Republică Talibană în Nigeria

Patruped:bun a scris despre masacrul din Nigeria, Musulmanii nigerieni au macelarit 500 de crestini. „Dar sa fim atenti, nu cumva sa intelegem gresit Islamul. Cu siguranta sunt intelesuri ezoterice inaccesibile mintilor de rand. Iar presa, DACA va mediatiza aceasta tragedie, va avea grija (de doica) sa ne repete ca zecile de musulmani implicati nu sunt reprezentativi pentru Islam”, eram avertizati.

Am cautat din curiozitate printre primele stiri publicate de agentii. Mi-a atras atentia in mod deosebit aceasta stire a France Presse: Central Nigeria on red alert after over 100 killed. Depesa ampla, documentata, mentioneaza undeva climatul de „confruntari religioase”. Insa nicaieri nu apare cuvântul „crestin”, nici „musulman”. E o performanta sa legi oarecum coerent 650 de cuvinte despre un „conflict etnico-religios” si sa nu mentionezi vreo religie.

Cu doua ore inainte, Reuters mentionase totusi ca e vorba despre „clashes involving Muslim herders and Christian villagers”. Cu o ora inaintea depesei France Presse, si AP facea aceasta mentiune: „The bodies of the dead – including many women and children – lined dusty streets in three mostly Christian villages”.

Precautia de a nu te grabi cu mentionarea religiei ar fi de inteles daca aceasta ar fi într-adevar politica generala a agentiilor de presa. Dar nu poti sa nu constati ca de fiecare data când vor fi confruntari în Irlanda de Nord, vei auzi imediat despre „republicanii catolici” si „unionistii protestanti” de la aceleasi agentii care umbla cu manusi când e vorba despre actiunile islamistilor .

Ieri, CNN ne explica doct, cu creierul Human Rights Watch, What’s behind slaughter in Nigeria? Parca-l auzi pe Iliescu: „The violence is a product of "the politics of scarcity." The ethnic groups are fighting for land, resources, job and opportunities in a region stricken by poverty.” Sau, si mai supra-realist, „the government’s strategy of creating tolerance through community dialog is clearly not working.”

Pentru a constata dimensiunea acestor gogomanii, cititi articolul publicat de The Guardian – Bodies of babies found after Nigerian massacre
„A nappy-clad baby was among the corpses of children tangled with each other in a morgue. Another young victim appeared to have been scalped, while others had severed hands and feet, the Associated Press reported.”

Sau marturia Arhiepiscopului anglican din Jos, Rev Benjamin Kwashi – Nigeria attacks ‘systematic and organised’:
„Even children were all massacred. One day old. A woman was delivering and even she with the undelivered baby were all killed. Everybody – women, children, men and all. A little later in the day I got information that corpses were littered by the other village, and later on in the day again, more corpses were discovered from the third village. When I started asking I was told that there were bus loads of Muslim Fulani men who came armed with swords and machetes. The attack was quite systematic and quite well organised. It didn’t leave the villagers with any chance to escape at all.
For any group to beat the curfew hands down must be an organised group. I mean, it is a military curfew together with the police, so for any group to do that they must be really, really, really, very organised.
Secondly, if you look at the mercilessness of the murder and the mass massacre, it can’t just be done like that. The people there were left with no chance at all. Children were killed, old people were killed, young people were killed. Many of them were shot at then cut.
But also if you look at the cuts, you will see that they are sharp knives and most of the cuts are at the back and neck. And quite a number of heads were severed from the body. So, they are really fighters in my opinion.
And the way – in two hours, three villages. It must be people who knew what to do and were trained in how to do it.”

Suna cumva a „lupta pentru pamânt, resurse, locuri de munca si oportunitati într-o regiune lovita de saracie”, asa cum explica CNN, via Human Rights Watch?

Dupa masacrul soldat cu 150 de victime musulmane în ianuarie, Parintele Alex Longs, staretul manastirii augustiniene din Jos, facea o analiza complet diferita a situatiei (acuzând si partizanatul pro-islamist al BBC) – Christians are on a knife-edge.

„One thing should be clear: when violent conflict breaks out in northern Nigeria between Christians and Muslims, it is never Christians who provoke it”, sublinia Parintele Alex Longs. „In the series of crises that gripped Jos in 2001, in 2008, and now in 2010, the Hausa strategy has followed a pattern: to launch attacks on Christian lives and property (naturally including churches) in poor areas of mixed population lying on the periphery of the ghetto, so as to end the Christian presence there. When the dust settles, Christians are persuaded to sell their destroyed properties to willing Hausa buyers. The strategy has succeeded to the extent that the area under Hausa control has steadily grown. After the 2001 crisis they proudly called it the Taliban republic. Within it, sharia law has been imposed, no functioning church remains, and no Christians live.

Ieri seara, la mai bine de doua zile de la masacrarea crestinilor, AFP consemna corect, cu subiect si predicat de data aceasta, o realitate: Christians flee after Nigeria massacre.

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