Ministru britanic: ” În 30 de ani, cu voia lui Allah, UK va avea un Prim Ministru musulman.”

Un ministru al cabinetului britanic declara:

Cu voia lui Allah,de acum în treizeci de ani, va fi un Prim Ministru care va avea aceeasi credinţă cu mine.

Desi par incredibile,aceste cuvinte,au fost rostite in cadrul unui discurs,tinut in oct.2008, la “Global Peace and Unity Conference”. Oratorul, nimeni altul decat Shahid Malik, individ cu o carte de vizită impresionantă: deputat în parlament din 2005, ministru din iunie 2007 până în mai 2008, subsecretar de stat din iunie 2009. Discursul tinut de Shahid Malik a fost scos din inregistrarea video a conferintei, el apărând pe Internet in martie 2009. Am tradus cateva pasaje din discursul său:

Sunt mândru de ce au realizat musulmanii în aceasta ţară din 1997 şi pînă acum. În 1997 am avut primul deputat musulman, în 2001 am avut doi deputaţi, în 2005 am avut 4 deputaţi, cu voia lui Allah, în 2009 vom avea 8 deputaţi musulmani, iar in 2014 vom avea 16 deputaţi musulmani. În acest ritm întreg parlamentul va fi musulman. Dar vreau să precizez, în cazul în care sunt ziarişti de faţă, nu acesta este obiectivul meu. (Sfinte Dumnezeule,ce tupeu! [n.t]) Sunt încrezător că Primul Ministru, cu voia lui Allah, va fi de acum în 30 de ani un primi ministru ce va avea aceeaşi credinţă cu mine.”

Apropos,stie cineva cati parlamentari musulmani sunt acum in parlamentul “Marii Britanii”?

Calehari, am postat eu comentariul tău cu minime modificări. Mulţumim. costin

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Bogdan Calehari

Bogdan Calehari


  1. calehari
    8 August 2010

    Pt.Costin.Multumesc mult.Buna treaba ai facut cu postarea filmului.

  2. costin
    8 August 2010

    Si pt a pune declaratiile de mai sus si mai mult in context:

    The Telegraph: Mainstream Islamic organisations ‘share al-Qaeda ideology’

    Many apparently mainstream Muslim groups have the same ideology as violent Islamists, according to a secret report from the think tank Quilliam.

    Entitled “Preventing terrorism, where next for Britain?” it says the ideology of non-violent Islamists is “broadly the same as that of violent Islamists” adding “they disagree only on tactics.”

    It produces a list of those it believes are “non-violent Islamists” and adds: “These are a selection of the various groups and institutions active in the UK which are broadly sympathetic to Islamism.
    “Whilst only a small proportion will agree with al-Qaeda’s tactics, many will agree with their overall goal of creating a single ‘Islamic state’ which would bring together all Muslims around the world under a single government and then impose on them a single interpretation of sharia as state law.”
    The document adds that if the government engages with such groups “it risks empowering proponents of the ideology, if not the methodology, that is behind terrorism.”
    Quilliam argues that the government needs to move beyond tackling those who advocate violent extremism to target those that espouse similar but non-violent views.
    Their views are thought to hold sway as the Coalition conducts a major review of the government’s Prevent counter-terrorism strategy.
    A Home Office spokesman said the report had not been solicited but added: “We believe the Prevent programme isn’t working as effectively as it could and want a strategy that is effective and properly focused – that is why we are reviewing it.”
    The list sent to the OSCT includes a unit within Scotland Yard called the Muslim Contact Unit and another independent group designed to improve the relationship between the police and the Muslim community called the Muslim Safety Forum.
    It also includes the Muslim Council of Britain, one of the main groups representing Muslims in Britain, and its rival the Muslim Association of Britain.
    Other groups on the list are the Islamic Human Rights Commission, the Federation of Student Islamic Societies and the Cordoba Foundation.
    Quilliam also singles out the Islam Channel, a satellite TV channel which has been the subject of one of their reports.
    Among the mosques identified are Finsbury Park mosque in North London, formerly run by the extremist preacher Abu Hamza but now under new management, along with East London Mosque and Birmingham Central mosque.
    Politicians described as “Islamist backed” include Salma Yaqoob, leader of the Respect Party, and the former Respect MP George Galloway.
    Inayat Bunglawala, chairman of Muslims4Uk and a former spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, claimed the list was “like something straight out of a Stasi manual” referring to the former East German secret police.
    He added: “In effect, Quilliam – a body funded very generously by the government through Prevent – are attempting to set themselves up as arbiters of who is and is not an acceptable Muslim.
    “Their document specifically contains a McCarthy-type list of large and established Muslim organisations that they regard as suspect and smears them as being ‘Islamists’.”
    The Metropolitan Police said they were proud of the Muslim Contact Unit which had “carried out ground-breaking work and raised understanding within the counter-terrorism community of the issues facing Muslim communities.”
    A spokesman added: “The unit’s work involves regular meetings with a wide range of individuals and groups to provide advice and guidance, to hear their concerns and to provide a channel by which these can then be communicated to other sections of the Metropolitan Police.”
    Maajid Nawaz co-director of Quilliam told the Daily Telegraph: “Quilliam has a track record of distinguishing between legal tolerance and civil tolerance – we oppose banning non-violent extremists…yet we see no reason why tax payers should subsidise them. It is in this context that we wish to raise awareness around Islamism.”

  3. alina
    8 August 2010


  4. calehari
    8 August 2010

    Pt.Costin.Ai pus degetul pe rana,intr-adevar musulmanii moderati sunt poate mai periculosi decat fundamentalistii.Oricum,se completeaza perfect,rezultatele o dovedesc.Uneori,trebuie sa recunosc,ma incearca un sentiment de uimita admiratie fata de PUTEREA CREDINTEI lor.Ma gandesc atunci la vorbele:Nu te intareste dacat ceea ce crezi,nu ceea ce stii.In Franta secolului 18,ateul Voltaire,era considerat bigot pentru ca avusese “curajul” sa considere ca totusi exista un CREATOR !!!
    In Arabia sec.18,EL WAHHAB,punea bazele unei miscari de renastere a Islamului,bazata pe disciplina religioasa.VOLTAIRE si EL WAHHAB.Amandoi,cam in aceeasi perioada CONSTRUIAU,fiecare altceva.Acum urmasii lui EL WAHHAB au ajuns in Europa,cu zecile de milioane si multi dintre ei respecta invataturile mulahului EL-AFGANI(un admirator al lui EL WAHHAB)care a decretat ca nu exista nici o compatibilitate intre Islam(religie,lege,guvernare,social)si modul de viata european.
    Continuitate si putere a credintei.
    Oamenii politici europeni nu simt pericolul,ba chiar ii neaga existenta atunci cand sunt avertizati.Am sa inchei cu un citat:Un om politic care respinge idea catastrofei este un naiv si pregateste ruina tarii sale.

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