Andrew Klavan – 11 septembrie

La 8 ani după atentatele de la 11 septembrie, Andrew Klavan de la Pajamas Media ne propune o scurtă expunere despre importanţa ideilor.

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Vlad M.

„By accepting punishment not for our sins, but for our virtues, we betrayed our code and made theirs possible.” – Francisco D’Anconia (Atlas Shrugged, p. 619)

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Vlad M.

Vlad M.


  1. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    eu am o problema.
    asta e clar.
    sunt atat de prost incat nu pot sa pricep intelectualitatea leftista:

    “Back in World War II, we viewed the Japanese as ‘yellow, slant-eyed dogs’ that believed in different gods. They were out to kill us because our way of living was different. We, in turn, wanted to annihilate them because they were different. Does that sound familiar, by any chance, to what’s going on today?”

    IN cel de’al doilea razboi mondial ii vedeam pe japonezi ca ca niste caini orezari ce credeau intr’un Dumnezeu diferit. Ei vroiau sa ne omoare din cauza stilului nostru de viata. Noi, pe de alta parte, am vrut sa’i anihilam pentru ca erau altfel decat noi.
    Nu suna familiar cu ceea ce se intampla in zilele noastre?

    Tom Hanks in interviul lansarii miniseriei Pacific ( )
    deci da. sunt prost, tampit, batut in cap si needucat.
    nu pot sa pricep sub nici o forma noua istorie predata de socialisti.

  2. Imperialistu'
    10 September 2009

    Heheee, eu i-as reaminti lui Hanks ca guvernarile (DEMOCRATE ale) lui Woodrow Wilson si Franklin Delano Roosevelt au aruncat in puscarie si lagare mii si mii de nemti, iar aia nu erau de alta rasa, asa ca mai usor cu antirasismul pe scari. Bolovanilor. :mrgreen:

  3. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    pe de o parte steven spielberg declara ca vrea sa aduca un omagiu veteranilor din pacific.…

    pe de alta parte tom hanks ii descrie ca pe niste rasisti.

  4. Imperialistu'
    10 September 2009

    Mai, Pepper, da’ tu nici pana acum nu ai inteles ca dezacordul cu o persoana de o alta rasa este, in sine, RASISM? :D

  5. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    tre’ sa ma duc la reeducare.
    plus ca nu stiam ca razboiul din pacific a fost unu’ religios.
    mai am multe de invatat despre cruciada din pacific.
    bah, da’ ce dashteptzi e leftistii astia.
    cum le stie ei pe toate ca niste oameni mari.

  6. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    nu mai merge?

  7. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    si totusi, hai sa disectam ‘telectaulii.
    de ce, ce si cum si de unde vine.
    sa vedem cum se ajumge acolo. diferenta dintre un taranoi prost si un ‘telectual fin.
    putem lua ca exemplu articolul lui patrick goldstein din L.A. times,
    conservatorii s’a inflamat pah tom
    si sa trecem peste ziaristi si comentariile cel putin controversate ale tovarasului tom. sa sarim direct la comentarii.
    sa patrundem in lumea plina de mister a intelectualului de tip nou.
    pe scurt, bref si la obiect, ‘telectualul iesit de pe bancile socialiste.
    am sa dau cu copy/paste pentru a mai ocupa spatiul, insa acest experiment: ” tzaranoi prost versus ‘telectual fin” merita toata atentia:

    ‘telectual fin:

    I don’t necessarily agree with everything that Tom Hanks has to say, but if you don’t think that racism had even a small part in our decision to conduct ourselves and wage war they way we did, you are ignorant of the facts. Why weren’t people of German descent put in concentration(oops, I mean internment)camps during the war? Why did we not drop the A-bomb on Germany as well as Japan? We could have tried to intimidate the USSR much more by bombing Germany, which is closer to Moscow, than bombing Japan. Granted, the US did bomb Germany, but mostly factories, oil refineries, railroads, etc. It was the Brits that bombed the German civilian targets for the most part. BTW, the US blockaded Japan before Pearl Harbor and they saw that as an act of war and warned us to relent. We didn’t and they attacked. Maybe the end justified the means for us, but to say that racism had no part is absurd.

    Posted by: Lorence | March 12, 2010 at 03:05 PM

    Nu achiesez cu absolut tot ceea ce spune Tom, dar cred ca rasismul a avut cel putin partea lui de vina ce a condus la decizia de a intra in razboi si la brutalitatea acestuia si daca refuzi a accepta asta inseamna ca esti un ignorant. De ce nemtzo-americanii (PC, evident) nu au fost inchisi in lagare de concentrare ( oops, pardon, vroiam sa zic in locuri special amenajate) pe timpul razboiului? De ce nu am dat cu nuka in nemti precum in japo? Puteam intimida sovieticii cu mult mai tare bombardand atomic Germania, fiind mult mai aproape de mMoscova, decat Japonia. Este adevarat ca Statele Unite a bombardat Germania dar asta s’a redus la fabrici, sine de tren, rafinarii samd. Britanicii au fost cei care au bombardat tinte civile in cea mai mare parte. Apropos, Statele Unite au instituit o blocada impotriva Japoniei cu mult inainte ca aceasta [Japonia} sa atace Pearl Harbor si acesta a fost un motiv de ajuns ca ei sa ne atace.
    Iar ca sa sustii ca rasismul nu a avut partea lui de vina – este absurd.

    unde am mai auzit asta?
    ah da!
    Iarnă înşelătoare: nu scăpăm de încălzirea globală

    Încălzirea globală există, dar se observă în perioade de ordinul deceniilor. „Fenomenul nu e uniform. Comentariile ironice despre răcirea sau încălzirea climei, care se fac doar pe baza senzaţiei încercate de o persoană aflată sub in fluenţa unui episod de vreme în plină desfăşurare, sunt semnul lipsei de cultură. Cultură înseamnă şi o bază de cunoştinţe ştiinţifice minime”, mai susţine Bojariu.

    insa sa vedem ce raspund taranii prosti de la tzara:

    @ Lorence who stated „Why weren’t people of German descent put in concentration(oops, I mean internment)camps during the war?”

    Lorence, apparently you were absent from history class the day your teacher reviewed WWII internment camps. Although the Japanese accounted for the majority of internments during the war, people of German and Italian ancestry were put into internment camps as well. People of German ancestry accounted for over 30% of total internments, and my German-American grandfather was one of them. My Italian grandfather,who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1930s, was simply sent back to Italy and was not permitted to return here until 1954.


    To those of you saying we chose to drop the A-bomb on Japan, not Germany.

    The Trinity A-Bomb test in New Mexico was July 16, 1945. Germany surrendered May 8, 1945, 10 weeks before the test.

    Posted by: Tigershark | March 12, 2010 at 07:00 PM

    acelora ce argumenteaza ca am preferat sa aruncam bomba atomica asupra japo:\
    primul test al bombei atomice „trinity” a fost in new mexico pe data de 16 iulie 1945. Germania a capitulat pe data de opt mai 1945 – carevasazica – cu zece saptamani inainte de testare.

    hmmm, asa este- putem observa o usoara diferenta de cultura intre un ‘telectual fin a la crin si un tzaranoi ghertzoi.

  8. Pataphyl
    10 September 2009

    Bravo, doc! :)

  9. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    dar hai sa mai luam un exemplu:

    Remember when christians were terrorists. It was christians who committed genocide against native americans throughout the americas. It was christians who promoted slavery and enslavement of africans in the americas and justified it through their religion. Ironically, I am christian. Please respect people of all backgrounds because we are not perfect as well.

    Posted by: beowulf | March 12, 2010 at 04:39 PM

    Mai tineti minte vremurile cand crestinii erau teroristi? Crestinii au fost aceia ce au comis genocid impotriva nativilor americani. Crestinii au fost aceia ce au promovat sclavia in americi si au justificat asta prin prisma religiei. Si cat de ironic, sunt un crestin. Va rog sa respectati adevarul pentru ca nu suntem perfecti.

    si avem si raspunsul unui needucat, unui tzaranoi prost care nu a studiat la scolile leftisteZ:

    WOW! Some folks here sure are ignorant of history. German-Americans WERE interred in America during WWII, just not as many (and remember, our beef was primarily with the nation that attacked us, NOT the Germans). And I’d bet you’d be SHOCKED at the hate crimes committed vs. German-Americans in WWI after Americans entered that war.
    We didn’t drop the bomb on Germany because we didn’t NEED to: they surrendered FOUR MONTHS before Japan. Japan’s high military command, on the other hand, had shown NO inclination to surrender. And oh BTW: check your map. Russia’s NOT FAR from Japan in it’s easternmost territory. How do you think they were able to invade Manchuria after we dropped the first bomb?
    And beowulf: a „D” for your history knowledge. Or did you NOT know that Muslim and Asian traders enslaved just as many million East Africans during the great West African diaspora? I guess not.
    Finally, just because we are a „Christian nation” (or were, at one point), doesn’t mean that „Christianity” was the basis for ANY decision regarding acts of war in the 20th century. The Muslim terrorists, on the other hand, freely acknowledge their „faith” as the source for their acts of terror. If you believe otherwise, then you are hopelessly naive. As for anyone branding U.S. bombing from drones „an act of terror”, well, I guess anyone can make any claim they want without explaining it. That’s what makes „the great American dialogue” so interesting.

    Posted by: EFHeup | March 12, 2010 at 05:00 PM

    WOW, cineva pe aici face dovada de o mare ignoranta. Germano-americanii au fost inchisi cu siguranta in tabere special amenajate, intr’adevar, nu asa de multi insa reamintesteti ca nu germania ne’a atact. Si sunt sigur ca vei fi SOCAT de crimele care au avut loc in randul americanilor de origine germana in primul razboi mondial dupa ce america a intrat in razboi.
    Nu am aruncat bomba atomica in germania pentru ca nu a fost nevoie, au capitulat cu patru luni inaintea japonezilor.
    Pe de alta parte, comandamentul general japonez nu a aratat nici cea mai mica idee ca ar capitula.
    Ah! si apropos! verifica geografia. Rusia nu este asa departe de japonia precum crezi. adevarul este ca este in extremitatea estica a rusiei.*
    Cum iti poti explica ca au fost in stare sa invadeze Manchuria dupa prima bomba atomica?
    si beowulf- vreau sa iti acord nota doi la istorie: poate ca nu ai invatat destul dar negustorii musulmani si asiatici faceau negot cu sclavi cu mult inaintea crestinatatii.

    mda, una peste alta ‘telectualii e cu mult mai avansati ca invata dupa noile norme.

  10. dr pepper
    10 September 2009

    * Russia declared war on Japan on 8th August 1945. Two days after Hiroshima was bombed with an atomic weapon.

    rusia a dclarat razboi japoniei la sfarsitul raboiului pentru a face un cap de pod in pacific.

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