Eu, mie, mi, îmi

Fotografie de grup cu ocazia deschiderii conferinţei Parteneriatul Guvernanţei Deschise organizată la sediul ONU din New York. Cel a cărui faţă e acoperită de palma ridicată este Tsakhia Elbegdorj, preşedintele Mongoliei. Cel cu mâna ridicată este cel mai inteligent, sofisticat, subtil şi altruist preşedinte. Vreodată.

Eu, eu, eu…

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. DanCanada
    22 September 2011

    Aka Obambi, Oblamo, Ovomit ????

  2. Pataphyl
    22 September 2011

    Comentînd această istorică fotografie, The People’s Cube titrează: Giving MONGOLIA the Taiwan Straight!

    In a pose reminiscent of Staliи’s Puяgэs, the Dэaя Lэadэя covers the face of the Mongolian President.

    Thus we have a cryptic message here, Komrades, which we must decypher.
    Is the Dэaя Lэadэя telling Taiwan to pound sand, that they will become part of China as Mongolia was absorbed by Stalin ?
    Or is the Dэaя Lэadэя telling Taiwan that they will become an independent archipelago as irrelevant as Mongolia ?
    Inquiring minds want to know …

  3. Liv St. Omer
    22 September 2011

    Obama Bin-Laden ????

  4. Costin A.
    22 September 2011

    Liv, Obamarx mai degraba.

  5. Pataphyl
    22 September 2011

    Obamarx și Obamao se făcură de cacao…

  6. Costin A.
    22 September 2011

    si uite ce s-a gasit in pomul de craciun al iubitului conducator:

    si tot asa

  7. Pataphyl
    22 September 2011

    President Me! The Musical (Andrew Klavan)

  8. adriana
    22 September 2011

    azi am auzit la radio ceva interesant,se pare ca numele adevarat al lui hussein obama,nu e barak,ci burak,in traducere din araba ”binecuvantat”,evident,de mahomed.
    daca cineva din voi are posibilitatea,controlati.afirmatia a fost facuta de generalul in rezerva zeev farkas,om de maxima credibilitate.
    nu ca faptul ar schimba ceva in tot ceea ce se petrece pe planeta,sau poate da?…

  9. emil borcean
    22 September 2011

    Adriana, „barak” sau „baraka” are sensul de „binecuvantat” in araba. Probabil ca „burak” este o variatie. Etimologia mai precisa am gasit-o explicata astfel:

    The stem B-R-K carries the meaning of „blessing” or „benediction” and is related to the Hebrew word BARUCH. In other words, this is an old Semitic root.

    The basic verb form in standard Arabic morphology is the past tense, conjugated to the third person singular masculine, which in this case would be بارَك, and is pronounced BAraka (long first syllable, short second and third syllables).

    The noun form is written بَرَكة, and is pronounced baraka (all short syllables, with slightly stressed first syllable).

    The H in BARAKAH is sometimes added to the noun form when romanized in order to indicate the presence of a silent T.

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