Maggie i-ar mânca la micul dejun pe Cameron, Clegg si Brown

Lordul Tim Bell, un apropiat al lui Margaret Thatcher, spune ca fostul premier britanic i-a marturisit ca David Cameron nu ar obtine votul ei ca lider, daca ea nu s-ar identifica cu Partidul Conservator (Baroness Thatcher’s verdict on David Cameron Campaign).

Maggie considera campania acestuia plictisitoare, detasata de preocuparile publicului si e nemultumita ca David Cameron nu sustine îndeajuns restrângerea statului.

Dupa ce vazut o parte a primei dezbateri dintre Cameron, Clegg si Brown, Margaret Thatcher i-a marturisit lui Tim Bell ca “i-ar putea mânca pe cei trei lideri la micul dejun.”

“Look at the three of them, she was like the queen and they are the three pygmies. She said to me recently, ‘I’d eat them for breakfast’. She knows it. Nobody messed with her. She was, and still is, great.

“Remember, Maggie assumed power at a time when the country was on the brink economically. She sees a remarkable similarity with today’s economic climate.

“But she fears that Cameron and the other two leaders will fall short of what is required to steer the country back on the right path.

“Maggie admits she doesn’t think any of the leaders are up to running a country. She told me, ‘None of them is capable of achieving what I did’.

“After trying to watch the first debate Maggie said, ‘they irritate me’. She is particularly angered by the way all three do their utmost not to answer questions.”

Bell added: “Maggie gets very frustrated because she thinks she brought the country back from the brink with a lot of hard work and now it’s been allowed to get into a worse state.

“To her, it is very sad to see the country in this decline. She thinks it is very sad state of affairs.”

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