Încă un complot sionist: heavy metal

Le-au otrăvit mîncarea, le-au furat organele, i-au intoxicat cu SIDA, au presărat pe ciunga arabă un praf cu hormoni care, funcţie de anotimp, ba (1) le fac sterpe pe consumatoarele arabe pentru a stopa creşterea populaţiei musulmane, ba (2) le fac nebune după amor şi crează haos sexual în fibra morala a naţiunii, sau (3) îi înnebunesc pe bărbaţii arabi de dorinţă după evreice, care apoi toarnă copii mulţi şi cresc populaţia Israelului. Inshallah, toate tertipurile sioniste au dat greş. Dar sioniştii nu se lasă. De un timp, corup Egiptul în cel mai perfid mod cu putinţă. Cu heavy metal.


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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Despina
    1 April 2010

    Excelent ! ???? ????

  2. costin
    1 April 2010

    ???? suuuper. emil, stii cumva trupe de heavy metal arabe? ma gindesc ma apuc iar de rockuri grele. ????

  3. emil
    1 April 2010

    Costin, am mers putin in recunoastere in pregatirea postarii si nu am dat peste lucruri care sa-mi atraga atentia. Exista metal arab, dar putinul pe care l-am ascultat e intre mediocru si ok. As fi vrut chiar sa inchei postarea cu un metal fain din Orientul Mijlociu, dar nimic din ce am ascultat (inca o data, putin) nu mi s-a parut cu adevarat „arab” sau „deosebit”. Pastise occidentale mai mult sau mai putin reusite. Ma rog… uite un link la un portal dedicat metalului din aceasta zona:

    Arabian Rock & Metal

    Mai bune mi se par trupele occidentale cind preiau motive orientale. Uite un exemplu canadian, o trupa mare pe la noi in anii ’90, care niciodata nu a devenit populara in America sau Europa. Le zice The Tea Party, o incrucisare buna intre Doors si Zeppelin.

    Bazarul si Sister Awake

  4. Pataphyl
    1 April 2010

    costin, mai bine caută la Ahmadinejad, și lui îi plac metalele grele… îmbogățite :mrgreen:

  5. bugsy
    1 April 2010

    Pe Ahmed cred ca il cunoasteti:

  6. Francesco
    1 April 2010

    Transcriptul unei mari parti din discutia de pe clipul Egyptian Heavy Metal Fans Reject Accuzations of Satan Worship, Collaboration with Zionism:

    Interviewer: You like heavy metal music, but unfortunately, you have to deal with many misconceptions in our society, which views you, at times… Let’s be frank, people call you Satan worshippers. I am sure you’ve heard this. I was surprised to hear that some of your parties have developed into a national security issue.
    Nirmin Magdi, fine arts student: Heavy metal is just music. It has nothing to do with Satan worshipping.

    Bassem Ali, student of pharmaceutics: I would like to say something. It’s better to play guitar or have a hobby than watch porn films on the Internet.

    Karim ‘Ammad, student of hotel management: Instead of accusing us of worshipping Satan or whatever, they should talk to us and try to understand the way we think.
    Tuhami Muntasir, former advisor to the Mufti of Egypt: It has become clear that this is being funded, and that it is sponsored organized Zionist activity. They get money from various sources – maybe from Cyprus, maybe from Israel… What they do at their parties…

    Interviewer: Do you get money from any source?

    Karim ‘Ammad: If we did, would we be in such a poor state? What money? This is the first time I’m hearing this claim.

    Tuhami Muntasir: I am talking about confessions of people who were caught…

    Karim ‘Ammad: What you said sums it up. You’re talking about the past. Today there’s nothing…

    Tuhami Muntasir: I am talking about confessions of people who were caught… I am not done yet.

    Bassem Ali: Go ahead, finish.

    Tuhami Muntasir: Let me tell you that the phenomenon that we are witnessing right now is a clear manifestation of a well-funded Zionist campaign, which is based on a “constitution” – The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. With your permission, I am not done yet. Protocols of the Elders of Zion – that founding constitution… What does Zionism want to accomplish? You are an intellectual, and you know this. It wants to rule the world.

    Interviewer: Let’s be reasonable.

    Tuhami Muntasir: It wants to rule the world. Let me finish. It wants to rule the world. Zionism has means to do so, and it has priorities. The Zionists say: We will establish clubs and we will draw people, who have certain characteristics and who are willing to collaborate, and we will bring them to the top of the pyramid…

    Interviewer: But they are not spies…

    Tuhami Muntasir: The third priority of the Elders of Zion is drug trafficking, and facilitating the spread of abomination, so that societies become enslaved to their desires and urges…

    Interviewer: Let’s return to the heavy metal fans…

    Tuhami Muntasir: That way, the countries will collapse with no need to resort to weapons. Ruling the world is the real and stated goal of global Zionism.

    Interviewer: The question that needs to be asked is what this has to do with these young people, who like heavy metal music, wear these clothes, and perform these rites?

    Tuhami Muntasir: How can they say they like heavy metal, if they haven’t listened to Umm Kulthum, Abd Al-Halim Hafez, Farid Al-Atrash, Amr Diab, and all the other singers? This is beyond the question of whether you like this music or not. This has become an ideology. There is an organized ideology aimed at alienating and dissolving one’s identity.
    Bassem Ali: This is a form of art, just like cinema. Don’t make me repeat myself. It is a form of art that expresses emotion. It is a hobby. If you want to listen to heavy metal – go ahead, but what’s this got to do with Satan? You’d think they sit around in talk shows and discuss how to improve the religion, while we are busy worshipping Satan? The hell with Satan! To hell with Satan! To hell with all satans – from the tiniest one around to the minister of all satans! I say to hell with Satan. Who would curse the one he worships?!

    Tuhami Muntasir: The answer to that is their mouths say things that are not in their hearts.

    Bassem Ali: My God! Why do you say that? Do you doubt what’s in my heart?
    If this is a Zionist conspiracy, it has failed. No one can influence us. We’ve been brought up on Islam and its principles.
    A five-minute song will never lead you to make a crucial decision in your life. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, you listen to a song and it gives you the energy to go to work. It does not make you commit suicide or spread corruption. Crucial decisions like that are motivated by the general situation. A person studies for 20 years, gets diplomas, and can’t find work.

    De pe MEMRI si …Elder of Ziyon!

  7. Francesco
    1 April 2010

    Si acum un clip heavy metal Don’t Tell My Mother I’m In Iraq ( iraqi metal bands ) realizat de Diego Buñuel, gazda si realizator al seriei „Dont Tell My Mother”, de pe National Geographic Channel:

  8. Seherezada
    1 April 2010

    Asta e ceva rasu- plansu, mai mult plansu…
    Adevarul e ca si pe la noi se vehiculau astfel de idei, nu demult, iaca, acu’ vreo 20 ani in urma, muzica metal era considerata muzica satanei.

    In alta ordine de idei, bine v-am regasit, vad ca blogul infloreste frumos, la mai mare!

  9. Despina
    1 April 2010

    Ati vazut stirea?…..-rusia.htm

  10. Imperialistu'
    1 April 2010

    Bine ai revenit, Seherezada. Nu stiam ce s-a intamplat cu tine.

    Despina> Am vazut… Am pus o mica insemnare pentru a avea un loc unde sa putem discuta linistiti. Mare pacat.

  11. costin
    1 April 2010

    Imediat dupa 90 cei ce ascultau rock, rockerii, erau demonizati (nici mai mult, nici mai putin) peste tot. In scolil, in biserici, in televiziuni, unde apareau reportaje despre satanisti care mincau mîţe, etc.

    asta era imediat dupa revolutie, iar rockerii cine erau de fapt? erau tinerii din piata univeristatii, erau „elementele drogate”, pt ca la momentul de atunci cel putin „satanistii”, cum li se ziceau erau cei mai educati si mai civilizati dintre tineri, si cei care stiau ce inseamna alegerea lui illiescu. banuiesc ca la fel e si in tarile astea, la un nivel si mai primitiv

  12. Despina
    1 April 2010

    Asa este

  13. CelCeTace
    1 April 2010

    Stiti… imi place cum vorbiti despre sionosm ( acuzand-l de satanism) dar voi habr nu aveti ce-i prioria din Sion

  14. vlad
    1 April 2010

    inspirat nick. trebuia să ții seama de el

  15. costin
    1 April 2010

    CelCeTace, daca taceai, filosof ramineai ????

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