Obama şi Ierusalismul arab

Pe 31 martie 2010 a apărut pe World Net Daily o ştire conform căreia o oficialitate palestiniană ar fi declarat sub condiţia anonimităţii că admninistraţia Obama „susţine şi încurajează protestele palestiniente pentru a forţa Israelul să evacueze părţi din zona de est a Ierusalimului”. Această ştire poate fi tradusă astfel: Obama susţine atacurile violente ale arabilor palestinieni asupra zonei de est a Ierusalimului pentru a foţa Israelul să se retragă din zonă. Ideea, incredibilă la prima vedere, este greu de refutat considerînd şirul declaraţiilor şi acţiunilor întreprinse de Obama vis a vis de Israel, încă de pe vremea când se afla în campanie electorală pentru preşedinţia Statelor Unite. În noiembrie 2008 a apărut într-un ziar libenez un articol obscur conform căruia Obama ar fi promis lui Mahmoud Abbas jumătate din Ierusalim. Am privit ştirea sceptic, dar am ţinut-o minte în aşteptarea unor eventuale confirmări ulterioare. Şapte luni mai tîrziu, a venit o primă confirmare: „Obama l-a informat pe Abbas că nu îl va lăsa pe Primul Ministru Benjamin Netanyahu ‘să stea în calea’ normalizării relaţiilor Statelor Unite cu arabii şi lumea musulmană”, promiţind arabilor un stat a cărui capitală avea să fie Ierusalimul.

Aruncînd o privire în trecutul lui Obama, ştirea de mai sus devine şi mai credibilă. Timp de 20 de ani, Obama a frecventat biserica Reverendului Wright, autorul vestitei fraze “God Damn AmeriKKKa!”, pastor al unei biserici negre unde ţine slujbe despre rasismul şi actele teroriste săvîrşite de Statele Unite şi Israel. Acelaşi reverend Wright a motivat atacurile din NY din septembrie 2001 prin rasismul israelian faţă de palestinieni (secvenţa audio, aici). Confruntat cu peroraţiile lui Wright, după cîtevă ezitări stîngace în care a negat că ar fi auzit rostite aceste cuvinte în cei 20 de ani în care i-a frecventat biserica, Obama s-a dezis de el. De ochii lumii. Dar reverendul Wright nu este singura persoană apropiata lui Obama care are păreri puternic antiisraeliene, antiamericane şi antisemite.

21 ianuarie 2009 – primul telefon dat de Barack Hussein Obama în calitate de preşedinte al Statelor Unite a fost către liderul arabilor palestinieni, Mahmoud Abbas, probabil pentru a reafirma promisiunile făcute în campania electorală.

După un „apology tour” pe trei continente (iniţiativă previzibilă din partea unui om a cărui nevastă, Michelle Obama, a declarat că pînă ce soţul ei a fost ales preşedinte, nu a fost mîndră de ţara în care a crescut şi a ajuns Prima Doamnă) pe 4 iunie 2009 a ţinut un discurs în Cairo. Adresat lumii islamice, discursul abundă în platitudini, inexactităţi şi echivalenţe morale, precum cea dintre Holocaust, în care au pierit aproximativ 6 milioane de evrei, şi “suferinţa dislocării” arabilor din Iudeea:

Pe tot globul, poporul evreu a fost persecutat secole de-a rândul, iar în Europa antisemitismul a culminat într-un Holocaust fără precedent.
Pe de altă parte, este de asemenea de netăgăduit că poporul palestinian – musulmani şi creştini – au suferit în efortul de căutare a unei patrii. Pentru mai mult de şaizeci de ani ei au suferit durerea dislocării.
Discursul lui Obama de la Cairo

Un alt element de luat în considerare în discursul de la Cairo este încercarea de legitimizare a mişcării teroriste Hamas:

Hamas are sprijin printre unii palestinieni, dar de asemenea are şi responsabilităţi. Pentru a juca un rol în realizarea aspiraţiilor palestinienilor, şi pentru a unifica poporul palestinian, Hamas trebuie să termine cu violenţa, să recunoască înţelegerile din trecut, precum şi să recunoască dreptul Israelului la existenţă.

Discursul lui Obama ignoră complet faptul că Hamas a fost creată cu un unic scop: ştergerea de pe hartă a Israelului şi anihilarea tuturor evreilor:

În acelaşi timp, israelienii trebuie să accepte că aşa cum nu poate fi negat dreptul Israelului la existentă, nu poate fi negat nici acela al Palestinei. Statele Unite nu acceptă legitimitatea continuării implementării de noi aşezări israeliene.

23 martie 2010 – Benjamin Netanyahu a ţinut un discurs ce poate fi sumarizat într-o singură frază astfel: “Ierusalimul nu este o colonie. Este capitala noastră.” Discursul este un răspuns adresat lui Barack Obama, în care Benjamin Netanyahu a accentuat cîteva puncte:

Viitorul statului evreu nu poate să depindă de bunăvoinţa chiar a celui mai mare dintre conducătorii lumii. Israelul trebuie să-şi rezerve întotdeauna dreptul de a se apăra.

În Ierusalim, guvernul meu a menţinut politicile toturor guvernelor israeliene din 1967, inclusiv cele conduse de Golda Meir, Menachem Begin şi Yitzhak Rabin. Astăzi, aproape un sfert de milion de evrei, aproape jumătate din populaţia evreiească a oraşului, trăieşte în cartiere care sunt dincolo de liniile armistiţiului din 1949. Toate aceste cartiere sunt la o distanţă de Knesset de cinci minute de condus cu maşina. Acestea sunt o parte integrantă şi indisolubilă a Ierusalimului modern.

Toată lumea ştie că aceste cartiere vor face parte din Israel, în orice acord de pace. Prin urmare, construind în acolo nu exclude în nici un fel posibilitatea soluţiei cu două state.

Obama întinde mîna prieteniei şi legitimării organizaţiei teroriste Hamas, dar considerînd-o, pesemne, mai demnă de încredere pe „moderata” Autoritate Palestiniană condusă de Mahmoud Abbas, dar Netanyahu spulberă mitul: „Cu câteva zile în urmă, o piaţă publică din apropierea oraşului Ramallah a fost numită după un terorist care a ucis 37 de civili israelieni, inclusiv 13 copii. Autoritatea Palestiniană nu a făcut nimic pentru a preveni acest lucru.”

A doua zi, pe 24 martie 2010, premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a fost umilit în timpul vizitei sale la Casa Albă de către preşedintele Obama, oferindu-i-se „un tratament rezervat presedintelui Guineei Ecuatoriale”. via

Ce ignoră Obama este în Orientul Mijlociu în afara Israelului nu există nici măcar conceptul de „libertatea religioasă”, iar un Ierusalim divizat va duce la decăderea totală a unei metropole prospere aşa cum este Ierusalimul în prezent. Editorialul lui DAVID M. WEINBERG de pe Jerusalem Post spune lucrurilor pe nume. Am tradus cîteva fragmente:

Va fi divizat Ierusalimul?


Nu există absolut nici un motiv să credem că liderii arabi ai Ierusalimului vor menţine standardul impus de Israel ce garantează libertatea neîngradită a serviciilor religioase în oraş.[…] Sub conducerea Autorităţii Palestiniene şi a Hamas, creştinii din Cisiordania şi Gaza au fost urmăriţi, terorizaţi şi izgoniţi. Betleemul a încetat practic să mai existe ca oraş creştin…
Sub conducerea iordaniană, evreii nu aveau voie să viziteze locurile lor sfinte din Ierusalim, în timp ce mii de morminte evreieşti de pe Muntele cu Măslini au fost desecrate, iar pietrele de mormînt au fost folosite pentru a pava străzile. Cum pot fi asemenea lucruri prevenite sub conducere palestiniană?

Iată adevărul: nu pot fi. Nici unul dintre conducătorii arabi ai Ierusalimului, pe care Obama cu atîta gravitate doreşte să îi impună, nici comunitatea internaţională, nu vor păzi în mod eficient interesele evreieşti, creştine şi occidentale din Ierusalim. Israelul este singurul gardian responsabil şi de încredere al Ierusalimului…
Adevărul este că Ierusalimul a înflorit sub guvernarea israeliană. Pentru evrei, musulmani, creştini, oameni de ştiinţă, cler, meşteşugari, arhitecţi, artişti, arheologi şi turişti, ultimii 43 de ani au fost vremuri bune. La fel şi pentru fiecare cetăţean: Niciodată în istoria de sa de 3.000 de ani zonele rezidenţiale nu au fost atît de atractive în Ierusalim…
Orice palestinian vă va spune (în particular, bineînţeles) că, în ansamblu, preferă să trăiască într-un Ierusalim controlat de israelieni decît în unul controlat de imamo-craţia Hamas sau de incredibil de înşelătoarea „Autoritate” Palestiniană (unde există foarte puţină autoritate şi democraţie).

Acesta este motivul pentru care foarte puţini arabi din Ierusalim au participat la activităţi teroriste.
… Acesta este motivul pentru care arabii din Ierusalim cumpără case la preţuri ameţitoare în zone preponderent evreieşti, cum sînt French Hill, Pisgat Ze’ev şi Talpiot.

Arrogant ObamaObama, în aroganţa lui, crede că Israelul va urma recomandările şi direcţiile impuse de el, renunţînd la estul Ierusalimului în schimbul unei închipuite păci. „Pacea” nu va fi prea diferită de cea obţinută de Israel la retragerea din Gaza, cînd atacurile cu rachete au devenit brusc de cîteva ori mai puternice. Acesta este un lucru pe care Obama, în înţelepciunea lui împăciuitoare, îl ignoră cu desăvîrşire. A făcut, totuşi, o promisiune, nu-i aşa?
P.S. emil: Teritoriul în dispută a fost cumpărat de sionişti, de la proprietarii arabi, înainte de înfiinţarea statului Israel în 1948. Cu ocazia asaltului arab asupra statului evreu nou înfiinţat, Iordania a ocupat Ierusalimul de Est, i-a alungat pe evrei, le-a interzis întoarcerea şi a desecrat toate cimiterele evreieşti. În 1967, arabii au atacat din nou Israelul. Au fost bătuţi într-un război care a durat şase zile, iar Israel a recuperat Ierusalimul de Est. Arabii continuă să conteste legitimitatea administraţiei israeliene şi se opun construcţiei de locuinţe.
P.P.S. Israelianca: Ce sa zic de Obama, doar ca e trecator… Pacat ca nu-si da seama.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. bugsy
    5 April 2010

    Costin, felicitari pentru articol.
    Despre criza israeliano -americana, un articol bun si aici:
    sursa: jewish world review

  2. emil
    5 April 2010

    Costin, ultima fraza a ramas in aer… completeaza, te rog.

  3. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    Saint Obama? Give me a Break! ????
    Un site plin ochi cu lecturi lămuritoare despre BHO:

  4. israelianca
    5 April 2010

    costin, nu un terorist a fost glorificat, ci o terorista, Dalal Mughrabi.
    De asemenea, Ramallah este orasul de trista reputatie unde au fost linsati doi rezervisti israelieni in anul 2000. Linsul a avut loc in sediul politiei locale, care nu numai ca a facilitat, ci a participat in mod activ la aceasta oroare. Nu sint sigura, dar am impresia ca piateta in cauza se afla nu departe de cladirea respectiva.

  5. costin
    5 April 2010

    emil, mersi. fraza ramasese in aer pt ca ultima parte din articol disparuse. nu stiu cum si ce s-a intimplat. L-am refacut

  6. costin
    5 April 2010

    nu stiam de linsarea celor doi israelieni.. islam, the religion of peace.

  7. costin
    5 April 2010

    ups! iaca porumbelu’..

    When we (Barak si Michelle) took our trip to Africa and visit his home country in Kenya

  8. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    costin, asta cu porumbelu’ chiar mi-a plăcut ????

  9. mihnea
    5 April 2010

    eh hai, esti rau. home country, suntem oameni… si gangsterii italieni din new york numesc italia „old country”.

    ma rog, nu candideaza sa fie presedinti, dar.. excelent clipul ????

  10. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    chiar și-așa, e primul caz de mafiot kenyan ajuns unde-a ajuns… :mrgreen:

  11. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    Un articol excelent de azi despre Obama: The Empty Vessel President by Dutch Brewer:

    The constitutional scholar with a supposed gift for rhetoric has professed to be uninterested in „the process” of drafting and passing legislation while showing a strong preference for victory at any cost. His rhetoric has been shown to be the same hackneyed product of political speechwriters, his communication skills very similar to that of any good news anchor („Just read the news, Barry”), and his language has shown a disturbing tendency towards propaganda…short on facts, long on emotion, and big on inverted meanings where taxes are investments, spending is saving, and more government intrusion is freedom. Indeed, there is a new tone: a more toxic, intolerant, suspicious, taunting tone that has driven Americans’ view of their government to new lows as our debt and tax load climb to stratospheric heights.


    That’s the kind of work that not only doesn’t require a soul…but it’s easier if you haven’t got one. We’ve found just the man for the job: a post-racial, post-religious, post-American narcissist out to correct four hundred years of history as he sees fit.

    If that doesn’t scare you, then you aren’t paying attention.

    De citit și comentariile; citez unul relativ la buclucașul video cu Marxelle ????

    Thanks for the link to Marxelle’s comment about Kenya being obama’s „HOME COUNTRY.” EVERYONE should watch the video of her; it’s short, disturbing and very revealing!!! Sure sounds as if she is saying he was born in Kenya because isn’t that where his Kenyan grandmother said she saw him being born? Marxelle is as just as devious and radical as he is judging from her statements in the LGBT speech she’s making.

    I’m thinking about the article (well said, Mr. Brewer) and the empty vessel obama. Unfortunately for us his empty vessel has been filled with evil. Like the house swept clean in the Bible, obama is the man with the unclean spirit who brings seven other spirits more wicked than himself to occupy the house in Matthew 12: 43-45. „And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.” See the Marxelle video.

    Our White House and Democrat controllers have become a fortress of of evil occupiers who are proud of the destruction they are doing. It is obama and his minions who are against us, against our creator, almighty God, His son Jesus Christ and the redemption He offers us. Fasting and prayer before God….Is that what we all need to do to clear our minds and hearts for the spiritual war we are in now and the battles that lie ahead of us?

    My sis -in-law just wrote to me and said obama has canceled the National Day of Prayer because he doesn’t want to offend anyone. I haven’t checked it out, but it sounds about right for his ideology, doesn’t it? Swallowing camels is a piece of cake for obama. Mr. Brewer, another thought: Just exactly how many camels can fit inside an empty vessel? (I think we’re finding out!!!)

  12. Imperialistu'
    5 April 2010

    Mihnea, Hussein s-a nascut – teoretic, cel putin – in Statele Unite ale Americii. Drept urmare, tara lui este America, nu Kenya de unde a venit comunistul de tac’su. ????

  13. Imperialistu'
    5 April 2010

    In concluzie, avem doua variante:
    1. fie Obama este, asa cum era banuit, un negru africanist cu o ura secreta fata de albi si Statele Unite,
    2. fie nu s-a nascut in Statele Unite si birtherii nu sunt nebuni, iar Hussein a ajuns presedinte in urma musamalizarii propriului trecut in proportii greu de imaginat si, implicit, a incalcarii Constitutiei americane.

  14. DanN
    5 April 2010

    Si Rahm Emanuel ce face? S-a abrogat legea lobby-ului?

  15. Turnofftheglory
    5 April 2010

    Fain porumbelul african.

  16. costin
    5 April 2010

    ti-a placut? Turnofftheglory, da’ porumbelu’ asta il stii?

    …John McCain talked about my Muslim faith


  17. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    Ahmadinejad mocks Obama:

    „American materialist politicians, whenever they are beaten by logic, immediately resort to their weapons like cowboys,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech before a crowd of several thousand in northwestern Iran.

    „Mr. Obama, you are a newcomer (to politics). Wait until your sweat dries and get some experience. Be careful not to read just any paper put in front of you or repeat any statement recommended,” Ahmadinejad said in the speech, aired live on state TV.

    Ahmadinejad said Obama „is under the pressure of capitalists and the Zionists” and vowed Iran would not be pushed around. „(American officials) bigger than you, more bullying than you, couldn’t do a damn thing, let alone you,” he said, addressing Obama.

  18. costin
    5 April 2010

    Newt Gingrich: Obama May Be “Most Dangerous President Ever”

    “It’s a nice fantasy. It sounds good. It would be wonderful. It just doesn’t fit this particular planet. And, over here you have North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Al-Qaeda and a whole host of potential enemies…

    I think if you were to say, “He’s potentially the most dangerous because he completely misunderstands reality.” …You get an embrace if you are Hugo Chavez. You get acceptance if you’re Ahmadinejad in Iran. But, if you’re an American ally, somehow you’re not acceptable. He can bully you.

    And, I think this is a typical pattern on the left. Jimmy Carter did it to some extent. The other thing that Obama does on a scale that Carter never dreamed of, is he believes, maybe because he believes in his own rhetoric… He believes that words are a substitute for reality.

  19. costin
    5 April 2010

    hai cu Turcia-n UE!
    Erdogan: Israel Main Threat to Peace

    Israel currently represents “the main threat to regional peace” in the Middle East, according to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was speaking during his visit to Paris which began last night. “If a country uses disproportionate force in Palestine, in Gaza, using phosphorous bombs, we do not congratulate them on their actions. Instead we ask them why they have acted in such a way,” he said. “An attack killed 1,500 people and the reasons given for it were lies,” continued Erdogan, referring to Israel’s Molten Lead operation carried out by Israel in Gaza between December 27 2008 and January 18 2009. “Goldstone is Jewish and his report is clear,” he continued, evoking the UN-commissioned report by South African judge Richard Goldstone, who accused Israel, as well as some Palestinian groups, of committing war crimes during the Israeli army’s Molten Lead operation in Gaza. “It is not because we are Muslims that we have this attitude,” Erdogan continued, “our attitude is a humanitarian one”. The Turkish PM reiterated his hostility towards the threat of international sanctions against Iran. Speaking of Israel’s nuclear capabilities (which have never been officially recognised by the Israeli state), Erdogan pointed out that Tel Aviv’s failure to adhere to the non-proliferation treaty should not make the country exempt from accountability towards the international community: “Is it logical that not being part of the NPT should allow you to behave as you want every day?” (ANSAmed).

    via GoV

  20. israelianca
    5 April 2010

    Unde esti tu, Tepes Doamne ?

  21. Unde esti tu, Tepes Doamne ?

    Mai bine ca Tzepes nu-i printre noi. Slugile lui Obama din presa de partid si de stat l-ar fi denumit „rasist” si „islamofob” si ar fi spus ca actiunile lui sint conduse de ura si ignoranta.

  22. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    sau macar ataturk.

    New Kyrgyz rulers hail Russia, aim to shut U.S. base

    BISHKEK (Reuters) – Kyrgyzstan’s self-proclaimed new leaders thanked Russia on Thursday for helping to oust President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, and said they aimed to close a U.S. airbase that supplies forces in Afghanistan.

    Putin, Chavez Boost Ties in Oil, Nuclear Power

    The sides signed a deal under which Russian oil companies will help explore the massive Junin-6 oil field in exchange for a $1 billion „entry ticket” from Russia. The total cost of the project is estimated at $30 billion.

    „I’m happy to transfer the first tranche of $600 million,” Putin told Chavez during the signing ceremony, the local Globovision television channel reported. „We will not deceive you.”

    A source in the Russian delegation said the rest would be transferred this year.

    A consortium of Rosneft, LUKoil, Gazprom-Neft, TNK-BP and Surgutneftegaz received a 40 percent share in Junin-6, Venezuela’s largest oil field with 52.68 billion barrels of oil.

    Chavez had said he wanted to buy T-72-S tanks, Smerch multiple launch rocket systems, S-300 and Antey-250 anti-aircraft guided missile systems, although no new arms deals were signed Friday.

    Venezuela has bought at least $4 billion in Russian arms since 2005, including Su-30 fighter jets.

    The only major reaction from Colombia over the weekend was from Augusto Castro, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, who told Globovision that Hugo was walking a dangerous path with atomic energy.

    „This looks disastrous to me. Anyone who possesses [nuclear technology] feels more and more powerful, and at a certain moment can lose control of himself and do terrible things,” he said. „I wish President Chavez didn’t step into this dangerous minefield.”

    in timp ce laureatul nobelului pentru pace semneaza protocoale peste protocoale de dezarmare, rusii ii dau afara pe americani din kyrgyz si il inarmeaza pana in dinti pe chavez.
    sau poate asta era deal-ul?

  23. vlad
    5 April 2010

    get to know Obama day on Glenn Beck Show
    despre reperele formatoare socialiste ale tânărului Barack Hussein Obama

  24. costin
    5 April 2010

    Netanyahu Cancels Trip to Obama’s Nuclear Summit

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wisely canceled his trip to Obama’s nuclear summit next week in Washington DC. Turkey and Egypt already announced that they would raise the issue of Israel’s presumed nuclear arsenal at the conference. Obama has been rude and demanding with Israeli officials since he moved into the White House.
    Reuters reported, via Free Republic:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a planned trip to Washington next week to take part in President Barack Obama’s 47-country nuclear security summit conference.

    He made the decision after learning that Egypt and Turkey intended to raise the issue of Israel’s presumed nuclear arsenal at the conference, a senior government official said on Friday.

    Israel is believed to be the only nuclear-armed power in the Middle East but has never confirmed or denied that it possesses atomic weapons.

    Foreign analysts believe it has been a secret nuclear power for the past 40 years and may possess a sizeable arsenal.

    Based on estimates of the plutonium production capacity of its Dimona reactor in the Negev desert, experts say Israel could have 100-200 advanced nuclear explosive devices.

    “The prime minister has decided to cancel his trip to Washington to attend the nuclear conference next week, after learning that some countries including Egypt and Turkey plan to say Israel must sign the NPT,” the official said.

    Israel has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation (NPT) treaty.

  25. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    de trei ori ????

    ma intreb ce s’ar fi intamplat daca in 1933 ii era refuzata viza lui einstein.

    via pjm: BREAKING: Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists

    si via reuters

    Obama said the United States was increasing opportunities for educational exchanges for Iranian students to study at U.S. colleges and universities as well as working to increase access to Internet technology so Iranians could „communicate with each other, and with the world, without fear of censorship.”

  26. costin
    5 April 2010

    BREAKING: Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists
    (am pus linkul)
    omul asta nu are limite.

    he Obama administration is now denying U.S. visas to Israeli scientists who work at that nation’s Dimona nuclear reactor. This startling reversal of traditional policy was reported April 7, 2010, in the Israeli website/newspaper NRG/Maariv (link to the original Hebrew here and to an exclusive Pajamas Media translation here).

    This could be yet another flashpoint in the increasingly sensitive relations between the administration, the American Jewish community, and Israel. The revelation in Maariv came only a day before the arrival in New York of Tariq Ramadan — controversial grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna — whose visa was reportedly championed by Secretary of State Clinton. Yesterday as well, new rules disavowing the term “Islamic radicalism” were announced by Secretary of Defense Gates.

    According to Maariv: “…. workers at the Dimona reactor who submitted VISA requests to visit the United States for ongoing university education in Physics, Chemistry and Nuclear Engineering — have all been rejected, specifically because of their association with the Dimona reactor. This is a new policy decision of the Obama administration, since there never used to be an issue with the reactor’s workers from study in the USA, and till recently, they received VISAs and studied in the USA.”

    Israeli defense officials are stating these workers have no criminal records in the U.S. or Israel and have been singled out purely because of their place of employment. Moreover, nuclear materials for the Dimona reactor apparently do not come from the U.S. Zeev Alfasi — head of nuclear engineering at Israel’s Ben Gurion University — states that “the United States doesn’t sell anything nuclear-related to the Dimona reactor, and that means absolutely nothing. Radiation detectors, for example, have to be purchased now in France because the USA refuses to sell these to Israel.”

    Pajamas Media contacted the U.S. Department of State concerning this new visa policy toward Israeli scientists. We were told by their press department that federal law prohibits them from discussing individual visa cases.

  27. costin
    5 April 2010

    Ahmahomo to Israel: Attack Gaza and I Will End Your Filthy Life…

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday warned the Zionist regime of Israel against any new attack on the Gaza Strip, cautioning that such a move would put an end to the life of the illegitimate regime.

    Addressing a congregation of Iranian people in the country’s northwestern city of Orumiyeh today, Ahmadinejad pointed to the recent media speculations about a possible Israeli attack on Gaza, and stated, “I want to warn the Zionists …that you are making a mistake as you made mistakes in the past.”

    “Because an attack on Gaza would not make you (Zionists) mightier and would not restore your damaged prestige,” Ahmadinejad added.

    “And you (Zionists) should know that an attack on Gaza will end your inauspicious and filthy life,” the Iranian president warned.

  28. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    si acum putem face legatura de ce statele unite nu vor ataca nuclear dupa o lovitura biologica asupra sa ( sau asupra unui aliat).

  29. Call me a religious nutcase but all the signs are here…


    Detail of The Deeds of Antichrist, showing the Antichrist directed by Satan, by Luca Signorelli, c. 1505; in the Duomo, Orvieto, Italy.

    Costin, please embed

  30. Oh, si inainte ca cineva sa se repeada sa ma numeasca un fanatic religios…nu sint. Merg la biserica numai la nunti, botezuri si inmormintari.

  31. vlad
    5 April 2010

    Nu trebuie să fii un ”fanatic” religios ca să cunoști că Anti-Hrist nu înseamnă cel ce stă ”împotrivă”, ci cel ce este ”în loc de Hristos”, cel ce seamănă cu Hristos, ”aduce” a El. Cu alte cuvinte, se dă drept El, joacă un rol, mimetism abil. Va fi luat drept Însuși Mesia, va amăgi pe cei mai mulți dintre oameni și se va bucura de osanale. Rezultatul va fi extrem de surprinzător pentru susținători, cu atât mai mult cu cât aceștia se vor crede de partea Adevărului. Marea cădere se va produce mai ales în interiorul Bisericii, când va apărea un lider (episcop) ce-i va ”unii” pe toți sub o singură credință (evident, politic; vezi ecumenismul de propagandă)

  32. costin
    5 April 2010

    Bill Whittle de la PJTV
    Obama has passed edicts which specifically make it illegal for the administration to link Islam or Muslims with terrorism, or even to use the word terrorism. This is similar to what the Blair government did in the UK and will have similar results.

  33. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    este aproape ireal ce se intampla:

    Russian Moves In Kyrgyzstan Raise Questions Over U.S. Base

    Speaking to reporters after the signing, Obama’s top Russia adviser, Michael McFaul, played down suggestions Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders would cut ties to the United States, saying Washington has maintained contact with them for years.

    „This is not some anti-American coup,” he said. „That we know for sure. And this is not a sponsored-by-the-Russians coup.”

    US troop flights at Kyrgyz base suspended: military

    The US military has suspended troop flights out of its base in Kyrgyzstan and will instead transport forces to and from Afghanistan via Kuwait, military officials said Friday.

    The suspension came after the Americans spotted armored vehicles on the civilian side of the airport, a defense official told AFP.

    Kyrgyzstan: Did Moscow Subvert a U.S. Ally?

    Members of the besieged government of Kyrgyzstan suspect that Moscow precipitated the violent upheaval that has swept the former Soviet republic in Central Asia. Already scores of people have been killed and hundreds more wounded after troops opened fire on protesters, who in turn overpowered the police, stormed and looted government buildings and forced President Kurmanbek Bakiev to flee the country. On Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin denied any involvement by his country in the turmoil after his Kyrgyz counterpart said that Putin gave the go-ahead to the revolt. But whether or not the Kremlin urged the Kyrgyz opposition to call its supporters into the streets, Moscow has a lot to gain and Washington a lot to lose from the bloody upheaval that has ensued.

    For several years, Kyrgyzstan has been stuck in a tug-of-war between the two Cold War enemies, frequently making the landlocked state the center of geopolitical strategizing. The Americans have been pushing to maintain their cherished military base in the north of Kyrgyzstan, without which U.S. supply lines to the nearby war in Afghanistan would be significantly hampered. Russia, meanwhile, has lobbied to kick the American military out of what it still sees as its sphere of influence in the territories of the former Soviet Union.

    Read more:,8599,1978590,00.html#ixzz0kiMkgR4p

    mai are america vreun aliat?

  34. Costin, apropos the 36

    Bob Dylan
    „Neighborhood Bully”

    Well, the neighborhood bully, he’s just one man,
    His enemies say he’s on their land.
    They got him outnumbered about a million to one,
    He got no place to escape to, no place to run.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,
    He’s criticized and condemned for being alive.
    He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin,
    He’s supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,
    He’s wandered the earth an exiled man.
    Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,
    He’s always on trial for just being born.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,
    Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
    Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.
    The bombs were meant for him.
    He was supposed to feel bad.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
    That he’ll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
    ’Cause there’s a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
    And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    He got no allies to really speak of.
    What he gets he must pay for, he don’t get it out of love.
    He buys obsolete weapons and he won’t be denied
    But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Well, he’s surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,
    They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.
    Now, they wouldn’t hurt a fly.
    To hurt one they would weep.
    They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Every empire that’s enslaved him is gone,
    Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.
    He’s made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,
    In bed with nobody, under no one’s command.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,
    No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.
    He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,
    Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    What’s anybody indebted to him for?
    Nothin’, they say.
    He just likes to cause war.
    Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,
    They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    What has he done to wear so many scars?
    Does he change the course of rivers?
    Does he pollute the moon and stars?
    Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,
    Running out the clock, time standing still,
    Neighborhood bully.

    Orice asemanare intre personajul din cantec si o anume tara din orientul apropiat este pur intimplatoare ????

  35. costin
    5 April 2010

    “Sunt unii care nu sunt siguri dacă m-am născut în SUA, sau dacă nu cumva am fost un socialist, nu-ia aşa?”

    sint unii…

    ups! iaca porumbelu’..

    When we (Barak si Michelle) took our trip to Africa and visit his home country in Kenya

  36. israelianca
    5 April 2010

    Eu una nu stiu decit ca s-au facut tot felul de speculatii pe aceasta tema, ca Obama personal nu a prezentat un certificat de nastere autentic (s-ar putea sa fi ramas in urma cu stirile), dar ca in Hawaii s-a blocat accesul celor care trimit mailuri pe aceasta tema, chipurile acolo s-ar afla documentele sau registrele privitoare la nasterea lui Obama.
    Si sa zicem ca nu-i nascut in America ci in Kenya, chiar crezi ca o sa fie mizilit, sau vorba lui Lapusneanu, „popit” ?

  37. costin
    5 April 2010

    aa, nu cred ca s-ar intimpla nimic, chiar daca se dovedeste. sint alte chestii multi mai nasoale in trecutul lui obamby ca sa conteze asta. daca se dovedeste, se va spune ca de fapt nu este important si ca numai extremistii care cred in „that flawed constitution” se agita.

  38. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    costin, apropo de „chiar daca se dovedeste”, nu-s tocmai de acord: cred că așa ceva ar ușura mult trasul apei după numitul. Faza asta îmi amintește faimosul banc negru (scuzați cuvîntul incorect ???? ) de prin anii ’60:

    – Ce mai face zburdalnica Dv. bunicuță? Tot așa coboară scările, pe balustradă?
    – Știți… am pus sîrmă ghimpată pe balustradă!
    – Și asta o împiedică?
    – Nu prea, dar îi încetinește sensibil alunecarea!… :mrgreen:

  39. costin
    5 April 2010

    ironia sortii ????
    UK: Dhimmi King George Galloway Beat up by Islamists While Campaigning in East London, “They Called Me a Filthy Kaffir”…

    George Galloway was set upon by a group of Muslim extremists while campaigning in East London this afternoon. Three men, believed to belong to the extreme sect Islam4UK, the latest name for Al-Muhajiroun, were arrested and subsequently charged with public order offences.

    Galloway, who is standing in the Poplar and Limehouse constituency, was with a party of supporters in Watney Market around 3pm when he and his colleagues were first abused and then attacked by the group.

    “They called me a filthy Kaffir” said Galloway, “and shouted that no one should shake the ‘filthy Kaffir’s hand’. This lot are the latest incarnation of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun. They don’t want Muslims to vote, they don’t believe in democracy, and because I encourage Muslims to vote and take a full part in our society they hate me. My party, Respect, is the antidote to these despicable extremists.”

    printre altele, eu nu inteleg cum se suporta omul asta.

  40. costin
    5 April 2010

    Netanyahu Will Reject Any Timeline for Talks With Palestinians Proposed by Obama…

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government said it would reject any moves by the Obama administration to set its own timeline and benchmarks for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, potentially establishing a new fault line between the U.S. and Israel.

    Key Arab leaders, such as Jordan’s King Abdullah II, have publicly called for U.S. President Barack Obama to impose on Israel the parameters for negotiations, arguing that otherwise the process will stall interminably.

    These developments have rankled Mr. Netanyahu’s government, which is already at odds with Mr. Obama over the issue of Jewish building in disputed East Jerusalem.

    “I don’t believe this will be accepted by the administration because it will be a grave mistake…The solution has to be homegrown,” Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal late Sunday.

  41. Francesco
    5 April 2010

    Bugsy, l-am pus aici.

    E bine sa-l citeasca (mai ales daca pot, si daca rabda, si daca inteleg…) cei de tip Hamzel.

  42. costin
    5 April 2010

    Politicile lui Obama au inceput sa dea rezultate:

    Obama Intifada: Number of Palestinian Terror Attacks Double in March…

    JERUSALEM — Israel has reported a dramatic increase in Palestinian insurgency strikes.

    The Israel Security Agency said Palestinian attacks more than doubled in March 2010 from the previous month. ISA reported 125 attacks in March — many of them missile strikes — compared to 53 in February.

    “The causes for the increase in the number of attacks are growing tension in both Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, namely the increase in rocket launchings towards Israel,” ISA said on April 11.

    The summary by Israel’s domestic intelligence agency said the biggest increase in Palestinian attacks took place in Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. In Jerusalem, 27 attacks were reported in March, compared to three in February.

    Last month, Israel underwent 36 attacks from the Gaza Strip, many of them missile strikes. In February, 13 attacks were reported.

    Palestinian gunners have been firing missiles, mortars and rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel. In March, 35 rockets and six mortar shells were reported to have been fired toward Israel compared to five rockets and five mortars in February.

  43. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    AP-GfK Poll: Obama slips, other Dems slide, too

    cum de o fi scapat asa ceva „prsei”?

  44. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    costin (#46), era perfect previzibil, eu zic că e și intenționat (adică face parte dintr-o strategie bine ticluită, pe cale de decriptare (chiar obișnuiesc să folosesc expresia comunist încriptat de criptă – cu gîndul la morga unde refrigerează tata lor Lenin, am să revin cîndva curînd), văd că și americanii nativi încep să-și dea seama de asta și realizează că tocmai au pierdut în 2008 partida de (o)bambilici în care s-au băgat cu atît de regretabil entuziasm. Încă o treabă pe care o doresc corectată: îl tot pomenim pe Goebbels ca modelul propagandei totalitare – oameni buni, ăla e doar un începător stîngaci la ora asta (vlad, bagă ochiul și-n cartea lui Goldberg, sînt pasaje interesante pe tema asta): pe scurt zic că:
    1. (arab pentru Hamza, fenician pentru restu’ lumii, thank you israelianca ???? ) – Mussolini, Hitler, bin Laden, Hamza (just for fun, nu m-am putut abține ???? ) au dezvoltat doctrine după hîrca moscovită Lenin , restul de Mao, Chavez, Obama doar brodează versiuni de furat votul stupidului brucanian. De fapt nobama e cel mai avantajat căci are și prompter, iar noi ăilalți cel mai puțin avantajați căci încă nu știm cine-i face prompterul. Da, mă gîndesc cu emoție la combinația prompter + buton nuclear.
    2. Din păcate la ora asta nu avem încă punctul doi (arab pentru Hamza), iar sistemul e oricum binar (ori-ori). Chiar nu-i bag în ecuația asta pe progresiști, Piloși, Pelosi, fioroși, fricoși.

    Mai vorbim, luați tinctura de mai sus ca pe un draft, o să dezvolt.

  45. costin
    5 April 2010

    Este primul clip din interviul cu Yuri Bezmenov despre subversiunea comunista in SUA in care apar referiri directe la Obama si idiotii utili:

    O profetie de acum 25 de ani.

  46. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    Costin, fenomenal de clar interviul!

  47. costin
    5 April 2010

    pata, aici poti sa vezi interviul in intregime, daca nu il stiai deja. am dat de el acum vreo 7 ani si de atunci ma bintuie. am ramas ca traznit cind am vaz in 2007 ca emil stie de Yuri. cu el m-a cucerit definitv ????

    de aici e secventa: ????

  48. costin
    5 April 2010

    umilintele lui Obama in fata arabilor nu le umple inimile de compasiune ci le umfla mushii:

    Fears that war between Israel and Hizbollah is ‘imminent’

    King Abdullah of Jordan has warned the US that there were fears in Lebanon that a war between Israel and Hizbollah was “imminent” amid high tensions in the region.

    The king, in Washington for President Barack Obama’s nuclear summit, gave his warning after Israel claimed that Syria had handed over Scud missiles in its armoury to the Lebanon-based Hizbollah.
    His comments, which were made to private meeting of the US Congressional Friends of Jordan caucus were said to be „sobering”.

    Syria yesterday denied the allegation that it has provided Hizbollah with long-range Scud missiles, which would allowing them to target Israel’s cities. The country’s foreign ministry said the claims would be used as a pretext by Israel to raise tension prior to a possible attack on Hizbollah.
    „For some time now, Israel has been running a campaign claiming that Syria has been supplying Hizbollah with Scud missiles in Lebanon ,” a foreign ministry statement released yesterday said.


    The Syrian leader, Bashar al-Assad, has balanced overtures to Washington with reassurances that his alliances with both Hizbollah and Iran remain strong.
    He held a high-profile meeting in Damascus with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and the Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in February.
    Officials in Syria have warned that it would join in any war involving Israel , Lebanon and Hizbollah.

  49. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    emil, costin, mulțumesc oricum, știam de interviu, am și văzut/citit relatări sporadice, n-am zis că-i o surpriză pentru mine, decît că readucerea aminte m-ar îndemna să mă lupt să ajung la putere și să mă fac mogul și să bag pe Pataphylantena 1,2,3,…infinit clipurile astea, cu teme pentru acasă: scrie de o sută de ori la pătrat fraza asta și asta și asta, zi-i și maică-tii, și lu’ tac-tu cînd ai vizita la pușcărie, mă rog… nazuri.

  50. Pataphyl
    5 April 2010

    !aca noutăți de la apărătorii creștinului Hussein:

    N-am timp deloc să dezvolt, doar recomand și citirea numeroaselor comentarii!

  51. bugsy
    5 April 2010

    #45 Francesco: E perfect! Multumesc!

  52. Imperialistu'
    5 April 2010

    Caroline Glick explica de ce un stat evreu puternic este in interesul Statelor Unite ale Americii si al tuturor celorlalte state civilizate din lume.

    Caroline Glick: A Strong Israel & American Security

  53. costin
    5 April 2010

    Hillary Clinton Scolds Israel for “Undermining Peace,” Praises Palestinians…

    The United States called Thursday on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to prove his commitment to a Palestinian state, warning that prolonged conflict only strengthened extremists.

    Amid US tensions with Netanyahu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged “bold leadership” from all sides to resolve one of the world’s most intractable disputes and also pressed Arab states to show they wanted to make peace.

    Speaking at a dinner attended by the ambassadors of Israel and several Arab states, Clinton was forthright in her demandsof Netanyahu, urging Israel to “refrain from unilateral statements and actions” that could undermine peace.

    Praising efforts by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to tackle violence, corruption and economic woes, Clinton said she feared his constituents would look to the Islamist movement Hamas if he is unable to show achievements.

  54. costin
    5 April 2010

    Libyan leader praises US president: ‘He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported, as he now leans towards peace’

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi considers the US president a blessing to the Muslim world. In a speech published in London-based al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday, Gaddafi praised Barack Obama, called him a „friend” and said there is no longer any dispute between his country and the US.

    Speaking in the Libyan city of Sirt at an event marking the 24th anniversary of an American attack on Libya, he said, „At the time, we were the target of the American cannon, the American navy challenged us in the gulf of Sirt and attacked us all along Libya’s shores. America tested Libya, and the Libyan people resisted the large country, but today, thank God, the difference is great.”

    He said, „Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama.”

    Gaddafi stressed that Obama’s presidency is „a major historical gain” and said, „He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent. He is a man whose policy should be supported, and he should be assisted in implementing it in any way possible, since he is now leaning towards peace.”

    He continued, „I urge all peoples to give him this chance and to support this policy, because America is a country that, when its policy is bad – harms the world, and when it is good – it helps the world.”

    The Libyan leader also expressed hopes that, „the dream that Obama has for a world free of nuclear weapons will come true. This is something that no previous American president has proposed. Obama is a man who opposes wars that previous American presidents were entangled in; he has declared that he will withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq – something which has never been proposed before.”

    Despite the warm sentiments towards the American leader, he stressed, „The Arabs hate America, there is no doubt. There is not an Arab that loves America, and even the leaders who the United States considers allies or friends – hate it. The external love is merely hypocrisy or pragmatism. The reason for this is clear – Palestine.”

  55. Cătălin Kirk
    5 April 2010

    Pataphyl… #10 şi #53… ???? …

  56. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    ah. imi scapase video-ul pus de imperialistul al Ms Caroline Glick.
    Imi place foarte mult si cel putin saptamanal ii verific blogul.
    Daca Israelul nu ar exista, lumea ar fi nevoita sa il inventeze.

    Cum ar fi decurs ostilitatile din Golf daca Israel nu punea capat visului atomic al nebunului de Saddam?
    Care, vorba aia, si’a atacat fratii kuweitieni.
    Insa pariez ca nu il vom auzi niciodata pe abdulah criticand invazia kuweitului sau a genocidului de catre saddam.
    O sa ramana mereu cu durerea teoriilor conspirationiste despre cum evreii conduc lumea si americanii ii finanteaza sau vice-versa.
    Toti ar trebui sa fim recunoscatori rolului de bariera pe care si’l asuma Israelul si pentru faptul ca este singura democratie din zona – ar trebui sustinut neconditionat ( parerea mea).
    Cum e posibil sa sustii regimuri radicale, dictatoriale in dauna unei democratii?

  57. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    Caroline Glick imi da un posibil raspuns intrebarii mele adresate israeliencei:

    The Haaretz Spy Scandal

    si un gand bun pentru israelianca:

    Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach!!!

    Mazel tov Israel! Happy 62! I wish you health, prosperity, peace, and lasting joy to you and your inhabitants. Chag Sameach!

  58. rebelliousvanilla
    5 April 2010

    costin, de fapt e important daca s-a nascut in Kenya. Daca s-a nascut in Kenya, mandatul sau este neconstitutional si asta inseamna ca toti au legitimitate sa il arunce afara, si in acelasi timp, armata statelor unite nu poate primi ordine de la el fiindca nu doar ca soldatii de rand nu vor respecta ordinele(ceea ce s-ar intampla daca ar primi ordine sa traga in propria populatie), dar si high ranking generals nu ar putea sa dea ordine armatei sa nu il rastoarne. Daca Obama e legitim sau pare legitim, atunci datoria armatei este sa il protejeze. Altfel, este sa il dea jos.

  59. dr pepper
    5 April 2010

    serviciile secrete il apara pe presedinte.
    armata apara constitutia.
    congresul il poate da jos pe presedinte ( cum s’a intamplat cu nixon).

  60. costin
    5 April 2010

    sire… RV, uite, nu stiam de faza cu ambasadorul:

    il urmaresc pe nenea barry de vreo 2 ani si la cite mi-au vazut urechile cred ca asta este o stire irelevanta. Ai vazut si tu ce misto se face de aia cu „where is the certificate?”, subiectul este un subiect tabu. la fel cum subiectul era ignorat acum 2 ani, este ignorat si acum. semne de intrebari sint multe dar cine vb de asta? doar nebunii, daca te iei dupa cnn. nu cred ca sb va deveni mai abordabil in perioada urmatoare. stii si tu cite chestii din trecutul omului asta sint bagate sub pres. faptul ca e nascut in kenia mi se pare cel mult distractiv. si in primul rind, nu cred ar exista vointa de a-l da jos.

  61. costin
    5 April 2010

    Caliph Baraka Hussein Obama Announces Exchange Programs With Muslim Countries…

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says new exchange programs with Muslim countries will bring their business people and “social entrepreneurs” to the U.S. to learn and to share their expertise.

    Obama said Monday that the programs will include allowing Muslim women in the technology field to come for internships and professional development, while high-tech leaders from Silicon Valley will share their expertise in the Middle East, Turkey and southeast Asia.

    Obama spoke at summit on entrepreneurship, organized to help improve relations between the U.S. and Muslim countries.

  62. costin
    5 April 2010

    Jews Turn Against Obama

    By: Ronald Kessler

    In a stunning turnaround, President Obama has lost roughly half of his support among Jewish voters.

    A poll by McLaughlin and Associates found that, while 78 percent of Jewish voters cast their ballots for Obama, only 42 percent of Jewish voters would vote to re-elect him. A plurality — 46 percent — would consider voting for anyone else. That compares with 21 percent who voted for John McCain.

    Ever since he learned of Obama’s ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, has been warning fellow Jews that Obama would be antithetical to Jewish interests, not only as they relate to Israel but also to issues that affect all Americans.

    Before Obama was elected, Klein, whose organization of 30,000 members is the oldest pro-Israel group in the country, felt like a pariah. Now, as he speaks to Jewish audiences on a weekly basis, he has found that the climate has changed dramatically.

    “As I speak at synagogues now around the country, I haven’t had a single person during Q and A or after my talk ask how I could be so critical of Obama,” Klein tells Newsmax.

    Klein tells his audiences they should not be surprised that Obama’s left-leaning policies appear to tilt more toward the Palestinians than to Israelis. He cites the fact that Obama and his wife, Michelle, spent 20 years listening to Wright, who routinely denounced Israel as a racist state and America for allegedly having created the AIDS virus to kill off blacks.

    Wright, whom Obama described as a mentor and sounding board, even gave an award for lifetime achievement to Louis Farrakhan.

    “God damn America,” Wright shouted in one of his sermons.

    Obama’s speeches have been “inimical to Israel and supportive of the stream of false Palestinian Arab claims concerning Israel,” Klein says. “He is relentlessly pressuring Israel while applying virtually almost no pressure on the Palestinian Authority to fulfill its written obligations. He is worse than Jimmy Carter was when he was president. It was so obvious if you just looked at Obama’s associations before he was elected. Jews simply ignored that.”

    David Remnick’s book “The Ridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama” quotes an unidentified campaign aide to Hillary Clinton as saying that, if the stories about Wright’s ties to Obama had appeared in January 2008, “it would have been over,” meaning Hillary would have won the Democratic nomination for president.

    In fact, as outlined in the Newsmax story „The Media’s Blackout on Rev. Wright,” those stories on Wright were appearing as early as January 2008 — at — but the mainstream media ignored them and would not pick them up until mid-March.

    Before the election, Klein remembers, “If I talked about Reverend Wright in talks at synagogues, they would say I was using guilt by association. I would always explain you can’t say that. He chose this church. He chose to have a friendship with Wright because this is a person he is comfortable with and because Wright espouses views he believes in.”

    Klein notes, “If a Jew was a member of a synagogue where the rabbi preached hatred of blacks, it would be clear that that Jew would be comfortable with anti-black racism. I couldn’t remain for a week at a synagogue where a rabbi made a hateful speech toward blacks. I’d quit immediately.”

    But now the tide is turning, Klein says. As recently as last weekend, “At the synagogue where I spoke, two of my most left-wing lunatic friends were saying, ‘My God, Mort, you were right. I never should have voted for Obama.’

    Several Jewish leaders have turned against Obama as well, Klein says, some openly and some behind the scenes because they do not want to cut off ties with a president. Klein quotes one of the most prominent Jewish leaders as having told him recently, “It’s better if I’m on the inside than the outside. So there’s no point in my publicly criticizing him because then I won’t have influence.”

    “What influence?” Klein asks rhetorically. “It felt so good to so many of liberals to be voting for the first black man to run for president that nothing else mattered,” Klein says. “They felt good proving that they are not racist.”

    Only 17 percent of Orthodox Jews now would vote to re-elect Obama, according to the McLaughlin poll. Among conservative Jews, 38 percent would vote for him again. Fifty-two percent of reform Jews would re-elect him. Among Jews who have been to Israel, 36 percent now would cast their ballots for him. When polled, 12 percent responded they did not know or refused to answer.

    “The majority of Jews now realize that this guy is bad for Israel, let alone bad for America,” Klein says.

  63. costin
    5 April 2010

    Israel Says It’s Ready to Divide Jerusalem…

    JERUSALEM, Sept. 1 (UPI) – In the framework of a peace deal with the Palestinians, Israel is willing to partition Jerusalem, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said.

    “West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The Arab neighborhoods in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live will be theirs. There will be a special regime in place along with agreed upon arrangements in the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the City of David.”

  64. Liv STOmer
    5 April 2010

    Costin, poti sa mai pui odata linkul de la 67, te rog, pt ca nu merge? am incercat si pe, si cu un search pe acolo si nu gasesc; vreau neaparat sa-i trimit maica-mii. Daca/si cand ai timp, scuze ca sunt putin nesimtit, poate.

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