Ion Mihai Pacepa pentru Reagan@100: Ştia cum să trateze cu dictatorii

Statele Unite au cîştigat Războiul Rece pentru că Ronald Reagan a înţeles că dictatorii sînt nişte laşi cu gura mare, şi a ştiut cum să îi abordeze.

În 1978, m-am despărţit de comunism, eram conducătorul casei prezidenţiale a lui Ceauşescu. La scurt timp am scris manuscrisul Orizonturi Roşii, în care descriam viaţa la curtea celui ce reprezenta chintesenţa dictatorului comunist. Mi-a fost greu să găsesc pe cineva dispus să o publice. Nici nu este de mirare – cei mai mulţi dictatori ştiu cum să se înfăţişeze într-o lumină favorabilă. Ceauşescu tocmai îşi încheiase, încununat de succes, turul regal în jurul lumii, sfîrşindu-l la Casa Albă. Acolo, preşedintele Carter a pus cireaşa pe tortul dictatorial, numindu-l emfatic “un mare conducător naţional şi internaţional.” Stăteam alături de el în Casa Albă şi nu mi-am putut crede urechilor. Trei luni mai tîrziu am dezertat, dar nici o editură nu era dispusă să se atingă de descrierea mea atît de respingătoare a unui bărbat atît de faimos.

A durat ani de zile să găsesc soluţia acestei probleme. În septembrie 1985 am predat manuscrisul meu lui William Casey, Directorul Central Intelligence. Într-o scrisoare datată 17 decembrie 1985, DCI Casey mi-a răspuns: “Preşedintele l-a citit şi a fost impresionat.” Preşedintele era Ronald Reagan, care a numit manuscrisul “Biblia mea în relaţiile cu dictatorii.” Al Regnery, un admirator al lui Reagan, a publicat manuscrisul. În ziua de Crăciun a anului 1989, Ceauşescu a fost executat de proprii oameni, la finalul unui proces în care majoritatea acuzaţiilor au venit din cartea mea, care a fost citită în serial la Radio Europa Liberă.

În 1986, bunul meu prieten, Michael Ledeen, în acea vreme consilier pe probleme de antiterorism în cadrul administraţiei Reagan, mi-a spus că preşedintele era sătul de dictatorul Libian, Gaddafi. Reagan avea dovezi că acesta era în spatele exploziei de la discoteca La Belle din Berlinul de Vest, un loc frecventat de soldaţii americani, explozie în care au fost ucişi doi soldaţi şi 200 de persoane au fost rănite. Reagan m-a rugat să îi dau o descriere rapidă a corturilor lui Gaddafi, corturi în care l-am întîlnit pe dictator de multe ori. Ledeen a primit răspunsul meu. Avioane de război americane au atacat oraşele libiene Tripoli şi Benghazi pe 15 aprilie 1986, distrugînd cu această ocazie reşedinţa conducătorului libian Gaddafi şi ucigîndu-i fiica adoptivă. Conform rapoartelor din media, Gaddafi ieşise din cort cu cîteva minute înaintea atacului american. A trecut mult timp pînă cînd Gaddafi şi-a mai arătat faţa în public.

via Madame Blogary

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. blunthead
    7 February 2011

    “În 1987, m-am despărţit de comunism[…]” – 1978 ?
    “Conform rapoartelor din media, Gaddafi ieşise din cort cu cîteva minute înaintea atacului american” – pentru ca sunt si stangeii buni la ceva

    Former Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi warned Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi that the U.S. would bomb his country in 1986, saving the colonel’s life, Libyan Foreign Minister Abdel Rahman Shalgam said today.

    “Craxi sent a friend to warn that a raid would be coming in two days,” Shalgam said both in a speech and again on the sidelines of a conference in Rome. “I don’t think this is any big secret.”

  2. Costin A.
    7 February 2011

    87? 78! corectat!

  3. dr pepper
    7 February 2011

    apropos de ce zice pacepa, am citit acum cateva zile articolul asta: Eleanor Clift Schooled On Egypt By Entire McLaughlin Group

    se pare ca america a pierdut nu unul dintre cei mai mari aliati din orientul mijlociu – ci pe toti.
    cei care urasc america continua sa o urasca iar aliatii nu mai au nici cea mai mica incredere in america.
    intre timp, economia se tot duce in jos dar nimeni nu asculta vocile oamenilor de afaceri ce nu mai fac fata regulilor impuse de EPA.
    Republicans out front of Obama on regulations

    Issa and Obama don’t have to look far. Last month, The Associated Press reported that the Interior Department’s Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation estimates the administration’s proposal for protecting streams from coal mining would strip away about 7,000 of the industry’s nearly 81,000 jobs.

    Large and small businesses and trade associations told Issa, R-Calif., that they want to change or eliminate more than of 100 regulations — more than half related to the environment and others governing financial rules, the workplace and transportation.

    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, the Republican chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, isn’t waiting for a regulatory review. Upton has already drafted legislation that would require a two-year delay of EPA’s plan to make power plants, refineries and other industrial facilities reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming..

    At a recent hearing chaired by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., chairman of Energy and Commerce’s investigative subcommittee, Republicans summoned Obama’s chief regulation official, Cass Sunstein. GOP members launched into tirades against the EPA and other regulatory agencies. Stearns and other Republicans often cut off Sunstein’s responses as he tried to explain administration policies.

    Many of the responses Issa got simply echo what businesses and their trade associations formally told the administration during the formal public comment periods for regulatory proposals.
    “These letters are designed around building momentum on putting pressure on the administration to cut back on federal regulations,” Bass said.

    If the Obama administration takes the responses to Issa seriously, it will have a lot of reading to do.

    The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association objected to special flight restrictions for Washington, D.C., airspace. The group said they were “hastily established during a weekend in February 2003, and . intended to be a temporary security measure imposed in preparation for the then-pending Iraq war.” Possible penalty for noncompliance: “pilot certificate revocation or even being ‘shot down.’”

    The association pegged the cost to the private sector as $628 million over 10 years.
    The American Beverage Association, the voice for the non-alcoholic drink industry, said an example of “government overreach” is the spending of stimulus dollars by the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC doled out grants “that unfairly single out beverages containing sugar for denigration, including campaigns encouraging the imposition of special taxes on these products.”

    The group highlighted its collaboration with first lady Michelle Obama in calling for innovative initiatives to end obesity.

    The American Chemistry Council contended that proposed EPA regulations for industrial boilers and heaters jeopardized 60,000 jobs, but it said the regulation was a symptom of a wider problem: inadequate measurement of the financial and employment impact of proposed rules.

    The American Meat Institute complained that 100,000 jobs could be lost in the meat, livestock and related industries by a proposed livestock and poultry marketing rule that “goes well beyond the mandate” in the 2008 farm bill.

    Members of nonprofit credit unions would be harmed by a proposed Federal Reserve rule that would allow the institutions to collect only 12 cents per debit card transaction when their costs amount to 44 cents, according to the National Credit Union Administration. The rule could force credit unions to impose monthly checking account fees of $15 to $20, the group said.

    The National Mining Association said EPA “guidance” for surface and underground coal mining in Appalachia amounted to “a de-facto moratorium on the issuance of coal mining permits.” The group said EPA acted “in complete disregard of existing federal law and procedure” and would cost the industry “thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars” in West Virginia alone.

    personal, eu nu cred ca se va renunta la politicile economice socialiste centralizate ceea ce va duce la un blocaj economic.

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