Sting: „Obama este trimisul lui Dumnezeu pe Pămînt”

Este rîndul lui Sting. ProTV ne anunţa acum ceva timp că Obama e mai tare ca Brad Pitt, acuma Sting, care şi el e mai tare ca Brad Pitt, ne anunţă că Obama este trimisul lui Dumnezeu pe pămînt. E oficial, Obama este aproape la fel de tare ca Dumnezeu, doar că, din moment ca Sting nu este credincios, nu ştim cît de tare este D-zeu. Dacă îşi ia ideile din Richard Dawkins, Dumnezeu nu poate fi mai mult de o deziluzie. Dar nu ne luăm după Dawkins, aşa că o să ne luăm după ce zice Sting:

În multe feluri este trimisul lui Dumnezeu pentru că lumea e … vai de capu ei [interpretare t.]

… a spus Sting glumind.

Nu mă pot gîndi la un alt om mai bine pregătit din cauza trecutului lui, a educaţiei, în special în ceea ce priveşte islamul.

Speranţa mea este că vom începe să vorbim despre subiectele importante, să nu ne mai pese dacă lui Dumnezeu îi pasă de culoarea pielii [rasiştii republicani fac asta n.t.]

Cu toţii evoluăm înspre a ajunge o familie mare şi nu mai putem trai separat


Alții spun ca nu e trimisul lui Dzeu, e chiar EL.

Breitbart: Sting: Obama best person to handle world’s ‘mess’

22 oct 2012: Hollywood Lib Russell Crowe: Chicago Jesus “The Light And The Future”…

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Transsylvania Phoenix
    29 October 2009

    Sting are un palmares de comentator politic care lasa mult de dorit. Iata ce versuri scria dumnealui pe la mijolcul anilor ’80:


    In Europe and America, there’s a growing feeling of hysteria
    Conditioned to respond to all the threats
    In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
    Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you
    I don’t subscribe to this point of view
    It would be such an ignorant thing to do
    If the Russians love their children too

    How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer’s deadly toy
    There is no monopoly in common sense
    On either side of the political fence
    We share the same biology
    Regardless of ideology
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the Russians love their children too

    There is no historical precedent
    To put the words in the mouth of the President
    There’s no such thing as a winnable war
    It’s a lie that we don’t believe anymore
    Mr. Reagan says we will protect you
    I don’t subscribe to this point of view
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the Russians love their children too

    We share the same biology
    Regardless of ideology
    What might save us, me, and you
    Is that the Russians love their children too

    Dupa cum s-a vazut, caderea comunismului in Europa in 1989 urmata de prabusirea URSS i-au dat dreptate lui Ronald Reagan, nu lui Sting. Asa ca domnia sa ar face bine sa se ocupe mai mult de cintat si mai putin de politica.

  2. Imperialistu'
    29 October 2009

    There is no monopoly in common sense
    On either side of the political fence

    Intr-o parte avem gulagul, in cealalta pe Reagan => bunul simt lipseste de ambele parti. :mrgreen:

    Russians e un bun exemplu de pacifism occidental: hai sa ignoram atitudinea belicoasa a sovieticilor si sa dam vina pe Reagan! Totul, desigur, pe fundalul sperantei (banuiesc ca aceeasi speranta care l-a facut pe Hussein presedinte la Casa Alba): „I hope the Russians love their children, too”. Culmea, la doar cateva zeci de ani de la al doilea razboi mondial si dovada vie a cat de mult isi iubesc rusii proprii copii.

  3. Manjusri
    29 October 2009

    Eu credeam ca Obama e Superman mascat in Spiderman. Bine ca m-a lamurit Sting cum stau cu adevarat lucrurile… ????

  4. costin
    29 October 2009

    ‘A Time for Choosing’ Un discurs tinut de Ronal Reagan acum 45 de ani, scris parca pentru zilele noastre.

    We are told that we have to chose left or right. THere is no such thing like left or right. There is only up or down

  5. farfuridi
    29 October 2009

    Si un articol despre hollywood si … Fidel Castro.

    Pe aceeasi tema: stupizenia vedetelor. Macar daca ar fi doar stupizenie.

  6. costin
    29 October 2009

    farfuridi, uite cum descrie Yuri Bezmenov, fost kgbist, modul in care jurnalistii erau folositi de comunisti pentru a „da bine” in fata americanilor, pentru a inocula ideea ca de fapt comunismul este ceva bun.

    Media critic Michael Medved labels the movie-star attention to Castro, „sickening.” Dennis Hays, head of the anti-Castro Cuban American National Foundation, says Castro maintains a „cult”-like following, similar to the devotion for past figures like „Jim Jones or David Koresh.”

    Comedian Chevy Chase, at Earth Day 2000 in Washington D.C., said he believes „socialism works” and explained that „Cuba might prove that.”


    Steven Spielberg

    visited Cuba and met with Castro in November and dined with the dictator until the early morning hours. Spielberg announced that his dinner with Castro „was the eight most important hours of my life.”


    Jack Nicholson

    told Daily Variety, following his three-hour 1998 meeting in Cuba that,

    „He [Castro] is a genius. We spoke about everything.”

    „I’m so nervous and flustered because I can’t believe I have met him. He said that seeing us in person was very spiritual,” Naomi Campbell recounted of her 1999 visit to Cuba with fellow model Kate Moss, according to the Toronto Star.

    American media moguls, including the president of CBS TV, the head of MTV and the editor of Vanity Fair, visited Cuba in 2001 and had nothing but praise for the Caribbean Island. One member of the entourage described Cuba as „the most romantic, soulful and sexy country I’ve ever been to in my life,” according to the New York Post.

    Other Hollywood celebrities who have visited Cuba and Castro include Robert Redford, Spike Lee, Sidney Pollack, Oliver Stone, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Ed Asner, Shirley MacLaine, Alanis Morissette, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kevin Costner.

    Costner visited Cuba in 2001 for the premiere of his film on the Cuban Missile Crisis, Thirteen Days, and attended a private screening with Castro. The film depicts the Kennedy administration behind the scenes during the October 1962 crisis.

    Costner was clearly impressed with Castro, stating at a Havana press conference,

    „It was an experience of a lifetime to sit only a few feet away from him and watch him relive an experience he lived as a very young man.”


    acum citiva ani aveam respect pentru multi din actorii care apar in aritcolul tau, dar de citiva nu pot vedea majoritatea filmelor recente scoase de hollywood

  7. farfuridi
    29 October 2009

    costin, eu vad max. 5 filme de la hollywood pe an ????

    ma bucur ca nu sint singurul.

  8. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    ce se intampla? de ce nu ma lasa sa postez

  9. costin
    29 October 2009

    explica putin, te rog. ce nu te lasa sa postezi?

  10. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    am scris un comentariu din care am salvat doar atat:

    Intre timp Al Gore va deveni primul miliardar de „carbon”.
    Asa cum in Romania exista milionarii de „carton ce fac afaceri oneroase cu statul.
    Al Gore Group Urges Obama To Create US Power Grid
    Date: 07-Nov-08
    Country: US
    Author: Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent

    On Thursday, the group Gore founded rolled out a new media campaign to push for immediate investments in three energy areas it maintains would help meet Gore’s previously announced challenge to produce 100 percent clean electricity in the United States in a decade.

    Pegged to Obama’s election victory on Tuesday, the Gore group’s ads on television, in newspapers and online, pose the question, „Now what?”

    ei bine, apoi a cumparat o firma mica, anonima si necunoascuta ” Silver Spring Networks” din California cu 75 milioane ca apoi statul sa investeasca in salvarea adusa de Gore pamantlui 3,4 miliarde unde 560 milioane se duc catre compania necunoascuta pana atunci Reteaua Primaverii de Argint” conform The telegraph

    intre timp revolutia continua:

    November 2, 2009 | 3:08 pm
    A last-minute poll of New York’s suddenly significant 23rd District interim House race shows that with less than 12 hours before voting begins, the Conservative/Republican candidate Doug Hoffman has built a 5-point lead over Democrat Bill Owens.

    apoi am tot incercat sa il trimit si nu a mers.
    si nu este prima data cand se intampla.

  11. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    mda, iar am scris, iar nu a aparut nimic….

  12. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    Intre timp Al Gore va deveni primul miliardar de „carbon”.
    Asa cum in Romania exista milionarii de „carton ce fac afaceri oneroase cu statul.
    Al Gore Group Urges Obama To Create US Power Grid
    Date: 07-Nov-08
    Country: US
    Author: Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent

    On Thursday, the group Gore founded rolled out a new media campaign to push for immediate investments in three energy areas it maintains would help meet Gore’s previously announced challenge to produce 100 percent clean electricity in the United States in a decade.

    Pegged to Obama’s election victory on Tuesday, the Gore group’s ads on television, in newspapers and online, pose the question, „Now what?”

    ei bine, apoi a cumparat o firma mica, anonima si necunoascuta ” Silver Spring Networks” din California cu 75 milioane ca apoi statul sa investeasca in salvarea adusa de Gore pamantlui 3,4 miliarde unde 560 milioane se duc catre compania necunoascuta pana atunci Reteaua Primaverii de Argint” conform The telegraph

    intre timp revolutia continua:

    November 2, 2009 | 3:08 pm
    A last-minute poll of New York’s suddenly significant 23rd District interim House race shows that with less than 12 hours before voting begins, the Conservative/Republican candidate Doug Hoffman has built a 5-point lead over Democrat Bill Owens.

  13. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    de patru ori am incercat sa pun un comentariu si nu merge

  14. dr pepper
    29 October 2009

    pana la urma a aparut jumatate.

  15. costin
    29 October 2009

    jumatatea asta era oprita de filtrul spam. nu stiu de ce nu a mers cu celelate incarcari. poate e vreo problema cu browserul care il folosesti. habar n-am.

  16. costin
    29 October 2009

    La un an dupa „inscaunarea” lui Obama, exista state americane care se gindesc sa la posibilitatea parasirii Uniunii:

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry rattled cages when he suggested that Texans might at some point become so disgusted with Washington’s gross violation of the U.S. Constitution that they would want to secede from the union. Political hustlers, their media allies and others, who have little understanding, are calling his remarks treasonous. Let’s look at it.

    When New York delegates met on July 26, 1788, their ratification document read, „That the Powers of Government may be resumed by the People, whensoever it shall become necessary to their Happiness; that every Power, Jurisdiction and right which is not by the said Constitution clearly delegated to the Congress of the United States, or the departments of the government thereof, remains to the People of the several States, or to their respective State Governments to whom they may have granted the same.”

    As demonstrated by the ratification documents of New York, Rhode Island and Virginia, they made it explicit that if the federal government perverted the delegated rights, they had the right to resume those rights. In fact, when the Union was being formed, where the states created the federal government, every state thought they had a right to secede otherwise there would not have been a Union.

    Finally, here’s my secession question for you. Some Americans accept and have respect for the Tenth Amendment, which reads, „The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

    Other Americans, the majority I fear, say to hell with the Tenth Amendment limits on the federal government. Which is a more peaceful solution: one group of Americans seeking to impose their vision on others or simply parting company?

  17. hidroizolatii
    29 October 2009

    trimisu’ lui Dumnezeu auzi ???? inseamna ca Dumnezeu e tare suparat pe americani de inca-i tine in criza, iar acum ma intreb al nostru…e trimisu’ cui ???

  18. ramanujan
    29 October 2009

    O dedicatie pt. toti patrupezii. Am inteles ca nu va plac manelele „de dreapta”, „capitaliste” (adica pro-Basescu). Asa ca va propun una „de stanga”, „socialista”.

    Fratii de Aur & Lele – Tiganii si Americanii
    Si o varianta fara videoclip dar cu sonor mai bun:

    „Si-a venit la Casa Alba
    Un om bun cu pielea neagra.”

  19. bugsy
    29 October 2009

    #18 ramanujan: contradedicatie la manele:

  20. ioana h
    29 October 2009

    ???? domnule, de cate ori sa mai zic , ca am obosit:
    faptul de a avea un talent ( dar divin) artistic, nu presupune obligatoriu si nici nu cere inteligenta. Bref, in cazul artistilor talentati ( ba chiar si scriitorilor si poetilor), sa ne bucuram de talentele lor si sa nu uitam ca in afara creatiei lor artistice nu trebuie ( chiar nu trebuie) luati in serios. Zau…
    Acu na, daca or fi unii care se iau dupa capul lor…inseamna ca tot atata cap au/n-au. E de la natura ????
    Acu ce-ar fi sa nu mai ascultam muzica frumoasa doar pt ca-i cantata/compusa de prosti sau nebuni? Sau sa nu mai savurez un poem de dragoste de Neruda pentru ca era comunist? come on…

  21. emil borcean
    29 October 2009

    Apropos, Ioana. Ai ascultat muzica lui Aaron Copland? Sigur cunosti macar aceasta interpretare a uneia dintre cele mai cunoscute piese ale sale:

    Originalul e peste varianta ELP, dar cel putin varianta rockerilor a ajutat la popularizarea lui Copland printre tineri. Copland a fost un compozitor american extraordinar. Un exemplu de varf al muzicii clasice americane din secolul 20. A fost si un statornic simpatizant comunist.

    Iata compozitia intitulata „The Promise of Living”, ilustrata de imagini vechi.

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