Partidul Muncii din Olanda, cea mai largă formaţiune politică de stînga, a dat publicităţii în decembrie ’08 un studiu manifest care marchează o cotitură radicală a politicii oficiale a acestui partid în privinţa asimilării imigranţilor în societatea olandeză. Documentul este ieşit din comun prin recunoaşterea falimentului multiculturalismului şi articularea clară a responsabilităţii imigranţilor de a se integra necondiţionat normelor sociale ale ţării lor adoptive:
The paper said: „The mistake we can never repeat is stifling criticism of cultures and religions for reasons of tolerance.”
Government and politicians had too long failed to acknowledge the feelings of „loss and estrangement” felt by Dutch society facing parallel communities that disregard its language, laws and customs.
Newcomers, according to Ploumen, must avoid „self-designated victimization.”
She asserted, „the grip of the homeland has to disappear” for these immigrants who, news reports indicate, also retain their original nationality at a rate of about 80 percent once becoming Dutch citizens.
Instead of reflexively offering tolerance with the expectation that things would work out in the long run, she said, the government strategy should be „bringing our values into confrontation with people who think otherwise.”
Rather, Labor’s line seems to stand on its head the old equation of jobs-plus-education equals integration. Conforming to Dutch society’s social standards now comes first. Strikingly, it turns its back on cultural relativism and uses the word emancipation in discussing the process of outsiders’ becoming Dutch.For the Netherlands’ Arab and Turkish population (about 6 percent of a total of 16 million) it refers to jobs and educational opportunities as „machines of emancipation.” Yet it also suggests that employment and advancement will not come in full measure until there is a consciousness engagement in Dutch life by immigrants that goes far beyond the present level.
Indeed, Ploumen says, „Integration calls on the greatest effort from the new Dutch. Let go of where you come from; choose the Netherlands unconditionally.” Immigrants must „take responsibility for this country” and cherish and protect its Dutch essence.
Not clear enough? Ploumen insists, „The success of the integration process is hindered by the disproportionate number of non-natives involved in criminality and trouble-making, by men who refuse to shake hands with women, by burqas and separate courses for women on citizenship.
„We have to stop the existence of parallel societies within our society.”
From the left, a call to end the current Dutch notion of tolerance
În acelaşi timp, societatea paralelă din Franţa vecină a sărbătorit Anul Nou cu tradiţionala prăjeală de maşini. 1147 de maşini arse, 280 de „tineri cu doleanţe” arestaţi, 35 de mii de poliţişti şi 50 de mii de pompieri mobilizaţi pentru ţinerea în frîu a doleanţelor. Autorităţile franceze sînt însă mulţumite :
More than 280 people were detained and more than 1,000 cars torched during New Year celebrations across France, mostly in its troubled suburbs, the interior ministry said Thursday.
Four police officials were slightly injured, according to the interior ministry, which said its security forces „were of the unanimous view” that New Year’s Eve was „rather calm and without major incident.”
280 Held, More Than 1,000 Cars Burned In French Celebrations
2 January 2009Iata cum a comentat stirea tipul de la torchlight:
Destul de cinic, dar avind in vedere cit de departe s-a ajuns, foarte probabil.
2 January 2009Elita sinucigasa nu poate fi eliminata, tocmai pentru ca s-a ajuns prea departe: sunt prea multi si au prea multa influenta. Singurul lucru care poate fi facut este construirea unui adversar pe masura ei. Daca vreti, o elita contra-elita ???? .
Emil, slujbe + educatie = integrare e un pas in directia corecta, dar atata timp cat nu este urmat de un „mai stati pe acasa” si „nu ne vom schimba pentru a-i acomoda pe altii”, directia ramane aceeasi: cea gresita. Sa nu uitam ca Olanda este inventatoarea alohtonului. ????
2 January 2009De aceea este remarcabila schimbarea de pozitie a Partidului Muncii: se inscrie in directia „nu ne vom schimba pentru a-i acomoda pe altii”. Articolul mentioneaza ca ecuatia slujbe + educatie = integrare este considerata necesara, dar insuficienta:
In ce priveste “mai stati pe acasa”, depinde de nevoile economice ale Olandei si o politica de imigrare centrata pe interesele Olandei.