Corul Flotilei Hamas

Preluare de pe Powerline.

We Con the World

There comes a time
When we need to make a show
For the world, the Web and CNN
There’s no people dying,
so the best that we can do
Is create the greatest bluff of all

We must go on pretending day by day
That in Gaza, there’s crisis, hunger and plague
Coz the billion bucks in aid won’t buy their basic needs
Like some cheese and missiles for the kids

We’ll make the world
Abandon reason
We’ll make them all believe that the Hamas
Is Momma Theresa
We are peaceful travelers
With guns and our own knives
The truth will never find its way to your TV…

Restul versurilor aici.

Actualizare 9 iunie 2010Guvernul israelian îşi cere scuze pentru cîntecul We Con The World

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Daniel Francesco

Daniel Francesco


  1. euNuke
    4 June 2010

    excelent! ???? e extraordinar cum reuşesc oamenii aceştia să găsească resurse de haz. pentru ei şi pentru noi.

  2. dr pepper
    4 June 2010

    editor in chief: caroline glick…

  3. bugsy
    4 June 2010

    cel mai bun raspuns la linsajul mediatic la care a fost/este supus Israelul in aceasta perioada.

    Pe youtube ince sa faca ….valuri.
    Iata si un comenatriu care se ridica la inaltimea clipului:
    „This could definitely be the Turkish song for the next Eurovision!!!
    If the Islamist regime allows women ti sing of course…
    „If Islam and terror birghten up your mood,
    But you’re afraid it may not look so good,”

  4. Riddick
    4 June 2010

    Există şi o variantă (hard) rock:

    JTF song about the flotilla

  5. Riddick
    4 June 2010

    Ies la lumină şi alte amănunte:

    Report: 3 Soldiers were Kidnapped in Ship Takeover

    An internal IDF review of the takeover of the Gaza-bound ship Mavi Marmara revealed that three soldiers were briefly kidnapped while aboard the vessel. The three were beaten when they boarded the ship and then, when they were wounded and groggy, were dragged to a room within the ship and held there.

    A short time later, dozens of their fellow soldiers began searching the ship. When the passengers saw that soldiers had successfully seized control of the Marmara, they released the three captives, the report stated. The captive soldiers had recovered from their initial disorientation during their time below deck, and once released hurried to join their unit.

    IDF commanders reacted to the report with concern. As similar ships continue to make their way to Gaza, there could be a situation in which a soldier is held captive in order to give passengers a bargaining chip, they said.…..ed-in.html

  6. bugsy
    4 June 2010

    #Jhonny Be Good! JTF rocks on!

  7. costin
    4 June 2010

    Si ca multumire pentru suportul comunitatii internationale pentru spargerea blocadei Israeliene, Hamasul isi face de cap:
    Hamas raids, closes NGO offices

    Hamas’s security forces on Monday and Tuesday raided the offices of several non-governmental organizations in the Gaza Strip and confiscated equipment and furniture, drawing sharp condemnations from human rights groups.

    The sources said the raids were carried out by agents belonging to Hamas’s Internal Security apparatus without court permission.

    Hamas spokesmen in the Gaza Strip on Thursday refused to comment on the raids.

    After conducting a thorough search of the offices of the organizations, the Hamas security agents confiscated files, documents, computers, fax machines and other equipment.

    The agents also informed the managers and workers of the organizations of the Hamas government’s decision to close them down indefinitely.

    The Gaza-based Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights expressed outrage over the raids and called on the Hamas government to open an investigation.

    ..urmeaza indignarea comunitatii internationale, nu? nu! ????

  8. Pataphyl
    4 June 2010

    Klavan on Culture: Fun With Anti-Semitism

  9. costin
    4 June 2010

    o stim pe domnisoara. e fermecatoare ….

  10. costin
    4 June 2010

    Activists rounded up by Israeli forces on the Turkish-flagged aid ship Monday were returning to their homes around the world on Thursday. Here Norwegian activists (from left) Espen Goffeng, Randi Kjoes and Nidal Hejazi give a press conference in Oslo

    poza in intregime aici

    La aceeasi masa, 2 natarai si un bataus. cel din stinga, un hipiot care poarta un tricou cu semnaturi si mesaje de la participantii la eveniment. un romantic incurabil care vrea sa plece de pe flotila cu o amintire frumoasa. Femeia din mijloc mi se pare ca atinge noi culmi de idiotenie utila. idiotul util ideal, si sint multi ca ea, care obtin o placere orgasmica din lupta impotriva capitalismului, Israelului, crestinismului, a tot ce este occidental, in numele unui umanism degenerat. Sa salvezi lumea si sa lupti pentru cei slabi, impotriva opresorilor, da un sentiment pufos, te transforma intr-o fiinta superioara. Tipul din dreapta este totusi cel mai intreg la cap. El stie de ce este acolo. Vrea moartea jidanilor.

  11. Francesco
    4 June 2010

    Caroline Glick a explicat pe blogul sau ca a dorit ca Latma – website in limba ebraica pe care-l coordoneaza – sa ofere ceva nou, dar in engleza. Asa s-a nascut „We Con the World”…

    Caroline Glick este Deputy Managing Editor la Jerusalem Post si Senior Fellow pentru Middle East Affairs la Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC.

  12. emil
    4 June 2010

    Sint de doua ori prosti. In primul rind, au gresit cind au distribuit presei clipul cu aceasta melodie, asumindu-si mesajul in mod oficial. Doi, daca tot au calcat in strachini diplomatice si de PR prima oara, ar fi trebuit sa evite cu orice pret sa-si ceara scuze. Puteau drege busuiocul (chiar daca neconvingator) in cuvinte care sa evite caciuleala in fata celor care i-au atacat. Stupid, de doua ori.

  13. toro
    4 June 2010

    True. Uneori nu inteleg comportamentul „media” al Israelului. Ori sunt prosti de bubuie (ceea ce ma indoiesc) ori o fac intentionat. Probabil adevarul este pe la mijloc.

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