Una pe zi de BBC – să învăţăm engleza goi pe un gheţar

Libertatea e o stea roşie.
Omul o priveşte visător prin telescop.

Mihai Beniuc

Click pe imagine, dar nu pe gheţar. Se topeşte!


Părinţii noştri au învăţat limba rusă. Nu rusa lui Puşkin sau Tolstoi, ci rusa de Pravda. Colhoz, Stahanov, tavariş. Azi e la modă limba engleză. Nu engleza lui Shakespeare, ci engleza de BBC. Greenpeace, man-made global warming, activist.

În pofida aparenţelor, rusa de Pravda şi engleza de BBC sînt una şi aceeaşi limbă. Alfabete şi lozinci diferite exprimînd aceleaşi idei. Şi pe termen lung, cu acelaşi succes.

Fiecare membru de colhoz, fiecare brigadă, fiecare comisar trebuie să ştie planul la însămînţări!

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Grădinariu
    26 December 2007

    Articolul nu menţionează şi câţi s-au ales cu pneumonie după aventura asta. ????

  2. Francesco
    26 December 2007

    Grozav! Pare sa fie un protest al luptatorilor contra uciderii animalelor pentru blana. Sau al ecologistilor?

  3. Oceania
    26 December 2007

    pare o fotografie de-a lui Spencer Tunick…..r%20tunick

  4. emil
    26 December 2007

    Click pe foto.

  5. The Nightfly
    26 December 2007

    Noroc cu incalzirea globala, altfel inghetau acolo ????

  6. Imperialistu'
    26 December 2007

    Spencer Tunick asta nu duce deloc lipsa de amatori, din cate vad, in ciuda lipsei sale de imaginatie. Pe cand un photo-shoot si la pol? Nu se stie niciodata cu progresistii astia.

    Wooden Snowmen

  7. costin
    26 December 2007

    BBC Chief Admits They’re Guilty of a “Massive Bias to the Left”…


    strong>(AFP)- The director general of the BBC admitted Thursday that his organisation had been guilty of a “massive bias to the left” but said “a completely different generation” of journalists now works at the broadcaster.

    Mark Thompson told the right-of-centre Spectator magazine that there was an institutional bias when he joined the organisation, reinforcing the findings of a 2007 internal report which concluded that greater efforts were required to avoid liberal bias.

    “In the BBC I joined 30 years ago, there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people’s personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the left,” Thompson said.

    “The organisation did struggle then with impartiality. And journalistically, staff were quite mystified by the early years of Thatcher.”Now it is a completely different generation. There is much less overt tribalism among the young journalists who work for the BBC,” he added.

    The 2007 report criticised the organisation?s slow response to the rise of Euroscepticism and immigration concerns, which it said were considered “‘off limits? in terms of a liberal-minded comfort zone.”

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