Osama bin Laden a fost ucis de americani în Pakistan, a anunţat Preşedintele Barack Obama care a mulţumit autorităţilor pakistaneze pentru cooperare. În august anul trecut, americanii primiseră informaţii credibile privind locul în care se ascunde Osama bin Laden. Potrivit unor informaţii, teroristul a fost împuşcat în cap într-o rafală trasă dintr-un elicopter de asalt american. Televiziunile pakistaneze au difuzat imagini cu chipul desfigurat al unui bărbat despre care susţin că e Osama bin Laden (update – de fapt nu era fotografia lui bin Laden, era o făcătură, mai fusese difuzată).
Actualizare #1. Mesajul lui George W. Bush
La începutul acestei seri, președintele Obama m-a sunat să mă informeze că forțele americane l-au omorât pe Osama bin Laden, conducătorul rețelei Al Qaida care a atacat America pe 11 septembrie 2001. L-am felicitat pe el și bărbații și femeile din armată și serviciile secrete care și-au dedicat viața acestei misiuni. Ei au recunoștința noastră eternă. Această realizare măreață constituie o victorie pentru America, pentru oamenii din toată lumea care doresc pacea, ca și pentru cei care au pierdut persoane dragi pe 11 septembrie 2001. Lupta împotriva terorismului continuă, dar în această seară America a trimis un mesaj neechivoc: oricât de mult va dura, dreptatea va fi înfăptuită.
Actualizare #2. Declarația lui Obama
Actualizare #3. Transcript-ul discursului președintelui Obama
THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory — hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky; the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground; black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon; the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.
And yet we know that the worst images are those that were unseen to the world. The empty seat at the dinner table. Children who were forced to grow up without their mother or their father. Parents who would never know the feeling of their child’s embrace. Nearly 3,000 citizens taken from us, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.
On September 11, 2001, in our time of grief, the American people came together. We offered our neighbors a hand, and we offered the wounded our blood. We reaffirmed our ties to each other, and our love of community and country. On that day, no matter where we came from, what God we prayed to, or what race or ethnicity we were, we were united as one American family.
We were also united in our resolve to protect our nation and to bring those who committed this vicious attack to justice. We quickly learned that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda — an organization headed by Osama bin Laden, which had openly declared war on the United States and was committed to killing innocents in our country and around the globe. And so we went to war against al Qaeda to protect our citizens, our friends, and our allies.
Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense. In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safe haven and support. And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al Qaeda terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot.
Yet Osama bin Laden avoided capture and escaped across the Afghan border into Pakistan. Meanwhile, al Qaeda continued to operate from along that border and operate through its affiliates across the world.
And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.
Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.
Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.
For over two decades, bin Laden has been al Qaeda’s leader and symbol, and has continued to plot attacks against our country and our friends and allies. The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.
Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will — remain vigilant at home and abroad.
As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not –- and never will be -– at war with Islam. I’ve made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims. Indeed, al Qaeda has slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, including our own. So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity.
Over the years, I’ve repeatedly made clear that we would take action within Pakistan if we knew where bin Laden was. That is what we’ve done. But it’s important to note that our counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding. Indeed, bin Laden had declared war against Pakistan as well, and ordered attacks against the Pakistani people.
Tonight, I called President Zardari, and my team has also spoken with their Pakistani counterparts. They agree that this is a good and historic day for both of our nations. And going forward, it is essential that Pakistan continue to join us in the fight against al Qaeda and its affiliates.
The American people did not choose this fight. It came to our shores, and started with the senseless slaughter of our citizens. After nearly 10 years of service, struggle, and sacrifice, we know well the costs of war. These efforts weigh on me every time I, as Commander-in-Chief, have to sign a letter to a family that has lost a loved one, or look into the eyes of a service member who’s been gravely wounded.
So Americans understand the costs of war. Yet as a country, we will never tolerate our security being threatened, nor stand idly by when our people have been killed. We will be relentless in defense of our citizens and our friends and allies. We will be true to the values that make us who we are. And on nights like this one, we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al Qaeda’s terror: Justice has been done.
Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice.
We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day.
Finally, let me say to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 that we have never forgotten your loss, nor wavered in our commitment to see that we do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on our shores.
And tonight, let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9/11. I know that it has, at times, frayed. Yet today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people.
The cause of securing our country is not complete. But tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to. That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place.
Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.
Actualizare #4. ABC: Bin Laden – înmormântare islamică asigurată de autoritățile americane
ABC News’ Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) reports: Now that bin Laden has been killed and his body has been positively identified, what is to be done with his remains?
U.S. officials tell me the last thing they want is for his burial place to become a terrorist shrine.
To avoid that, an informed source tells me, the intention is the bury his body at sea — leaving no definitive location for the final resting place of his body.
A senior administration official tells my colleague Jake Tapper this about the body: „We are ensuring it is handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition. It’s something we take seriously and therefore it’s being handled in an appropriate manner.”
Under Islamic tradition, ABC’s Zunaira Zaki reports, the body would be washed by Muslim men and buried as soon as possible, usually by the next prayer (Muslims pray five times a day), although there may be delays under certain circumstances (for autopsies, for example). The body is usually buried in a simple white sheet — whether buried in the ground, or at sea.
Actualizare #5: CNN: Cadavrul lui Osama bin Laden a fost aruncat in mare. Cotidianul The Guardian relatase ca trupul acestuia urmeaza sa fie ingropat in mare, pentru a se evita transformarea mormantului acestuia in loc de pelerinaj, asa cum s-a intamplat in cazul lui Sadam Hussein (hotnews.ro).
Bin Laden’s body was later buried at sea, an official said. Many Muslims adhere to the belief that bodies should be buried within one day.
The official did not release additional details about the burial, but said it was handled in keeping with Muslim customs.
Vlad M.
2 May 2011Obituary: Osama bin Laden
George Daniel
2 May 2011Asta cred ca e surpriza promisa vineri de Vantu. Mi-l si inchipui, intr-o discutie cu „golanul tanar”, aka Ghita de la Asesoft:
„Tinere, i-am cerut voie prietenului tau Magureanu sa impusc cativa teroristi, ca de raketi ma saturasem. Nu mai aveam un loc liber pe dealurile Moldovei”.
Alex Nicolin
2 May 2011O „victorie” pe cat de scumpa, pe atat de irelevanta azi.
Liviu Crăciun
2 May 2011a) Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims.
be) We are ensuring it is handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition.
George Daniel
2 May 2011Se pare ca poza care circula cu Osama mort e un fake. Cert este ca:
1. Associated Press a retras poza de pe flux
2. Armata americana nu a dat publicitatii imagini proprii de la eveniment si nici nu a recunoscut autenticitatea pozei care circula acum.
Alex Nicolin, de ce este o victorie scumpa? Era scumpa daca Occidentul pornea acest razboi cu extremismul islamic. Si nu este nici irelevanta: cred ca trebuie sa fim multumiti ca armata americana a ucis simbolul atentatelor de la 11 septembrie 2001. Bin Laden a ordonat orgnizarea a sute de atacuri impotriva unor tinte militare sau civile. Nicio lege din lumea asta nu l-ar fi exonerat. Pe de alta parte, sa nu uitam ca a fost ucis intr-un schimb de focuri!
Costin A.
2 May 2011Liviu #4, cred ca ce a zis obama este mai important chiar si decit uciderea lui osama, intr-un fel.
2 May 2011da, george, era o făcătură, am scos-o si am precizat asta
Costin A.
2 May 2011AP a retras poza, dar nu si aljazeera in araba.. ????
George Daniel
2 May 2011In toata lumea civilizata a existat un singur tampit nemultumit ca bin Laden nu a beneficiat de un proces: Victor Ponta. Asteptam acum cu interes reactiile domnilor Gaddafi, Fidel Castro si Kim Jong Il.
GMT, scuze, nu am vazut update-ul.
Costin A.
2 May 2011Robert Spencer: Osama Gets His Virgins
Costin A.
2 May 2011???? ???? Marea Moschee din Paris: Scufundarea trupului lui Osama bin Laden în mare este contrară tradiţiei
2 May 2011wag the dog, cu un regizor beat (nu, nu e Oliver Stone. El va face filmul „OBL” in doi, maxim trei ani)
Vlad M.
2 May 2011???? Bietii infideli, de ce s-or fi bagand la ceva ce ii depaseste?
George Daniel
2 May 2011Ar trebui spalat cu sapun de casa, facut din grasime de porc. Vlad? ????
George Daniel
2 May 2011Gelu Voican Voiculescu, la RTV: stirea data azi de Obama in legatura cu uciderea lui Osama este o manipulare generata de relansarea in campanie de catre presedintele american. De fapt, Osama ar fi fost lichidat dupa 2004. ????
Liviu Crăciun
2 May 2011MICHAEL SCHEUER: Well I would hope so, maam. I think that we have advertised – we in the United States have advertised that the war in Afghanistan was meant to destroy Osama bin Laden. That’s done. Obviously we’re losing that war, so this may well be a good time to pull up stakes and get out. There’s no guts – there’s no determination here amongst our leaders to win that war. They don’t have enough troops to win that war. And so, this may be a good excuse for them to get out of there.
Costin A.
2 May 2011Fratia musulmana din Egipt e de acord cu Ponta: Egypt Muslim Brotherhood condemns Bin Laden death
2 May 2011„Mie îmi place ca cei care… criminali, ucigaşi, ce sunt ei, cei care încalcă legea să fie judecaţi. Dar, oricum, cred că este un semnal bun pentru lumea occidentală. Sper ca reacţiile în lumea islamică să nu fie atât de rele cum ni le putem imagina în acest moment”, a afirmat Ponta.
Iti dai seama, George, daca l-ar fi judecat Costiniu pe Bin Laden?
Daniel Francesco
2 May 2011Astept ca IslamulAzi, care si-a aratat consternarea prinvind controlul efectuat de DIICOT pentru activitati conexe terorismului, sa „emane” un comunicat in care sa-si afirme bucuria si satisfactia pentru lichidarea lui Osama bin Laden, dusmanul lumii civilizate.
Presupun ca o vor face imediat, cu aceeasi diligenta cu care au condamnat actiunile autoritatilor romanesti axate pe combaterea activitatilor teroristo-criminale.
George Daniel
2 May 2011Pai era simplu. In primul rand, era judecat in libertate ca doar nu era pericol public. In al doilea rand, se dadeau termene din 6 in 6 luni, iar bin Laden schimba mereu avocatii, motiv de noi si noi amanari. Apararea in dreapta, sus, la Hotnews. Procese amanate de … 212 zile … 893 zile … 1483 zile …
2 May 2011Cum naiba de statea ala in suburbia aia a Islamabadului, o suburbie afluenta plina de generali pakistanezi iesiti la pensie? Si in ditamai compoundul? So much for our „allies”! ????
Foarte bun interviul cu Michael Scheuer de la #16.
Nu mai am timp sa stau pe subiect, in doua ore plec in vacanta, la bunica (in Romania, adica). La buna (re)vedere.
2 May 2011Asta da nu-i dadea NUP, in prealabil, Ponta ????
Si reacţia Noricai Nicolai e de luat in seama:
Norica Nicolai: Uciderea lui bin Laden era predictibilă
Europarlamentarul român Norica Nicolai, vicepreşedinte al subcomisiei pentru Securitate şi Apărare din Parlamentul European, a declarat pentru romanialibera.ro că uciderea liderului terorist Osama bin Laden nu trebuie privită ca o surpriză.
„Cei care monitorizează scena internaţională se aşteptau la o acţiune împotriva lui bin Laden, despre care se ştia de mult timp că se ascunde în Pakistan”, a precizat Norica Nicolai.
Potrivit europarlamentarului român, trei evenimente recente cu rezonanţă globală prefigurau uciderea lui Osama bin Laden: „În primul rând, a fost refuzul Indiei de a cumpăra avioane de vânătoare de la firma americană Lockheed Martin, asta pentru că existau informaţii că SUA colaborează intens cu Pakistanul pentru prinderea lui bin Laden. Apoi, a fost numirea intempestivă a generalului David Petraeus, om cu experienţă în Irak şi Afganistan, în fruntea serviciului secret CIA. Şi, în al treilea rând, decizia guvernului de la Cairo de a ridica blocada impusă Fâşiei Gaza, un alt semn de colaborare internaţională”.
Norica Nicolai a adăugat că se aşteaptă la „atentate suicidare sporadice”, ca răspuns al celulelor grupării teroriste al-Qaeda la uciderea fondatorului bin Laden. „Nu cred totuşi că va fi vizată Europa deoarece ţările de pe continent nu au avut niciun merit în această acţiune. Statele Unite sunt ţinta cea mai probabilă”, a completat Norica Nicolai.
Cât despre bucuria publică din SUA la aflarea veştii privind moartea lui bin Laden, europarlamentarul român a apreciat că „reacţia americanilor este explicabilă fiindcă ei au fost cel mai puternic loviţi de al-Qaeda, dar la nivel global cred că entuziasmul ar trebui să fie temperat„.
emil b.
2 May 2011Am rezerve fata de interpretarea doamnei Nicolai. Se banuia prezenta lui Osama in Pakistan, dar mai degraba in Waziristan, nu intr-un oras la 30 de mile de Islamabad. Un reportaj radio de azi dimineata (post de stiri canadian) a mentionat ca Obama l-a instiintat pe presedintele Pakistanului despre aceasta operatiunie dupa ce a a avut loc. Situl Long War Journal afirma ca ISI, serviciul secret pakistanez, nu a fost implicat in operatiunea americana.
Argumentul cu Petraeus este o speculatie post-factum. CIA a lucrat cu mult inaintea numirii lui la descifrarea identitatii celor doi curieri personali ai lui Osama. Asa s-a ajuns la identificarea locatiei sale. Mutarea lui Petraeus din urma cu o saptamana a fost interpretata in diverse feluri de analistii americani. Nu am observat la nimeni perspicacitatea de care da dovada doamna Nicolai dupa moartea lui bin Laden. Racirea relatiilor indo-americane poate fi pusa mai degraba pe seama politicii externe Obama in regiune. Bush a avut acelasi scop declarat de a-l prinde pe bin Laden, a colaborat cit a putut cu pakistanezii, dar relatiile indo-americane nu au avut de suferit in perioada lui. Al treilea indiciu, ridicarea blocadei Fasiei Gaza de catre Egipt, este cu totul opac: care e legatura?
George Daniel
2 May 2011Emil, Norica e o habarnista. Gelu a pus citatul doar pentru a distra, nu cred ca dorea sa fie comentat asa cum te-ai chinuit tu ????
Oricum, sa fim atenti la cerinta doamnei: entuziasm temperat ????
2 May 2011Daca-l implicau, gaseau o vila goala… ????
Asta-i inca un exemplu de „entangling alliance”… Ne punem bine cu pakistanezii iar, indienii, normal, se supara. Pakistanezii se fac ca-l cauta, dar de fapt ne trag in piept.
Au fost unii implicati in operatiune, ca nu poti s-o faci chiar de unul singur. Cumparati probabil cu bani grei, ca la bazar. Sa urmarim denuntarile de agenti straini din Pakistan, cine vor fi pusi la zid, sau chiar linsati de-a binelea.
Gata, acum chiar am plecat… ????
emil b.
2 May 2011Corect George ???? Am pus la Monitorul o stire proaspata. Acum e de urmarit cat de „temperata” va fi doamna Nicolai ????
emil b.
2 May 2011Varianta animata, productie din Taiwan.
George Daniel
2 May 2011Emil, Norica a fost seful Comisiei parlamentare pentru anchetarea presupuselor escale efectuate de avioane CIA in Romania ???? Ea a negat mereu ca ar exista inchisori aici. Eu as zice slava Domnului ca au existat. Astfel s-au salvat mii de vieti omenesti.
2 May 2011emil, george m-a ghicit, aia cu nicolai o dadusem la misto in contextul declaratiilor lui Ponta cu judecarea lui bin Laden, asta daca nu i-ar fi dat el NUP. Norica bate campii, vrea sa se dea informata, la curent, e de rasul lumii.
emil b.
2 May 2011E clar acuma. Nu stiam de hramul doamnei, cred ca am auzit despre ea in urma cu cativa ani, ceva controversat parca. Nu conteaza…
George Daniel
2 May 2011@Gelu
Din fericire Emil nu stie asa multe despre politica interna, daca stia se prindea si nu se mai obosea sa scrie atat pentru a arata ceea ce noi stiam oricum, ca Norica e un Crin fara freza aranjata.
Principalul scandal in care a fost implicata a fost cand a votat nepoata sa in locul ei, la Parlament. Norica plecase la cafeluta si o lasase pe aia mica cu carteluta in mana. Caza penal, dar sa trecem.
A mai fost un scandal, mai putin mediatizat, insa cel putin la fel de grav. La un moment dat a fost propusa de PNL pentru a ocupa functia de ministru la Justitie, insa presa a publicat „mapa profesionala”. Norica fusese procuror in timpul regimului comunist, iar din mapa reiesea ca i-ar fi stat mai bine la Justitie inainte de 1989 decat dupa ????
Acum, oricand apare la TV, la fiecare 3 fraze rosteste de 2 ori „Traian Basescu”, persoana pe care ea o banuieste ca si-ar fi dat acceptul ca „mapa profesionala” sa fie publicata in presa.
emil b.
2 May 2011Aha… mersi George.
Dar acum e acum. Merg la vot. Azi sunt alegeri nationale in Canada. Socialistii sunt pe cai mari. De obicei se bat pt locul 3 cu separatistii din Quebec, dar ultimele sondaje ii arata in fruntea liberalilor, pe locul doi nu departe de conservatori. Daca iese iar guvern minoritar conservator, dar socialistii iau suficient de multe locuri in parlament ca sa formeze o coalitie cu alt partid, se deschide posibilitatea sa ceara guvernatorului Canadei sa formeze un guvern de coalitie majoritar. In acest caz, Jack CO2 Layton ar deveni prim-ministru. Dar sa vedem…
2 May 2011* Numai respect de rit musulman sau de altfel nu merita ben-Laden. Ce respect dau teroristii sau fiarele islamiste corpului omensc dupa ce il linseaza? Am auzit ca defileaza prin orasel cu organele victimelor si chiar de acte de canibalism. Si in privinta lui Osama ben Laden se formalizeaza despre de cite ori a fost spalat si daca cu apa si sapun sau numai cu apa?
* Un mic highlight din discursul lui Obama:
George Daniel
2 May 2011Emil, va urez sa votati bine ????
Costin A.
2 May 2011Francesco, uciderea lui Osama este discutata pe forumul islamulazi aici.
La un moment dat este citat unul dintre comentarii:
Comentariul original a fost sters..nu l-am mai gasit pe fir. Citeva comentarii mai la vale, Andreevici spune:
… iar administratoarea forumului, lavinia, este cea care pare sa fi provocat aceasta reactie din partea unui alt administrator, cel mai activ si cu cea mai multa autoritate, Ascary, care atentiona postacii ieri:
Forumistii sint foarte atenti la ce spun si tind sa cred ca se folosesc de taqyyia. minciuna in islam nu este doar permisa, e obligatorie in astfel de cazuri.
Costin A.
2 May 2011Demonstratie pro Osama bin Laden in Pakistan: „Bin Laden was the hero of the Muslim world and after his martyrdom he has won the title of great mujahed”
Demonstratii pro Osama in Ierusalim: Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden’s Demise, Hamas Angry
Liviu Crăciun
2 May 2011Rush Limbaugh gives praise to Lord Obama…
„Ladies and gentlemen, we need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama,” Limbaugh said. „President Obama has done something extremely effective and when he does, this needs to be pointed out. President Obama has continued the Bush policies of keeping a military presence in the Middle East. He did not scrub the mission to get Bin Laden. In fact, it may be that President Obama single-handedly came up with the technique in order to pull this off.”
„You see the military wanted to go in there and bomb. They always do. They wanted to go in there and drop missiles and launch bombs. A number of totally destructive techniques here. But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. President Obama. Not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, not a single military adviser came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any Special Forces,” Limbaugh said, with what some are saying is a slight tinge of sarcasm in his delivery.
„Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth,” Limbaugh continued, „but President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death … it was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama bin Laden,” the radio host said, concluding, „Thank God for President Obama.”
Liviu Crăciun
2 May 2011dailysquib (un soi de catavencu, tot de stinga si la ei):
Osama Yet to Release Long Form Death Certificate
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan – Millions of people worldwide are demanding that the death of Osama Bin Laden be proven with the release of his long form death certificate.
„I don’t believe he died yesterday until I see his long form death certificate. I saw a few photoshopped pics but I want to see the actual long form,” an Osama bin Laden death doubter revealed to CNN.
Costin A.
2 May 2011Pelosi pe vremea lui Bush: Getting Bin Laden Won’t Make Us Safer.
Pelosi in 2011: “Historic” Killing of Bin Laden “Greatest Development” in Fight Against Terror
Costin A.
2 May 2011anjem choudary, despre care s-a mai vorbit aici in trecut.. islamistul cel mai „controversat” in marea britanie
Pe scurt: „Osama bin Laden: un guru, musulman devarat, luptator pentru libertate, martir, etc, etc”
Liviu Crăciun
2 May 2011asta face toti banii
trebusoara a fost facuta de „Dick Cheney’s special assassination squad” care in urma unei triple revolutii in plan vertical in jurul extremitatii numite in mod popular cap s-au transformat in mandatul cistigatorului nobelului pt pace in eroi aparatori ai pacii si preteniei intre popoare
2 May 2011hussein obama, in interviul CBS de aseară, admite implicit că este participant la mişcarea ideologică şi teroristă alqaeda:
„Certainly there is no doubt among al Qaeda members that he is dead. So we don’t think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference.”
2 May 2011link pt interviu
2 May 2011Dar de unde aveau americanii DNA-ul lui Osama ben-Laden, ca se compare semplele?
emil b.
2 May 2011Greu de spus. Dar, in 2001, americanii l-au vinat pe Bin Laden in zona Tora Bora din Afganistan. Locul din care a fugit Bin Laden ar fi putut sa contina fire de par, mucuri de tigari, perie de dinti, unghii, singe. Din toate acestea se poate extrage DNA.