Bach o întîlneşte pe Nina Simone

E sfîrşit de an. Sînt momente cînd te simţi în afara timpului. Te încearcă o senzaţie de imponderabilitate şi anii din urmă se transformă în crengile unui pom de Crăciun de care stau atîrnate amintirile tale, ca nişte globuri vii. Printre colinde se aude vocea Ninei Simone. Jazz as played in an exclusive side street club. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Love me or leave me (1960)

Love me or leave me and let me be lonely
You won’t believe me but I love you only
I’d rather be lonley than happy with somebody else

You might find the night time the right time for kissing
Night time is my time for just reminiscing
Regretting instead of forgetting with somebody else

There’ll be no one unless that someone is you
I intended to be independently blue

I want your love, don’t wanna borrow
Have it today to give back tomorrow
Your love is my love
There’s no love for nobody else

Say, love me or leave me and let me be lonely
You won’t believe me but I love you only
I’d rather be lonley than happy with somebody else

You might find the night time the right time for kissing
Night time is my time for just reminiscing
Regretting instead of forgetting with somebody else

There’ll be no one unless that someone is you
I intended to be independently blue

Say I want your love, don’t wanna borrow
Have it today to give back tomorrow
Your love is my love
My love is your love
There’s no love for nobody else

When I Was In My Prime (1961)

When I was in my prime, I flourished like a vine.
Along there came a false young man, come stole the heart of mine.
Come stole the heart of mine

The gardener standing by, three offers he made me.
The pink, the violet, and red rose, which I refused all three.
Which I refused all three

The pink’s no flower at all, it fades away too soon.
The violet is too pale a bloom, I think I’ll wait till June
I think I’ll wait till June

In June the red rose blooms, but it`s not the flower for me.
It’s then I’ll uproot the red, red rose, and plant a willow tree.
And plant a willow tree

And the willow tree shall weep and the willow tree shall mourn.
How I wish I were in my young man’s arms who stole the heart of mine.
Who stole the heart of mine

And if I’m spared young year more, and if God should grant me grace.
I’ll weep a bowl of crystal tears, and wash his deceitful face.
And wash his deceitful face.

For A While (1988)

Lost in day to day
turned another way
with a laugh, a kind hello
some small talk with those I know
I forget that I’m not over you
for a while

A wave an easy grin
a smile to put them in
with other lives to listen to
and some work I’ve got to do
I forget that I’m not over you
for a while

Days go by with no empty feeling
until I remember you’re gone

People say to me, you need company
when you have some time to spend
drop around and meet a friend
they forget that I’m not over you
for a while
they forget that I’m not over you
for a while

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Emil Borcean

Emil Borcean


  1. Imperialistu'
    20 December 2007

    Craciu fericit si tie, Emil! As fi lasat si eu un link catre YouTube, dar nu gasesc pe nicaieri Stefan Hrusca – Trei Crai. Presupun ca merg Florile Dalbe ???? .

  2. emil
    20 December 2007

    Multam fain. Sigur ca merg Florile Dalbe. O sa incerc sa gasesc niste colinde traditionale. Eu am o slabiciune pentru divele de jazz. Bine, pentru jazz in general, dar sint citeva femei divine in arta asta. Nu neaparat vocea in sine, cit ce reusesc sa transmita prin fiecare sunet.

  3. Alina
    20 December 2007

    Uite, Emil, o piesa care sper sa nu-ti insulte inteligenta:
    Sarbatori fericite!

  4. emil
    20 December 2007

    Your gift is most welcome. Really appreciated.
    Eu iti ofer doua nume. Madeleine Peyroux si Susana Baca. Cred ca o stii pe prima, are o voce similara cu Billie Holiday.
    A doua e mai speciala si mai putin cunoscuta. E din Peru, nu cinta jazz per-se, e de obicei categorizata drept worldbeat. Eu as pune-o la priceless.

  5. Imperialistu'
    20 December 2007

    Eh, daca tot suntem la capitolul asta, eu am o slabiciune pentru vocile feminine, mai ales daca sunt din zona rockului. Rock… rocks ???? .

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