Massachusetts în direct: numărătoarea voturilor

E ora 20:45, marti 19 ianuarie. Votarea s-a incheiat cu trei sferturi de ora in urma. Nu exista exit polluri, deci toata lumea urmareste tabularile reale, pe masura ce parvin, si informatii/estimari din cele doua tabere. Incepem si continui cit voi putea in aceasta noapte.

De pe RealClearPolitics live blog:

8:12pm Un sondaj Rasmussen de azi spune ca 22% dintre Democrati au votat cu Brown. O veste buna pentru Coakley: intre cei care si-au decis optiunea in ultimele zile, Democrata conduce 47-41%.

8:14pm Avem primele rezultate. Circumscriptii izolate in orase mici arata un avantaj 55-44 pentru Brown.
Massachusetts, ca mai toate statele din Noua Anglie, raporteaza rezultatele pe oras, nu pe district.

8:15pm Orasul Bolton e numarat. 57% – 42% pentru Brown. In 2002, Romney [Republican care a cistigat alegerile pentru postul de guvernator] a cistigat aici cu 61% – 32%. Nu arata bine pentru Brown.

A inceput Hannity pe Fox News… „Faux News” pentru ‘telectuali. Oops! Hannity vorbeste cu Mitt Romney (fost guvernator Republican al Massachusetts) si pe banda din josul ecranului apare un rezultat foarte incipient care desigur e… faux.
Brown 53% – Coakley 46 %
Mut pe CNN si… oroare!… aceleasi procentaje. Faux CNN?
GOP’s Brown grabs lead in Massachusetts Senate returns
… dar numai 65 de circumscriptii au raportat. It’s still a long way to Tipperary.

Un… F … believable!
fara cuvinte
The Corner… blogul revistei National Review anunta…
Coakley a admis ca a pierdut!
… pauza de tigara si confirmare din alte surse…. wow!

Verific cu canadienii… Globe and Mail a preluat instantaneu o depesa de la Associated Press:
Republican declared victor in pivotal Massachusetts Senate race

21:37 – 21:47
Detalii despre anuntul Associated Press: 1623 de circumscriptii au raportat rezultatul, dintr-un total de 2168. La repezeala, asta inseamna cel putin 75%. Scorul este de:
Brown 53% – Coakley 46%
… un moment… Boston Globe … nu pot accesa siteul, e prea aglomerat probabil … deci, Boston Globe a publicat anuntul initial despre Coakley admitind faptul ca a pierdut… tweets din multe surse americane confirma stirea din Boston Globe…

It’s done
It’s over
It’s a KNOCKOUT and a RIOT

Scott Brown Is the Newest Senator from Massachusetts

S-a spart barajul.
In noiembrie urmeaza un deluviu.

Noaptea cutitelor lungi intre Democrati.
Senatorul Bayh, Democrat de Indiana, pentru Los Angeles Times:
Extrema stinga a acaparat partidul Democrat

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Manjusri
    19 January 2010

    Citesc pe yahoo ca republicanul Scott Brown a castigat alegerile. ????

  2. chriscross
    19 January 2010

    filibust them, filibust them all… :)))))

  3. Manjusri
    19 January 2010

    Dragos Paul Aligica publica in 22 un articol despre primul an al „erei Obama” –…..-7466.html

  4. Riddick
    19 January 2010

    The Day of the Joker – clip din 15 ianuarie 2009. ????…..038;hl=en#

  5. GMT
    19 January 2010

    Multumim ca ne-ati tinut „in priza”. A aparu pe o anaiza „la cald” azi dimineata:
    Stânga face infarct in Massachusetts…..setts.aspx

  6. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Chiar ca a facut infarct, GMT. Analiza lui T. Ioanid este scurta si la obiect. ???? Progresistii au primit o grea lovitura, asteptam si altele.

  7. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Scottt Brown wins in Massachusetts

  8. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Jon Stewart i-a luat la tinta pe democrati.

    The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
    Mass Backwards
    Daily Show
    Full Episodes
    Political Humor Health Care Crisis

    And the reason it will die … [pauses for effect] … Let’s continue … The reason it will die is because if Coakley loses, Democrats will only then have an eighteen-vote majority in the Senate. Which is more than George W. Bush ever had in the Senate, when he did whatever the f*** he wanted to do! [Applause] In fact, the Democrats have a greater majority than the Republicans have had since 1923! But for Democrats, apparently a majority of 100 is … sixty.

    Bai, baieti, daca l-ati suparat pana si pe Stewart, e grav. ????

  9. Manjusri
    19 January 2010

    Un comentariu la articolul lui Dragos Paul Aligica din 22: „O analiza succinta dar corecta.Mai avem 3 ani de rulat pelicula obama, o vasta panorama a esecului ideologiei stangiste. Luni,18 ianuarie,ziua lui Martin Luther King. Cineva ridica o lozinca din multime: „Dr King,you had a dream,we have a nightmare” . Traim cu totii o debusolare economica si politica.” Cat de adevarate sunt lozinca si constatarea amara din final…

  10. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Hot Air citeaza Politico

    Democratic leaders and the White House insisted ahead of the vote they aren’t preparing to desert health care. They admit they’ll have to come up with a new strategy to win passage, but said they didn’t want to allow one Senate race to take them off-course on the president’s top legislative item for the year.

    But several House members said Tuesday night that they had no interest in pursuing the most likely scenario for moving ahead with a bill — approving the already-passed Senate version of health reform in the House – and some said President Barack Obama should step back and start over.

    In fact, early signs of split emerged as the polls closed in Massachusetts – between leaders like Majority Leader Steny Hoyer who said “the Senate bill is better than nothing,” and individual members who didn’t want to swallow the Senate’s version of health reform whole…

    “If it comes down to that Senate bill or nothing, I think we are going to end with nothing because I don’t hear a lot of support on our side for that bill,” said Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.)

  11. emil
    19 January 2010

    Trebuia sa apara si asta: Hitler afla despre infringerea lui Coakley.

  12. Transsylvania Phoenix
    19 January 2010

    „Now we know why Obama did not release his school records. Bush got C; Obama probably failed lunch”

  13. emil
    19 January 2010

    Iata unul din mesajele de campanie ale lui Scott Brown. Superb executat pe o idee veche si simpla: reducerea impozitelor inseamna creare de locuri de munca. Tranzitia de la JFK (legenda Democrata care a avut masuri de reducere a impozitelor) la Brown, amindoi pe acelasi mesaj, este geniala.

  14. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    foarte tare.
    a lovit in centrul inimii democatilor din MA cu mesajul asta.
    o campanie inteligenta ce a d

  15. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    us la o victorie binemeritata. ????

    TP – dar ” ne’am impotmolit cu obamacare ca la stalingrad”‘
    am ras copios cand l’am vazut.
    cred ca ecel mai reusit pana acum….

  16. Francesco
    19 January 2010

    Pentru Barack Hussein Obama, a fost o zi amara: aniversarea unui an la Casa Alba prin alegerea unui republican in Massachusetts.
    Oare America se trezeste aducandu-si aminte de marea sa mostenire, de Parintii Fondatori, asa cum spune Gerry Ashley de pe Grand Rants?

    Versurile cantecului O, America de pe situl lui celtic woman.

    O, America – Lyrics

    Music: William Joseph
    Words: Brendan Graham

    O, America you’re calling,
    I can hear you calling me:
    You are calling me to be true to thee,
    True to thee… I will be.

    O, America no weeping,
    Let me heal your wounded heart:
    I will keep you in my keeping,
    Till there be… a new start.

    And I will answer you, and I will take your hand,
    And lead you… to the sun:
    And I will stand by you…do all that I can do,
    And we will be… as one.

    O, America I hear you,
    From your prairies to the sea,
    From your mountains grand, and all through this land,
    You are beautiful to me.

    And… O, America you’re calling,
    I can hear you calling me:
    You are calling me to be true to thee,
    True to thee… I will be.

    And I will answer you, and I will take your hand,
    And lead you… to the sun:
    And I will stand by you… do all that I can do,
    And we will be…as one.

    O, America you’re calling…
    I will ever answer thee.

    O, America! by Brendan Graham and William Joseph (C) 2008 by Peermusic (UK) Ltd. (PRS), Songs of Peer, Ltd.(ASCAP) and Paybill Publishing (ASCAP) All Rights on behalf of Peermusic (UK) Ltd. Controlled and Administered by Peermusic III, Ltd.(BMI). All Rights of behalf of Paybill Publishing Controlled and Administered by Songs of Peer, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

  17. Transsylvania Phoenix
    19 January 2010

    Genial clipul cu JFK. Foloseste cuvintele unui personaj sacru al Partidului Democrat pentru a-si promova mesajul conservator.
    Cu acest clip nu numai ca le-a inchis gura liberalilor, dar le-a mai dat si-un dos de palma peste ochi.

    Domnilor si doamnelor, cred ca Scott Brown va fi viitorul Presedinte al Statelor Unite

  18. Francesco
    19 January 2010

    TP, perfect de acord ca Scott Brown intra in carti, el a schimbat ceva fundamental intr-un stat simbol al democratilor.
    Arata bine, stie sa se adreseze tuturor si place f. mult independentilor si unei parti importante din …democrati.

  19. Transsylvania Phoenix
    19 January 2010

    Intre timp, la Casa Alba…(Costin, please embed the pic)

  20. costin
    19 January 2010

    care poza TP? ????

  21. Francesco
    19 January 2010

    Bill Clinton a fost numit de Natiunilor Unite Special Envoy in Haiti dar, mai inainte de a ajunge in acel loc plin de disperare si haos, fostul presedinte american s-a deplasat in Worcester, Massachusetts unde a vorbit in favoarea lui Coakley.


    Clinton for Coakley

    Obama nu a fost in Massachusetts, dar a trimis un mesaj video. Fara folos pentru Coakley.

  22. Transsylvania Phoenix
    19 January 2010


    Intre timp, la Casa Alba…

  23. costin
    19 January 2010

    ???? foarte taare! poanta cu imaginea tine de expresia americana „to throw somebody under the bus”, un fel de „a injunghia pe la spate”.. cam asa TP? nu stiu cum s-ar traduce poanta in romaneste.

  24. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    eu de cand il caut pe ronald reagan….
    are sanse reale.
    sa nu uitam ca ron a fost guvernatorul statului california exact in perioada flower power, democrat fiind.
    apoi a trecut la republicani.
    sunt similaritati.
    ramane insa de vazut.

  25. Transsylvania Phoenix
    19 January 2010


    “a injunghia pe la spate”.. cam asa TP? nu stiu cum s-ar traduce poanta in romaneste.

    Nu chiar…este mai dificil de tradus. Fraza se refera la o persoana loiala din anturajul cuiva care dupa ce este folosita si manipulata pentru beneficiul acestuia, este invinuita de orice esec – char daca nu are nici o vina. Sau: un angajat care devine tzapul ispasitor pe care seful arunca vina ca sa iasa el cu fata curata.
    Cam asta-i traducerea cu aruncatul sub autobuz. In cazul fotografiei, autobuzul lui Obama este supra-inaltat din cauza numarului enorm de persoane din anturajul sau pe care acestea le-a aruncat dedesubt. Ca in poza asta:

    Printe acester persoane se enumera: Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, ACORN, fostul lui partener de afaceri imobiliare si char propria lui bunicuta pe care Obama a caracterizat-o in mod jignitor ca „typical white person” (in alte cuvinte o rasista caruia ii este frica de negri).

  26. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Sa nu exageram. Scott Brown a castigat intr-un stat democrat, se pare ca a pronuntat cuvantul „republican” o singura data pana acum. Nu, Scott Brown nu este noul Reagan macar pentru ca Reagan nu si-ar fi expus madularul intr-o revista. ????

    Hot Air – And a cautionary note

    In the wake of an unimaginable political victory in Massachusetts for Republicans, the celebratory mood is understandable. Scott Brown came out of nowhere in a period of three weeks to wrest the crown jewel of Democratic Senate seats from Harry Reid, to deny Barack Obama his supermajority, and to give new energy to a movement that had already managed to stall Obama’s signature legislation for months longer than anyone really expected. Those circumstances have not just launched new energy but also prompted some fantasies that will inevitably come crashing back to Earth.

    The wildest of these fantasies, and surely not one meant terribly seriously, promotes Scott Brown as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2012. Brown is a formidable presence, as Martha Coakley and the Democrats discovered too late, but do we really need another former state Senator with next to no experience in national politics on a major-party ticket? Brown has a good sense of fiscal conservatism, but falls closer to Rudy Giuliani than to Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin on social issues, which is one of the reasons Rudy got an invite to Massachusetts and prominent social conservatives did not.

    Besides, Brown has to worry about his own re-election in 2012. He got elected to serve the remainder of Ted Kennedy’s term in office; Kennedy died three years after winning his final term in 2006. The elimination of Martha Coakley means that Democrats will throw a stronger candidate against him in two years, although Coakley was the one candidate who had won statewide office and had the largest constituency. The circumstances that allowed Brown to win a decisive victory yesterday may well change significantly by 2012, although so far the White House and Congressional leadership seem to indicate it won’t.

    Either way, Brown has to demonstrate independence and policy stands that put him in the best position to keep independents on his side if he has any chance of beating the Democrats while they’re awake. It’s worth pointing out that 2012 is also a presidential election, and the turnout models are going to turn in a tough direction for Brown because of it. He’s going to have to campaign for the next two years to prepare for a very tough election, one he’s at best 50-50 to win.

    This brings us to the second fantasy, which some are taking a little too seriously. People have suggested and even demanded that Scott Brown give the State of the Union response next week on behalf of the Republican Party. He would no doubt make a compelling speech, but he would undermine the sense of independence that he carefully cultivated during his short campaign.


    He only mentioned the word “Republican” once, in a pledge to work with both Democrats and Republicans in Washington. Brown’s smart; he knows his audience and his state, and he isn’t likely to make himself the national face of the GOP in his first week on the job.

    Finally, Brown’s victory means an end to Harry Reid’s supermajority, which makes the radical agenda he and Obama have pursued unlikely to succeed. This is a much-needed brake on runaway government expansion, but it isn’t Nirvana by any stretch. Brown will be likely to vote for a scaled-down version of health-care reform (as would be Snowe, Collins, and perhaps a couple of other Republicans) that still would be the wrong direction, just not as bad as what’s on the table now. Democrats still have an 18-vote majority in the Senate and a House majority of over 70 seats. They can do a lot of damage in the remainder of the 111th Session, so we have to maintain vigilance and keep up the energy.

  27. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    imperialistu’, nu am zis neaparat ca scot ar putea fi un nou reagan.
    imbucurator este insa faptul ca – iata! apar din ce in ce mai multi cu vederi reaganesti.
    hoffman a aparut in peisajul ny23 brusc si ar fi castigat daca nu erau republicanii.
    apoi, acest scott care a aparut in mass cu o saptamana inainte de alegeri unde coakley conducea detasat cu un mai mult decat linistitor 30% si unde scott a castigat la 9 puncte diferenta.
    asta ma bucura enorm.
    obama a castigat prin picatura chinezeasca aplicata temeinic de presa leftista pe creierul americanilor: bush… bush… bush… pc, esti rasist daca nu il votezi.
    apoi alternativa mccain – nu a fost viabila pentru conservatori.
    cam ce se intampla acum in ro cu basescu si realitatea, antenele si tvr.
    ia spre exemplu cotidianul.
    l’a luat vantul, l’a pus pe nistorescu care a dat afara tot ce era mai bun si s’a pus pe injurat basescu iar acum este in faliment ca nu il mai citeste nimeni.
    e practic acelasi modus operandi.
    cu un cernat al gore incercand presidentia ????
    coakley a bagat la puscarie un om nevinovat care a stat ceva acolo pana sa isi dovedeasca nevinovatia pe cand scott a pozat seminud pentru cosmo.

    Consider: Martha Coakley, the Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate for „Teddy Kennedy’s seat” in Massachusetts, as Middlesex County D.A., kept in prison a victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice during the witch-hunts of the 1990s against supposed Satanic child abusers based on pressured testimony by very young (and therefore unreliable) children. The case against the Admiraults was admirably exposed by the Wall Street Journal, who made it overwhelmingly clear that they were the innocent victims of a radical feminist delusional assault. But thanks to Martha Coakley’s efforts, Gerald Amirault was left to rot in jail long after it was clear that he was innocent.

    Coakley is not a liberal in any honest sense of that world. She is a radical, prosecutorial Leftist. That is how she made her bones in the Mass. Democrat Machine.

    vorbeam cu cineva de reagan acum vreo luna si parerea respectivei despre reagan „oh reagan! that dirty cowboy…”

    imperialistule, lasa’ma sa visez frumos.
    iti spun eu ca va apare.

    Governor Reagan ran in all the republican primaries winning against Howard Baker, John Connaly and Robert Dole, and finally George Bush. Reagan entered the Republican convention in Detroit with the nomination sewed up. President Carter was renominated at the Democratic convention in New York, after turning back a challenge from Senator Teddy Kennedy.

    John Anderson ran as the first serious third party candidate since Henry Wallace in 1948.
    Reagan campaigned for smaller government. He was an effective campaigner, but made a number of serious mistakes on the campaign trail that ultimately forced the campaign to limit his access. Carter on the other hand attacked Reagan and was soon accused of being a „mean” campaigner.

    In the campaign of 1980 there were very clear issues dividing the candidates. Carter supported the Equal Rights Amendment, while Reagan opposed it. Reagan opposed S.A.L.T. II, while Carter supported it. Carter called for a national health insurance program. Ultimately, however, it was not these issues but the twin issues of the American Hostages in Iran and what the Republicans called the misery index (inflation plus unemployment) ended Carter’s chance of being re-elected.

    costin, a venit randul meu sa te rog sa embed a pic ????

  28. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    eroare: picture (pis), – costin, te rog corecteaza si asta.

  29. costin
    19 January 2010

    ???? corectasem deja, daca te referi la spelling

  30. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    da, la aia ma refeream.
    sunt la cafeaua de dimineata ????
    apropos, poti centra poza?

  31. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Jon Stewart despre Olbermann

    The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
    Special Comment – Keith Olbermann’s Name-Calling
    Daily Show
    Full Episodes
    Political Humor Health Care Crisis

    ???? ???? ???? Pana si Stewart s-a saturat de Olbermann.

    P.S. In schimb, a retine faza cu Limbaugh.

  32. Imperialistu'
    19 January 2010

    Cat de rau e si Chris Matthews. :mrgreen:

    Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

  33. dr pepper
    19 January 2010

    si acum – dusul rece:

    With Scott Brown sworn into Senate, parties shift strategies

    “I think we can say to the people of America: We heard the message of Massachusetts, and it didn’t mean ‘don’t do health care’,” he said. “Theysaid: focus immediately and don’t take your focus off jobs.” Some Democrats note that it’s not clear that Brown will always vote with Republicans. “We’ll have to see if Mr. Brown just wants to march in lock step or be more independent,” says Sen. Tom Harkin (D) of Iowa. “If I looked like him [Senator Brown], I’d be president of the United States today,” quipped Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona, one of the GOP’s most independent voices.

    Brown calls Senator McCain his mentor in the Senate. He told Massachusetts voters that he would be an independent voice in the Senate.

    cred ca brown este calul troian din partidul republican.
    ce teapa!

  34. Vlad M.
    19 January 2010

    Mai tineti minte ce va spuneam despre Scott Brown? Uite ca se adevereste.

    Brown to back DADT repeal

    Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown today voiced his support for a stand-alone repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, bringing the bill one vote over the 60-vote threshold that it will need to reach if and when the Senate votes on the measure in the coming weeks.

    “Sen. Brown accepts the Pentagon’s recommendation to repeal the policy after proper preparations have been completed. If and when a clean repeal bill comes up for a vote, he will support it,” said Brown spokesperson Gail Gitcho.

    Brown’s backing means that – on paper – supporters of the repeal have61 senators in favor of the bill. On Wednesday Republicans Olympia Snowe of Maine and Lisa Murkowski both announced their support for the stand-alone repeal. The House passed the clean repeal on Wednesday and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has vowed to bring it to a vote in the Senate before the end of the year.

    However, Reid has warned that bringing the bill to a vote in the Senate is not an issue of support, but rather of time. With just over a week before Christmas, the Senate is only now kicking off debate on the START nuclear treaty and a massive $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. It will likely be early next week before the Senate wraps up work on those two measures – and numerous GOP senators have voiced stern opposition to both bills, preferring instead to fund the government into early next year and go home for the holidays. That leaves little time for the Senate to pass the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal.

  35. Pataphyl (Andrei R.)
    19 January 2010

    Impi, e un exemplu clar de RINO (Republican-In-Name-Only). N-am înțeles de ce apare Lisa Murkowski aici, aveam impresia că-și va lua locul în al 112-lea Congres, în ianuarie. Oricum, apariția numelui ei e o palmă zdravănă pentru Palin!

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