Family Guy în luptă cu nazismul republican

Se ascute lupta de clasă, tovarăşi! După The Simpsons, intră în luptă şi Family Guy*.

Înainte, pe vremea luptei dintre socialism şi restul planetei, numai un nebun putea fi împotriva marşului victorios al omenirii către sfârşitul istoriei, către comunism. Mai precis, un nebun sau un fascist (numit şi „nazist” în cercurile progresiste). În egală măsură, astăzi numai un nebun sau un „nazist” ar putea să candideze împotriva lui Obamessiah şi a ajutorului său, Joe The Senator.

* Mai lipseşte South Park şi circul e complet.

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Vlad M.

Vlad M.


  1. costin
    22 October 2008

    nu, NU SOUTH PARK!!

  2. Imperialistu'
    22 October 2008

    Ha, vedem, ar mai fi timp ???? . Au aruncat in lupta The Simpsons si Family Guy. Mai lipseste South Park. ????

  3. Cosmin Cărbunaru
    22 October 2008

    Nu cred ca South Park s-ar alia cu Simpsons si Family Guy. Oricum South Park au avut mereu episoade bune, tocmai pentru ca au fost diferiti de ceilalti:)

  4. bugsy
    22 October 2008


  5. Imperialistu'
    22 October 2008

    How to Win a Historic Emmy Nomination

    “Family Guy” on Thursday became the first animated show in nearly 50 years to score an Emmy nomination for best comedy series.

    The show’s creator, Seth MacFarlane, says his nomination marks the end of Emmy discrimination against animated TV[.] …


    MacFarlane: We submitted three episodes. We submitted “Road to Germany,” we submitted “Family Gay,” we submitted “I Dream of Jesus.” We picked three of our edgier shows as a choice. Ya know, we figured if we are going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.

    Road to Germany:

    There are some hilarious political references including a … McCain/Palin button being sported on a Nazi uniform. The joke about Stewie attesting to Mort being a priest because he’s been molested by him is another groan inducing classic.

    Family Gay:

    Probably the most memorable [joke] was when Peter filled the refrigerator with milk bottles full of horse sperm. Stewie’s [a tot] having his cereal when he’s told this and the joke tells itself at that point. [See the 20 second video here.]

    I Dream of Jesus:

    The story quickly moves to Jesus becoming a Hollywood celebrity[.] … Ultimately, Jesus’ newfound fame gets to his head and he starts neglecting Peter in favor of bovine creatures. Predictably, Jesus gets drunk and arrested, and Peter has to bail him out, but not before an uninspired conversation about the world not being ready for him to return, and that Jesus himself needs to mature a little.

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