
Lista ţărilor musulmane în care populaţia a ieşit în stradă ca să se bucure de moartea lui bin Laden:


Toţi aceşti ani s-a repetat în neştire că bin Laden a distorsionat islamul. În acest timp, bin Laden şi Al Qaeda au căsăpit sute de musulmani. Unde este entuziasmul spontan faţă de dispariţia celui care este responsabil de moartea atîtor musulmani şi de distorsionarea intolerabilă a Religiei Păcii? Care autorităţi religioase islamice au emis fatwa de satisfacţie că marele distorsionist nu mai poluează nobilele învăţături ale Profetului Mahomed? Care politicieni sau instituţii politice din lumea islamică l-au condamnat în aceste zile pentru crimele înfăptuite? Mda…

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Costin A.
    5 May 2011

    Lista scurtata a tarilor in care au avut loc demonstratii de furie la auzul mortii lui Osama, sau mesaje pro-Osama:

    1. Israel (Ierusalim)

    While most of the free world praised the United States for having rid it of arch-terrorist Bin Laden, the Hamas organization — which has recently all but merged with Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas — condemned the act.

    Similarly, Arabs in the village of Silwan, adjacent to the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, rioted Monday night in protest over the elimination of Osama Bin Laden. The rioters threw stones at police and attempted to block roads.

    The Gaza-based website Al Qassamreports that Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the local Hamas chapter that runs Gaza, told reporters on Monday that Bin Laden was an “Arab holy warrior.”

    Meeting with journalists in his office in Gaza City, Haniyeh said, “If this news [of Bin Laden’s killing] is true, then this means that it is part of the American policy based on the oppression and bloodshed in the Muslim and Arab world.”

    2. Palestina

    The leader of the Palestinian militant Hamas government in Gaza has condemned the United States for killing Al Qaeda chief Usama bin Laden.

    Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh says the operation is “the continuation of the American oppression and shedding of blood of Muslims and Arabs.”

    Haniyeh told reporters in Gaza on Monday that although Hamas had its differences with Al Qaeda, his group condemns the assassination of “a Muslim and Arabic warrior” and prays that bin Laden’s “soul rests in peace.”

    3. Pakistan

    “Bin Laden was the hero of the Muslim world and after his martyrdom he has won the title of great mujahed”

    QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) – Hundreds took to the streets of Pakistan’s city of Quetta on Monday to pay homage to Osama bin Laden, chanting death to America and setting fire to a US flag, witnesses and organisers said.
    Angry participants belonging to a religious party in Quetta, the capital of southwestern province Baluchistan, were led by federal lawmaker Maulawi Asmatullah. They also torched a US flag before dispersing peacefully.
    It was the first rally in Pakistan after the United States announced that bin Laden had been killed in an overnight commando mission in Pakistan.
    Organisers said between 1,000 and 1,200 people attended the rally, but witnesses put the figure closer to 800.
    “Bin Laden was the hero of the Muslim world and after his martyrdom he has won the title of great mujahed (Muslim fighter),” Asmatullah said.
    “His martyrdom will not end the movement. It will continue and thousands more bin Ladens will be born,” he said.

    4. Anglia

    Pe scurt: Osama bin Laden: un guru, musulman devarat, luptator pentru libertate, martir, etc, etc

    5. Romania

    islamul azi: „Eu am tot respectul si toata admiratia despre acest om [Osama bin Laden] si nimeni niciodata nu ma poate schimba. Asta e parerea mea si sunt libera sa ma afirm, Alhamdullilah.”

    Si pentru ca totul sa fie roz:

    1. NBC a numit demonstratia de bucurie din America la auzul mortii lui bin Laden „very disturbing to children„.

    On NBC’s Today on Wednesday, co-host Matt Lauer worried about Americans celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden: “…your children are going to see, and have already seen, people in the streets celebrating about the death of someone and that’s a contradictory image for them.” Today contributor and psychiatrist Gail Saltz replied: “Absolutely, very disturbing for them.”

    2. Washington Post a numit aceleasi demonstratii „vulgare” si „nebunesti” si le-a echivalat cu explozia de bucurie din lumea araba in 9/11 cind 3.000 de civili americani au fost ucisi.

    When I saw that folks were celebrating in the streets at the news of bin Laden’s death, my first reaction was a cringe. Remember how we all felt watching videos of those al-Qaeda guys dancing on Sept. 11?

    (vedeti imaginea din articol. Numai un skin-head se poate bucura de moartea lui bin Laden, pare sa insinueze Washington Post)

    3. Germania, spiegel

    Merkel Comments on Bin Laden Killing Draw Criticism
    On Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was „glad” about the killing of Osama bin Laden. Now, though, criticism of the comment is mounting — even within her own party. German Foreign Minister Westerwelle, meanwhile, is calling on the West to be careful in its reaction to the news.

    Merkel’s remark came at the end of a question and answer session during her press conference on Monday, and she went on to say: „I think that for the people in America, but also for us in Germany, it is news that one of the heads of international terrorism, who killed so many people … was killed and therefore cannot operate anymore. That is what counts for me now, and therefore I conveyed my respect for this success to the American president.”

    A vice president of German parliament, Katrin Göring-Eckhardt, told the daily newspaper Berliner Zeitung: „As a Christian, I can only say that it is not a reason to celebrate, when someone is killed in a targeted way.” Göring-Eckhardt, a member of the Greens, said Bin Laden should have been arrested and put on trial.

    Criticism was also lobbed from members of Merkel’s own party. Siegfried Kauder, of the CDU, and the chairman of the legal committee of the Bundestag, told the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse: „I would not have formulated it in that way. Those are thoughts of revenge that one should not harbor. That is from the Middle Ages.”

  2. Radu P.
    5 May 2011

    Deci,Emile, după cum ne arată Costin, eu merg mînă în mînă cu Washington Post: le-a echivalat cu explozia de bucurie din lumea araba in 9/11 cind 3.000 de civili americani au fost ucisi. Mdea! Şi cu CTP-ul în Gîndul.

  3. emil b.
    5 May 2011


  4. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    Europa pregateste o comisie „internationala” care sa determine legalitatea operatiunii de prindere a lui obl din pakistan

    superioritatea etica, intelectuala si morala europeana la lucru.

    cum o fi sa gusti din „binefacerile” propriei politici?

  5. Silvapro
    5 May 2011

    Sint absolut descreierati. Cum sa compari celebrarea mortii a victimelor pasnice, oameni obisnuiti, care au murit fara vina, din ura de neconceput a islamistilor, cu moartea celuia care comite astfel de crime?

    Si asta o idiotenie la fel de mare:

    Europa pregateste o comisie “internationala” care sa determine legalitatea operatiunii de prindere a lui obl din pakistan


    Pai cine sa mai aiba chef de fapte bune?

  6. Silvapro
    5 May 2011

    Se pare ca nu era chiar banc ce scriu aia in PajamasMedia. Adica ce trebuia sa faca Obama, sa-l inarmeze pina-n dinti pe ben-Laden, sa iasa la duel cu el dupa reguli de egalitate de sansa, etc. What the heck?

    Deci pina a facut si Obama ceva bun, hop, sar pe el. Iar dam de acuzatii care suna a „reactie neproportionata”?
    Aceiasi oameni, aceleasi acuzatii absurde.

  7. Silvapro
    5 May 2011

    Care o fi adevarul? Eu credeam in sinceritatea lui Mosab Yousef. Ce-o fi cu el, l-o fi apucat frica? Este misguided? Sau e de rea credinta?

    Shoebat este un mare suporter al cauzei Judeo-Christian si impotriva leftistilor. Mai mult decit pe fata. In articolul pe web, este si link la discutia aceasta, cine stie araba poate afla adevarul.

    While a prisoner of Israel in 1996, Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas — was approached by Shin Bet agents who looked to recruit him to spy within Hamas. He agreed. Mosab’s information soon had Shin Bet calling him “the most reliable source in the Hamas leadership,” and Israeli lives were undoubtedly saved as a result of Mosab’s collaboration.

    Despite this success, Yousef has since revealed himself to be more double agent than turncoat.

    During the initial contact within Israel’s Maskubia (Jerusalem’s central prison), Mosab agreed to collaborate in exchange for Israel not targeting his father. After years of providing valuable intelligence, in 2007 Mosab declared his conversion to Christianity, moved to California, and went public with his story. His tale was a sensation, drawing attention and praise from U.S. pro-Israel organizations. But his tale has since been revealed to be a “long con,” the evidence coming from when he speaks publicly in Arabic.

    Mosab did not convert to what the West would recognize as Christianity, but to a fiery, Palestinian brand of the faith that is vehemently anti-Israel. According to Mosab, his main goal in coming to the U.S. is to infiltrate the main source of international support for Israel: the American church. From an interview with Al-Arabiya:

    During my tours in universities and even churches, [I found] the real support for Israel stems from the church in the West. … We need to understand the difference between “revenge” and “resistance” and once the Palestinians do, we will have our victory against Israel.

    Activists like Mosab know very well that Western media rarely translate their doublespeak. He continues:

    Israel is the problem and as an occupation it needs to end. … There are many ways to do this besides the coward explosive operations.

    Mosab’s formula? Infiltrate the West with his book:

    This will be the first time in history that a Palestinian book will find success so that the Western reader can see for himself the reality of what goes on over there. People in the West do not know what happens over there.

    On the Arabic-language show Daring Question, Mosab wore the symbol of pro-Palestine advocates, the kaffiyeh:

    With a balanced approach I discuss the life of the Palestinian child under the Israeli occupation, of course my life suffered under all the problems of murder and the criminal operations that were carried out by the Israeli occupation against my people, my family, myself, and against humanity.

    To Mosab, the Palestinian struggle was lacking: while he praises Hamas leaders as “heroes and glorious defenders,” he instructs them to enlist more educated political defenders like himself:

    With regret, our great leaders and mighty heroes and glorious defenders over there did not realize that instead of spending their wealth and monies on silly issues, they needed to enlist in their ranks writers and educated individuals in order to reverse the image of the Palestinian struggle.

    Mosab stated that he is only against Hamas methodology, but not their agenda:

    It appeared at first that my desire was to seek revenge against Hamas. … How could I do such a thing … revenge [against] my own father? He is one of the leaders of Hamas.

    Perhaps the most shocking revelation: Mosab asks Arabs not to report terrorist activity. The host of Daring Question asked a caller:

    If you were in Mosab’s position and have two choices: either someone from Hamas will be killed, or school children in a bus will be killed, will you report it?

    The Arab Christian caller vacillated, then Mosab spoke:

    If I was in your shoes, you should not report it to Israel. I do not encourage anyone to give information to Israel or collaborate with Israel. If anyone hears me right now and they are in relation to Israeli security I advise them to work for the interest of their own people — number one — and do not work with the [Israeli] enemy against the interest of our people. They should collaborate with the Palestinian Authority only.

    Most in the West do not understand the Arab “Christian” position when it comes to Israel. Witness the Daring Question host Rasheed, a Christian convert from Islam himself, pardoning Mosab from any wrongdoing: the pardon is not for Mosab’s connection to Hamas, but for his collaboration with Israel. To Rasheed, Mosab’s collaboration was during his Muslim life, while he was still unforgiven:

    He [Mosab] did not become Christian then collaborate with Israel. He used to collaborate with Israel, then became Christian.

    Mosab’s book Son of Hamas — published in English — does not express Mosab’s views as openly as his Arabic statements do, and the book is additionally littered with factual errors and exaggerations.

    For example: Mosab portrays the Jerusalem prison as a center for torture and persecution of Palestinians. The reality is much kinder; each inmate has his own bed and an in-the-cell shower as well.

    I know this — I was a prisoner there myself.

    We ate three full meals a day, and drank tea or sweet punch. And Mosab fails to mention that the Maskubia had Jewish inmates as well, who received the same treatment as the Palestinians and ate out of the same menu. Yes, you were beaten by security when lives were at stake: I witnessed first-hand Israeli soldiers in the corridor beating an inmate who attempted to kill his cellmate (I was selected to clean the mess afterward). What was so shocking to me at the time? The attempted murderer was a Jew.

    I have never heard of Israelis killing Palestinians in prison. Yet Palestinian prisoners do kill each other, as Mosab himself describes. Palestinian inmates killed my landlord Muneer Abu-Sayb’a from Bethlehem, yet his death was blamed on Israel. My friend Basem Hanuneh was brutally murdered — his privates removed and stuffed in his mouth — which was also blamed on Israel.

    Mosab is now touring churches to end Israel’s lifeline. Many Jews and Christians in the West are unable to determine friend from foe in the Mideast; they are not able to read what is said in Arabic. They must seek translations, and must be aware of double agents like Mosab.…..all-of-us/

  8. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    semnalele sunt aceleasi dintotdeauna.
    america ia masuri si decizii, europa se constipa.
    america a demonstrat ca pana si cu o guvernare de stanga poate lua decizii iar europa ca pana si cu guvernari semiconservatoare are mai degraba ceva de impartit cu aliatii.
    cre’ ca de la imodium i se trage.
    ma rog, nimic nu ma mai mira.

  9. Vlad M.
    5 May 2011

    E curios cum n-ai aflat inca de inmormantarea islamica a lui Bin Laden. Facuta de americani. Or fi fost si aia pe Imodium.

    In rest, te anunt ca inca astept un raspuns in ceea ce il priveste pe Horowitz. ????

    Care unele comentarii? Despre ce vorbesti? Ce nu stie Horowitz si stii tu, doctore? Concret, sa discutam pe text.

    Da’ na, in calitate de ultras imagine in oglinda a dronelor progresiste, probabil ca preferi sa vorbesti prostii, sa jignesti si apoi sa fugi cu coada intre picioare, facandu-te ca ploua.

  10. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    n’am trantit nici o mizerie.
    cre’ ca ti se pare.
    mai scade doza.

  11. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    ah, si daca astepti raspuns, ce?

  12. Vlad M.
    5 May 2011

    E o mizerie, maestre, chit ca-ti convine, chit ca nu. Si doza e cazul sa o scazi tu, doar tu esti ala care il spune ca D. Horowitz habar nu are despre ce vorbeste.

    ah, si daca astepti raspuns, ce?

    O sa fac misto de tine pana cand recunosti ca ai fost magar. ???? Ce o fi atat de greu sa spui „am gresit”, chiar nu stiu.

  13. Vlad M.
    5 May 2011

    Ia uite, doctore, ce a facut papagalu´asta de Horowitz.

    Discover the Networks
    David Horowitz Freedom Center

    Sa dea Domnul sa ajungem noi sa stim si sa facem macar a suta parte din cate stie si a facut mr. Horowitz.

  14. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    iar eu iti zic ca nu e vina mea ca pricepi greu si uiti repede.
    iti spun: e de la imodium!
    dude! take it easy!
    nu e de gluma.

  15. Vlad M.
    5 May 2011

    De acord, nu e, dar ce nu stie Horowitz? ????

  16. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    horowitz nnu stie ce stie roadrunner despre reagan.
    ssst, e ultima oara cand iti spun.

  17. Vlad M.
    5 May 2011

    Aberant. Incep sa cred ca tre’ sa te duci si tu dupa AVP…

  18. Costin A.
    5 May 2011

    vlad, pepper, ba, voi nu va poltoliti.

    THOUSANDS OF ISLAMISTS March Against US at Cairo Osama Rally

    It sure is a good thing Obama didn’t release that Osama death photo.
    It might have upset the Islamists.

    Islamists hold a picture of Osama bin Laden during a protest in Cairo, May 6, 2011. Al Qaeda confirmed Osama bin Laden was dead on Friday, dispelling some of the fog around the killing of the “holy warrior”, and vowed to mount more attacks on the West. (REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih)

    The black ninjas were out in force.

    Veiled Egyptian women chant slogans during a protest outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 6, 2011, to denounce the U.S. commando raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Al-Qaida on Friday confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying Americans’ ‘happiness will turn to sadness. (AP/Maya Alleruzzo)

    Germany: Judge Files Criminal Charges Against Chancellor Merkel For Saying She Was “Glad” Bin Laden Was Killed…

    (Spiegel) — A Hamburg judge has filed a criminal complaint against Chancellor Angela Merkel for “endorsing a crime” after she stated she was “glad” that Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces. Meanwhile a new poll reveals that a majority of Germans do not see the terrorist’s death as a reason to celebrate.

    Schadenfreude, the enjoyment of others’ suffering, may be a famously German concept, but it is apparently not a feeling that many Germans aspire to. The political and public fallout following Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement on Monday that she was “glad” Osama bin Laden had been killed was among the most hotly debated topics in the German media this week.

    Politicians, including those within her own center-right coalition, said that no death was cause for celebration, and reproved the remark as un-Christian and vengeful.

    But Hamburg judge Heinz Uthmann went even further. He alleges that the chancellor’s statement was nothing short of illegal, and filed a criminal complaint against Merkel midweek, the daily Hamburger Morgenpost reported Friday.

    “I am a law-abiding citizen and as a judge, sworn to justice and law,” the 54-year-old told the paper, adding that Merkel’s words were “tacky and undignified.”

    In his two-page document, Uthmann, a judge for 21 years, cites section 140 of the German Criminal Code, which forbids the “rewarding and approving” of crimes. In this case, Merkel endorsed a “homicide,” Uthmann claimed. The violation is punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine.

    Supporters of Osama bin Laden Hold Mock Funeral Outside U.S. Embassy In . . . London

    (Daily Mail) — A protest by hundreds of Osama bin Laden supporters sparked fury outside the US Embassy in London today as they staged a mock ‘funeral service’ for the terror leader.

    Police stepped in to separate the protesters and members of the English Defence League amid threats of violence from both sides.

    Radicals carrying placards proclaiming ‘Islam will dominate the world’ branded US leaders ‘murderers’ and warned vengeance attacks were ‘guaranteed’.

    ‘It is only a matter of time before another atrocity — the West is the enemy,’ Abu Muaz, 28, from east London, said.

  19. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    Deci pina a facut si Obama ceva bun, hop, sar pe el.

    intocmai si parerea mea: chiar daca Obama mizeaza la momentul asta mai mult pe voturile americane decat pe simpatia socialistilor europeni, eu unul sunt convins ca a luat decizia corecta.

    alte reactii: Michael Moore: ‘We Are a Nation Founded on Genocide and Built on the Backs of Slaves’

    Michael Moore: You ‘Hate Being an American’ If You Wanted Bin Laden Killed Without a Trial


  20. Silvapro
    5 May 2011

    Ce imodium domnilor, mai potrivit ar fi niste resperdal sau oricare alt medicament antipsihotic!

    Va spun drept, descopar ca stingistii inca ma mai pot mira, mai au surprize in desaga. Pentru ca credeam ca totusi in privinta lui ben-Laden este consensus. Si cind colo…

    Purtarea aceasta e de-a dreptul sinistra, to press charges againt the „gladness” affirmation. Se restringe si stringe tot mai mult latul. Miroase tot mai puternic a totalitarism …. combinat cu infantilism de cel mai jos grad.

  21. Costin A.
    5 May 2011

    acum citeva minute a fost uploadat videoul de la protestul pro Osama bin laden in Londra de pe 6 mai

  22. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    intrasem sa pun niste poze:…..tion=photo

    si am vazut asta:

    O sa fac misto de tine pana cand recunosti ca ai fost magar. ???? Ce o fi atat de greu sa spui “am gresit”, chiar nu stiu.

    o scapasem.
    a trebuit magarul sa ii explice de trei ori mistocarului cum sta treaba.
    si nici acum magaru’ nu’i convins ca mistocaru’ s’a prins.

  23. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    a nu se intelege ca magaru’ recunoaste cumva vreo greseala ci ca aceste cuvinte intelectuale ne doare prea putin pe noi mahalagii.

  24. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    Rob Taylor
    Bin Laden Supporters vs. Patriots: A Tale of Two Extremisms in London

    For the Left, however, defense of Western Civilization in the face of of a movement dedicated to our complete subjugation and obliteration is extreme. The Left truly believes that the West is evil, that 5,000 years of greatness should be wiped from the record. The end of classical liberal cultures is not something the Left fears, but embraces. That’s why arguing with leftists about why they should fear the Islamist goal of worldwide sharia will never work. The self-loathing, self-destructive modern “liberal” wants to be destroyed and doesn’t care who does the deed.

    A leader of the Muslim American Society used the occasion of Osama bin Laden’s death to opine that there was “nothing wrong” with his vision of a global caliphate in which non-Muslims would be forced to live under Muslim rule. Imagine that. Here in America the so-called moderate Muslims are extolling Osama bin Laden’s vision (if not his tactics) and our leftists are not only silent but remain supportive of the vision of a global caliphate. Noam Chomsky wrote today that George W. Bush is worse than Osama bin Laden, that the American president who defended our country for a decade from an Islamic imperialist movement was worse than a man who ordered the attacks on the World Trade Center and dozens of other terror bombings.

    So who are the extremists? The English Defence League who risked life and limb to support America and Western Civilization? Or is it the Left, spitefully working for the destruction of Western countries in an unholy alliance with Islamic imperialists?

    chomsky: My Reaction To Osama bin Laden’s Death

    By Noam Chomsky

    We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic

    It’s increasingly clear that the operation was a planned assassination, multiply violating elementary norms of international law.


  25. Silvapro
    5 May 2011


    Finnish Pastor persecuted by his own government and his church for speaking the truth and calling terrorists „terrorists.”

    The world is a mess, a very big mess.
    „When evil is called good and Good is evil”

    Watch here:

    posted by Keith Davies

  26. dr pepper
    5 May 2011

    Fear that U.S. could grab nuclear arsenal heightens Pakistani anger

    Lista ţărilor musulmane în care populaţia a ieşit în stradă ca să se bucure de moartea lui bin Laden:


    putem adauga si Turcia:…..n_lad.html

    intre timp situatia devine din ce in ce mai tensionata: Pakistan retaliates by outing CIA station chief in Islamabad; Update: CIA won’t pull station chief

  27. dr pepper
    5 May 2011


    Hitchens has fun with the Chomsky Syndrome in today’s Slate article. Chomsky comes off as the pretentious intellectualized version of Michael Moore who is convinced that “we” (the US) is responsible for the creation of the OBLs of the Middle East. The real crime of the US is that it is responsible for nurturing Chomsky and his dumb doppelganger, Michael Moore.

    Chomsky’s Follies
    The professor’s pronouncements about Osama Bin Laden are stupid and ignorant.
    By Christopher Hitchens

    Da Chomsky Syndrome!

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