Obama: puterea şi pericolul iconografiei

Campania prezidenţială a lui Barack Obama a fost cea mai bine organizată campanie din istoria Statelor Unite ale Americii, proiectându-l pe candidatul democrat ca întruchipare a unui Mesia ce va răspunde tuturor speranţelor pe care le aveau americanii. Nimic nu este întîmplător în iconografia obamistă a cărei putere simbolică este analizată de Bill Whittle de la PJ TV prin prezentarea mesajelor pe care le transmite deja celebra emblemă a lui Obama. Din fericire, un asemenea simbol este o sabie cu două tăişuri, riscurile utilizării lui fiind, aşa cum se poate vedea deja, foarte mari.

PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography

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Vlad M.

Vlad M.


  1. murfi
    1 October 2009

    si lupta pentru pace e un mesaj generos, nu? cum ar putea cineva intreg la cap sa nu fie de acord? ????

  2. costin
    1 October 2009

    Gitmo terorists are ‘Refugees’ Says State Department

    ASSISTANT SECRETARY PHILIP J. CROWLEY: Ambassador Dan Fried continues his efforts to resettle, you know, Guantanamo refugees to various places around the world.

    Resettling refugees. Like we resettled the Vietnamese boat people fleeing oppression? Like the Irish emigrating to escape the potato famine? Sure: to Hillary Clinton’s State Department, the terrorists imprisoned at Gitmo are “refugees” to be “resettled.”

    A refugee is a person seeking protection from religious persecution or political oppression or seeking safe haven during a war. The Obama administration denies we are even at war. Could they possibly consider these terrorists as victims seeking safety?

    The terrorists housed at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility are the worst of the worst of those who murder people under the guise of their religious views. They plot and plan to blow up men, women and children as they innocently go about their daily lives. Some of those poor, unfortunates at Gitmo are responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans on September 11th.

    Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, Gitmo refugee. Could anything be more absurd? (Yet putting KSM into a civilian court system that has completely different standards of rules of evidence than, say, a wartime military tribunal, and you could be dealing with a “not guilty” verdict through disqualified evidence.)

    cititi-l tot aici: Terrorists are ‘Refugees’ Says State Department

  3. dr pepper
    1 October 2009

    asta ar fi superstirea anului:

    Last Friday we posted an article on these pages asserting Bill Ayers’ authorship of President Barack Obama’s ‘Dreams From My Father,’ based on claims made by Obama biographer Christopher Andersen. It is possible that we have now gotten direct confirmation of this from Bill Ayers himself.

    Ayers admits writing Dreams

    in discutia lui ayers cu un blogger conservator acesta ar fi declarat ca a scris celebra carte.
    ca e adevarat sau nu, ca o fi numai caracterul vulcanic al teroristului revolutionar, profesor de mare reputatie – ramane de vazut.
    dar daca se dovedeste adevarat -inseamna nu numai ca obama nu a scris cartea el insusi dar se dovedeste si prietenia stransa cu bill ayers pe care constant a negat’o!

    numai certificatul de nastere ar putea fi mai presus de stirea asta :).

  4. Francesco
    1 October 2009

    Jack Cashill de la a fost primul care a suspectat „contributia” lui Bill Ayers la scrierea cartii „Dreams of my father”.

    Un fragment din cartea lui Andersen (care are amanuntele de la …Michelle Obama!) a fost revelator. Dupa 4 ani (!?) de incercari nefructuoase de a scrie o carte pentru care luase 100000 de dolari de la o editura, Barack Obama a mai prmit 40000 de la alta editura si i-a dat lui Bill Ayers toate notitele si benzile audio inregistrate. Iata ce scrie Andersen in Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage:

    „These oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunkload of notes were given to Ayers”.

    Amanunte aici.

    Cu legatura la contributia de substanta a lui Bill Ayers la scrierea cartii este si declaratia lui Barack Hussein Obama din timpul campaniei electorale de anul trecut. El a spus ca il cunostea asa, doar din vedere pe Bill Ayers, pentru ca locuiau in acelasi cartier.

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