Time Magazine, „Person of The Year” pentru 2011 (varianta oficială vs varianta corectă)

Varianta oficială:

De la
Primăvara arabă,
La Atena,
De la Occupy
Wall Street
La Moscova

Occupy Wall Street?

Variana corectă!

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. Costin A.
    15 December 2011

    OWS’ Reaction to TIME’s ‘Person of the Year’ (explicit)

  2. Costin A.
    15 December 2011


    People monitoring the Occupy D.C. movement tell Inside the Ring that the two encampments are fast becoming health hazards. Numerous protesters also recently were sickened with unusual respiratory illnesses.

    The major emerging problem for the leftists camped out in tents at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza is rats. The rodents appear to be moving into the area by the hundreds, and their numbers are increasing daily.

    The McPherson camp appears be where more radical leftists are based. An observer familiar with the McPherson camp said one distinctive smell coming from the park area is that of methamphetamine being smoked.

    Among the flags being flown by some protesters are those from the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah and al Qaeda.

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