Violenţe anti-Israeliene în Oslo, Norvegia

18 oct 09 – toate clipurile postate aici au fost şterse de youtube

Norvegia se confruntă cu o criză a locuinţelor şi fondurilor alocate numărului foarte mare de azilanţi acceptaţi în 2008, în marea lor majoritate din ţări musulmane. UDI, Departamentul Norvegian de Imigraţie, a primit anul trecut în jur de 15.000 de noi azilanţi, iar pentru populaţia Norvegiei care este de 4.7 milioane de locuitori, raportat la populaţia Americii ar insemna 970.000 de imigranţi într-un singur an. Raportat la populaţia Romaniei, de 22.000.000 de locuitori, ar însemna în jur de 70.000 de imigranţi într-un singur an, peste dublul populaţiei oraşului Sighişoara.
Mai multe informaţii în Opdalingen, tradus de Gates of Vienna.

Mai jos se văd unele din urmările acestui gen de politici ale imigraţiei, genul de politică dusă de majoritatea ţarilor din vestul Europei, în care este acceptat un număr foarte mare de azilanţi, în general musulmani fără prea mare dorinţă de integrare în societatea de adopţie

Oslo, 8 ianuarie 2009


Mai jos o secvenţă în care domenstranţii lovesc o maşină a poliţiei:

I just attended a pro-Israel rally in downtown Oslo (the capital of Norway). The terrorists and radical socialists were surrounding the fenced-in area where the peaceful assembly took place, chanting their vicious slogans and throwing eggs. The situation escalated as they began throwing bottles and rocks, then ultimately firebombs, injuring numerous senior citizens. They’re still creating havoc in downtown Oslo, which is practically blanketed in teargas. They’re all marching on the Israeli embassy now. You can watch some of it unfold here:



Police officers scuffle with a protester during an anti-Israel demonstration in downtown Oslo January 8, 2009.

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Costin Andrieş

Costin Andrieş

Autor, co-fondator și redactor-șef ILD


  1. costin
    9 January 2009

    inca o secventa cu violentele palestinienilor. protestatarii au atacat demonstranti pro-Israel in Oslo:


    Jan 08, 2009 17:08 EST

    OSLO, Jan 8 (Reuters) – Oslo police detained at least 27 people on Thursday after pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed in one of the worst such outbursts in the Norwegian capital since the 1980s.

    Shop windows in the city centre were shattered and police repeatedly used teargas to break up groups of activists demonstrating over Israel’s crackdown in the Gaza Strip.

    The violence started when about 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters showed up at a rally sponsored by Norway’s largest opposition party in support of Israel. Television pictures showed they burned Israeli flags and threw projectiles at police clad in body armour who separated the two groups.

    „This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza,” Johan Fredriksen, chief of staff of the Oslo police, told the website of the daily Aftenposten.

    „These people came to the protest with knives, bats and Molotov cocktails,” he said, speaking about the pro-Palestinian side.

    „You have to go back to the early 1980s to find a similar situation in Norway,” Fredriksen said, adding that police were still concerned about security across the city.

    Clashes also took place near the Israeli embassy.

    Tabloid VG on its website said that Oslo was the site of a „street fight” with groups of men throwing rocks and bottles at police. One police car was trashed and one officer injured.

    Before the flare up, some 15,000 people walked through the city centre for a peaceful, torch-lit protest, police said.

  2. israelianca
    9 January 2009

    Intifada 101.

  3. dr. jones
    9 January 2009

    ce diferenta intre europa si america.

    de remarcat si faptul ca israelienii au pus langa steagul Israel si pe cel al Statelor UNite. Asta in timp ce demonstrantii pro-arabi – ard steaguri, dau cu pietre, ameninta cu sloganuri insasi tara care i-a primit!

  4. dr. jones
    9 January 2009

    erata: ma refeream la demonstrantii din europa pro-arabi.

  5. Israelianca
    9 January 2009

    Sa vedeti ce frumos a fost la Londra. Ce-ar fi zis Richard Inima-de-Leu?

    Si cititi si citeva comentarii – Rentamob in action.

  6. costin
    9 January 2009

    un reportaj despre protestele antiisraeliene din Londra:

  7. adi
    9 January 2009

    Si iata si urmarea:…..-23289351/

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