NBC (National Broadcasting Company – deţinută de compania americană General Electric) în colaborare cu compania franceză Vivendi Universal Entertaiment (aparţinând de grupul Vivendi). CNBC înseamnă şi putere deoarece este o reţea de canale de televiziune care se adresează factorilor de decizie din economie şi din politică.

Publicaţia New York Post a relatat la rubrica de rapoarte Page Six că a avut loc o cină de trei ore în 30 Rock, o prescurtare pentru GE Building aflată la numărul 30 în Rockefeller Plaza, New York. Jeffrey Immelt, directorul GE şi Jeff Zucker, preşedintele NBC Universal au fost cei care au convocat reuniunea. S-a dorit a fi o întâlnire top-secret, dar cineva a povestit destul de amănunţit despre subiectul pus pe ordinea de zi: CNBC a devenit prea conservator şi conducerea doreşte renunţarea la atacurile asupra politicilor economice ale Preşedintelui Obama. Sursa New York Post a declarat:

“A fost o discuţie lungă despre faptul că CNBC a devenit prea conservator şi îl hărţuieşte prea mult pe Obama. Există o mare îngrijorare că CNBC a devenit o reţea anti-Obama. Întreaga întrunire a fost al naibii de stranie.”

"Dar vai acelui om prin care este vândut Fiul Omului" (Marcu 14, 21)

S-a analizat subiectul legat de faptul că acum două luni, pe 19 februarie, redactorul CNBC Rick Santelli ( ce apare zilnic de 12-16 ori) s-a fălit cu organizarea unei „Chicago Tea Party” pentru a protesta contra planului de salvare propus de Obama. Aceste Tea Parties au devenit foarte populare în numeroase oraşe americane organizându-se proteste ale conservatorilor contra politicilor economice ale Administraţiei de la Washington. Santelli nu a fost present la întâlnire, dar a fost Jim Cramer, gazda emisiunii Mad Money de pe CNBC. Cramer s-a evidenţiat prin remarci de genul că Obama a „luat indicaţii de la Lenin” şi că este „cel mai mare distrugător de avuţie pe care l-a vazut”.

Unii au încercat – Brian Steel de exemplu – să spună că întrunirea a fost despre modul în care CNBC s-a implicat în combaterea efectelor crizei. Sursa New York Post a replicat că nu au fost invitaţi o mulţime de oameni care au lucrat efectiv la combaterea efectelor crizei, inclusiv Santelli. Jeffrey Immelt şi Jeff Zucker nu au dat vreun edict scris, dar avertismentele lor s-au auzit, chiar dacă întrunirea a fost secretă.

Robert Gibbs, Secretarul de presă al Casei Albe, a avut de curând unele remarce negative la adresa CNBC şi mai ales referitor la Santelli.


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Daniel Francesco

Daniel Francesco


  1. costin
    16 April 2009

    Despre clipul asta e vb Francesco, nu?

    Santelli le zice verde-n fata aici, si eu m-am mirat destul de tare cind am vazut ca era pe CNBC.

  2. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Da, acesta este Santelli cu Chicago Tea Party: „The Rant of the year”. De aceea il si iubesc cei din Administratia Obama…
    Aceste Tea Parties sunt demonstratii anti-taxe; exista un sit cu fotografii si videouri de la ultimele manifestatii.

  3. Imperialistu'
    16 April 2009

    Da, periculos CNBC, daca o ia – Doamne fereste! – spre dreapta si incepe sa trambiteze idei anti-welfare state? Ce s-ar mai alege de maretul plan al lui Obama de a intra in istorie?

    Rush Limbaugh: Tea Party and the Media

    P.S. Am adaugat imaginea de la Transsylvania Phoenix si descrierea pe care i-a dat-o. Grozava idee a avut cu citatul din evanghelia lui Marcu.

  4. Imperialistu'
    16 April 2009

    Cateva exemple de jurnalism de la MSNBC si CNN.

    Red Eye Skewers MSM Tea Party Coverage!

  5. costin
    16 April 2009

    inca o monstra de jurnalism de calitate de la NBC:

    Nu stiu despre voi, dar eu m-am ingrozit. Insii de mai sus imi trezesc amintiri ceausiste

  6. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Anti-guvernamental este si anti-CNN

    A spus-o Susan Roesgen la o demonstratie anti-taxe Tea Party la Chicago, intamplator orasul de unde s-a lansat Barack Husein Obama.

    Iata ce s-a petrecut la Chicago in relatarea lui Julia A. Seymour, de pe

    Roesgen l-a intrebat pe un barbat ce isi purta in brate un copil mic, „De ce sunteti astazi aici?” la care barbatul a inceput sa raspunda astfel: „Deoarece ascult un presedinte care spune ca el crede in valorile pentru care a luptat Lincoln. Primul lucru pentru Lincoln a fost ca el credea ca oamenii au dreptul la libertate si ei au dreptul la…”

    Dar Roengen i-a taiat-o scurt zicand, „dar domnule, ce are asta de-a face cu taxele? Ce are asta de-a face cu taxele dumneavoastra? Ea a continuat sa puna intrebari despre asta in timp ce barbatul ii spunea „lasati-ma sa-mi termin ideea.” Cineva din multime a fost auzit cum striga „taci!” lui Roengen.

    Cand barbatul si-a terminat declaratia despre oamenii care au „dreptul de a beneficia de fructele muncii lor” si despre „guvernul nu ar trebui sa ia aceste fructe”, Roengen a inceput sa se certe cu el din nou iar alti protestatari s-au suparat.

    In acel moment Roengen s-a dat inapoi sustinand ca „ati inteles tonul general de la acest” tea party. „Antiguvernamental, anti-CNN deoarece aceasta demonstratie este promovata de reteaua de dreapta conservatoare Fox si deoarece nu mai pot auzi mai nimic si cred ca aceata demonstratie nu este recomandata familiilor pentru vizionare. Legatura inapoi la tine Kyra”, a incheiat Roengen.

    Susan Roengen la Tea Party…

    Susan Roengen interogheaza oamenii la Tea Party-ul din Chicago

    Tonul vehement de la Tea Party-ul de mai inainte se poate schimba daca este vorba despre demonstratii ale stangistilor. Cu cateva luni mai inainte, aceeasi Susan Roengen…

    Susan Roengen – schimbare de ton daca sunt stangisti pro-Obama

  7. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Multumim Transsylvannia Phoenix. Din pacate nu-i stiu pe cei (10?) din fotografie. Ne-ai putea ajuta?

    Tot referitor la Susan Roengen, situl ne da informatia ca CNN a decis sa-i inchida casuta de email datorita numeroaselor mesaje de aprostofare pe care le-a primit. Sunt mai multe variante ale filmuletului cu „interviul” lui Susan si cred ca au fost vizionate de cel putin o jumatate de milion de oameni.

  8. Al doilea din stinga lui Obama cum te uiti la poza este prietenul nostru comun, miliardarul de stinga, escroc de renume international si omul care a cumparat Americii un presedinte islamo-comnunist, George Soros.
    Restul sint pupatori profesionisti de dosul lui Obama care se dau drept „reporteri” la diferite posturi TV, printre care Chris Matthews si Keith Olbermann de la MSNBC, Katie Couric de la CBS, Larry King, Anderson Cooper si Wolf Blitzer de la CNN.

  9. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Pe Larry King l-am recunoscut destul de greu desi l-am vazut o multime de emisiuni.

    Lipseste Susan Roengen de la CNN, trebuie sa recunosti ca si-a castigat un loc dupa aparitiile de la Tea Party-ul din Chicago…

  10. Schwarzmann Skinski
    16 April 2009

    Aştept cu nerăbdare apariţia lui Iuda.

  11. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Costin a postat un clip la comentariul nr.5 in care Jeneane Garofano vorbeste despre participantii la demonstratiile Tea Parties pe care ii descrie ca „Tea baggers rednecks”, rasisti, ignoranti, ce il urasc pe Presedintele Statelor Unite pentru ca este de culoare. Mai departe spune ca acestia au probleme patologice etc.

    Media pro-Obama face misto de tea-baggers, dar asta este misiunea obamistilor. Tea-Parties nu trebuiesc neglijate de republicani, s-ar putea ca de aici sa rezulte un momentum favorabil reintoarcerii la valorile adevarate ale Americii. Demnitatea Statele Unite nu se mentine cu plecaciuni in fata sauditilor si cu batai pe burta cu Chavez…

  12. Francesco
    16 April 2009

    Maestre Schwarzmann Skinski, Obama isi este autosuficient, nu are nevoie de un Iuda.

  13. Once Crossed Over The Rainbow Bridge. She will be missed…..ridge.html

  14. israelianca
    16 April 2009

    TP, ce veste trista… imi pare rau. Mie cind mi-a murit Candy, o boxerita delicioasa, am cazut in depresie.

  15. costin
    16 April 2009

    foarte interesant: O analiza beton despre coana Susan Roengen la Tea Party si media bias, inclusiv despre cum obama a fost creat de media. de la PajamasMedia:

    imi place le nebunie cum zice „But, but, BUT!…” cind discutia ajunge la intrarea in scena a lui Obama

  16. costin
    16 April 2009

    Nu am apucat sa o citesc dar cu siguranta merita citita. O pun aici ca sa nu uit de ea si sa o vedeti si voi

    Letter to CNN

    CNN has always been left-wing, but as it sinks into irrelevance as cable’s second-string Democrat Party propaganda outlet, it is truly getting ugly, even by liberal standards. Between Susan Roesgen’s pugnacious baiting of Tea Partiers and the absurd Anderson Cooper’s vile „teabagging” jokes, the Communist News Network is certainly out of the running as a news source any mature individual would take seriously.

    Normal Americans have had enough. As the ratings demonstrate, this eloquent letter to CNN execs Ken Jautz ( and Phil Kent ( from Donna S speaks for many:

    I am writing you today in regard to the coverage your news broadcasts have given to the Tax Day Tea Parties this week. I am a mother, wife, worker and taxpayer. My family attended our local Tea Party, along with hundreds of other families. No one we encountered came even close to being as rude and poorly behaved as your reporter in Chicago. As a matter of fact, the large crowd assembled was respectful and kind to one another.
    I am not an extremist (although DHS labels me so). I am not pleased, and I will no longer be silent.
    Your reporter „covering” the Chicago party, Susan Roesgen, declared the Tea Party to be „not family viewing” after antagonizing protesters and arguing with them, rudely questioning them and then failing to allow them to answer. If any part of her broadcast was not fit for families, it was her behavior. Her research (if she did any at all) into the reasons protesters were attending seems to have left her lacking in any useful information. My children had a better understanding of this movement than Ms. Roesgen. Her behavior was both childish and unprofessional. Is this what makes you „the mosted trusted name in news”?
    I went on to become even further disgusted by Anderson Cooper’s referral to the protesters as „teabaggers,” recycling this lame, crude and juvenile crack and directing it at the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters. I have to ask you, as an Executive Vice President and Chairman and CEO of this network, if you felt that this crude sexual innuendo is family viewing? Perhaps you should ask Ms. Roesgen.
    CNN owes an apology to its viewers for its complete lack of objectivity and journalistic integrity. Your intentions and your bias were made more than obvious through what you chose to air. Perhaps your coverage of the Chicago Tea Party would have met Ms. Roesgen’s requirements for family viewing if you had sent someone other than an ill-informed, belligerent hack to do the reporting. Perhaps Mr. Cooper can earn some more „international respect” by explaining what he meant in using the term „teabagging.” Make sure to run it past your self-proclaimed censor, Ms. Roesgen, to ensure it’s appropriate to be viewed by families.
    It is no wonder Fox News is number one.
    Donna S
    Unsurprisingly, there’s been no response from Jautz or Kent, but don’t let that dissuade you from writing letters of your own. Donna also sent the letter to Jan Schakowsky, in hopes of receiving a reasonable definition of the word „despicable.”

  17. costin
    16 April 2009

    Pentru cei care (Trassylvania Phoenix, daca nu stii, cred ca o sa intereseze) sint familiarizati cu blogurile gates of vienna, jihad watch, atlas shrugs, brussels journal, etc si lgf, scandalul care s-a iscat dupa ce charles j. de la little green footballs a ajuns in presa:

    Johnson is unapologetic about his actions. While he was attacking the attendees of the Counterjihad Summit, he was also blasting Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) for taking money from, and being photographed with, the owner of the extremist Web site

    “Some people at that summit in Belgium were not people we should have been associated with,” Johnson said, pointing out that since 2007 the terrorism-focused conservative bloggers have become supporters of Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who wants to outlaw Islam in his country. [Note from BB: this is not true. Geert Wilders says he wants to ban the Koran as long as Mein Kampf is still banned in Holland. The author should have fact-checked this assertion.] “Some of these people outright want to ban Islam from the United States, which I think is crazy, completely nuts. That’s not something we do in this country. These people will outright defend banning the Koran or deporting Muslims. That’s popular with the Geller/Spencer crowd.”
    – – – – – – – – –

    “He’s really gone off the deep end,” Geller said, pointing to Johnson’s more and more frequent criticisms of creationists, such as the attack on the anti-evolution, Glenn Beck-inspired event, which made the host angry enough to lash out at LGF on his show. “He’s a leftist blogger now.”

    Johnson brushes that criticism aside. “A lot of people think I discovered this creationism thing overnight,” he said, “but that’s not true. I was posting about this before 9/11. After 9/11 I had other things on my mind. And now I’ve come back to it.” But Spencer accuses Johnson of losing sight of the threat of extremist Islam by obsessing over the American religious right and equating the two faiths.

    “There is no global movement of Christians trying to subjugate the world,” Spencer said. “There is such a movement on the extreme of Islam. I wrote a book called ‘Religion of Peace’ — which Johnson wrote a favorable review of — and I looked, and didn’t find, Christian extremists who were trying to replace the Constitution with Biblical law. They’re a myth. They’re the Santa Claus of the left.”

    Some of Johnson’s former allies experienced a decrease in traffic numbers when he started attacking them, but they all now feel they’ve recovered from the break. “LGF tried to destroy my reputation so I wouldn’t have the access I have to my sources in law enforcement and academia,” said Spencer, “but that hasn’t happened.”

    Geller has rebounded with increased prominence — she was a guest on the Fox News show “Red Eye” last week — and she said she has survived the “besmirching” of her reputation and she now fills the information-spreading role that Johnson once did. “I get my stuff from people on the inside,” she said, “from people in Europe. I field 800-900 emails a day. We all depend on our readers for these tips. That’s where Charles was getting his stuff. And now he’s cracked and he’s not getting that anymore.”

    Johnson brushes off that kind of criticism. LGF is his site, and if it has to name names and shame the people who are debasing the movement against extremist Islam, he’ll do it. “I’ve definitely seen an uptick in craziness since the election,” he sighs. “Well, I don’t know if Geller got crazier. She always was nuts.”

    Dymphna responds with her own remarks:

    She was? In the past, before her trip to Brussels, Charles linked to Pamela. He accepted her praise and permitted her free access to the comments. When she was blindsided by his condemnation of her and struck back in anger, the vicious attacks against her character, her beliefs, and her integrity began.

    Her attempts to apologize for her reactive anger were brushed aside.

    The attacks continue to this day, as you can see if you peruse yesterday’s comments section for vicious slams against the sincerity of Pamela Geller’s Jewishness.

    Charles dissembles when he claims to monitor his comments. The only ones he bans or criticizes are those who dare to go against his views.

    If we had a penny for every email or comment from a disaffected ex-LGF reader or commenter, we’d have enough money to finance this blog for a year or two.

    In any event, given the changes that others have noted in his position and demeanor since October 2007, it will be interesting to see what another year and a half brings.

    Fortunately, he is not someone whose opinion matters anymore. Not that his behavior isn’t fascinating in a schadenfreude kind of way. So is a serious car accident. You come upon the scene, say a small prayer for those involved, and you keep driving, knowing there is nothing you can do.


  18. costin
    16 April 2009

    NBC is going down…

    „The crowd was very upset with MSNBC because of its leftward tilt,” one attendee said. „Some former employees said they were embarrassed by it.”

    One specific complaint about MSNBC concerned Keith Olbermann’s interview of actress Janeane Garofalo, who likened conservatives to racists and spoke of „the limbic brain inside a right-winger.”

    „They were upset that Olbermann didn’t bother to challenge her,” one GE shareholder said.

    Immelt said he takes a hands-off approach to what is reported on the company’s news networks, which prompted a shareholder to criticize him for not managing NBC Uni effectively.

    „My biggest surprise was the open hostility to MSNBC,” another shareholder said. „It was noticeable and loud. I don’t remember any of this going on last year.”

    One shareholder at the Orlando, Fla., meeting was Jesse Waters, a producer of „The O’Reilly Factor.” Waters asked a question at the meeting, then turned on the Fox News Channel cameras outside the venue and interviewed other shareholders who attended the meeting.…..dChannel=0

  19. Jack
    16 April 2009

    An interesting posting on Air America’s blog:

    GOP Trails Teabagger Party In New Poll

    There was no way to spin it any longer, and concede the movement has teeth.

  20. panseluta
    16 April 2009


    I’m a „teabagger,” whatever that means for the commie media. I’m nothing like the silly stereotypes propagated by the drive-by media. Yes, I’m a Second Amendment advocate, a „gun lover” and owner and proud of it, but also a fierce, uncoditional First Amendment supporter.
    I believe in the genius of the American Constitution, in limited government and limited taxation, in free cooperative associations among people, in natural law. Above all, I believe in the liberty, freedom and dignity that’s been given to us.

  21. Jack
    16 April 2009

    panseluta: I am glad you are. I am one of those kooky Libertarians.

  22. Jack
    16 April 2009

    Oh, and for those that lived under the brutal rule of Nicolae Ceausescu, it is understandable too. Ion Pacepa, the general who defected in the mid 1970’s is a hardcore conservative too. If I recall correctly, does articles for National Review or something.

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