Adevarul, care citeaza Ria Novosti, scrie ca “expertii de la IAC (Comisia Interstatala de Aviatie) au anuntat ca nu au existat mai multe tentative de aterizare.”
Ria Novosti: Polish president’s plane made only one attempt to land – IAC
The Polish plane which crashed while trying to land in western Russia, killing the Polish president and other top officials, made only one attempt to land, the chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee said on Thursday.
“Media reports that the Polish plane made three or four attempts to land are false. I can say that there was only one landing attempt,” Tatyana Anodina said.
Intitia presa occidentala a inghitit fara sa mestece infomatia cu cele patru tentative de aterizare a incapatanatilor polonezi. Ieri ramasesera doua. Acum se pare ca a fost o singura incercare, fatala, de a ateriza la Smolensk.