Donald Trump oferă 5 milioane $ pentru caritate dacă Obama dă publicității documentele de studii

Obama a făcut un secret de stat din trecutul lui. Certificatul de naștere a refuzat să îl dea publicității pînă anul trecut (cînd a oferit o varianta cel puțin îndoielnică, tot strîns cu ușa de Donald Trump).

La fel, a făcut un secret de stat din perioada petrecută în universitate, mai exact, notele primite. Pentru documentele de pașaport și documentele din facultate, Donald Trump va oferi 5 milioane de dolari la orice caritate dorește Barak Obama, atîta timp cît face documentele publice pînă 31 octombrie 2012.

Dincolo de faptul că cererea lui Donald Trump e folosită ca intrument de a-și face publicitate și pentru a atrage atenția, este foarte important ca Obama să își facă public trecutul, măcar partial, chiar și acum, 4 ani prea tîrziu.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Stefan K
    24 October 2012

    Pe nimeni nu intereseaza notele primite de Obama.
    Nota 4 la purtare a primit-o oricum ca presedinte.

    Este vorba de cererea de inscriere la Facultate.

    Se pare ca Obama s-a auto-declarat cetatean Indonezian sub numele de Barry Soetoro pentru a putea fi primit la facultate si pentru obtine bursa. Daca ar fi fost cetatean American, nu ar fi avut dreptul nici la una nici la alta din cauza notelor sale mizerabile si a capacitatii intelectuale limitate.

    Donald Trump ii mai cere sa-si arate toate pasapoartele care le-a posedat. Obama s-a auto-prezentat pe coperta unei carti care a scris-o ca fiind nascut in Kenya, asta inainte de s-a pus in miscare masinatia care l-a adus la presidentia SUA.
    La fel si adeverinta de recrutare. Este mai mult ca probabil ca locul de nastere este inregistrat „Kenya”.

    Sansele ca Obama sa raspunda la chemarea legitima a lui Trump sunt nule.

    Masinaria comunista care l-a propulsat la presidentie a cheltuit deja cateva milioane de dolari pe taxe ca sa puna sub sigiliu absolut toate documentele lui Obama;
    Pentru „Baietii lui Obama” adica Soros & Co. care profita fiecare cu miliarde din distrugerea economiei americane, cele 5 milioane ale lui Trump fac cat o punga cu alune.

  2. Pataphyl
    24 October 2012

    Mulțumiri, Ștefan, am preluat de la pagina ta de FB și următoarea poză care explică bine și frumos de ce Obambi a avut mai puține bîlbîieli în ultimele două dezbateri!

    O altă imagine mai bună de pe net:

    (pata, am pus eu o imagine calumea ???? – costin)

  3. Silvapro
    24 October 2012

    De ce ? A fost tras bine de urechi de catre nevasta-sa? >-)

  4. Pataphyl
    24 October 2012

    Obama: ‘Absolutely’ No Regrets For Ignoring Economy for First Two Years

    The Obama campaign has finally released the transcript of his endorsement interview with the Des Moines Register–and it is clear why they were reluctant to do so: the President says he has „absolutely” no regrets about ignoring the economy during the first two years of his term, when Democrats controlled Congress.

    Here is the key part of the exchange:

    Q: Yes, that begs a question from us, Mr. President. Some say you had a super majority in your first two years and had this incredible opportunity, but because of what you were talking about, as you were running, you had to go to get Obamacare done. Do you have any regrets taking on some of the economic issues, some of the issues that we’re talking about for your second term, that when you had the chance, so to speak, during your first — do you have any regrets that you didn’t do that at that time?

    THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely not, Laura. Remember the context. First of all, Mitch McConnell has imposed an ironclad filibuster from the first day I was in office. And that’s not speculation. I mean, this is — it’s amply recorded. He gave a speech saying, my task is to defeat the President.

    So we were able to pass emergency action with the stimulus, but we had to get two votes from Republicans…

    Obama’s response is misleading. Republicans made no such filibuster threat at the outset of his first term. He refers to remarks made by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in late 2010, not in late 2008 or early 2009. Republicans in fact attempted to work together with the then-popular Obama before being rebuffed („I won”).

    In addition, as journalist Bob Woodward points out in The Price of Politics, McConnell’s remark about his „top priority” being to deny Obama a second term was taken out of context (McConnell had stressed a desire to work with Obama if he changed his approach). Even MSNBC’s Morning Joe (!) felt compelled to apologize on the air for misreporting McConnell’s remark. Obama has no such scruples, and simply repeats the lie as an excuse.

    Even if they had wanted to, Republicans could not have imposed a filibuster anyway. Obama is correct that Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for a period of several months in 2009-2010, but that was no great obstacle to his agenda. The additional vote or two needed to break Republican opposition to the stimulus, for example, had been remarkably easy to obtain. And when Republicans did recover their ability to filibuster, with the surprise election of Scott Brown from Massachusetts in 2010, Democrats simply used reconciliation to pass Obamacare, avoiding the filibuster altogether. The fact is that Obama wielded power not seen in decades.

    Obama attempts to describe the overhaul of the health care system as „a central economic priority for the country,” but that is a giant stretch, and is an opinion not widely shared by Americans at the time–or since.

    In fact, it is arguable that the passage of Obamacare dramatically slowed job creation and economic recovery. A graph from the Heritage Foundation makes a compelling case that Obamacare was a dramatic economic drag:

    No regrets for putting the economy on hold for two years while pursuing a deeply ideological, profoundly unpopular, and completely ineffective agenda. No wonder voters are skeptical of Obama’s second-term agenda.

  5. uMnumzaneAngibonanga
    24 October 2012

    Excelent ca stil si persuasiune.

    „A Star Falls Over Chicago”…..icago.html

  6. Nea
    24 October 2012

    Probabil că Obama îi va cere să doneze cele 5 milioane către Al Qaeda sau altă fundaţie caritabilă.
    Dar asta, după ce găseşte un măsluitor bun.

  7. Pataphyl
    24 October 2012

    @6 uMnumzaneAngibonanga

    Superb scris, într-adevăr!

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