Mumbai, capitala financiară a Indiei, a fost zguduit în această noapte de o serie de atacuri teroriste islamice care pînă la ora de faţă au cauzat peste 80 de morţi şi 250 de răniţi. Printre victime se număra o serie de ofiţeri şi funcţionari superiori de poliţie şi din ministerul de interne. Guvernul de la Dehli a mobilizat armata şi forţe de intervenţie anti-teroriste în jurul clădirilor ocupate de jihadişti aparţinînd grupului auto-intitulat Deccan Mujahideen.
Hotelurile de lux Taj Mahal şi Oberoi au fost două ţinte majore. Teroriştii islamici au ocupat aceste clădiri şi i-au luat ostatici pe turiştii cazaţi şi personalul hotelier. Martori oculari au relatat interesul jihadistilor pentru identificarea ostaticilor britanici şi americani. Atacurile au fost îndreptate simultan asupra mai multor obiective civile, într-o operaţie pe scară largă planificată pentru a crea maximum de haos şi impact mediatic. În afară de hotelurile menţionate au fost atacate gara Chhatrapati Shivaji, restaurantul Leopold — frecventat mai ales de străini — şi spitalele Cama, Albless şi G.T.
At least 101 people have been killed in attacks by gunmen in Mumbai , police said on Thursday.
„At least six foreigners have been killed and the death figure has gone up to 101 now,” Ramesh Tayde, a senior police officer told from Mumbai ‘s control room.
In one of the most violent terror attacks on Indian soil, Mumbai came under an unprecedented night attack as terrorists used heavy machine guns, including AK-47s, and grenades to strike at the city’s most high-profile targets — the hyper-busy CST (formerly VT) rail terminus; the landmark Taj Hotel at the Gateway and the luxury Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point; the domestic airport at Santa Cruz; the Cama and GT hospitals near CST; the Metro Adlabs multiplex and Mazgaon Dockyard — killing at least 80 and sending more than 900 to hospital, according to latest reports.
New York, capitala financiară şi de afaceri a Americii. Madrid, capitala Spaniei. Londra, capitala financiară şi de afaceri a Angliei. Mumbai, capitala financiară a Indiei. Toate atacate de terorişti islamici. Jihadul global continuă neabătut, indiferent cine conduce America, Europa sau India. Dar orice regulă are şi excepţie: supuneţi-vă califului şi va fi pace.
27 November 2008Harta atacurilor din Mumbay. Folositi cu incredere butoanele de control.
View Larger Map
27 November 2008Co-Editor’s Update, 6:00 pm ET: „India Times” reports over 80 dead, 900+ injured, with the head of Mumbai’s anti-terrorism killed. „Express India” reports over 100 dead. Official reports put the death toll at 78 with 200 injured. The BBC website has a map of the affected area. The „India Times” reports 7 foreigners are among 15 hostages at the Taj Mahal Hotel and that the Army has entered the Taj and the Trident (formerly the Oberoi) Hotels, and a fire continues to burn inside the Taj. Multiple outlets report that an unknown outfit, Deccan Mujahideen, claims that it carried out the attacks. Streaming live coverage video is available at the CNN IBN Live site. CNN IBN also reports 9 terrorists taken into custody across Mumbai, but no official confirmation yet. India Times has a chronology of terror attacks in India, which have killed over 600 in the past 6 years.
Suspected Islamic terrorists have attacked at least eight places in Mumbai, the financial hub of India on November 26 evening. They fired indiscriminately, and lobbed grenades around while making their way to Hotels and Railway Stations and Airport. At least 60 people, many foreigners have reportedly died and nearly 150 injured in these terror attacks. Times of India report quoting hospital sources, indicated that at least 80 people were dead and 250 injured in the terror attacks. There are unconfirmed reports of a Hostage situation also in Taj Mahal and Oberoi Hotels (with most foreign guests). The first incident of firing was reported at Leopold Cafe, a well-known watering hole for tourists and foreigners in Colaba. The second incident was near Taj Mahal hotel, the third was near Oberoi hotel in Nariman Point and the fourth one was at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station. Also a major blast was also reported in Vile Parle in suburban Mumbai. As per the latest reports around 15 people, half of them foreigners are taken hostage on the roof of the Taj Mahal Hotel.
The needle of the suspicion is on the Lashkar- e- Toiba and Student Islamic Movement of India combine (Now they credibly calling and proving them as Indian Mujahedeen terror group).
The incidents took place one day after the reported arrest of Lashkar -e-Toiba linked Raheel Sheikh by the Interpol in London. Raheel is one of the alleged masterminds of the conspiracy and was involved in the funding of the July 11, 2006, Mumbai serial train blasts that killed nearly 200 commuters and wounded over 500 people on that fateful day.
27 November 2008Televiziunea italiana a transmis stirea ca islamistii au venit pe mare.
27 November 2008Mumbai Terror attacks: Urban Jihad comes to India (Walid Phares, Counterterrorism Blog)
As we write this short early assessment of the Terror attacks in Mumbai, events are still unforlding in the financial capital of the sub Indian region. Counter Terrorism units are battling armed elements inside several buildings including the Taj Hotel where hostages have been seized, including foreigners. My first round of monitoring included a discussion with our colleague Animesh Roul who has also posted a report on CTB. I must credit a number of facts and assumptions to him including the projection that the perpetrators -although calling themselves Deccan Mujahideen- are in fact members or trained by Lashkar e Toiba/SIMI (who according to Animesh Roul now call themselves Indian Mujahideen). Here is the condensed report I discussed on Fox News, the BBC, Russia Today TV and other international outlets.
Type of Operation
According to sources in Mumbai, armed groups and individuals have attacked at least ten (if not more) targets inside the city including the Taj Hotel, Oberoi Hotel, a railway Station, the Leopold Café and other locations. More shooting incidents have been also reported at the Trident hotel, a hospital and a highway leading to the airport and Assembly Hall. The terrorists fired indiscriminately against civilians, security elements, lobbed grenades, and killed Counter Terrorism officials. At this writing sources are reporting more than 102 deaths, amd hundreds wounded, in addition to hostage taking. Indian security sources confirmed the use of AK-47s, small arms, grenade, etc. This type of operation, involving a number of small groups and individuals „deployed” across several avenues, In my book Future Jihad I coined these types of forthcoming strikes as „urban Jihad” (Chapter 13). Instead of bombers and suicide bombers, the command sends „Jihadi infantry.” The tactical goal of these actions is to engage in different types of missions: random kilings, chaos, killing of security officers and hostage taking.
Design of the operations
In our estimate, this attack is a “complex” type, where small operations are aimed at creating chaos and triggering security deployment in many areas, while more precise operations could target higher targets such as hostage taking or similar situation. We will probably know more when the dust will settle.
In view of the historical context, precedents and latest analysis, the most likely groups that may be behind these attacks are the Lashkar e Toiba/SIMI (they now call themselves Indian Mujahideen). These groups are Jihadists, have links to the other organizations in Kashmir but also inside Pakistan with pro-Taliban elements and eventually Al Qaeda. The ideological identification is most likely Jihadist although the group almost surely will issue a more than one release to claim the attack and put it in context.
According to Indian sources this is an operation of a very new type in India. The „emirs” have sent these armed elements in their 20s to strike at Indian psyche. One goal is to sink the Pakistani-Indian rapprochement. In Islamabad, the new Government is engaged in operations against the big Jihadi boys ojn the north western frontier. It is quite possible that the Mumbai attacks aim at triggering tensions between the two old foes so that pressure would be released against the radicals in Pakistan. In any event, this is a large Jihadi operation against one of the emerging economies and the largest democraciy n Asia. The goal is to target India as a power engaged in the War on Terror but also to further destabilize the region, including Pakistan and its neighbor Afghanistan.”
dr. jones
27 November 2008Sensational, exclusive pic of one of the terrorists at cst station taken by Our photo editor Sebastian D’Souza from barely a few feet away…..-OF-TERROR
mi s-a deschis foarte greu editia de la mumbai mirror. aveti acolo si cronologia evenimentelor.
ce mi s-a parut interesant:
1.35am: Encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar killed in gunfight with terrorists. Anti-terrorism squad chief Hemant Karkare also reported killed! Additional Commissioner Ashok Kampte also killed in firing at Metro. Cops are in a complete state of shock!
si mai ales:
3.00 pm: Inflatable boats used by terrorists to land on Mumbai coasts found; Indian navy combs high seas for trawler that launched the inflatable boats.
27 November 2008Nu-i asa ca nici un atac jihadisto-terorist nu este complet fara elementul evreiesc? Ceea ce presa pare sa nu relateze este ca odata cu atacurile asupra hotelurilor, teroristii au atacat centrul Habad din Mumbay. Un numar (cifrele oscileaza intre 10-15, acum aud la radio ca de fapt ar fi 6, si nu se stie nimic despre alti 20-25) de israelieni au fost luati ostatici, printre care un rabin de la Habad si sotia lui.…..72,00.html
27 November 2008Am auzit si eu pe CNN, printre prostiile despre militants. Daca reporterii din teren nu si-au facut prea multe probleme numindu-i direct teroristi, moderatorii folosesc limba de lemn PC-izata.
27 November 2008In buna traditie musulmana, se pare ca teroristii cer guvernului indian sa se retraga de pe teritoriile islamice(?). Glumeti, nu altceva. Am banuiala ca astia abia asteapta sa revendice peninsula Iberica, Sicilia, intregii Balcani si juma’ de Romanie.
P.S. Cine se afla de fapt in spatele atentatelor? O organizatie terorista islamica? Fugi, dom’le, d’aci! Islamofobule! EVREII sunt in spatele atentatelor. Ne lamureste mr. Amaresh Misra, reprezentant al Fratiei Musulmane, trimis in Mumbai pentru a face pe reporterul.
27 November 2008Le revendica deja – ma refer la alte grupari islamiste, dar e posibil ca si Deccan Mujahideen sa aiba astfel de pretentii. E tipic pentru toate grupurile jihadist-salafiste: intoarcerea in timp si geografie politica la secolul 8/9, epoca de aur a imperiului islamic. Ideologii islamisti din secolul 20 au extins acest prerogativ la toate teritoriile care au fost la un moment dat sub ocupatie islamica, indiferent de perioada.
Pare absurd, dar e cit se poate de real. Ideea de stat-natiune este o notiune relativ noua pentru lumea islamica; a fost importata in secolul 19 din Europa si nu are aceleasi radacini adinci precum concepte islamice vechi de mai mult de un mileniu, ca ummah si dar-al-harb / dar-al-islam. O analogie ar fi crestin- ortodoxismul sa considere toate teritoriile pe care le-a posedat si pierdut drept bucati rupte din patria legitima care trebuiesc recuperate intr-un fel sau altul.
27 November 2008Un cititor al blogului Powerline a prezis atacul terorist din Mumbai, intr-un email trimis pe 21 noiembrie.
Interesant de urmarit rationamentul sau.
In Re Mumbai
27 November 2008Jamat-ud-Dawam, aripa politica a Lashkar-e-Taiba , grupul terorist acuzat initial de guvernul indian, se jura ca nu sunt ei si condamna atentatele ca fiind o tactica nepotrivita.
27 November 2008Live Streaming CNN India, AICI. Programul este, pina acuma cel putin, in inregime despre atacul de la Bombai
27 November 2008Doua stiri foarte interesante.
1. Cuplu turc eliberat de teroristi. Motivul? Sunt musulmani.
Islamic theology and law provide innumerable insights into the behavior and priorities of the jihadists — and that may be why the Organization of the Islamic Conference is so intent on getting the UN to criminalize any critical examination of Islamic texts and teachings, even for counter-terror purposes. It is not „insulting to Islam” to notice that the Mumbai attackers identify themselves as „mujahideen” — that is, jihadists, and jihad is an Islamic religious, legal, and political concept. That concept is in play here in numerous ways, and this story reveals another: the Mumbai jihadists set free their Muslim hostages, almost certainly because of Islamic strictures against fighting against one’s fellow Muslims (cf. Qur’an 4:92, which prohibits a Muslim from killing another Muslim).
„Turkish couple let off by terrorists for being Muslims,” by Clara Lewis and Anahita Mukherji in the Times of India, November 28 (thanks to Pamela):
2. Printre teroristii arestati de indieni, se afla 2 pakistanezi nascuti si crescuti in Marea Britanie.
Mumbai gunmen ‘were BRITISH’: Indian authorities say two of arrested militants are from UK,” by Justin Davenport , Rashid Razaq and Nicola Boden for the Daily Mail, November 28 (thanks to KM):
27 November 2008Un articol care rezuma bine ce s-a intamplat pana acum la Mumbai.
MUMBAI, India – A fresh battle raged at the luxury Taj Mahal hotel Friday as commandos fired grenades at that Mumbai landmark while other forces ended a siege at another five-star hotel.
Meanwhile, Indian commandos emerged from a besieged Jewish center with rifles raised in an apparent sign of victory after a daylong siege that saw a team rappel from helicopters and a series of explosions and fire rock the building and blow gaping holes in the wall. The fighting comes two days after a chain of militant attacks across India’s financial center that began Wednesday night left at least 143 people dead.
After hours of intermittent gunfire and explosions at the elegant Taj Mahal hotel Friday, the battle heated up at dusk when Indian forces began launching grenades at the hotel, where at least one militant was believed to be holed up inside a ballroom, officials said.
Commandos had killed the two last gunmen inside the nearby Oberoi earlier in the day.
„The hotel is under our control,” J.K. Dutt, director general of India’s elite National Security Guard commando unit, told reporters, adding that 24 bodies had been found. Dozens of people — including a man clutching a baby — had been evacuated from Oberoi earlier Friday.
The airborne assault on the center run by the ultra-orthodox Jewish outreach group Chabad Lubavitch was punctuated by gunshots and explosions and exchanges of fire as forces cleared it floor by floor, according to an Associated Press reporter at the scene.
Nearly 12 hours after the battle began, Indian troops left the building to cheers from the crowd, but the fate of the two to three hostages believed to be inside was unclear, said Mumbai Police Chief Hassan Ghaffoor. Ghaffoor said „the operation was ongoing” but in its „final stage.”
Israel’s ambassador to India, Mark Sofer, said they believed there were up to nine hostages inside. Sofer denied reports that Israeli commandos were taking part in the operation.
Moshe Holtzberg, a 2-year-old who was smuggled out of the center by an employee, is now with his grandparents. His grandfather told Israel Radio on Friday that he had no news of Moshe’s parents.
More than 143 people were killed and 288 injured when suspected Islamic militants attacked 10 sites in Mumbai starting Wednesday evening.
At least eight foreigners are known to have been killed so far and 22 more have been injured, said top security official M.L. Kumawat. The dead include three Germans, and one person each from Japan, Canada, Britain and Australia. The nationality of one more victim is unknown.
The injured include five from Britain, three Germans, two Americans, two from Oman and one each from Norway, Spain, Canada, Finland, Philippines, Australia, Italy and China. Two more were unknown.
Security officials said their operations were almost over.
„It’s just a matter of a few hours that we’ll be able to wrap up things,” Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj told reporters Friday morning.
The group rescued from the Oberoi, many holding passports, included at least two Americans, a Briton, two Japanese nationals and several Indians. Some carried luggage with Canadian flags. One man in a chef’s uniform was holding a small baby. About 20 airline crew members were freed, including staff from Lufthansa and Air France.
„I’m going home, I’m going to see my wife,” said Mark Abell, with a huge smile on his face after emerging from the hotel.
Abell, from Britain, had locked himself in his room during the siege. „These people here have been fantastic, the Indian authorities, the hotel staff. I think they are a great advertisement for their country,” he said as security officials pulled him away.
The well-coordinated strikes by small bands of gunmen starting Wednesday night left the city shell-shocked.
Late Thursday, after about 400 people had been brought out of the Taj hotel, officials said it had been cleared of gunmen. But Friday morning, army commanders said that while three gunmen had been killed, two to three more were still inside with about 15 civilians.
A few hours after that, Thamburaj, the security official, said at least one gunman was still alive inside the hotel and had cut of electricity on the floor where he was hiding. Shortly after that announcement, another round of explosions and gunfire were heard coming from the hotel.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed „external forces” for the violence — a phrase sometimes used to refer to Pakistani militants, whom Indian authorities often blame for attacks.
On Friday, India’s foreign minister ratcheted up the accusations over the attacks.
„According to preliminary information, some elements in Pakistan are responsible for Mumbai terror attacks,” Pranab Mukherjee told reporters in the western city of Jodhpur.
„Proof cannot be disclosed at this time,” he said, adding that Pakistan had assured New Delhi it would not allow its territory to be used for attacks against India. India has long accused Islamabad of allowing militant Muslim groups, particularly those fighting in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, to train and take shelter in Pakistan. Mukherjee’s carefully phrased comments appeared to indicate he was accusing Pakistan-based groups of staging the attack, and not Pakistan itself.
Islamabad has long denied those accusations.
Earlier Friday, Pakistan’s Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar, in Islamabad, denied involvement by his country: „I will say in very categoric terms that Pakistan is not involved in these gory incidents.”
The gunmen were well-prepared, apparently scouting some targets ahead of time and carrying large bags of almonds to keep up their energy.
„It’s obvious they were trained somewhere … Not everyone can handle the AK series of weapons or throw grenades like that,” an unidentified member of India’s Marine Commando unit told reporters, his face wrapped in a black mask. He said the men were „very determined and remorseless” and ready for a long siege. One backpack they found had 400 rounds of ammunition inside.
He said the Taj was filled with terrified civilians, making it very difficult for the commandos to fire on the gunmen.
„To try and avoid civilian casualties we had to be so much more careful,” he said, adding that hotel was a grim sight. „Bodies were strewn all over the place, and there was blood everywhere.”
A U.S. investigative team was heading to Mumbai, a State Department official said Thursday evening, speaking on condition of anonymity because the U.S. and Indian governments were still working out final details.
India has been shaken repeatedly by terror attacks blamed on Muslim militants in recent years, but most were bombings striking crowded places: markets, street corners, parks. Mumbai — one of the most populated cities in the world with some 18 million people — was hit by a series of bombings in July 2006 that killed 187 people.
These attacks were more sophisticated — and more brazen.
They began at about 9:20 p.m. with shooters spraying gunfire across the Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station, one of the world’s busiest terminals. For the next two hours, there was an attack roughly every 15 minutes — the Jewish center, a tourist restaurant, one hotel, then another, and two attacks on hospitals. There were 10 targets in all.
27 November 2008Imperialistu’ >
interesant articolul de la Associated Press, dar inafara de faptul ca povesteste in detaliu desfasurarea evenimentelor, nu aflu nimica despre DE CE s-a intimplat toata tarasenia si CINE erau „militantii”. Se vorbeste tangential de niste foste atacuri teroriste musulmane, dar nu se pomeneste nimica exact despre faptul ca toate crimele au fost facute in numele religiei pacii (a pacii eterne, as putea zice).
Dar este vorba despre AP, care impreuna cu Reuters, BBC si CNN se dau peste cap de ani de zile ca nu cumva sa raneasca sentimentele mujahedinilor din intreaga lume…ca deh, s-ar putea intimpla ceva ca ce se intimpla acuma la Mumbai.
27 November 2008Se pare ca pina la 7 dintre atacatori sint britanici, nascuti si crescuti in Anglia, din aceasi zona din care provin si cei care au infaptuit atacurile din Londra de acum 3 ani. Iar cuvintul ala, „militanti”. Militanti, teroristi, activisti, orice, dar nu cuvintul care daca este folosit explica intregul atac: musulmani.
Massacre in Mumbai: Up to SEVEN gunmen were British and ‘came from same area as 7/7
27 November 2008Lasa asta, macar de le-ar spune TERORISTI…
dr. jones
27 November 2008MUMBAI, India – Commandos killed the two militants making a last stand at the Taj Mahal hotel Saturday, Police Chief Hasan Ghafoor said, ending days of terror that left more than 150 people dead.
„The Taj operation is over. The last two terrorist holed up there have been killed,” Ghafoor told The Associated Press.
interesant, nu? media vestica ii numeste militanti in timp ce indienii ii numesc teroristi.
dr. jones
27 November 2008se pare ca implicarea pakistanului este din ce in ce mai evidenta. s-au razgandit in a trimite pe seful serviciilor secrete in a ajuta ancheta si presedintele pakistanului a „avertizat” india sa nu over-react.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Pakistan on Saturday withdrew an offer to send its spy chief to India to help investigate the Mumbai terrorist attacks, damaging efforts to head off a crisis between the nuclear-armed rivals.
Indian officials have linked the attacks to „elements” in Pakistan, raising the prospect of a breakdown in painstaking peace talks between South Asian rivals that has alarmed the U.S.…..YqCmRvaA8F
NEW DELHI, India (AFP) – Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday warned India against any „over-reaction” after the militant attacks in Mumbai and vowed the „strictest” action if Pakistani involvement was proved.
„Whoever is responsible for the brutal and crude act against the Indian people and India are looking for reaction,” Zardari said in an interview with Indian CNN-IBN television.
27 November 2008ISI face jocurile in Pakistan. Presedintele Zardari a ajuns sa fie huiduit de multimi pentru ca ar fi pro-american.
Pakistanul este un mare exportator de extremism islamic, l-a cultivat de la fondarea statului si acum nici nu prea stie ce sa faca. Ar avea nevoie de bani – de la Banca Mondiala – americani, dar si-ar continua si vechile traditii…
dr. jones
27 November 2008ei bine, francesco – se pare ca time nu are aceeasi parere:…..full-world
There are two lessons we should be taking away from Mumbai. The first is that all large cities are vulnerable to attack. Even if it doubled the size of its police force, there is no way New York City could could ever protect its hotels, schools or other public buildings from attacks of this type, short of turning them into fortresses. There is no way for the NYPD to prevent a car bombing on Wall Street, sending the stock market into an even worse plunge, or a single suicide bomber from blowing himself up in the subway. Plans are available on the Internet for making bombs like these with ingredients available in hardware stores.
The second reminder we should take from Mumbai is that the longer the wars go on in Iraq and Afghanistan, the more combat-experienced men there will be available to planners of terror attacks. And we should count on the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan going global — there is no reason they could not blend into the waves of immigrants crossing the Mediterranean from Northern Africa to Europe every day.
The best answer to the attack on Mumbai is a measured one: If it turns out the attackers came from Pakistan, they are very unlikely to have been sent by that country’s government. So the last thing India should do is confront the government of Pakistan, or isolate it. That would only strengthen the hand of the extremists.
1. nici un oras mare nu poate evita o asemenea tragedie.
2. cu cat se prelungesc razboaiele din iraq si afghanistan – cu atat mai antrenati vor fi teroristii ( ???). nu tin minte sa fi fost razboi in 2001.
3. cea mai mare greseala este sa intrerupi negocierile cu un stat care exporta terorism.
4. ca oricum aia or sa ajunga in vest pe calea imigratiei.
probabil ca media leftista ar prefera sa ne apucam sa ne rugam la allah, sa construim moschee si sa purtam burka ca sa scapam de acest flagel.
27 November 2008Si de ce nu am face asta? Islamul este o religie ca oricare alta.
27 November 2008Asa este, chiar i se cere Indiei sa-si modereze tonul fata de Pakistan si sa accepte cele intamplate ca pe ceva inevitabil intr-o lume in care „militantii” – asta este denumirea corect politica a teroristilor islamisti – apar din eter, nu apartin niciunei natiuni, nu i-a ajutat nimeni, sunt poate martieni!
Iar daca ne luam dupa blogul lui Mordechai, trebuie sa ne punem problema implicarii americanilor (Bush-Cheney) si a Israelului.
27 November 2008acum ca ati scos steguletul cu locatia ????
un punct de vedere, um pic sentimental :…..ta.html?em
27 November 2008Fish, esti cumva fishbone? In orice caz, mi-a placut piesa pe care ai oferit-o pentru lectura. Iata si o alta perspectiva, analiza lui Amir Taheri:
Mumbai attacks: the terrorists’ tactics
Si din partea unui comentator al blogului Powerline, bine informat in geo-politica:
Thinking about Mumbai: India’s test
27 November 2008Nu. Fishbone nu avea nici o problema cu steguletele; fishbone e din state si are cont de utilizator la noi.
Fish > Bine ai venit, desi din cate inteleg, esti un vizitator mai vechi care insa a evitat sa alse mesaje din motive obiective. Daca stau si ma gandesc, poate ca e mai bine ca am scapat de pluginul ala. In ceea ce priveste articolul catre care ne-ai trimis =>in India gasesti nebuni de ambele tambere; diferenta e data de spectaculozitate: musulmanii au reusit sa dea o lovitura de exceptie, cu ajutorul verilor din Pakistan. Ceva extrem de bine pus la punct. Acum nu ne ramane decat sa speram ca hindusii se vor abtine de la linsari.
27 November 2008Multe victime au fost torturate. Dintre toate, se pare ca cele israeliene au fost torturate cel mai rau.
Alte precizari: se pare ca musulmanii implicati nu erau cetateni britanici; dar teroristul care a fost capturat viu sustine ca au fost trimisi sa ucida cat mai multi posibil. Planul fusese conceput in urma cu 21 de luni si trebuia sa se soldeze cu aruncarea in aer a hotelului Taj si cu moartea a 5000 de oameni. Albii erau scosi in evidenta ca tinte foarte pretioase. Desigur, „eroul” nostru nu are nici un regret.
27 November 2008Cateva idei interesante pe Counterterrorism Blog – fragment din interviul dat de Walid Phares la CVC Radio.
In sfarsit, ceva informatii despre Dawood Ibrahim, cel care se pare ca a furnizat teroristilor ambarcatiunea cu care au ajuns in Mumbay.
27 November 2008Armed police would not fire back.
dr. jones
27 November 2008se pare ca india a acuzat oficial serviciile secrete pakistaneze de implicare in atacul din mumbai.
dr. jones
27 November 2008„I can only ascribe this series of events to those in Pakistan who wish to divert attention from the fact that a terrorist group, operating from the Pakistani territory, planned and launched a ghastly attack on Mumbai,” Mukherjee said in a statement released on Sunday.
presa leftista europeana vad ca isi arata muschii numai cand vine vorba de americani sau evrei. nu si cand e vorba de „militanti”. imi aduc aminte ce mai tipau ziarele cu ” no blood for oil”. vad ca acum tac malc. normal doar e vorba de fanaticii religiosi musulmani – inamicii americii si israelului.
27 November 2008Se tace dr. Jones. Este un subiect care nu place, nu se pliaza pe modelul creat de media asa-numitei Religii a Pacii.
Gruparea Lashkar-e-Taiba, fondata, finantata si inca ocrotita in Pakistanul condus la lumina zilei de ISI – Securitatea pakistaneza. Guvernul Pakistanului doreste sa fie asimilat unui guvern democratic, dar este numai indirect raspunzator pentru cele petrecute la Mumbai?
Interventia ministrului de externe indian din care ai citat, a fost ocazionata de perdeaua de fum creata de pakistanezi in legatura cu telefonul de amenintare care i s-ar fi dat presedintelui Zardari in zilele atacului.
27 November 2008Silence=Acceptance (Mark Steyn, National Review)
27 November 2008poate nu ati vazut asta :
Pakistan arrests suspected Mumbai attack plotter
destul de operativi baietii, pornind de la un singur om prins in viata
27 November 2008De pe linkul trimis de fish (danke!!):
ISI ii stie pe toti. Poate si pentru ca are relatii stranse cu unii dintre ei
27 November 2008intrebarea e cum de s-a hotarit ISI sa puna mina pe ei.
27 November 2008Fish, Pakistan este sub presiune diplomatica intensa. Pe de alta parte, rezista cit poate:
Pakistan has arrested leading militants following the Mumbai attacks but says it will not hand them over to India
27 November 2008ca era clar ca e sub presiune, parerea mea e ca cineva din ISI-ul ne-musulman-habotnic (extremist) i-a ridicat pe aia fara sa lase „scurgeri” catre aripa extremista.
ca nu-i vor da pe mina indiei – e normal – aia shtiu prea multe secrete pe care chiar nu le vor ajunse in india. oricum, presupun ca la nivel de servicii, indienii vor avea niste oameni prezenti la interogatorii.
27 November 2008Chipurile teroristilor din Mumbai.
27 November 2008Singurul terorist care a fost capturat in viata se numeste Mohammed Ajmal Kasab iar fotografia sa a facut inconjurul lumii. A aparut si la noi pe blog, chiar in timpul inclestarilor dintre fortele speciale indiene si elementele teroriste ce au fost recrutate si antrenate de gruparea pakistaneza Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT). Reamintim faptul ca aceasta grupare a fost responsabila si pentru atacarea Parlamentului indian in 2001, fapt ce a adus cele doua tari foarte aproape de un razboi.
Mohammed Ajmal Kasab a devenit terrorist dupa ce a fost un pungas marunt cam toata viata sa. S-a scris prin ziare ca avea un talent particular in felul in care arata cutitul nefericitilor care nu colaborau rapid la golirea buzunarelor. In fine, atras de promisiunea de a primi niste bani, s-a lasat antrenat in activitatile multiple ale LeT – indoctrinare, religie, antrenament militar – in centrele lor bine fortificate care nu au fost niciodata inchise sau controlate de politia pakistaneza, la mai bine de sase ani de la scoaterea oficiala in afara legii a miscarii. Semnele de intrebare care mai exista in acest moment sunt in legatura cu numele persoanelor din ISI (Inter Services Intelligence – securitatea pakistaneza) care au coordonat acest atac.
Numai sa fi un naiv fara leac sa crezi ca poti recruta, gazdui, antrena si trimite la atac pe teritoriul Indiei un grup de 10 persoane fara ca sa existe o coordonare a unui departament al ISI. Teroristii cunosteau in amanunt fiecare coltisor din obiectivele alese, existau filme, aveau harti. S-a vazut din atacul politiei asupra hotelului Taj Mahal ca s-au folosit capcane cu dispozitive explosive sofisticate. Pakistanul s-a format pe ideea de a fi un stat musulman cu tot ce implica acest lucru si a considerat in permanenta ca India reprezinta mostenirea istorica ce i se cuvine, Kashmirul fiind doar victima, un leit-motiv local tip buna-Palestina inghitita de Israelul-rau. Fac doar o apropiere, nu confund relitatile diferite din punct de vedere istoric, religios etc.
Dupa ce au atacat gara din Mumbai, Kasab cu colegul sau ce au ucis mai multi politisti printre care si pe seful departamentului anti-terorist. din Mumbai. Cand au fost coplesiti de puterea de foc a politiei, Kasab s-a prefacut a fi mort si a fost purtat la spital pentru identificare si certificare. Tinand la viata mai mult decat la dorinta de a remite cei 1000 de dolari familiei, lucru ce fusese convenit si semnat cu sefii sai din LeT, Kasab s-a rugat de personalul medical sa i se salveze viata.
Interogat de politie, care nu s-a sfiit sa foloseasca serum truth pentru a-l face sa spuna tot ce stie, Kasab a dezvaluit toate informatiile de care au avut nevoie indienii pentru consolidarea cu fapte a dosarului initial intuitiv contra Pakistanului. Cei zece atacatori, provenind din Punjabul pakistanez, au vost condusi de Ismail Khan de 25 de ani, veteran al Let. Grupul avea ca misiune, pe langa distrugeri materiale si omorarea a 5000 de persoane in Mumbai.
27 November 2008Nu numai pakistanezi!
Exista dovezi si in legatura cu teroristi de nationalitate indiana. Astfel, numitul
Sabauddin Ahmed, arestat in februarie deoarece administra safe-houses pentru islamistii LeT in Nepal, a fost gasit in compania unui alt personaj pe nume Faheem Ansari ce avea asupra sa harti ale obiectivelor ce aveau sa fie atacate in noiembrie. Acest Faheem lucra la pregatirea atentatelor inca din 2007! Necoordonarea serviciilor de securitate indiene in prevenirea cazului Mumbai devine pe z ice trece tot mai evidenta.
In urma interogatoriilor – pe care le presupunem a fi fost foarte dure – Ahmed a declarat ca era in contact cu diversi oficiali ISI (Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence securitatea pakistaneza) asa cum releva AP, stire publicata pe
„He named a lot of ISI officers,”- “El a dat numele multor ofiteri ISI”, asa s-a exprimat Amitabh Yash, directorul Special Task Force din Uttar Pradesh.
Deci complotul ISI devine tot mai evident pe fundalul unor deficiente majore ale serviiilor indiene.
Rakesh Maria, investigatorul sef al Politiei din Mumbai, a dezvaluit unele amanunte rezultate din interogatoriile luate lui Kasab, teroristul LeT prins viu. Astfel, Maria a aratat ca o organizatie de caritate musulmana pe nume Jamaat-ud-Dawa este puternic legata de LeT in finantarea si organizarea atacului. Astfel, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, senior terorist LeT, cel care i-a antrenat pe cei zece operativi ce au actionat la Mumbai, a fost arestat de pakistanezi la presiunea combinata indiano-americana. Deseori asa-numitele organizatii caritabile musulmane sunt de fapt cupole teroriste sub acoperire.
Din Rusia a parvenit stirea ca un traficant notoriu de stupefiante, de nationalitate indiana pe nume Dawood Ibrahim, a fost implicat in atac prin asiguratea logisticii.
27 November 200823 de teroristi?
27 November 2008am postat linkul aiurea data trecuta si vad ca a ramas gresit: Several Mumbai Gunmen May Have Survived Attacks, Reuters Says
27 November 2008oameni buni, va invit si pe blogul meu ( ). intentionez sa postez in special materiale video (pt comoditatea omului NOU).
doua lucruri vreau sa spun:
1. daca ma puteti ajuta cu lipirea unor subtitrari pe aceste materiale, ar fi super. eu unul nu ma prea pricep cu softurile, dar vreau sa fac subtitrari pentru cei care nu cunosc engleza si pe urma cu ajutorul unui programel sa le tot lipesc pe filme
2. probabil aveti cunostinta de munca pe care o duc oameni gen Robert Spencer sau Raymond Ibrahim pentru dezvaluirea adevaratei fete a islamului (aici puteti vedea: ;
dorinta mea ar fi, daca sunt printre voi dispusi, sa punem pe picioare o lucrare asemanatoare. un site la care sa contribuim cat mai multi pentru o actualizare si o informare permanente.
daca sunt doritori, va rog sa ma anuntati.
vizionare „placuta”… oricum, va asigur ca va fi edificatoare in multe privinte si terifianta
27 November 2008Salut, Vlad! Multumim pentru link, dar cred ca il scot momentan pentru ca ma gandeam ar fi bine sa avem o discutie separata in baza filmului la care a contribuit, printre altii, si Robert Spencer. Sper ca nu te superi. ???? Ma bucur ca esti preocupat de subiect si ca urmaresti Jihadwatch. Costin te poate ajuta cu subtitrarile, dar momentan nu e online, asa ca mai avem ceva de asteptat.
O sa intru si eu mai tarziu pe blogul tau, cand am mai mult timp, si sunt sigur ca si ceilalti colegi o vor face. Suntem deschisi la colaborari. Vezi ca avem o rubrica intreaga pe Islam, o gasesti in dreapta => Religia Pacii. Uita-te pe ea, sa vezi cam cum am abordat problema pana una alta. ????
27 November 2008salut vlad,
o sa ma uit pe situl tau sapt asta cu prima ocazie. cit despre subtitrari, vedem despre ce e vorba si daca e facem ceva. mai gasisem pe cineva pe youtube care subtitrase multe clipuri de genul celor de care zici tu, dar la un moment dat contul lui a fost suspendat. o sa incerc sa dau si de el zilele astea.
27 November 2008salutari Imperialistu’ si Costin
va multumesc pentru deschiderea cu care ma intampinati. site-ul meu este micut si la inceputuri. cred ca e absolut necesara traducerea materialelor video, pentru a le putea populariza printre romani. clujul e tot mai invadat de musulmani; un articol local prezenta interviuri cu fetele noastre care trec la islam, prin vecinatatea cu toti acesti colegi arabi. cred ca inselarea poate atinge cote inimaginabile si sunt ingrozit de gandul unui fenomen similar celui din Anglia sau Germania. Evident, deocamdata suntem departe de asa ceva, dar nu e cazul sa asteptam. mai ales ca avem deja exemple dramatice in europa (http://grupareaaproape.wordpre…..-minarete/).
astept cu interes colaborarea si propuneri pt un site unic. banuiesc ca sunteti mult mai initiati in IT. sunt dispus sa fac subtitrarile, insa am nevoie de ajutor pentru postarile lor.
27 November 2008„un articol local prezenta interviuri cu fetele noastre care trec la islam, prin vecinatatea cu toti acesti colegi arabi”
un link, un scan ceva?
27 November 2008@ fish,
articolul l-am citit in cafeneaua de la parterul Bibliotecii Central Universitare, intr-una din pauzele de lectura. Ziarul era in regim free cu sprijin studentesc. Articolele si interviurile prezente in el erau realizate de catre studenti si pentru studenti. Din pacate nu-i retin numele, se intampla in urma cu doi ani.
27 November 2008vlad, too bad.
ps. vezi ca materialele video nu au intotdeauna audienta, daca materialul nu e structurat incit sa captiveze atentia.
27 November 2008curatenie in pakistan?
27 November 2008Pakistanul a mai arestat un suspect in ancheta pe care a declansat-o dupa atacul sangeros din Bombay.
Se numeste Shahd Jamil Riaz si este acuzat ca „a facilitat trasferul banilor si a participat la organizarea atentatelor” mai informeaza Le Figaro. Este cel de-al saselea suspect din lista de 8 pe care autoritatile pakistaneze le-au avut sub urmarire.
27 November 2008Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, teroristul pakistanez arestat la Delhi in noiembrie 2008 a fost judecat si gasit vinovat pentru „crima, conspiratie si acte de razboi contra Indiei”. Pedeapsa va fi anuntata in decursul zilei de marti, 4 mai.
Interesant este ca in India nu mai exista calai! (Se presupune ca va fi o sentinta de condamnare la moarte). Ultimul a iesit la pensie acum cativa ani si statul nu s-a ingrijit sa pregateasca altii.