Herman Van Rompuy, preşedintele Uniunii Europene

În timp ce România îşi alege preşedintele, Uniunea Europeană are deja unul. Este alesul liderilor celor 27 de state membre, desemnat în urma unor consultări în spatele uşilor închise. Aşa funcţionează democraţia triplu distilată: crema decide. Paul Belien, jurnalist belgian stabilit în SUA, are un articol interesant despre Herman Van Rompuy, politicianul belgian devenit primul preşedinte al UE. Se potriveşte perfect cu fişa postului… iar cu această ocazie veţi afla şi cîteva detalii istorice despre Belgia.

Meet the President of Europe

Din discursul cu ocazia investiturii:

We are living through exceptionally difficult times: the financial crisis and its dramatic impact on employment and budgets, the climate crisis which threatens our very survival. A period of anxiety, uncertainty and lack of confidence. Yet these problems can be overcome by common efforts in and between our countries. 2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet. Our mission is one of hope, supported by acts and action.

Intervention of H.E. Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, New President of EU Council

Preşedintele UE este un globalist transnaţional. După îmbrobodirea europenilor, e rîndul lumii să se pricopsească cu guvern global şi mondobirocraţie atotştiutoare.

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Francesco
    24 November 2009

    Atentie, Herman van Rompuy nu se sfieste sa vorbeasca despre global governance nu pentru ca l-a luat gura pe dinainte, ci pentru ca asa gandesc cei care conduc Uniunea Europeana. Sa nu ne amagim cu lozincile despre democratie in spatiul UE, policile europene sunt rodul deciziei a trei-patru state sub conducerea Frantei si Germaniei.

  2. Imperialistu'
    24 November 2009

    O sa il traducem si acel articol, Emil. Am un altul pe teava, ca sa zic asa.

  3. emil
    24 November 2009

    Guvernare globala? Sfiala??
    Jacques Chirac in 2000:

    Your Majesty, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organisation which France and the European Union would like to see established.
    By acting together, by building this unprecedented instrument, the first component of an authentic global governance, we are working for dialogue and peace.


    Ban Ki-Moon, secretarul general ONU, in octombrie 2009:

    A deal must include an equitable global governance structure. All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed. That is how trust will be built.

    We Can Do It

    Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, consilier guvernamental german pe probleme „ecologice”:

    Der Spiegel Excerpts: Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the German government’s climate protection adviser, argues that drastic measures must be taken in order to prevent a catastrophe. Schellnhuber is proposing the creation of a CO2 budget for every person on the planet, regardless whether they live in Berlin or Beijing. […]

    Schellnhuber: Humankind has to limit itself to emit only fixed amount of carbon into the atmosphere until 2050. […] Because the industrialized nations have already exceeded their quotas if you take into account past emissions. […] With the current output you see that Germany, the US and other industrialized nations have either already used up their permissible quota, or will do so within the next few years. […] The industrialized nations are facing CO2 insolvency. This means that they have to notch up their efforts to reduce climate change, otherwise they will use up the CO2 budget actually designated to poorer countries and future generations.

    Question: So industrialized nations would have to pay massive sums of money? – Schellnhuber: Yes. Up to €100 billion ($142 billion) annually. If the richest sixth of the world’s population were to pay this amount, each person would have to pay €100 per year. The West would give back part of the wealth it has taken from the South in the past centuries and be indebted to countries that are now amongst the poorest in the world. It would, however, have to be ensured that the poorer nations use the money for the proposes it is intended — namely to help them to develop a greener economy. [End article excerpt]

    ‘Industrialized Nations Are Facing CO2 Insolvency’

    Al Gore, iulie 2009:

    I bring you good news from the U.S…

    Just two weeks ago, the House of Representatives passed the Waxman-Markey climate bill… it is very much a step in the right direction.

    But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.

  4. euNuke
    24 November 2009

    hotnews au si ei un material proaspat despre ministreasa-baroneasa Ashton, fruncea externelor UE, o contopista penala a unei filiale ongisto-caghebiste din londra anilor ’80. interesanta cariera acestei tovarase de nadejde ridicate’n rang cu mana unei regine ce’mi pare tot mai ramolita si ratacita’n peisaj.

  5. dr pepper
    24 November 2009

    Herman Van Rompuy: Europe’s first president to push for ‘Euro tax’

    „The financing of the welfare state, irrespective of the social reform we implement, will require new resources,” he said. „The possibility of financial levies at European level needs to be seriously reviewed.”

    Mr Barroso, whose commission acts as the European Union’s executive arm and civil service, has set out alternative plans for a Euro tax that would involve Brussels taking directly a fixed percentage of VAT and fuel duties. While these taxes already help to fund EU spending – set at £121 billion next year – they are currently gathered by the treasuries of individual nation states, from which varying sums are paid into EU coffers.

    A new Euro tax could appear on all shopping and petrol station receipts, showing the amount of VAT or fuel duty creamed off directly to Brussels. Supporters say it would take a fixed proportion of the existing tax revenue rather than increase it overall, and make the cost to taxpayers of running the EU more transparent. Critics argue this could backfire by increasing anti-Brussels sentiment.

    deci fie ca vreti, fie ca nu – va trebui sa mai platiti o taxa de cate ori scoateti portofelul din buzunar pe altarul statului socialist european.
    ???? imperialistule, iata ca acum vei plati direct din buzunar sa nu plece marocanii acasa si sa ramana olanda fara de taximetristi…

  6. costin
    24 November 2009

    EU President claims 2009 first year of global governance

    According to recent statements by the EU’s President, Herman van Rompuy, the year 2009 will mark the first year of global governance. The EU President, a former Belgian Prime Minister, mentioned this in a recent speech upon confirmation of his presidency. Said the newly confirmed EU President, „2009 is the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.” This claim has given rise to fears of a possible coup of the American government if the proposed Copenhagen Climate Treaty is signed by President Obama in December.

    EU President claims 2009 first year of global governance

  7. costin
    24 November 2009
  8. Francesco
    24 November 2009

    Crin Antonescu este in sintonie cu van Rompuy. Candidatul Partidului National Liberal la presedintia Romaniei, se declara adeptul federalizarii tarii. Argumente (in lipsa sursei directe, blogul lui Crin Antonescu):
    1. Document Iasi Invest.

    „PNL candidate’s electoral programme also expresses support for a federal Europe, for the process of consolidation and deepening of the European integration, as well as for the consolidation of the European institutions legitimacy.”

    2. Revista 22 – articolul Romania in campanie electorala de Alexandru Lazescu:

    „Între puţinele idei de substanţă ale liderului liberal e aceea că el este adeptul unei Europe integrate politic, de tip federal, ceea ce înseamnă un transfer masiv de autoritate de la nivelul naţional către Bruxelles. Un model promovat în principal de birocraţia comunitară şi o parte dintre elitele politice de pe continent, care nu stârneşte neapărat aplauze în multe locuri din UE însă, iată o temă reală care ar meria discutată.”

    In noiembrie van Rompuy spunea urmatoarele (din articolul citat de Costin):

    „Sunt european deoarece ideea europeana este un antidot pentru nationalismul flamand, un antivenin impotriva Miscarii Flamande.”

    Herman van Rompuy este de nationalitate flamanda.

  9. Riddick
    24 November 2009

    Mă mai uit pe siteul ALDE, mai ales la linkul „documente” (majoritatea format pdf), şi sunt lucruri ff grave, liberalii ALDE vor supracentralizare, armată UE, pe timpul lui Graham Watson aveau pe site obiectivul LGBT rights.

    „My group is the only group in the european parliament to have fully commited to a fully fledge campaign on the issue of LGBT rights”…..bt_rights/

    Aşa că şi PNL, deşi joacă comedia „singurului partid de dreapta din parlament”,îşi merită locul în familia de acelaşi sex – ALDE.

  10. Francesco
    24 November 2009

    La dreapta lui Hrebe’…

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