Petiție pentru Meriam Yehya Ibrahim

meriam-yehya-ibrahimMeriam Yehya Ibrahim este o femeie creștină din Sudan. Pe 15 mai a fost condamnată la 100 lovituri de bici și la moarte prin spânzuratoare.

Vina ei? S-a căsătorit cu un bărbat creștin și a refuzat să renunțe la credința ei. Cu toate că a fost crescută de mamă (o etiopiană creștin ortodoxă), Meriam este considerată oficial drept musulmană, deoarece tatăl este musulman.

Soțul ei, Daniel Wani, este inginer în biochimie și locuiește în SUA. Meriam Yehya Ibrahim este însărcinată. Biciuirea urmează a avea loc după ce Meriam va naște, iar pedeapsa capitală a fost amânată pentru doi ani, timp în care Meriam are voie să se îngrijească de copil. Dar apoi va fi executată.

Semnați petiția de mai jos împotriva acestei barbarii islamice.
Semnați petiția de mai jos pentru salvarea unei femei nevinovate.

Please intervene in the barbaric sentencing of Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag who is to be hanged

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Conservatori români


  1. ionel
    22 May 2014

    sa -ti dea dumnezeu putere si sa nu te razgindesti

  2. Sorin
    22 May 2014

    si ce se spera ca o sa se intample, pedeapsa ii va fi comutata in inchisoare pe viata?
    exista ambasada a Sudanului in Romania? faceti o campanie serioasa

  3. Silvapro
    22 May 2014

    Ce frumoasa e! Pacat ca nu s-a dus la el in SUA, si sa fi ramas acolo.

  4. Silvapro
    22 May 2014

    Am semnat!

  5. Adrian Condrea
    22 May 2014


  6. observator
    22 May 2014

    femeia va fi executata deoarece sunt interese mari k aceasta sa se intample.
    va fi una din multele scantei care vor aprinde focul unui razboi interconfesional global intre civilizatia occidentala atee/hedonista si cea islamica in versiunea ei radicala si dementa. asta va fi o binecuvantare pt industria de armament dar nu numai…

  7. observator
    22 May 2014

    M-as fi bucurat ca rusul pravoslavnic si conservator de la kremlin,farul calauzitor al credinciosilor crestini de pretutindeni fie ei ortodocsi sau eretici,care calca sub bocancul sau glorios occidentul corupt si imoral,sa fi transmis sudanului musulman fanatic ca bombardierele rusesti [alea cu care zmeul rogozin ameninta sa ne viziteze curand]pot ”argumenta” in favoarea dreptului la viata si la libertatea crestinilor de a-si marturisi credinta si in sudan;se pare insa ca deocamdata ursul are treaba in novorussia iar africa e cam departe…
    Unde mai pui ca rusia lui putin este observator in organizatia conferintei islamice,alta chestie greu de impacat cu ortodoxia … dar ma rog,politica imperiala are tainele ei pe care noi nu le putem pricepe…

  8. malina
    22 May 2014

    Dumnezeu sa o pazeasca si so ocroteasca.Doamne indura-te de Meriam.

  9. Sorin
    22 May 2014
  10. Emil Borcean
    22 May 2014

    Sorin, multumesc pentru atentionarea asupra acestui apel. Va avea oare muftiul musulmanilor din Romania curaj? Ar trebui, sper…

    Apelăm la Dumneavoastră cu rugămintea ca, în calitatea Dumneavoastră de Muftiu şi de specialist în drept islamic, să propuneţi confraţilor Dumneavoastră din Sudan o revenire asupra cazului lui Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishaq.

  11. Cânele
    22 May 2014

    După ce am semnat, am dat de ştirea asta:…..aing-grid7|responsive-test1|dl1|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D481011
    Pentru ea n-a mai fost loc de petiţie.
    Spre final aflu că în Pakistan, doar în anul 2013, s-au raportat 869 asasinate „de onoare”.
    Şi mai aflu (ştirea e de la A.P.) că autorii sînt „conservative Pakistanis”; cuvîntul „muslim” nu apare nicăieri în articol. Să ne intre bine în cap ce înseamnă „conservator”.

  12. Vlad M.
    22 May 2014

    Adevarati jurnalisti astia de la Associated Press (AP).

  13. Sorin
    22 May 2014

    @11 – e o mare diferenta – conform stirii oferite de tine „Her father was promptly arrested on murder charges” –

    in cazul Sudanului –

    The Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Washington DC has noticed with regret some of the official statements and media coverage on the case of the Sudanese citizen Mariam Ibrahim Yahia; as some of them have mistakenly accused the government of Sudan of violating human rights by depriving Mariam of her civil rights as a Sudanese citizen. In this regard, the Embassy would like to confirm the following:

    The official records of the Government of Sudan indicates that the real name of the lady mentioned in this case as Mariam Ibrahim is actually ‘ Abrar Elhadi Muhammad Abdallah Abugadeen’ and there is no official record shows that her name was changed to Mariam Ibrahim Yahia. Abrar was born in um Shagrah in Algadarif state on Jan. Ist. 1986 to Muslim Sudanese parents and the claim that the mother is an Orthodox Christian from Ethiopia is untrue.

    There was no Government agency behind the case; rather her immediate family had reported their daughter as missing, later and after she was found and claimed that she is Christian, the family filed a case of apostasy against her.

    The ruling of the judge was made at the primary court after hearing all parties involved since February 2014, and it is subject to be implemented in at least two years if confirmed by three levels of courts which are: Appeal Court, Supreme Court and finally the Constitutional Court. The Judiciary System in Sudan is independent, and the Sudanese Judges are qualified and dignified.

    This case remains a legal issue and not a religious or a political one. It is unwise and dangerous to politicize the issue at hand to spur religious tension between the two peaceful faiths with similar foundations. Notably, It is important to emphasize that freedom of choice is the cornerstone of both Islam and Christianity.

    While reaffirming the commitment of the Government of Sudan to all human rights and freedom of beliefs, the Embassy of Sudan in Washington DC would like to thank all those who have raised their concern and sympathy on this issue.


  14. Costin Andrieş
    22 May 2014

    Meriam Ibrahim to be freed after death sentence for Christian faith overturned

    Sudan authorities will be freeing Christian woman Meriam Ibrahim, who was sentenced to death for her faith.

    Ibrahim, who gave birth to a baby daughter on Tuesday, is set to be free in a few days, Sudan officials told news outlets.

    The news of the woman being freed comes just a day after David Cameron spoke out against the death sentence handed to Ibraham earlier this month for apostasy. According to the BBC, Mr Cameron said he was „appalled” by the sentence and that it had „no place in today’s world”.

    „Religious freedom is an absolute, fundamental human right,” he said.

    „I urge the government of Sudan to overturn the sentence and immediately provide appropriate support and medical care for her and her children.”

    Ibrahim was sentenced to death and 100 lashes on May 15 for marrying a Christian man. Under Sharia law, she is considered a Muslim, and the marriage is invalid.

    Her husband Daniel Wani said that Ibrahim refused to renounce Christianity and „return” to Islam—the religion of her estranged father.

    „There is pressure on her from Muslim religious leaders that she should return to the faith,” Wani told CNN this week. „She said, ‘How can I return when I never was a Muslim? Yes, my father was a Muslim, but I was brought up by my mother.’ ”

    „An illegitimate marriage does not result in legally recognized offspring, which means that my son and the new baby are no longer mine,” Wani explained. The couple’s 20-month-old son, Martin, and newborn daughter, Maya, are in jail with their mother.

    Ibrahim had remained steadfast in her Christian faith despite the poor conditions she and her children have been subjected to in confinement.

    „I know my wife. She’s committed,” Wani stated. „Even last week, they brought in sheikhs and she told them, ‘I’m pretty sure I’m not going to change my mind.’”

    Ibrahim has been in a Khartoum jail since January 17.

  15. Silvapro
    22 May 2014

    Sa dea D-l!!!!!

  16. Sorin Onose
    22 May 2014

    este si va fi in viata…..ahim_Ishag

  17. Contra
    22 May 2014

    Fie la ei acolo! Uite asa devii rasist!
    Fetelor, cascati ochii când va maritati!

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