Obama a promis Ierusalimul palestinienilor

O ştire care nu era prea demnă de incredere la vremea respectivă:

4 Noiembrie 2008: Obama promite lui Abbas că va împărţi Ierusalimul

Apoi, după 7 luni de preşedenţie Obamică, cu tot ce include ea: naţionalizări, creşterea masivă a deficitului, creşterea influenţei statului în vieţilor oamenilor, scuze şi cereri de prietenie îndreptate spre regimuri totalitare din întreaga lume, apare această ştire deloc obscură:

30 mai 2009: Obama promite arabilor că Ierusalimul va fi al lor

Ştire oficială: Preşedintele a declarat ca un stat palestinian cu capitala la Ierusalim este în “interesul american”

Preşedintele Obama şi admninistraţia sa a spus Preşedintelui Autorităţii Palestiniene Mahmoud Abbas în timpul unei întîlniri de săptămîna trecută că SUA prevede crearea unui stat pelastinian cu Ierusalimul drept capitală, conform unei oficialităţi a PA.

“Administraţia americană a fost foarte prietenoasă poziţiei Autorităţii Palestiniene,” a spus Nimer Hamad, principal consilier politic al lui lui Abbas.
Un alt oficial PA, vorbind sub condiţia anonimităţii, a spus World Net Daily ca azi Obama l-a informat pe Abbas că nu îl va lăsa pe Primul Ministru Benjamin Netanyahu “să stea în calea” normalizării relaţiilor Statelor Unite cu arabii şi lumea musulmană.
“Ierusalim este capitala Israelului”, a spus Netanyahu ]n timpul unui eveniment ce marca reunificarea Ierusalimului. “Ierusalimul a fost dintodeauna al nostru şi va fi mereu al nostru. Nu va mai fi niciodata partiţionat şi împărţit.”
“Americanii au spus unui Ierusalim deschis – da. Dar unui Ierusalim unit sub suveranitate israeliană – nu.”, a spus Hatem Abdel Khader, minstrul Autoriţii Palestiniene însărcinat cu probleme ce privesc Ierusalimul, într-un comentariu pentru WDN şi situl de ştiri israelian Ynetnews.

“(Administraţia Obama) a spus clar că Ierusalismul va fi accesibil tuturor – dar nu va fi unit sub conducerea Israelului,” a spus Khader.

Ştire din noiembrie, anul trecut care spunea că Obama ar fi promis conducătorului palestinian, Mahmus Abbas, divizarea Ierusalimului:

( Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama privately expressed his support for a new Arab state within Israel’s current borders, including eastern Jerusalem, during his meeting with Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah this summer.

According to a report published Tuesday in the Lebanese newspaper al-Ahbar, Obama told Abbas that he supports a PA state, and Arab “rights to east Jerusalem” as well. The sources said Abbas and PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad “heard the best things they ever heard from an American president” during the meeting. However, said sources quoted in the report, the candidate asked them to keep his declaration a secret.

Israelianca a comentat ştirea la vremea respectivă:

nu stiu mai mult. Toate retelele de presa au publicat cam acelasi lucru – un ziar libanez, promisiuni facute privately, adica in privata. Numai ca Abbas si Fayyad sint doi pacalici pe care Israelul i-a salvat cind Hamasul a dat lovitura de stat in Gaza. Ce n-a reusit Israelul, sa distruga organizatia terorista a lui Arafat, a reusit Hamas. Abbas si Fayyad au acelasi statut ca si Suha Arafat, dar mult, mult mai putini bani – regina vaduva, Queen Dowager, pusi pe linie moarta.
Interesanta intrebarea ta, pentru ca pe la prinz cind a inceput sa circule stirea asta in Israel, ma gindeam la T-shirturile care se pot cumpara in Israel – bugsy, unde esti? le-ai vazut si tu? – T-shirturi pe care scrie: “America, don’t worry. Israel is behind you.” https://www.thejerusalemgiftsho…..cts_id/381
Nu stiu cum sa- i spun Obamei, dar daca se amesteca prea mult in treburile noastre interne o sa scoatem T-shirturi cu emblema: “America, you’re on your own. Start worrying!”
Acuma, lasind gluma deoparte, o sa fie foarte neplacut daca Obama/America o sa incerce sa forteze mina Israelului. Israelul este singurul aliat onest al Americii in zona. Siria deja a reinnoit accesul navelor rusesti in porturile ei. In Egipt mocneste si dospeste ura impotriva Americii. Chiar daca, sa presupunem, guvernul israelian ar accepta, publicul n-ar mai accepta inca o galusca. Sa nu uitam insa ca daca se alege, Obama va fi inaugurat abia in ianuarie. Alegerile la noi sint programate pentru 10 Februarie. Deci oricum mai avem de asteptat 4-5 luni. La noi guvernul in functie este interim, pentru ca Olmert a demisionat iar Livni nu a fost in stare sa inchege o coalitie. Nici un guvern de tranzitie nu a luat si nu poate lua hotariri de asemenea amploare. Pur si simplu nu au mandat. Oricum, asteptam pina miine sa vedem cine iese. Acum opt ani, presa il incoronase bine de tot pe Gorica. La fel si la noi, acum nu stiu citi ani (poate Dan isi aminteste), ne-am dus la culcare cu Peres, care a si tinut discursul triumfal, si ne-am trezit cu Bibi Netanyahu.

Iată că Obama ştie să îşi şi ţină cuvîntul. Israelianca, ceva comentarii? Is this for real?

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. bugsy
    2 June 2009

    Israelianca, ma alatur si eu lui Costin si te rog sa ne oferi informatii/comentarii pe acest subiect. Eu am cautat pe ynet (stiu ca este o sursa pe care tu o recomanzi) si am dat….peste alta perla OBAMA:

    “US inviting Iranian diplomats to July 4 parties.

    In a new overture to Iran, the Obama administration has authorized US embassies around the world to invite Iranian officials to Independence Day parties they host on or around July 4th.”

  2. costin
    2 June 2009

    Melanie Phillips: “America has a pro-Islamist President”

    […] For the past six months, while Obama has been holding out the hand of friendship to Iran, he has been showing Israel a mailed fist.
    Why, people asked themselves, was he singling out Iran’s putative victim for the heavy treatment while soft-soaping Tehran? Why had he torn up the Road Map which requires the Palestinians to dismantle their infrastructure of terror before anything else can happen, telling Israel instead that its stubbornness over the settlements was the main impediment to a Palestinian state?

    Why didn’t he acknowledge the blindingly obvious — that the Palestinians’ continuing, explicit refusal to accept Israel as a Jewish state was the fatal impediment?

    And then there was the Cairo shocker of a speech. Even the American Jews could not ignore this. Obama stated falsely that the Jews’ aspiration for a homeland was rooted in the Holocaust and their tragic history.

    Airbrushing out both the Jews 3,500-year connection to their ancient homeland and the central place of Jerusalem within the religion, he thus effectively denied that Jews are in Israel as of right.

    Sanitising Islam through false claims about its historic achievements and selective and misleading quotation from the Koran, he declared that it was part of his responsibility to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.

    Why? Did this mean therefore that he would fight against any condemnation of the theologically based Jew-hatred pouring out of the Islamic world, not least in Egypt where he was making this speech?

    Did he not have a similar responsibility to fight against the negative stereotypes of Jews or Zionists that are inciting terrorism, war and genocide in the Muslim world?

    Through the use of a Koranic reference, he also subtly implied that Jerusalem would become Muslim while stating that it should be home equally to Christians, Muslims and Jews.

    And he referred to the region as being where Islam was first revealed. This was a revealing word to choose, implying acknowledgement of divine revelation. ‘Revealed’ is the language of a believer.

    None of this proves Obama is really a Muslim. But it does all suggest that America has a pro-Islamist President.

    Doubtless as a result of his constant sniping at Israel, the percentage of American voters who say they support Israel has plummeted, according to the Israel Project, from 69 per cent last September to 49 per cent this month.

    The US and Israel could be heading for the greatest disagreement between the two countries in the history of their relationship, as Middle East expert Robert Satloff recently told Newsweek.

    Even now, though, despite the outbreak of buyers’ remorse, most American Jews still don’t realise what they have done — and probably never will.

  3. dr pepper
    2 June 2009

    Clinton Issues Holiday Greetings to Muslims, Not Jews

    ( Both Jews and Muslims celebrated holidays in September 2009. However, the United States Consulate in Jerusalem – America’s representative in Israel’s capital – chose to focus entirely on Islam this year, while ignoring the Jewish holidays of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur completely.

    frumos din partea lor, nu?

    The Consulate’s website features Eid il-Fitr greetings from U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Consul General Daniel Rubinstein. Its staff was involved in Ramadan celebrations in Jenin and Shechem, and hosted a meal in Jericho for the Muslim holiday of Iftar.
    Clinton’s greeting was published on September 19 – the first day of Rosh HaShana. However, no mention was made of the Jewish holiday.
    All three holiday wishes from American leaders to Muslims were apolitical, and focused on messages such as “personal reflection” and “charity.” In contrast, President Obama’s Rosh HaShana greeting, which is not on the site, included a brief promotion of his Israel-Palestinian Authority peace plan.

    leftistii autointitulati trompeta antidiscrimanare sau discriminarii pozitive nu isi pot ascunde resentimentele pentru statul israel.
    si nici antipatia.

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